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苗美娟 《图书情报工作》2018,62(20):142-151
[目的/意义]了解国外图书馆老年人服务的研究主题及发展脉络,为我国图书馆老年人服务提供借鉴。[方法/过程]通过文献调研,梳理1938-2017年国外图书馆老年人服务的研究主题及发展脉络。[结果/结论]国外图书馆老年人服务研究可划分为3个发展阶段,呈现出研究用户不断扩大与细分,研究视角由关注图书馆转向关注老年人需求的特点。服务方式由单一简单服务转向多元化和创新性服务,研究理念也逐渐由服务老年人向老年人的积极参与转变。同时,研究也呈现出一定的不足,如过多关注馆内老年用户而忽视馆外老年用户,缺乏代表性项目的介绍及其评估等。  相似文献   

文章构建了多维度多层次新疆高校图书馆社会融合信息服务质量评价指标体系,采用问卷调查、深度访谈相结合的方法实证研究了691名维吾尔族大学生的社会融合信息需求。研究发现:维吾尔族大学生汉语能力低,馆藏资源易用性差,显著影响他们的文化融合信息需求;馆藏资源缺乏交互性,馆藏资源相关度不高,馆藏资源适当性不足显著影响了维族生的社会经济融合信息需求;图书馆社会融合信息服务的主体性和延伸性之争,显著影响了维族生的心理信息融合。据此,提出基于维族生社会融合信息需求构筑馆藏信息资源;积极开展移动服务,搜集、整理、推送社会融合的服务策略,推进高校图书馆更好地满足维吾尔族大学生的信息需求。  相似文献   


This article provides guidance in using the needs assessment process as a planning tool specifically for library services supporting distance learning programs. The first section covers pre-assessment planning activities, which include defining the specific purpose or purposes of the assessment, assigning responsibility for various aspects of the project, establishing time frames, and defining target groups. The section related to conducting the assessment itself discusses, along with other issues, selecting data collection tools and constructing questions. Promotion of the assessment and methods of encouraging participation are also considered. Since Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery personnel are an integral part of library services, they may be called upon to support distance learning programs. Thus, topics discussed in this article will be applicable to their situations.  相似文献   

谈如何开展毕业论文咨询工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对高校图书馆为何要开展毕业论文咨询工作,咨询工作的方式方法,咨询工作的意义进行了论述。  相似文献   

SNS应用于图书馆2.0服务初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍网络热点SNS的基本涵义,阐述图书馆信息服务中引入SNS的必要性,通过图书馆SNS应用普及的豆瓣、Myspace、Second Life、Facebook成功案例,探讨图书馆2.0利用SNS模式拓展信息服务的新路径。  相似文献   

University course assignments increasingly focus on group work and group projects to help students collaboratively discover more about their fields of study. The Thomas G. Carpenter Library realized the need to investigate means for reimagining itself to better accommodate today's researchers. The complex process of planning for the redesign of both services and space undertaken by the library is described and explained in this first of a planned series of articles.  相似文献   

以耶鲁大学医学院图书馆的学科服务为范例进行研究,介绍该图书馆对学科服务的组织、安排、项目操作,包括联络馆员和个人图书馆员项目、信息素养教育及咨询培训服务等。耶鲁大学医学院图书馆将学科服务作为一项科学研究来从事,在日常工作中进行个性化服务尝试,总结经验,形成规范,进一步指导整体部门工作,值得国内研究型图书馆学习。  相似文献   

国外图书情报学研究分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要就国外图书情报学对网络信息挖掘、数字图书馆、信息检索、信息组织标准相关关系,以及知识管理等研究状况进行分析。  相似文献   

Many academic libraries are expanding services to online and distance students to keep pace with enrollment trends in higher education, prompting additional research to evaluate the use and effectiveness of library reference and instruction services to distance users. This literature review explores this research from the perspectives of academic librarians, distance students, and faculty teaching online and distance courses, and finds both commonalities and contradictions among these viewpoints.  相似文献   


