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Pepperdine University's six international campus libraries are not staffed by librarians. However, the library serves overseas students with small print collections, course specific LibGuides and highly trained student assistants. A goal of the LibGuides and student workers is to make students aware of library resources and services while studying abroad. Students studying overseas were surveyed to determine their use and awareness of library resources. In addition, to determine if the library could have an important role in supporting study abroad programs, students were asked if they had research assignments that required outside resources. While the results of the survey revealed that the majority of students are aware of library resources and services, the library should take additional steps to better serve overseas students.  相似文献   

There is an expectation that college students graduate with competency in information literacy. Ideally, institutions of higher education integrate these competencies throughout their curricula in a progressive manner. High-impact educational practices contribute to student success. The purpose of this article is to examine recent literature about five of the high-impact educational practices (capstone experiences, learning communities, service learning and community-based learning, undergraduate research, and writing-intensive courses) to understand the extent to which they include the integration of information literacy competencies. The article includes recommendations for practice and research in the areas of assessment, pedagogy, and program planning.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the design of library services to best meet the information needs of U.S. college students studying abroad. The authors begin by developing a possible theoretical model, first to explain the needs and information-seeking behavior of U.S. students abroad, and second to utilize this framework to design library services. The empirical grounding of the paper consists of research conducted by a Pennsylvania State University librarian at four study-abroad sites in Rome and Bologna, and the work of two librarians at colleges with high student participation in foreign study programs. In regard to the latter, the authors will discuss the way in which Dickinson College began a new program of library services to study abroad students, and present a Goucher College librarian's experience as a collaborative participant in a study-abroad program.  相似文献   

The authors discuss methods and challenges of supporting branch academic libraries overseas that are not staffed onsite by librarians or permanent staff. The authors present their two-pronged approach of creating a virtual presence carefully customized to the needs of the students studying abroad along with specially and highly trained student workers. The new program, grounded partly in theories from education and business management, is shown to have substantially improved both library services for our study abroad students as well as library student workers’ performance.  相似文献   

Veterans are a unique population that can be found in libraries across the United States. Libraries of all types are developing new approaches to the veterans in their patron populations in the wake of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This study identifies several common strategies that libraries, especially public and academic libraries, are employing to support their patrons who are veterans, as well as distinctions in strategy according to library type. It further explores whether libraries are relying upon library staff who are veterans when developing services and programming for patrons who are veterans.  相似文献   

作为移民人口众多的国家,美国和加拿大在阅读文化建设中是如何服务来自世界各地的移民群体,帮助他们尽快融入当地社会的。从这一问题出发,文章在了解美国图书馆协会制定的相关服务策略和指导原则的基础上,分别以美国阿拉巴马州公共图书馆对拉美裔读者的服务和加拿大魁北克公共图书馆对移民的服务为个例,介绍并分析了这两个国家图书馆针对少数族群的多元文化服务举措。  相似文献   

Public libraries have the potential to provide rich information support for survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV). Librarians who understand the complex information gaps and barriers that IPV survivors confront during repeated attempts to achieve safety can create more effective services and policies. This study examines an IPV online support network's postings during ten months. The content analysis of the postings correlates survivors' expressed information needs, barriers, and resource preferences during the three basic stages of crisis. As funding for crisis centers disappears and IPV survivor needs increase, librarians can help to save lives by adjusting services to enhance privacy, safety, and confidentiality.  相似文献   

国内外图书情报领域用户研究内容分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以我国图书情报领域18种CSSCI源刊及《图书情报学文摘数据库》(LISA)为信息源,分别检索2007-2010年间国内外图书情报领域发表的与用户研究相关的学术论文。而后利用JDK1.6和MySQL Server5.0等软件,开发共词矩阵生成、关键词粘合度计算、关键词类团密度和向心度计算等程序。在此基础上通过共词分析和粘合度计算方法确定国内外图书情报领域用户研究的主流研究主题,并通过绘制主题战略坐标图考量不同研究主题的发展情况及其研究地位。最后通过对国内外相关研究内容的对比分析,对我国在该领域的研究提出发展建议。  相似文献   


The boundaries that define a discrete collection of intellectual or informational resources have never been precise or immutable. With the proliferation of born-digital and digitized analog materials, these boundaries are becoming even less well defined. Supporting users' information needs in the current digital environment requires redefining the responsibilities of persons responsible for executing traditional library collection development practices and archival appraisal strategies. Developing and supporting the necessary technical and organizational infrastructure for long-term sustainability of digital collections will require intentional collaboration among information professionals. This article explores these issues in the context of both academic and state government entities, clarifying the need for a shift in roles for information professionals.  相似文献   

The internationalization of higher education and the continuing expansion of technology as a means for learning and sharing information have radically changed the way in which academic libraries offer services and perform outreach. Retooling is essential to maintaining a vibrant and responsive workforce. Continual innovation on the part of training and development professionals is required to manage the expansion of relevant competencies. Through analysis of the current literature and using the results of an exploratory study, which engaged library associations globally, the author demonstrates the need and desire for increased international dialog and collaboration in the area of professional development.  相似文献   

