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Library assessment as a concept is so complex that we often fail to see the entire scope of the endeavor. Consequently, our approaches tend to be somewhat piecemeal. By exploring three dimensions of library assessment (the organizational, the inquisitive, and the methodological), this article will discuss how diverse assessment practices fit into an overall scheme, or Total Library Assessment (TLA). The article also presents several strategies to maximize assessment coverage and extend the reach of the assessment librarian. This top-level view of library assessment can be a helpful intermediate step toward thoughtful, effective, structured assessment planning that operates within the context of a unique organization.  相似文献   


Determining the best methods of assessment for a library instruction program in a large research university can be a challenging task. Albert R. Mann Library at Cornell University Library has pilot-tested three methods of formative and summative assessment for its library instruction program-attitudinal, outcomes-based, and gap-measure-and determined not only key areas of improvement for the program, but also the benefits and drawbacks of each method of assessment. Attitudinal assessment has guided program improvement in areas of marketing and user satisfaction but does not provide the measurement of learning that outcomes-based assessment covers. The latter can be difficult to achieve in single-session, short-term instruction, while gap-measure assessment can provide a more nuanced view of both patron and instructor attitudes toward learning outcomes, if not actual data on achievement of the objectives themselves. The authors have determined that a combination of these three different types of assessment can address the shortcomings of a single method alone and provide a better measure of the program as a whole.  相似文献   

黄婧 《图书情报工作》2011,55(23):64-67
我国高校图书馆成效评估的理论和实践落后于西方发达国家,在明确成效评估等相关概念的基础上,通过梳理国外高校图书馆成效评估的理论体系形成过程及相关实践的发展脉络可以看出,高校图书馆评价理论发展是以实证研究为支撑,不断向高等教育等相关学科借鉴学习的过程。国外的发展经验对我国图书馆评价理论及实践发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   



Collections are one of the core resources provided by libraries and are often seen as what defines a library. Collection policies and priorities are put into place to guide the growth of libraries’ collections. However as time passes, are the collections created best suited to the current patron population? Collection assessment can be used to evaluate how well the developing collection follows the guidelines that have been put into place. Collection assessment can also be beneficial in the library strategic planning process by identifying strengths and weaknesses in the collection, particularly in new areas of interest. It can also help identify areas that may need additional funding to continue the level of support previously maintained for an area.  相似文献   


A well-crafted localized survey is an excellent opportunity to efficiently collect data about library user feelings and experiences on a large scale. 800 undergraduate students and employees of a mid-sized public university responded to an online survey about their feelings on library space, communication, services, and collections. Employing a variety of question types, the authors sought to include measures that would yield both pertinent and meaningful feedback. Results were analyzed and prioritized by significance and librarians culled the results for actionable findings and opportunities for further study or long-term benchmarking.  相似文献   


Collections assessment in academic libraries has experienced a shift in recent years from project-based models to continuous models that aim improve the responsivity of library collections to campus needs. This article reports on how one university library used a library committee with representation from across library departments to develop a holistic, on-going Collection Management Cycle. This newly created process evaluates the entire library collection over a five-year period and aligns with library reporting requirements for university program review to minimize additional workload and improve the impact of external reporting activities.  相似文献   

In 2014, Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska Fairbanks conducted its first collection condition survey. The institutionally significant Alaska Collection was chosen as a manageable project. Research design based on the literature review led the researcher to conduct two surveys: one examining the entire collection and one looking at only those books most recently circulated. The combined surveys revealed that the circulating books are much more badly damaged that the books in the collection that do not circulate, across a variety of attributes.  相似文献   

自我效能理论视阈的高校图书馆用户教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从社会认知的角度,将自我效能理论应用于高校图书馆用户教育中,分析用户教育与自我效能之间的关系,影响图书馆用户自我效能的因素有以前利用图书馆的直接经验、替代性经验、言语劝说以及生理和情绪状态。提出在用户教育中应增加用户利用图书馆的直接经验、综合施用间接性经验、开展分层次的教育、引导用户进行正确归因以及缓解用户紧张与焦虑情绪等提高图书馆自我效能的策略。  相似文献   

A seismic retrofitting project required the UCSB Library (University of California, Santa Barbara) to permanently reduce its on-site collections by 120,000 volumes. To accomplish this successfully, a strong collaboration with the faculty was essential. This article describes a planning process in which the library worked with a faculty committee to implement a campus-wide survey of faculty and graduate students regarding their behaviors and preferences in accessing and using the collections. The survey outcomes informed a common understanding of which physical materials should remain on-site and which could be moved to storage with the least impact on research and teaching.  相似文献   

论高校图书馆系统的效益评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
指出图书馆系统的效益评价是图书馆工作科学化、计量化的基础和保证;阐述高校图书馆系统效益评价的概念及意义;论述图书馆系统效益评价的可能性和必要性;分析当前图书馆系统的效益评价模式;结合高校图书馆建筑和设备的投入成本和产出效益对图书馆系统的效益结构进行初步探索。  相似文献   


