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余毅  唐普  彭文彬  吴学军  杨琪 《编辑学报》2013,25(4):310-311
针对科技期刊组稿现状,分析存在的问题,提出一种基于积分模式的论文优选方法。设计了论文优先发表的积分指标体系和相应积分值。结合网络审稿流程,阐述论文积分值的计算方法和应用效果。这为当前科技期刊的组稿和论文出刊前的遴选提供了一套公平、公正、客观、统一的操作方法。  相似文献   

组稿是期刊编辑工作的重要内容,是获取优秀稿件、提升学术期刊影响力的重要途径;然而,批量组稿会导致期刊论文发表时滞延长。对实例和数据的分析结果表明,这一问题确实存在,组稿活动对论文发表时滞的影响主要源于对自然来稿待发时滞的影响,而并不影响定稿时滞和期刊的印制时滞。提出了关于处理组稿与自然来稿关系的建议,以避免和降低组稿活动带来的负面效应。  相似文献   

郝晋 《编辑学报》2001,13(Z1):1-2
通过分析编辑活动在社会文化活动中主体性特征和编辑在编辑活动中所起的主体作用,论证了"编辑主体意识"是客观存在.编辑可在组稿、识别真假论文上集中体现其"编辑主体意识".  相似文献   

对《中国核心期刊引证报告》(2012年版)公布的17种口腔医学核心期刊创刊以来刊登的被引次数≥40的论文(共计305篇)的期刊分布、论文合作情况、作者分布、机构分布、基金资助及学科分布等进行了分析,为科技期刊编辑部的选题策划、审稿组稿提供参考。  相似文献   

数据挖掘在专刊组稿策划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专题报道是提升科技期刊质量和品牌的重要途径,其中专题策划是关键.以《洁净煤技术》专刊《煤炭燃烧及污染物防治理论与技术》为例,分析数据挖掘在专刊组稿策划中的应用.利用中国知网(CNKI)确定专刊选题方向,利用国家科技报告服务系统确定专刊报道方向,利用百度学术平台、CNKI等挖掘优秀作者资源,对专刊传播效果进行分析.利用数据挖掘准确捕捉了学科热点领域与前沿科学走向,有效把握读者需求,发掘大量优秀作者信息,为专刊的精准约稿提供了保障.据CNKI统计,《洁净煤技术》2015年论文按照被引频次和下载量排序,专刊论文分别占TOP 50论文数的36%和40%.《洁净煤技术》利用大数据选题组稿取得了良好效果,扩大了期刊的学术影响力.  相似文献   

文章以1994~2013年,国际Web of Science数据库中SSCI收录的以"数字出版"为主题的481篇论文为研究对象,首先依据"一阶线性齐式差分方程式",将国际数字出版的研究分为1994~2006,2007~2013二个阶段;再采用"共词分析法"与"社会网络分析法"分别对此二阶段以数字出版为题的论文的关键词进行共词频次、中心性分布与派系分析。从中得出国际数字出版的研究热点及趋势。  相似文献   

正本刊2013年第9期所刊《北大新闻学茶座(32)》一文,将台湾政治大学讲座教授汪琪误登为"汪淇",特此更正。并向汪琪教授致歉。本刊2013年第12期张征论文《微博新闻对社会问题的追溯现象研究——以新浪微博学生中毒事件报道为例》,得到中国人民大学新闻与社  相似文献   

学术期刊影响因子造假表现形式多样,危害巨大。要想真正提高影响因子,学术期刊应该发挥编辑主体意识,加强选题组稿;缩短出版周期,增强论文时效性;充分利用网络信息技术,注重对论文的宣传推介。  相似文献   

弓艳玲 《今传媒》2021,29(4):79-81
本文根据中国知网(CNKI)提供的数据,分析1999~2019年《广西中医药大学学报》期刊被引及下载频次在前12位的论文,得出药学综述及研究类论文的被引频次和下载频次相对较高;而临床及教学研究类论文下载及被引频次相对较低;被引频次与出版年月和有无基金项目无明显关系。提出要提高被引频次,提高期刊学术水平,需要关注热点,优化组稿,从论文整体质量着手,期望能为相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

如何组约高质量的首发文献,这已经成为医学期刊编辑最关注的问题之一。2006年以来,《临床误诊误治》杂志以中国科学院汪忠镐院士及其研究团队对胃食管反流病(GERD)及胃食管反流气道综合征(GELTS)研究为主线,尝试了研究型组稿,即深入研究团队跟踪观察,对研究结果进行策划型报道,并通过网站专题、报纸、博客、微博等多种形式发挥媒体的联动效应。研究型组稿为新型学科的萌芽培植土壤,有助于提高期刊影响力,锻炼编辑的组稿策划能力。在策划过程中,编辑要善思考、肯勤奋、懂融入,以组约到优质的、具有创新性的论文。  相似文献   

