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A constructivist approach to teaching and learning holds that the learner, through interaction and experience with an object or process, creates knowledge. Instruction based upon constructivist theory places the student at the center of the learning environment, while the instructor serves as a guide or facilitator. In direct contrast, traditional learning places the learning in a more passive role, simply mirroring or reproducing knowledge that was provided by the instructor. Constructivist theory has enjoyed a certain level of popularity in higher education as emphasis has shifted from a pedagogical framework to a more andragogical (i.e., adult and learner-centered rather than instructor-lead) one. Emphasis upon teaching critical thinking skills seems a natural fit with a constructivist-based approach to learning. Critical thinking involves the conceptualization, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and ultimate application of information so that the learner may reach conclusions or form independent judgments based upon what the learner has experienced combined with previous knowledge. The teaching of critical thinking skills using a constructivist-based approach in the field of online library instruction would be an effective means of reaching the large percentage of learners who do not participate in traditional face-to-face bibliographic instruction sessions. This is further supported by the Association of College and Research Libraries' Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education. This article will provide theoretical and philosophical arguments for constructivist-based approaches to teaching critical thinking skills online using online technologies.  相似文献   

在广泛调研国内外高校图书馆在线信息素养教育内容和形式的基础上,分析了我国高校信息素质教育目前存在的一些问题,提出构建集成化、开放式的图书馆"在线信息素养课程"建议,并从教学内容的整体构架、教学模式、模块内容、学习效果测试和反馈方面展开探讨.  相似文献   

在线信息素质教育的框架体系及其实现   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
分析在线信息素质教育的产生背景以及它在美国和加拿大等地区的发展情况,结合国内的实际并以北京大学的网络培训为案例,探讨构建在线信息素质教育的框架体系与实施方法。指出在线信息素质教育目前存在合作性、更新维护、培训效果评估等问题,并提出解决这些问题的办法。  相似文献   

文章通过对国内100所示范性高职院校图书馆的OILI进行网络调查,分析了高职图书馆OILI开展的现状,指出了目前高职图书馆OILI中存在的各种问题,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

In this article, three librarians from Santa Fe College, the community college winner of the 2015 ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award, share their successful work in information literacy instruction. While the ACRL award is given for overall achievement, this article focuses upon their creative and varied approaches to instruction, incorporating a wide blend of strategies to reach students across the college. Beginning with targeted approaches to virtual instruction, including broad use of the flipped classroom model, and building in active learning techniques, the librarians at Santa Fe College have built an instruction program that could serve as a model to community college libraries across the country.  相似文献   

以国内39所“985工程”高校图书馆为调查对象,通过网络调查法,从图书馆主页中的发布途径、开放程度、资源内容、表现形式和资源来源等方面,分析在线信息素养教育资源的建设情况,提出我国高校图书馆在线信息素养教育资源建设策略,包括纳入资源服务系统,实现一站式检索;借鉴MOOC的合作开放理念,实现资源共建共享;加强信息道德和法律内容的建设,注重特色资源建设;丰富教育资源的多样化表现形式;扩大馆外优质资源的收集与推荐等。  相似文献   

台港澳地区在线信息素质教育对处在初步发展阶段的我国大陆地区在线信息素质教育的开展具有重要借鉴意义。文章在调查台港澳地区知名高校的在线信息素质教育平台的基础上,着重对其教育类型和主要特点进行了分析,以此来说明台港澳地区在线信息素质教育的现状。最后结合我国大陆的具体情况及台港澳地区的先进经验,对我国如何有效地开发在线信息素质教育平台,普及信息素质教育提出几点建议。  相似文献   

论文对国外发达国家的在线信息素养教育发展现状进行分析,指出其在方式、内容、媒体形式、合作开发等方面的特征,并分析了从加强合作、扩展形式、完善内容、加强个性化服务等方面对我国开展大学生在线信息素养教育的一些启示。  相似文献   

In order to prepare for the 2013 SACS reaffirmation, the Joyner Library instruction librarians developed a systematic assessment program using Oakleaf's Information Literacy Instruction Assessment Cycle (ILIAC) to plan for instruction, assess student learning and improve future student learning by reviewing data and enacting changes. The paper outlines the systematic development, implementation, assessment, and improvement of an information literacy instruction assessment program for freshman classes over a three-year period from 2008 to 2011. It also analyzes student learning outcomes assessment data from 1,956 freshman students using quizzes and formative assessment during the 2010–11 school year.  相似文献   

在线信息素质教育是信息素质教育的发展趋势。笔者通过SWOT方法进行分析得出利用blackboard网络教学平台进行在线信息素质教育优势与劣势兼有、机遇与挑战并存,从而为高校今后开展在线信息素质教育提供参考。  相似文献   

王莲 《图书情报工作》2021,64(22):135-144
[目的/意义] 通过对中美高校图书馆在线信息素养教育(OILI)理论和实践的比较分析,探讨我国在线信息素养教育的相关问题。[方法/过程] 通过文献调研、网站调研等方法,了解中美两国OILI的差异并进行分析。[结果/结论] 中美高校图书馆OILI的主体内容相对一致,只是国内对某些内容的处理还有改进空间。中美高校图书馆均采用多种形式开展OILI,但差异较为明显。在对多种形式进行比较分析后,认为在线教程是卓有成效的OILI的形式之一。对国内而言,开展OILI,要有求实意识和精品意识;倡导在线教程,体现内容完整性与形式多样性;注重高阶技能培养,融信息、研究、学术于一体。  相似文献   

