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张继东 《图书情报工作》2013,57(16):130-134
利用云计算技术、语义服务技术来解决数字图书馆的资源重复建设问题和互操作问题,提出云计算环境下的数字图书馆语义服务的框架模型并给出解决方案。自行设计、建立数字图书馆云计算服务平台,并在云平台上进行服务部署。设计云计算环境下的语义服务的描述、部署和组合方式,提出基于硬件检测和语义的云服务调度模式。提出数字图书馆云节点的监控和可视化显示方案,设计数字图书馆云门户。  相似文献   

随着云计算环境下数字图书馆云服务平台系统的发展,读者对数字图书馆云服务平台和云服务模式的要求越来越高。文章从技术到应用的环节,对云服务平台和云服务模式的概念、模型和框架进行了讨论,提出了一种新的云计算环境下数字图书馆云服务模式。该模式将最大化利用云图书馆资源,更加贴近读者需求。  相似文献   

云计算及其在图书馆中的应用现状和面临的障碍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云计算技术以其强大的功能已在我国的一些商业领域得到初步的应用和可观的经济效益。介绍云计算在国内外图书馆界的发展和应用状况,指出云计算在实际应用中将面临安全、数据和应用的互操作、数据和应用可移植性、治理和管理、计量和监测等5项挑战外,还要解决一些技术障碍。  相似文献   


A survey was conducted in Spring 1999 to assess the library support services for distance learning within the Texas A&M University System. Graduate students actively enrolled at remote sites in one or more courses taught on the system's interactive video network were surveyed. Results of this survey provide insight for improving library services.

“People want what they want when they want it. They don't want something else, they don't want less than they want, and they certainly don't want it at some other time” (Forsha, 1992).  相似文献   

Usage statistics are a regular part of assessment but the lack of context leaves librarians pondering the reasons for fluctuations in use. Through development of an online survey, we examined faculty perceptions, knowledge, and use of distance library services to support online courses. Responses provided much needed context and helped to determine priorities and direction for services. While this survey was a useful marketing tool, results emphasized that the greatest need was for ongoing communication with faculty to increase awareness of services provided.  相似文献   


This paper examines the research that has been conducted to date on the topic of library support for distance learning programs and identifies some priorities for future research. The two main types of studies prevalent in the literature on this topic are surveys of libraries and user studies. Research findings from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada provide a perspective on the knowledge base in this area and enable some generalizations to be made about service provision and user needs. The results of a recent survey of librarians indicate that the number one research priority in distance learning library services is collaboration with faculty to integrate library and electronic resources into Web-based distance learning courses.  相似文献   

The new Web generations are influencing the minds and changing the habits of software developers and end users. Users, librarians, and information services professionals can interact more efficiently, creating additional information and content and generating knowledge. This new scenario is also changing the behavior of information providers and users in health sciences libraries. This article reviews the new Web environments and tools that give librarians opportunities to tailor their services better, and gives some examples of the advantages and disadvantages for them and their users. Librarians need to adapt to the new mindset of users, linking new technologies, information, and people.  相似文献   

基于云计算的图书馆建设与服务发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宋戈  魏志鹏 《图书与情报》2011,(1):79-81,134
云计算技术以其强大的功能已在世界的一些商业领域得到了初步的应用。在不久的将来,云计算技术也将在图书馆中得到大规模的普及应用。文章在分析云计算与图书馆的关系基础上,探讨了云计算技术在图书馆建设与服务中的应用,并提出了数据安全、法律法规、协议和接口、行业标准、管理体制等需关注的问题。  相似文献   

文章研究在Web2.0环境下的图书馆信息服务,分析图书馆传统信息服务的现状和不足,详细论述Web2.0带给图书馆信息服务业务、服务环境、用户需求、信息交流方式的变化,并提出图书馆的应对策略。图书馆只有改革信息服务内容、创新信息服务模式、培训图书馆员,为用户提供更优质的服务。  相似文献   

The online environment presents a unique challenge to higher education. Shifting from the face- to-face format to online not only involves rethinking course design, but requires careful consideration of when and how to teach students, how to find and evaluate information needed to successfully complete coursework. One solution is faculty teaming with subject librarians to design and build in teachable moments. This case study discusses one such successful partnership from designing the course to choosing and embedding library resources and finally to the learning outcome of the online course.  相似文献   

在介绍云计算的服务层次和特点的基础上,分析了数字图书馆IT系统的现状,并对云计算技术在数字图书馆的适用领域进行了探讨,提出了数字图书馆云计算的应用建议。  相似文献   

从“云计算”概念诞生开始,备行各业对其研究不断升温。目前图书馆界对“云计算”的研究也呈增长趋势,本文通过对近两年发表在58种图书馆学期刊上的163篇有关“云计算”文章的分析,总结研究其特点。并就“云计算”对图书馆的影响,对图书馆建设的应用与挑战及信息服务平台及模式进行探讨。  相似文献   

从OCLC看图书馆云计算的未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过介绍OCLC云计算图书馆的功能结构,对OCLC云计算图书馆进行架构分析,把握和了解OCLC云计算图书馆的战略布局及其云应用和云服务,为我国开展云计算图书馆的研究提供现实的可能和有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

Academic libraries offer many services to distance learning students. The sources of literature reviewed here offer information that shows relevant similarities and differences between library services offered to traditional students and distance learning students. Likewise, the associated findings from the literature offer insight that is applicable for a project to modify and improve library services for distance learners in higher education.  相似文献   

OCLC Worldcat 云计算数字图书馆模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍OCLC建立的Worldcat云计算数字图书馆的设计思想及OCLC应用云计算技术整合图书馆资源和数字图书馆日常服务流程的方法,分析在云计算环境下Worldcat数字图书馆的服务层级结构、数据库结构与内部管理结构,考察OCLC建设云计算数字图书馆的成效与OCLC的云环境信息安全保障方案。  相似文献   

云计算技术在图书馆中的应用探讨   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  
云计算技术以其强大的功能已在我国的一些商业领域得到了初步的应用。在不久的将来.云计算技术也可能在图书馆中得到大规模的普及应用。在介绍云计算概念、概括云计算技术特点的基础上,探讨了云计算技术在图书馆中的应用。结合云计算技术在企业应用中遇到的问题,分析了图书馆应用云计算技术应重点关注的几个问题。  相似文献   


This article provides guidance in using the needs assessment process as a planning tool specifically for library services supporting distance learning programs. The first section covers pre-assessment planning activities, which include defining the specific purpose or purposes of the assessment, assigning responsibility for various aspects of the project, establishing time frames, and defining target groups. The section related to conducting the assessment itself discusses, along with other issues, selecting data collection tools and constructing questions. Promotion of the assessment and methods of encouraging participation are also considered. Since Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery personnel are an integral part of library services, they may be called upon to support distance learning programs. Thus, topics discussed in this article will be applicable to their situations.  相似文献   

移动计算给图书馆带来了挑战与机遇,移动计算时代的图书馆用户需求也会出现移动需求增加、个性化特征更加明显等趋势,图书馆需在新时期构建图书馆移动服务平台,进行多方位、多空间与全天候的信息服务。  相似文献   

图书馆云服务的有效发展离不开各参与方的有序协作。因此各参与方的关系及行为交互,对于图书馆云服务的研究就显得特别重要。文章结合图书馆云服务的特点,研究云服务中的各个参与方及其特征,提出了图书馆云服务参与方的关系模型。  相似文献   

文章从云计算的主要特征及其在国内外图书馆界的发展现状入手,着重分析了云计算环境下图书馆的服务创新。  相似文献   

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