Handheld electronic devices are becoming popular and are playing an increasingly important role in the distributed learning environment. Enabling library users to maximize their access to library resources through these devices involves challenges that include determining the level of interest among users, identifying relevant resources, and establishing technical and compatibility standards. Affordability of devices for consumers, and availability of resources and support for handheld computing initiatives within libraries must also be considered. This study examines issues and challenges surrounding the design and delivery of library services and resources for personal digital assistants (PDAs) at Royal Roads University Library, finding that there are beneficial research applications for handheld devices that can be implemented even while related technologies continue to evolve.  相似文献   

公共图书馆用户信息需求浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘恩良 《图书馆论坛》2012,32(3):151-153
公共图书馆的用户比其他类型的图书馆用户更多更有普遍性。文章对公共图书馆用户的信息需求的特点进行了描述,分析了原因,并提出了对策。  相似文献   


At a time in our economy when library budgets are strained and staffing is under the microscope, librarians need to reassess and retool their library services for online students to provide quality, depth, and community without causing meltdown. The authors analyze some of the retooling undergone at their library to meet the shifting demographics of students who in 10 years have grown from 1,000 online students to 14,500 and increased to 65% of the students now taking online classes. To meet this challenge, the library centralized library services by closing the regional Library Information Centers and established a Multimedia Department focused on developing tutorials and online training materials, established an outreach librarian position, and worked with reference and instruction librarians to expand their roles as liaisons to the various academic programs. The library is learning to work smarter, not necessarily harder, and much leaner.  相似文献   

信息服务业发展视角下的图书馆信息服务发展路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵丽琴 《图书与情报》2011,(3):85-87,116
近年来我国信息服务业快速发展,但其对图书馆的信息服务影响有限,适应社会信息服务业发展的需求,找到图书馆的生存和发展空间,图书馆行业需在资源数字化与服务体系立体化建设的基础上,以现代信息技术应用为手段,以革新的信息服务理念为指导,走合作共享之路,推动图书馆信息服务事业。  相似文献   


The Brooklyn campus library of Long Island University (LIU) seized the opportunity to take a proactive approach to providing library resources and services to the university's Global College community. An active link connecting the library, Global College headquarters, and international sites has been created. After carefully evaluating the needs of faculty and students across the globe, the authors recount how the library supports the teaching and learning activities of this unique user group. This article describes the LIU Brooklyn campus library's efforts to promote and implement customized resources and services to users on different continents.  相似文献   

总结了信息时代图书馆信息参考咨询服务工作的特点,并结合实际情况就如何做好图书馆信息参考咨询服务工作进行了探讨。  相似文献   

新信息环境下图书馆服务的深化与拓展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戚敏 《津图学刊》2001,(4):34-36
图书馆在新的信息环境下的定位依然是服务,图书馆服务工作要深化与拓展,改革传统服务的弊端,走以用户为中心,提供个人化、电子化、虚拟化、网络化、深层次的信息服务的发展之路。  相似文献   

以用户为中心的个性化信息服务是图书馆信息服务的发展方向。对个性化信息服务的涵义进行了概述,介绍了图书馆开展个性化信息服务应具备的条件以及个性化信息服务的主要类型。  相似文献   

图书馆信息集群服务及优势分析*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对图书馆信息集群服务模式和传统服务模式的服务链分析比较,阐述图书馆信息集群服务模式在图书馆可持续发展用户高层次信息需求上的优势,为创新图书馆的服务模式和推进实践应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

高校图书馆网络化信息服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了网络化信息服务的内涵,论述了高校图书馆开展网络化信息服务的必要性和可行性,着力阐述了高校图书馆网络化信息服务的内容及方法。  相似文献   

论述移动互联网环境下图书馆用户信息需求的类型及特点,分析影响用户使用移动图书馆的因素,提出移动图书馆用户信息需求的满足策略.  相似文献   

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