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朱前东 《图书情报工作》2014,58(15):142-148
通过国外文献调研与分析,将网域资源发现服务研究归纳为7个主题,包括网域资源发现服务概念、功能、可用性、使用绩效、用户信息检索行为、对用户信息素养的影响和对图书馆与馆员的影响研究。在此基础上,从3个方面评析国外研究进展:网域资源发现服务研究的两个维度、应用的影响和研究的趋势。最后揭示国外网域资源发现服务研究的脉络与发展趋势。  相似文献   

Funds made available at the close of the 2010–11 fiscal year allowed purchase of the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) for a year-long trial. The appeal of this web-scale discovery product that offers a Google-like interface to library resources was counter-balanced by concerns about quality of search results in an academic health science setting and the challenge of configuring an interface that serves the needs of a diverse group of library users. After initial configuration, usability testing with library users revealed the need for further work before general release. Of greatest concern were continuing issues with the relevance of items retrieved, appropriateness of system-supplied facet terms, and user difficulties with navigating the interface. EBSCO has worked with the library to better understand and identify problems and solutions. External roll-out to users occurred in June 2012.  相似文献   

Like many libraries, the Bridge Consortium (the shared library of Carleton College and St. Olaf College) had outgrown the existing catalog and needed to find an improved search interface for collections. Seeking something that would work with the existing Innovative Interfaces Inc.'s Millennium integrated library system, researchers explored everything from catalog enhancements provided by Innovative Interfaces to a completely separate, Web-scale discovery tool. For the past year, they worked to implement VuFind as a catalog overlay, continually customizing and enhancing it based on user feedback. At the same time, they continued to research a broader solution and recommended a discovery tool to their consortium leadership group that they believe will redefine student research at their colleges and give new shape and direction to their consortium. By thinking of discovery as more than a product and staggering their implementation, they were better able to meet their consortium's needs. This article details their evaluation process and provides reflection on the decisions made. Many libraries are considering Web-scale discovery products. As part of the process, they confront questions about open source tools, Web site redesigns, incorporating user feedback, and consortial needs. The researchers hope to contribute to these libraries' processes by outlining their process and considerations, and what they learned along the way to arrive at their current solution.  相似文献   


“Discovery” is today's term for user-centered information searching and access. A growing number of libraries have embraced Web-scale discovery services (WSDS) featuring one-stop searching of libraries’ owned and licensed collections. Recognizing potential benefits to users of these systems, a mid-sized ARL library formed a discovery-tool committee in spring 2012 to explore selection of a WSDS in keeping with its values, vision, and institutional mission. This article explores “discovery” as it assesses WSDS performance and reports results obtained from a request to WSDS vendors to showcase the search power of their system with actual reference questions.  相似文献   

Some librarians embrace discovery tools while others refuse to use them. This lack of consensus can have consequences for student learning when there is inconsistent use, especially in large-scale instruction programs. The authors surveyed academic librarians whose institutions have a discovery tool and who teach information literacy classes in order to identify barriers to using them and to develop strategies to effectively integrate them into instruction. The authors used the survey results and recent studies on the research habits of undergraduates to propose strategies for integrating the discovery tool at the programmatic level in a more meaningful and sustainable way.  相似文献   


Web page views of databases by title and databases by subject pages, in conjunction with COUNTER Database Report 1 and Journal Report 1 statistics, were examined to determine what impact a migration to Primo, a Web-scale discovery layer, had at Central Washington University Brooks Library. The analysis determined that the first year post-migration (2015) compared to the two years pre-migration (2013–14) saw a decline in Web page views of database Web pages, journal full-text article requests, and database record views and result clicks. The implementation of Primo thus had a noticeable negative impact on both direct database access and overall electronic resource usage during the first year post-migration.  相似文献   

In autumn 2012, the University of Birmingham launched FindIt@Bham, a Primo-based Resource Discovery Service, after a series of focus groups with students and staff to help determine its initial configuration and customization. This article presents the results from a large-scale online survey and focus groups that were conducted to poll users’ attitudes to the service over twelve months later, adding to a small body of research on user satisfaction with established resource discovery services. From the survey the overall level of appreciation was high with 71.13% rating FindIt@Bham to be “Good” or “Very Good.” The level of appreciation was compared across undergraduates, postgraduates (taught and research), and academic staff which revealed that undergraduates are the group of users most happy with the service with academic staff being least satisfied. The reasons for this discrepancy are considered, along with users’ behavior and a discussion of their perceptions of individual functional areas. The survey results led to focus group activities tailored to extract deeper information on system usage and satisfaction. From these combined activities, future customizations and developments to FindIt@Bham such as tuning of result relevancy, improved online help, and additional functionality can be prioritized.  相似文献   

余波 《图书情报工作》2010,54(18):28-66
从信息的相对性属性和信息分化的社会现象出发,将信息分为强信息(SI)和弱信息(WI)。指出在科学研究中,除对主流的强信息进行有效提取外,同样不能忽略弱信息的大量存在。从弱信息的基本特征出发,探讨科学研究中弱信息的发现流程、发掘的技术模式、发现方法及强弱信息的转换模式等,揭示信息的强弱既是重要的又是相对的,更多地体现在研究者的专业认知和需求动机的差异上。  相似文献   

