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美国部分大学图书馆的数字学术支持考察与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 研究美国部分大学图书馆的数字学术支持现状,为国内大学图书馆开展数字学术支持提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程] 采用典型案例分析法,对美国14所大学图书馆的数字学术支持情况进行考察,分析数字学术的概念、数字学术支持机构设置、数字学术支持的内容与形式等。[结果/结论] 美国大学图书馆在明确数字学术概念基础上,设立数字学术支持机构,以数字资源建设、数字项目建设及研究、数据策展、数字出版、数字人文项目研究等为数字学术支持核心内容,提供形式多样的数字学术支持。我国大学图书馆应设立数字学术支持机构,重视数字学术支持团队建设,重视图书馆数字学术空间建设,创新以数字学术为核心的图书馆服务。  相似文献   


In 2013, the Center for Digital Scholarship at Miami University was established and coincided with the redesign of the Children's Picture Book Database, which had a successful web presence for nearly 20 years. We developed the Digital Literacy Partnership (DLP) website project in order to upgrade the project to Omeka as a new digital management tool and to establish a second resource called the Health Literacy Database. Over time, the project grew to include three databases with the mission to promote the contributions of literacy, health, and technology on learning. In this case study, we describe the role of academic libraries in supporting faculty and student design projects; share the history and mission of the DLP project; and explain the digital team of faculty, librarians, and undergraduate students. We also outline the production of public health eBooks targeted to children and adults with low literacy skills; the social marketing decisions we made from web usage statistics; and the technical lessons learned throughout this collaborative digital project.  相似文献   


About twenty years ago, the Internet began to change the way people create, access, publish, and share information. The impact of this information revolution has been felt in every industry. For instance, the Internet has enabled new models in the publishing sector, which has subsequently impacted education and changed the landscape of teaching and learning. About a decade ago, the introduction of new buzzwords such as open access, electronic publishing, digital humanities, and digital scholarship continued to challenge the scholarly production and dissemination of knowledge. Undoubtedly, these changes also created new opportunities for collaboration among multidisciplinary groups including researchers, scholars, students, technologists, librarians, and others. In this article, the author discusses four successful faculty-driven digital scholarship projects that his library system has supported in the last two years. His team's work serves as an example of how academic libraries and centers for digital scholarship at undergraduate institutions can support digital humanities and digital scholarship initiatives. Additionally, the case examples can contribute to the ongoing discussion of new roles for librarians and technologists in working with scholars and students to gain the skills necessary to implement digital scholarship projects.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从人文学者的角度出发,探讨人文学者如何看待数字人文,他们又如何被数字人文的浪潮所影响。通过对人文学者数字学术认知与数字学术需求的考察,为数字人文服务和系统设计奠定基础。[方法/过程]采用质性研究方法,对文学、历史、哲学和艺术4个领域展开比较研究,并以访谈素材进行饱和度检验,构建起"认知-预判-担忧-需求与应对"的质性主线。[结果/结论]研究发现,不同领域人文学者对数字学术的认知并不完全相同,但对其影响的预判也存在共性之处,他们普遍认同数字化对人文的研究素材、研究方法、知识传播和研究问题都会产生一定影响;面对数字化浪潮,人文学者的担忧主要包括对数字学术研究深度的担忧、对学科主体地位的担忧和对技术环境下学术伦理问题的担忧;最后,人文学者在自身能力提升、数据、技术、科研评价体系方面存在许多需求,其中对"基础设施"和"数字项目"的需求最为迫切。  相似文献   

大学图书馆是美国数字学术服务的主力军之一。本文采用网络调研与内容分析相结合方法,以CenterNet8所图书馆独立承办的数字学术中心为样本,从中心概况、组织架构、人员配置、空间服务、学术支持5方面展开调研分析,以了解美国大学图书馆参与数字学术服务的具体情况,并指出数字学术服务面临的挑战。在此基础上,本文重点从数字学术服务目标制定、发展模式、实施路径、馆员技能交叉培训4个方面进行思考,为切实推动我国高校图书馆数字学术服务提供有益的启发。  相似文献   


The future of research libraries will be shaped by broader developments at research universities in the areas of creating, sharing, disseminating, and curating knowledge. Universities face fundamental policy choices in all of these areas that have been recast by developments in information technology. This article discusses trends in digital scholarship practices across the humanities, science, and social science disciplines and examines implications for academic institutions and their research libraries as a means of framing these policy choices.

