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在高校中,具有法定领导地位和影响能力的个人叫领导者。由于高校领导者的特殊地位,决定了它在工作中具有一些特性。首先,高校领导者具有依存性,领导者与被领导者之间是相互依存的。其次,高校领导者具有使服从性。领导者对被领导者具有一定的影响力。领导者的影响力是...  相似文献   

严珍  耿有三 《天中学刊》1998,13(6):124-124
管理心理学认为,一个领导者领导功能的实现,是通过领导者对下属的影响力来完成的,没有影响力的领导者,意味着其领导资格的丧失。领导影响力是指领导者以其身冲个性特征有效地影响与改变被领导者心理和行为的能力,它包括权力影响力和非权力影响力。权力影响力是由社会赋予个人的职务、地位、权力等构成的,对别人的影响带有强迫性和不可抗拒性,在权力影响力作用下被影响者的心理和行为表现为被动服从,因此,它对人的影响是有限的。非权力影响力是靠领导者自身的个性特征与行为所形成的,它比权力影响力具有更大的影响。领导要提高自己…  相似文献   

领导魅力不是指地位,不是指权力,也不是指领导者个人的智慧,而是指存在于领导者和被领导者之间一种互动的积极的影响力。要实现这种积极的影响力,就需要领导者的大智慧。  相似文献   

一个单位工作的好坏,领导具有决定性的影响。学校亦然,校长能否正常开展工作,其影响力起着举足轻重的作用。 一、构成影响力的主要因素   影响和影响力是既有区别又有联系的两个概念。影响,从反映论来说,是指对他人或周围事物所起的作用,回答的是影响者与被影响者之间产生的相互感应效应。影响力,从事实来说,是指一个人在与他人交往中影响和改变他人心理和行为的能力,是影响者本身的一种力量的体现和标志。影响力一旦发生作用,就转化为一种影响。   从理论上说,任何一个人都可能对他人产生一定的影响,这是影响与被影响的关…  相似文献   

校长是学校领导管理工作的主体 ,任何一所学校搞得好与坏 ,首先看它是否有一位好校长 ,因为校长是一校之魂 ,办学校 ,一靠校长、二靠教职工 ,这是比什么“硬件”都要硬的根本条件。校长在领导管理学校工作中 ,要想提高领导功能 ,除了要运用权力性影响力外 ,更重要的是要重视和提高自己的非权力性影响力。因为权力性影响力俗称强制性影响力 ,它是指领导者运用上级授予的职权强制下属服从的一种能力 ,它强调命令与服从。而非权力性影响力则称为自然性影响力 ,它是指由领导者自身因素形成的一种影响力 ,表现为被领导者对领导者的尊重、依赖、钦…  相似文献   

林国健 《广西教育》2013,(38):47-48
校长作为学校的灵魂人物,是学校的最高行政领导。学校领导工作效能的高低,决定着一所学校发展水平、办学效益的高低,正如柳斌所说:“一个好校长就是一所好学校。”而领导工作效能的高低又取决于校长影响力的强弱。因此,要办好一所学校最根本的问题就是要提高校长的影响力。校长的影响力包括权力性影响力和非权力性影响力两种。  相似文献   

管理心理学认为,领导的过程,就是领导者对被领导者施加心理影响的过程。一个领导者要有效地发挥领导功能,带领群众实现组织目标,关键在于领导有没有影响力。所谓影响力,就是一个人在与他人的交往中,影响和改变他人的思想和心理行为的能力。也就是说,领导的影响力是实现领导功能的基础。下面我想就什么是领导、领导人的权力、领导人如何提高影响力等问题,谈谈个人的认识。  相似文献   

所谓影响力,是指一个人在和他人交往的过程中,影响和改变他人思想、心理和行为的能力。心理学家认为,一个领导者要实现领导功能,关键在于领导的影响力。可见,领导者的影响力,直接关系到目标的实现、决策的实施、领导效能的发挥和单位管理的好坏。学校  相似文献   

领导者个人素质与非权力性影响力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在领导者的领导活动中,既有权力性影响力,又有非权力性影响力,相对于权力性能影响力而言非权力性影响力更能激发下属的工作能动性,更有助于提高领导效能。领导者要提高自己的非权力性影响力,就必须以自身的品格、能力、知识、情感等对被领导者实施影响,非权利的影响力比权力性影响力要广泛、稳定,彼此之间相辅相成。  相似文献   