This case study recounts a process of course design, conduct, and evaluation for a single-session chemical information literacy class using guided and team-based learning. This approach incorporates active learning, worked examples, process worksheets, and POGIL elements. The instruction followed an iterative cycle of learning exercises whereby (1) the instructor introduces an information problem or task through a short presentation, (2) student teams collaboratively work through process worksheets that guide them through the technical and analytical tasks of resolving the information problem or task, (3) the instructor serves as a facilitator to address learning needs that arise during the exercise, while student teams analyze and reflect upon the learning activity and concepts, and afterwards, (4) the class engages in a discussion as an opportunity for evaluation, further exploration, and peer instruction. Overall, the guided and team-based learning approach offers opportunities to observe student progress closely and forges a collaborative spirit between students and the instructor for an engaging and rewarding experience.  相似文献   

王莲 《图书情报工作》2020,64(22):135-144
[目的/意义]通过对中美高校图书馆在线信息素养教育(OILI)理论和实践的比较分析,探讨我国在线信息素养教育的相关问题。[方法/过程]通过文献调研、网站调研等方法,了解中美两国OILI的差异并进行分析。[结果/结论]中美高校图书馆OILI的主体内容相对一致,只是国内对某些内容的处理还有改进空间。中美高校图书馆均采用多种形式开展OILI,但差异较为明显。在对多种形式进行比较分析后,认为在线教程是卓有成效的OILI的形式之一。对国内而言,开展OILI,要有求实意识和精品意识;倡导在线教程,体现内容完整性与形式多样性;注重高阶技能培养,融信息、研究、学术于一体。  相似文献   


How do educators capitalize on students’ comfort with ubiquitous communications in order to develop information literacy skills required in the 21st century? A curriculum materials librarian and a professor in the School of Education present an approach that uses library instruction, online research scaffolds, and peer evaluation within a class wiki to enhance student research practices and academic achievement. The explosion of information sources and access to networked technologies has provided the opportunity to “ratchet up” the expectations for student research in higher education. The Association of College & Research Libraries's information literacy standards for higher education provide a framework for setting these expectations. The authors describe features of an introductory education course that seeks to enhance honors freshman students’ knowledge of library research resources, efficient research skills, and scholarly writing, as described in these standards.  相似文献   

This article investigates the new landscape of online information literacy tools, such as embedding resources into course management software and specific academic organizations' web sites and using podcasts, screencasts, blogs, Web-based board games, and virtual three-dimensional environments. This article also explores the influence these methods have on information literacy skills of undergraduate students.  相似文献   

美国前20所大学图书馆在线信息素质教育的调查与分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
文章在对20所美国大学图书馆调查的基础上,总结出美国大学图书馆在线信息素质教育的四大特点,并针对建立与完善我国高校图书馆在线信息素质教育提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

张格丽 《图书馆论坛》2012,32(3):154-157
在线信息素质教育(OILI)已经成为当今国际上大众化教育的一种发展趋势。采用文献调查和内容分析等方法,对我国OILI研究现状进行梳理和分析,指出国内OILI研究尚处于初级发展阶段,目前的研究相对集中在OILI平台建设等技术层面、有关宏观层面的研究,在线信息用户的研究亟待加强。总结出我国现行的三种OILI实践模式,提出整合基于图书馆服务的OILI,完善基于在线指南的OILI等发展思路和加强宏观指导,强调OILI中的用户视角等发展策略。  相似文献   

大学图书馆在线信息素质教育平台的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从总体构架、用户层次、功能模块、技术支持、资源数据库5个方面介绍信息素质教育平台的构成及功用,分析其有用性,以解决当前信息素质教育领域存在的数字化程度不高、缺乏合作交流等问题。证明在线信息素质教育平台是大学图书馆开展信息素质教育的理想选择。  相似文献   


Active Information Literacy (IL) programs require scheduling management to ensure that librarians have adequate time to prepare, and that computers and classrooms are available. Collecting this information from busy faculty members can be time consuming. Internet survey sites can be used to collect the required information. These sites allow a library's IL staff to structure a questionnaire that elicits all of the information (instructor contact information, discipline, desired dates, times, number of students, and session topics) required to design instruction and schedule busy classrooms. doi:10.1300/J106v14n03_07  相似文献   

An instruction librarian and a biology professor at a small, urban commuter college campus worked together to provide research instruction to non-science majors in selected hybrid and online biological sciences classes. They collaboratively designed in-class and online learning tools, as well as homework assignments aimed at developing non-science majors’ information literacy skills. Through an array of innovative technologies and pedagogical models (including online screencasts, Twitter conversations, and embedded librarianship), they sought to engage non-science majors in the scientific discourse and to encourage them to access and assess reputable online science materials. This study explores the efficacy of their pedagogical partnership.  相似文献   

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