This article considers two components identified as essential to effective academic library Websites-satisfaction of user needs and adherence to university Website guidelines-and how they sometimes contradict one another. A literature review is provided, followed by results of a survey the author created and distributed that measures a librarian's perception of his/her school's Web-administration scenario. The author concludes with suggestions for balancing university Web guidelines and user satisfaction.  相似文献   


Librarians have been seeking solutions to improve library user experience. The popularity of mobile devices leads to the increasing demand for reliable and efficient wireless communication in libraries. The City Tech librarians make an effort to improve Wi-Fi network to address such challenge. The Wi-Fi survey results indicate that students are dissatisfied with the library Wi-Fi access and hope to get better wireless communication for their mobile devices. To seek approaches to the improvement of Wi-Fi speed and reliability, the authors adopted NetSpot Pro loaded with the library building map to audit wireless network performance. The Wi-Fi site survey shows the library Wi-Fi network has not only weak Wi-Fi signal strength, but also experiences severe interference and overlapping channels. The study suggests that the Library and campus IT can enhance the Wi-Fi network performance by adding more wireless APs and optimizing the locations of existing APs, Wi-Fi network setting, and wireless connection procedure. By upgrading the CUNY Fiber Network and network improvement strategy, the Library can provide effective wireless communication for student learning and research, and ultimately give students memorable library experiences.  相似文献   


Academic special collections librarians have made great strides in making their collections discoverable and accessible to a wide audience. This article examines use of special collections departments and the many kinds of outreach librarians undertake to increase access to and knowledge of their collections, including creating electronic finding aids, digitizing material, collaborating with faculty, increasing participation in instruction and reference, and using exhibits, social media, and relationships with community partners to further the mission and goals of the library and the college or university. The article uses the University of Illinois at Chicago Special Collections Department as a case study.  相似文献   

高校图书馆读者服务创新研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
分析了高校图书馆读者服务工作面临的挑战,提出扩大服务对象范围,开展远程教育与公众服务,营造舒适、方便、快捷的服务环境,拓展信息资源渠道,提供基于资源集成与无缝存取的一站式服务等一系列创新图书馆读者服务工作的举措。  相似文献   


Libraries use surveys and other instruments to gather feedback from their users. However, with competition from many other campus entities requesting input, how can survey fatigue be avoided? To gather this feedback, the Social Sciences Reference Desk utilized a short, fun and easy method. Each week for 10 weeks during the fall semester of 2017, the reference assistants wrote a survey question on a whiteboard and provided sticky notes for patrons to write their answers. The survey provided valuable information about patrons’ needs and expectations. It also fostered changes that were easily implemented to improve the delivery of library services.  相似文献   

文章对112所"211工程"高校图书馆的用户培训服务进行调查分析,提出做好用户培训服务工作是高校图书馆发展的需要:(1)重视培训信息发布方式;(2)培训专题应结合学校学科的需要;(3)重视用户对培训服务的反馈意见;(4)加强馆员素质教育,提高培训服务质量。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]总结近年来高校图书馆在转型与发展的进程中,用户服务所呈现出的变化趋势,以期为这方面工作的开展和理论研究提供参考。[方法/过程]主要采用文献调查法和案例分析法,探讨高校图书馆用户服务体系的再构建和用户服务的发展趋势。[结果/结论]为适应信息化社会的到来,高校图书馆积极调整其职能定位,不断探索用户服务的新模式和新手段,并在此基础上重新构建用户服务体系,在这一进程中,用户服务在理念、机构、模式、内容、亮点、营销、合作等方面呈现出明显的变化趋势。  相似文献   

大学图书馆用户满意度调查方法研究及启示   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
澳大利亚大学图书馆应用Rodski用户满意度调查方法从用户的角度评价图书馆的服务工作绩效,找出图书馆服务工作的重心及急需图书馆改进的领域,以利于整体把握和推进图书馆质量管理工作。文章从调查目的及指导思想、RodskiGroup与澳大利亚大学图书馆馆长委员会(CAUL)合作方式、调查方法及数据统计方法、调查结果在图书馆工作中的应用等方面研究评价了这种调查方法及其给我国大学图书馆用户满意度调查研究和图书馆服务质量评估工作带来的启示。  相似文献   


The effective use of library resources is critical to the success of international students, a group which is gaining importance in American higher education. These students face unique challenges in their pursuit of higher education in a foreign country which presents both language and cultural barriers. The authors conducted a mail survey of two populations. International students and U.S. students were sent nearly identical surveys designed to compare use patterns, perceptions of the library and its services, and willingness to seek help. A comparison of responses provides insight into both similar and differing behaviors and suggestions for improving service.  相似文献   

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