如何有效利用专家审稿意见处理稿件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玉  葛建平  苏磊  蔡斐 《编辑学报》2016,28(1):47-49
经济原则的核心思想是"如无必要,勿增实体",在科学活动中,它是一种科学观和方法论.在科技期刊编辑活动中,科技期刊编辑的经济原则是一种必要性思维方法、一种概括性思维方法和一种简易性思维方法.文章论述这一原则在选稿、审稿,优化论文结构、内容表达方面的应用价值,其中重点论述在引用、图表和数学语言方面如何应用经济原则.  相似文献   

The likelihood of use in Rusbult's (e.g., Rusbult & Zembrodt, 1983) typology of exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect responses to romantic relationships was assessed for its general applicability to unpleasant work relationships. Correlational analysis revealed that one's own orientation to an unpleasant work relationship and the perception of the other person's orientation to the problematic relationship were associated with the voice response. Loyalty was associated with one's own orientation to the problematic relationship, as was the neglect response. Status relative to the unpleasant person was found to shape one's responses to the relationship as well. Some correlations varied by gender.  相似文献   

ZOO exhibits have fairly high attractive power, but often do not engage visitors or hold their attention for long. A drawback of naturalistic zoo exhibits is the frequent inability of zoo visitors to find the animals, as increased animal visibility increases visitor stay time and engagement. Even visible animals can be difficult for visitors to find unaided. In this study, signs pointing out the animals' locations were added to a tiger exhibit at Zoo Atlanta, but they did not increase the number of visitors who found the tigers in the exhibit While the signs were accurate in pointing out the tigers' locations (due to the high predictability of the tigers' resting habits), very few visitors reported even using the signs. Interviews with visitors indicated that visitors did not read the signs, and that animal activity and children's ability to see animals may affect visitors' self‐reports of ability to find tigers.  相似文献   

王蕾 《编辑学报》2014,26(1):37-39
修改说明是稿件退修过程中作者对审稿意见的回复,是作者行使知情权、参与权、表达权(申诉权、话语权)和监督权的体现;因此是编辑质量控制流程中不可忽视的一个环节。本文针对科技论文中作者对修改说明重视不够,存在敷衍搪塞、避而不答或答非所问的一些现象,提出了改进措施并阐述了编辑在质量控制中的意义和作用。  相似文献   

This article examines public librarians' experiences with attempted censorship, including their dismay, anger, and disappointment with fellow librarians and their professional organizations, which those under attack found apathetic in safeguarding user rights and protecting their jobs as library professionals. Some of these librarians became the activists who campaigned for the creation of the American Library Association's (ALA) legal defense machinery, along with other primarily young progressive librarians, who pushed forward their own agenda. This study highlights these public librarians' struggles, which made the Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) and ALA leading professional organizations in championing intellectual freedom. The study focuses on cases that shaped ALA's policy that led to the establishment of a defense mechanism for librarians in the late 1960s and 1970s. It also examines the extent to which ALA upheld the organization's professional credo and its members' rights.  相似文献   

张岚 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):418-419
期刊经营与发展需定位于读者需求及其满足。通过问卷调查法结合访谈搜集读者需求,并对结果加以分析。认为期刊建设须以读者需求为导向,坚持以读者为中心的服务理念,拓展服务空间及形式,科学引导读者的阅读需求,提高读者信息素养,以读者参与的双向互动模式满足读者的阅读需求。  相似文献   


Using Bloom's Taxonomy, this article provides a practical approach for enhancing critical thinking by business students. The article first describes Bloom's Taxonomy and how the model may be used as a framework for engaging business students in higher-order thought. It then explains how secondary research methods can be used to move business students to the higher planes of thought identified in Bloom's Taxonomy. Lastly, Herrick's criteria are used as a framework to analyze and evaluate the quality of secondary sources.  相似文献   

根据《材料科学与工艺》刊物的特点,根据送专家审稿经验,认为:在加强编辑自我学习、提高自身水平的基础上,了解、掌握刊物涉及学科的分支;根据刊物所涉及的学科分支通过网络手段建立准确、详细的专家库;对于每篇来稿,根据稿件类型挑选合适的审稿专家,再结合编辑对稿件的熟悉程度选择如何送审;送审结束后要追踪整个审稿过程,掌握专家的反馈信息和登录情况,及时催审和补送。采用这些方法,可以保证审稿的质量和时效性,从而提高刊物的质量。  相似文献   

原宝华 《编辑学报》2010,22(6):537-539
通过对居民健康素养现状的分析,探讨如何进行医学科普期刊内容和形式上的策划,提高其可读性,以满足不同人群的医疗卫生需求.  相似文献   

Concerned that inappropriate Internet content may jeopardize the health or safety of children, this study is designed to provide insights into children's exposure to negative Internet content by building a hypothesized theoretical model that examines the effect of family context factors (family cohesion, shared Web activities, parents' Internet skill, and parents' perceived control) on children's exposure to negative Internet content. Findings from the 178 participating families who completed the survey demonstrate that children are more exposed to negative Internet content than what most parents expect. Parents' perceived control, obtained through shared Web activities and family cohesion, was determined to actually reduce children's exposure to negative Internet content.  相似文献   

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