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Ma  Yan-hong 《美中教育评论》2013,(9):702-706
Since Krashen put forward the Affective Filter Hypothesis, more and more concern has been paid to the anxiety problem in Second and foreign language teaching and learning. Meanwhile, CL (cooperative learning) has gained much attention in recent years, both at home and abroad. Most researches (Oxford & Ehrman, 1993; Kagan, 1994; Slavin, 1995) on CL indicated that CL is a classroom procedure which can lower anxiety and improve learning outcomes. Although the researches abroad have suggested that CL has a positive impact on reducing foreign language learning anxiety, few empirical researches on CL have been conducted in China. Moreover, according to the author's observation, anxiety is most obvious in oral English activities. Therefore, this thesis attempts to investigate some Chinese non-English freshmen's foreign language learning anxiety. Two classes are involved in the study: one as the experimental class instructed with CL method, the other as the control class taught with the traditional teaching method. By using a classical instrument, the FLCAS (foreign language classroom anxiety scale), this study examined the subjects' foreign language learning anxiety. According to the analysis and comparison of the first and second FLCAS, the author finds CL has a significant effect on reducing students' foreign language learning anxiety.  相似文献   

依据桂林师专生化制药专业学生进行科研过程中出现的一系列问题,探讨大学生在进行科研创新中的管理办法,并提出具体的培养方案,为今后大学生进行科研实训及提高科研能力提供参考。  相似文献   

This study investigated the direct and indirect relationships between participating in a learning community, student engagement, and self-reported learning outcomes. Using a sample of 241 freshmen at a single urban research university who took the College Student Experiences Questionnaire, the results indicate that after controlling for demographic characteristics and entering composite ACT score, the relationship between learning community participation and learning outcomes are mediated by students’ levels of engagement. Learning community participation was not directly related to educational gains but was indirectly related to educational gains through student engagement. Student engagement in turn was strongly related to educational gains.  相似文献   

志愿服务是公民社会的核心理念,是大学生积极响应"向群众学习、向实践学习"的精神体现,具有独特的育人价值和育人优势;是新时期高校新育人范式。  相似文献   

大学生幸福观是一个值得探究的重要人生问题。当前大学生幸福观存在着注重物质、个人、结果、虚无幸福,忽视精神、社会、过程、现实幸福的误区,主要由社会环境复杂化、学校教育异己化、家庭关怀淡漠化、个人感知弱化等因素所致。引导大学生形成健康的幸福观,可以通过价值融入、预警导航、文化渗透、情感体验等多种路径实现。  相似文献   

研究团体沙盘游戏对大学生职业决策自我效能的影响,探索提高大学生职业决策自我效能的途径,可以为大学生的职业指导提供一套可行的实施方案。经过沙盘游戏辅导,大学生在自我评价、收集信息、选择目标、制定规划、问题解决等维度上的得分有了显著的提高。  相似文献   

张单 《海外英语》2014,(4):235-238
By employing quantitative research methods, the paper investigates college students' preferences to English classroom behaviors and the relations between behaviors and achievements. The results indicate that there are significant differences among the subjects' behavior, cognitive and emotional elements, and their classroom behaviors are mainly visual, individual, imitative and exterior-motivated; there are significant differences in behavior element and emotional element between high-result group and low-result group; confident and oral classroom behaviors have prominent relations with CET-4 achievements, and different teaching methods may make learning behaviors produce good or bad effects to achievements.  相似文献   

边疆地区的安全、稳定与发展,关系到国家的长治久安。只有实现边疆地区社会经济的发展,缩小与内地的差距,才能使国家和谐、健康、稳定地发展。孙中山先生非常重视中国边疆地区的发展,并为此提出各种具体的设想和规划,开发建设广西是其中的重要组成部分。文章通过梳理孙中山的相关阐述,为边疆地区社会经济的发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

高校校友能为高校提供教育教学、信息、智力、物质、公共关系等多种资源,确立可持续性开发的战略,充分挖掘校友资源,创设顺畅的信息沟通平台,并将校友资源融入就业教育当中,推动实训基地建设,举办校友企业专场双选会,对提升高校学生就业竞争力、促进就业工作起着重要的作用。  相似文献   