数字图书馆的用户信息主要有数字图书馆用户登陆信息和用户活动信息、用户profile、用户调查信息、网站的用户注册信息和日志文件等。利用分类和聚类分析、关联分析、序列模式发现、模式识别等知识发现方法挖掘出用户信息数据里隐藏的知识,以有效提升数字图书馆用户知识管理及个性化知识服务的能力。  相似文献   


This article describes a library's implementation of digital resources for research, teaching, and learning at a higher education institution in Portugal. A school specializing in education and teacher education established strategic performance areas related to digital resources for the fulfillment of its mission, which included some functions of the academic library. The library implemented a discovery system, and the school invested in a wider range of resources, including e-books, both acquired and institutionally published. The library's training programs were also revised to promote the new system and electronic resources. This case study describes how an academic library in Portugal responded to institutional needs, illustrating how libraries everywhere must connect to the larger vision and demonstrate value through technologies, integrating digital and print resources to provide access built around users' needs.  相似文献   

数字图书馆中的知识发现   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
韩惠琴  刘柏嵩 《情报学报》2001,20(3):323-330
本文针对数字图书馆特点 ,提出将知识发现技术应用于数字图书馆的信息发现和信息提供的方案 ,并介绍和分析了几种具体的应用形式 ,对我们今后实现数字图书馆原型有较大的启迪作用  相似文献   

Web-scale discovery service is one of the primary trends in academic libraries. In this research, using referral data, we explore the main referring domains of DOIs, and evaluate the impact of web-scale discovery services on scholarly content seeking. The results show that web-scale discovery services play an important role in directing users to scholarly contents. ProQuest is found to be ranked the first among all the major referring domains. In addition, the time series analysis shows a significant growing trend of ProQuest as a referring service from 2011 to 2016. The monthly trends demonstrate seasonal fluctuations and daily periodicity of referral data. Specifically, there are two low ebbs throughout a year, corresponding to the Summer and Winter vacations. The lowest point in a week is found to be on Saturdays, while the peak normally occurs on Mondays or Tuesdays.  相似文献   

基于社会性书签服务的信息发现行为模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对信息发现行为模式的重要性,基于社会性书签服务和信息导航的相关理论,分析利用社会性书签服务来发现有用信息资源的用户行为,以评估社会性书签服务对信息发现的有效性.分析结果表明,用户经常选择标签搜索焦点主题,并且更喜欢浏览别人的图书馆来查找围绕焦点主题的相关信息,在此基础上对社会性书签导航功能提出改进思路.  相似文献   

New York University's (NYU) Data Service Studio has recently launched the NYU Survey Service, whose ultimate aim is to support the development and administration of surveys of all types. For the Web-based component, the service utilizes a product called Qualtrics, which allows university affiliates to develop and administer Web-based surveys. This article describes the process by which NYU came to offer the service during a time when concerns abound about the ability of libraries to support and expand offerings while still meeting institutional imperatives such as robust data services. While many considerations went into the evaluation and ultimate conclusion to pilot the service, this article considers those most related to library collaborations, undergraduate instruction, data and information literacy, learning and research, and application administration and support.  相似文献   

The success or failure of any tool, service or system used in a library is predicated on the audience it finds. While web-scale discovery systems have developed widespread adoption in academic libraries, there is a sense from librarians that they continue to be in search of their true audience. Librarians play a key role in the utilization of web-scale discovery systems, and their experiences as an end user of these systems may influence their attitudes in many ways. The survey discussed in this article looks at the attitudes librarians have toward web-scale discovery systems when using them for their personal research, including feature preferences and inquiries into opinions regarding strengths and weaknesses of the system. The results of this survey provide some insights into why some librarians struggle with the idea using of web-scale discovery systems by themselves and by the patrons with which they work.  相似文献   

采用文献计量学方法,从信息素养定义与内涵、信息素养评价标准和实践、信息素养与文献信息机构的关系、信息素养与图书情报领域热点问题的相关性研究4个方面对十年间信息素养研究论文进行全面分析,并在此基础上,指出今后信息素养研究的重点及应注意的问题。  相似文献   

文章论述了信息素质的基本内涵,并阐明信息时代高校图书馆员应具备的信息素质,指出提高馆员信息素质的途径与方法。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 结合网络健康信息搜索情境,从健康知识素养和健康信息检索素养两个视角出发,对用户健康信息搜索行为的过程变量和结果变量进行影响分析,探究健康素养对用户健康信息检索行为的影响机理。[方法/过程] 采用情境模拟实验和问卷调查相结合的方法,选取在校大学生为实验对象,利用SPSS多变量方差分析和独立样本T检验归纳出用户健康信息检索过程呈现的规律特点,并探究用户健康素养及搜索经验与网络健康信息搜索行为过程变量和结果变量的影响关系。[结果/结论] 结果表明,用户的健康知识素养和健康信息检索素养对搜索过程变量分别有较大影响,对搜索结果变量有交互影响。  相似文献   

为引进信息搜寻行为量表并分析该量表的信度、效度,评估其在中国大学生中的适用性,随机选取200名医学专业大学生进行包括30个题项的信息搜寻行为量表的测试,其中20名学生两周后进行了重测。结果显示信息搜寻行为量表的Cronbach’s alphα系数为0.872,分半信度为0.835,重测信度为0.876;各分量表的信度均在可接受的范围内,信度指标良好;各题项与量表总分的相关性显著,各分量表之间及其与总量表之间均呈显著相关,该量表的内容效度与结构效度良好。研究表明,此量表具有良好的测量学指标,可以作为中国大学生信息搜寻能力研究的有效测量工具。  相似文献   

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