This article originally published in Journal of Library Administration, Vol. 49, Issue 3, pages 227–244, 2009. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01930820902785041.  相似文献   


The future of research libraries will be shaped by broader developments at research universities in the areas of creating, sharing, disseminating, and curating knowledge. Universities face fundamental policy choices in all of these areas that have been recast by developments in information technology. This article discusses trends in digital scholarship practices across the humanities, science, and social science disciplines and examines implications for academic institutions and their research libraries as a means of framing these policy choices.  相似文献   

王贤 《图书情报工作》2018,62(11):143-150
[目的/意义]数字学术服务是高校图书馆的发展趋势之一,总结美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校图书馆数字学术服务发展模式,为国内高校图书馆提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]在文献调研的基础上,厘清数字学术的内涵与外延,分析高校图书馆开展数字学术服务的意义,了解目前高校图书馆数字学术服务的进展。采用典型案例分析法和网络调研法,对伊利诺伊大学香槟分校图书馆数字学术服务的发展历程、发展模式、服务保障进行分析和总结。[结果/结论]对国内高校图书馆规划和建设数字学术服务提出如下建议:审视自身服务资源、发现用户需求;评估自我实力、确定服务内容;提升馆员能力、注重合作研究;建设数字资源库、促进数字资源长期保持。  相似文献   

数字学术服务是高校图书馆一项创新性服务。为了解英国研究型图书馆数字学术服务现状,为我国高校图书馆数字学术服务提供国际经验,文章解读英国研究型图书馆协会(RLUK)2019年调查报告《数字学术和研究型图书馆的角色》。该报告内容涉及英国研究型图书馆数字学术服务性质与范围、基础设施、人员保障、资金来源、服务评估、馆藏数字转型、成员馆潜在合作领域等方面,具有内容详实全面、方便用户使用、基于国际对比视角、实践指导意义显著等特点。我国高校图书馆开展数字学术服务,可从建立专门的数字学术服务团队与部门、率先开展人文学科的数字学术服务、重视数字学术服务资金筹集、建立数字馆藏资源共享机制等方面着手。  相似文献   

Building on the findings of a 2013 NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up funded project, in early 2016 we began working on an IMLS Sparks! funded project: Digital Scholarship Applications Dashboard. The project is a collaborative initiative between University IT and the Library's Center for Digital Scholarship. We are currently evaluating an efficient and user-friendly dashboard solution that will allow faculty and student to easily choose, configure, deploy, and evaluate any of a set of common web applications in a shared and virtual hosting environment. The service is similar to those offered by commercial hosting providers for deployment of popular web applications, but our Scholars Dashboard service will focus on tools more relevant to digital scholarship and digital humanities. The prototype leverages OpenNebula, an open source cloud-computing platform for managing distributed data center environments, and Amazon Web Services for deploying virtual machines. In this article, we will describe the work we have done in the last year and further discuss the role of digital scholarship teams within academic libraries in providing cloud-based infrastructure for digital scholarship and research.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 研究北美地区大学图书馆数字学术中心服务创新模式与空间资源配置以及再造过程,为国内大学图书馆转型和发展提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程] 采用典型案例分析法,对北美地区10所大学图书馆构建数字学术中心情况进行比较分析,概括其服务模式和空间变革的主要方式。[结果/结论] 北美地区大学图书馆数字学术中心是集服务转型与空间变革于一体,提供数字学术研究支持和服务创新集成的新型图书馆空间,它将是未来大学图书馆中最开放、最有创造力和最具创新精神的服务功能。对我国大学图书馆数字学术支持服务的发展有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   


Building digital curation and sustainability into digital humanities project development is challenging, and engaging digital humanities researchers fully as partners in curation practices with the library is even more so. How can we represent the longevity and sustainability of digital humanities research projects as a shared responsibility between faculty and student researchers and library staff? Northeastern University Libraries Digital Scholarship Group has designed a series of tools and workflows to ease the burden of sustainable development, support community engagement with digital materials, and enable the library and its partners to work together to build sustainable digital projects.  相似文献   