Three thousand, one hundred sixty students involved in online instruction at 31 colleges and universities across the United States completed a survey designed to probe into whether statements derived from 8 standards in the Quality MattersTM (QM) rubric contributed to their success. The 43-item survey instrument measured students’ perceptions of online course quality. The effect of age and employment status on their perceptions was measured. Based on a series of ANOVA (analysis of variance)s, it was found that the highest rated standard was QM3 on Assessment and Measurement. There were significant differences between age groups. Students under 45, contrasted to those over 45, highly valued clarity and appropriateness of assessments and clear criteria for grading. For students above the age of 45, QM6 on Course Technology was valued highest. They placed a high value on the tools and media that support learning objectives and classmate interactivity. QM3 was rated highest across all employment groups—those employed part-time, full-time, and those who were unemployed. Standards 1 (Course Overview and Introduction), 2 (Learning Objectives), 4 (Resources and Materials), and 7 (Learner Support) were valued higher by students working full-time and those who were unemployed compared with those working part-time. It is likely that students who work part-time are not as focused on academics as are those who do not work. They may not be as motivated to perform well as students who work full-time. Implications for course designers and instructors are discussed.  相似文献   

ZENG Wei 《海外英语》2014,(16):278-279,281
Based on the related theories of Corpus Linguistics and Error Analysis, this paper is aimed to evaluate the effect of selfcorrection through the educational experiment, with non-English major students using web corpus to identify and self-correct their errors as the subjects. To help art students improve their English writing skills, the search engine of and sentence database of online dictionary of the internet corpus are effective and helpful.  相似文献   

自美国学者柯克提出学习困难的定义以来,学习困难的研究一直受到学者们的广泛关注,国内外研究者从不同角度对学习困难进行研究,发现导致学习困难的因素是多方面的,包括生物学因素、心理认知因素、环境因素等。该文综合国内外近十年的相关研究成果,对学习困难的影响因素进行简要阐述,旨在为防治学习困难措施的制订提供依据。  相似文献   

A review through the origination,development and prospect of Human resource accounting(HPA) is presented based on the study of plentiful literatures about if.HRA is defined as an accounting procedure and method to discriminate and meaure the data of human resources,aiming to provide information which is concerned with the change of human resources for the outside people to serve human resource management,It is experiencing a nearly frozen period following its hot time in 1970s after its origination in America in 1960s.The theoretic foundation of HRA is classical plutonomy dated back to 17th century,There were two preeminent persons in the higtory of HRA,One was Theodore Schultz who established his human capital theory relating education that improves the human capital value with economy;the other was Eric G.Flamholtz who enriched the concept,research methods and application of HRA,In China,the research on HRA started i 1980s beginning with introducing overseas achievements.Multiple views coexist i the academy on whether human resources should be taken as accounting assets and on where to put the HRA information in financial statements.The application of HRA is constrained by the absence of ull-blown theories and methodological systems about it as well as difficulties in evaluating human resources and the obstacle of conventional understandings,However,with the coming of intellective economy,the globalization of competition and the entry of China into WTO.The day of HRA will surely come.  相似文献   

校友资源在大学生就业工作中有信息来源、就业岗位提供、就业能力培养的独特优势,目前高校在开发利用过程中存在的问题为:观念上的忽视、资源维护和服务机制的建设规划缺乏、校友资源深层开发操作轻视、综合利用效能不高,基于此,提出了创设平台、构建机制、强化校友交流合作等举措。  相似文献   

以桂林师专为研究总体,采用问卷调查方法定量描述了在校大学生的恋爱现状及婚恋态度,试图为高校婚恋教育研究提供实践依据。研究表明:大学生婚恋观总趋势是积极健康的,但仍存在某些偏差,如恋爱动机复杂化;注重追求精神享受;对性持开放和宽容的态度;男女生在人际交往、消费行为上不同程度受到了恋爱的影响;初恋年龄的提前和结婚年龄的推后进一步强化了恋爱和婚姻的分离,这些有可能成为当代大学生婚恋教育的重点和难点所在。  相似文献   

利用校友资源 服务大学生就业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校友是大学生就业中难得的社会资本,在促进大学生就业中具有非常重要的价值.校友通过参与学校的教育教学工作,提升学生就业竞争力;还可以帮助学生树立正确的就业观,指导学生进行职业生涯规划,给学生提供就业信息等,以促进大学生有效地就业.  相似文献   

当前,大学毕业生就业已经成为一个备受社会各界关注的热点问题。严峻的就业形势使得当今大学生面临着巨大的就业压力。作为高校要充分考虑并利用各种资源来为毕业生就业创造条件,而校友资源就是高校资源中的一笔重要无形财富。本文试图对校友资源在高校毕业生工作中的作用进行探讨,并就如何利用校友资源促进高校毕业生就业工作提出建议。  相似文献   

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