This case study focuses on an innovative approach to the flipped classroom as a tool for productive library-discipline faculty collaboration on information literacy instruction. The argument is presented that the flipped classroom can be a pathway into the disciplines that can be used in overcoming the disadvantages of the one-shot and other barriers to collaboration. The case study will outline the reasons for a successful collaboration on integrating information literacy into this undergraduate business course and for its extension to five additional business courses. Practical examples of learning outcomes, in-class activities, and assessment are provided.  相似文献   

The importance of power relationships in defining information, governing its availability, and prestructuring its effect are illustrated from the experiences of Kamuzu Banda's Malawi. Attempts to develop a national information policy were rendered irrelevant by official suppression of information and the surveillance of the population to prevent dissent. Even when there were information systems to serve national planning and decision-making, Banda and his advisers ignored them and allowed them to wither away. Access to information was effectively denied to excluded social groups including members of opposition political movements, speakers of minority languages, Jehovah's Witnesses and Muslims. Only an alliance of political cronies, business associates and officials had full access to vital market, technical and agricultural information, despite the existence of extension systems with an ostensible role to disseminate information. Women, in particular, suffered deeply embedded structural discrimination that limited their information access. On the basis of this study, information professionals are advised to develop strategies based on analyses of real information and communication patterns, in preference to the facile optimism about the power of information that is common in the literature of librarianship.  相似文献   

Sport management is a relatively new and rapidly growing academic discipline. Despite the proliferation of sport management programs in the United States, a review of the library literature reveals few publications concerning library support for such programs. In addition to providing background knowledge about the sport management discipline, this article provides practical information for academic librarians by recommending essential databases, journals, academic publishers, industry publishers, and associations in the arena of sport management.  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a faculty–librarian collaborative project that integrated discipline-specific information literacy into an upper-level psychology class. The instruction involved a case study technique in order to increase student engagement in a content area while helping students gain needed information literacy skills that meet professional guidelines. We found that employing this approach enhanced instructor ability to more fully and meaningfully engage with students within a more comfortable classroom atmosphere. This method may be easily adapted to other disciplines as it allows for much creativity and selection of course-relevant themes.  相似文献   


In today's economy, higher education institutions are struggling to maintain quality while functioning with fewer resources. For libraries, the economic situation is compounded by the impact of an information marketplace that is characterized by prices for resources that increase at 7 to 10% per year, and by near and actual monopolies controlling content. Added to the complexities of the marketplace are the demands of a faculty and student body that prefer individual actions to group efforts. These economic and social issues can become real barriers to innovation, quality improvement, and successful services for today's libraries. One way to combat the economic and social environment is by creating new and improved partnerships to leverage resources and share expertise in order to provide better services and access to wider collections. But forming partnerships is not easy. This paper will review the characteristics of successful partnership as developed by the Gallup Corporation and will show how these values can be used in the academic library environment to create opportunities for success.  相似文献   


This article describes a library's implementation of digital resources for research, teaching, and learning at a higher education institution in Portugal. A school specializing in education and teacher education established strategic performance areas related to digital resources for the fulfillment of its mission, which included some functions of the academic library. The library implemented a discovery system, and the school invested in a wider range of resources, including e-books, both acquired and institutionally published. The library's training programs were also revised to promote the new system and electronic resources. This case study describes how an academic library in Portugal responded to institutional needs, illustrating how libraries everywhere must connect to the larger vision and demonstrate value through technologies, integrating digital and print resources to provide access built around users' needs.  相似文献   

This report is a case study of the Alcuin Society's use of Flickr as a digital image collection host. It covers the selection, implementation, and promotion of Flickr as the place for its photographs and images.  相似文献   

In 2005, representatives from Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), the Universities at Shady Grove (USG), and the University of Maryland Libraries, explored a potential partnership between their libraries. With different patrons and missions, merging the two library cultures and functions presented challenges and opportunities to administrators and librarians.

This study examines the dimensions and impact on both libraries. It will inquire whether it resulted in a limited, primarily administrative arrangement, or whether the libraries were able to achieve true collaboration. The findings highlight some issues libraries could take into account before embarking into a merger process.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]科学化、规范化、定期化的图书馆战略规划对我国图书馆而言仍处于初始发展阶段,调查研究并吸收和借鉴国外图书馆战略规划的相关成果,将加快我国图书馆战略规划的理论与实践发展。[方法/过程]调研国外39份最新图书馆战略规划,以之作为研究样本,分别从战略规划时间长度、战略规划体例、战略规划文本词频等维度进行较为深入的分析与研究。[结果/结论]国外图书馆重视图书馆战略规划工作,重视图书馆战略规划文本的产生与执行,重视战略环境分析以及战略制定过程中各种因素的协调作用,其开展战略规划图书馆之广泛、战略规划时间之连续以及战略规划体例之规范都为我国图书馆战略规划的制定提供了重要启示和宝贵参考。  相似文献   

Metadata——数字图书馆信息资源的整序   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从元数据的概念和功能出发,介绍了几种常用元数据格式的特点、用途和适用范围,提出用DC元数据对网络资源进行编目的可行性。  相似文献   

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