Recently a partnership between digital humanities and digital libraries is being forged, coagulating in a demand for digital humanities centers within academic libraries and an increase in the call for “Digital Scholarship Librarians.” What skills and competences are necessary for librarians to fulfill this new role? and What training allows them to develop these skills? The paper examines the collaborative role of the digital scholarship librarian, what this new role entails and what it means to bring the two areas of practice together. After examining current literature and job applications surrounding this role, the skills needed to fill this role are identified in a case study of a digital humanities project which operated on the collaborative model with digital librarians, together making use of digital methods to answer questions specific to its field. The final section proposes a training agenda by matching current opportunities with the new skill which librarians interested in digital scholarship need to develop.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究与反思高校图书馆如何在精准提供用户所需文献信息资源的同时,帮助用户在对海量文献信息资源的发现与获取中发现需求.[方法/过程]对国内外30所高校图书馆进行调研,梳理精准服务过程中的新模式、新问题,并从信息资源内容分发、信息资源内容组织、信息供给平台3个层面进行深入分析.[结果/结论]为了帮助用户更好地"...  相似文献   


Not all digital scholarship or digital humanities centers are created equal. Some focus on service, while others conduct research and analysis or are more experimental with research and development applications. All of these usually claim an important component of collaboration, whether that is the sharing of ideas, resources, tools, or staff expertise. However, collaboration is often talked about but not practiced, whether in the library or across campus. This article highlights how cross-campus collaboration is not just a phrase but an underlying foundation for the development and success of a digital scholarship lab at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU). The start-up framework includes defining digital scholarship, leadership roles, steps to success, investing in partnerships, and the foundational documentation that has led to the successful establishment of the library as the digital scholarship hub of the university.  相似文献   

数字学术近年来成为图书馆学术热点之一,受到国内外高校图书馆的普遍关注。文章对印第安纳大学伯明顿分校图书馆的数字学术服务分别从数据服务、数字保存服务、数字馆藏服务、学术出版服务和共享数字化实验室等进行深入研究,并对我国高校图书馆数字学术服务建设提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

周文骏教授长期致力于图书馆学和情报学的教学、科研和教育管理,不仅培养了大批学子,而且著述颇丰,学术思想深刻精湛。他构建了图书馆学内容体系,倡导“文献交流说”,倡议“建立图书馆哲学”等,为拓展提升中国的图书情报事业作出了较杰出的贡献。  相似文献   

Academic librarianship is very much concerned with the scholarship of others, but what do we know about the scholarship of librarians? This empirical study examines the relationship between author demographics, article topic, and, in particular, faculty and librarian authorship collaboration in the academic library literature. Extensive data collection facilitated the analysis of trends, correlations, and frequencies. Significant findings were found regarding the number of authors, article type, and paper topic in the context of faculty and librarian authorship collaboration.  相似文献   

This article will provide an overview of current topics in Digital Scholarship and Scholarly Communications (DS/SC) and draw connections between these new areas and the traditional skill set of electronic resources librarians. Commonalities between the skills outlined in the Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians and those needed for success in DS/SC will form the basis of the author’s recommendations for involvement in these new areas.  相似文献   

数字学术成果评价机制的不完善使人文学者面临学术贡献不被承认的风险,阻碍创新活力的激发和人文学科发展。文章依托网络调查搜集20世纪末以来美国学院艺术协会等6个人文协会制定的6份数字学术评价指南,梳理文本内容,从评价内容与范围、相关部门/机构职责、对人文学者的要求等3方面归纳评价的要素与关键。研究发现:多种非传统的学术成果形态和研究过程均可纳入评价范围,同行评议是重要评价形式;相关部门/机构应明确传达有关数字人文的招聘和评价要求,聘请数字专家、人文学者和数字学术研究经验丰富人员开展评价,在评价中尊重数字人文的媒介多样性,考虑跨学科团队合作带来的额外工作量;人文学者需要了解部门/机构对数字人文工作的支持,清楚阐述自身数字工作的价值和复杂性,制定并说明其数字学术成果的可持续发展计划。  相似文献   

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