现代教育理论认为,校长作为一校之长拥有两种影响力。一种是权力影响力,一种是非权力影响力,这两种影响力是校长实现领导功能、治校不可或缺的两大因素。所谓权力影响力是校长依凭地位和职权进行发号施令来实现其领导功能的一种权力影响力。非权力影响力则是校长以其品格、知识能力、业务水平和情感为基础,以综合素质和人格魅力为感召力来影响全校广大师生,从而实现其领导功能的一种权力影响力。作为一名校长,要在全校师生中树立良好的形象,拥有较高威信,就必须注重提高自身的非权力影响  相似文献   

网络监督与高校领导办学治校能力的提高   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与传统媒介监督相比,网络监督具有更方便、更真实、更快捷、传播更广、舆论监督影响力更大等特点。高校领导行为的网络监督主体是教师与学生,网络监督已成为高校发展的常态;网络监督对高校领导的领导行为改变有不容忽视的影响,对提高高校领导的办学治校能力具有重要作用;高校领导应以积极的心态认识和接受师生的网络监督,并以有效的措施解决师生提出的各种问题,从而提高自身的领导能力。  相似文献   

高校领导干部要全面提高自身的领导水平,就必须正确处理民主与集中、局部与全局、领导与群众、做人与做事的关系。  相似文献   

领导者在组织中起着关键作用,是组织内的核心人物,其主要职能是指挥引导、沟通协调和激励鼓舞等,领导行为是一个通过使用各类权力来影响下属的过程,有效领导的基础是领导者的权威,实现有效领导的途径是合理用权,授权是一种特殊的权力分配形式,是领导者从程序化事物工作中解脱出来的最好办法,领导者要实施有效管理,必须学会授权,而且要掌握授权的艺术,如要掌握好授权的权限和时机,要认真挑选合适的授权人选.要分不同情况采取灵活的授权方式.还应避免授权中的错误。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to examine and describe educational leaders’ mindset types related to schooling of students with ADHD in five municipalities with ADHD special education classes and in five pair-matched municipalities without such classes. Selection of the ten municipalities was based on the results from a nationwide survey (response rate 76%) aimed at investigating how Swedish municipalities organise schooling for ADHD students. Interview data was analysed with the use of a theoretical framework presented as a typology table describing mindsets more or less in line with either the neuropsychiatric paradigm or inclusion. The perceived neuropsychiatric influence on ADHD students’ schooling seemed to affect educational leaders’ decision making, leading to different schooling for ADHD students in different municipalities. The findings, presented as municipality profiles, are discussed in relation to the notion of inclusive education and alternative educational paths leading either towards inclusion or exclusion.  相似文献   

高职院校中层执行机构中的正职与副职领导关系,直接影响到整个中层领导班子的凝聚力和战斗力。和谐而稳定的正职与副职领导关系有助于带领团队同心同德,实现学校领导制定的战略目标;否则,必将产生权力边界模糊,个人利益矛盾突出,多重冲突交织,改革发展效力弱化等问题。基于高职院校发展现代化背景,着重探讨高职院校中层正职与副职领导的权力关系,分析在具体管理工作中正职与副职领导权力的冲突表现、危害及其根源,并针对这些问题提出客观、有效的合理化建议。  相似文献   

谈新课改下农村中小学校长的课程领导   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国内外学者研究发现,校长的课程领导在极大程度上影响课程改革的效果。调查发现,农村中小学校长在课程领导作用、课程领导方向、课程领导策略、课程领导状态等方面存在诸多问题。要提高校长课程领导以促进课程改革发展,必须改变校长对自己的角色定位、改变校长课程领导的关注点、加强校长课程领导的力度、拓宽校长课程领导的视野、对校长课程领导进行重新定位。  相似文献   


Background: While the school leader’s role is undoubtedly instrumental in school effectiveness, the specific influence of formal leadership on pupil learning is indirect and can be difficult to determine. Research findings suggest that school leaders can influence school organisation and pupil learning by acting catalytically, thus unlocking their schools’ existing potential. In school-based development, school leaders and their staff undergo a workplace development process, using school resources to contribute to it.

Purpose: This article explores the concept of leadership in school-based development, focusing on leading teacher learning processes in relation to pupil learning. The research problem is formulated in the following question: How is the school leader’s role enacted and experienced when enhancing teachers’ learning in school-based development? The intent of the study was to further the understanding of leadership in school-based development.

Sources of information and method: A qualitative interview study was conducted with teachers and leaders from three lower secondary schools, roughly 2 years after the schools participated in a formal school-based development project which was initiated by the Norwegian education authority. To present the findings based on the collected data, narrative texts were constructed.

Findings: The findings draw attention to the importance of leaders’ participation in the teacher learning processes of school-based development. The study highlights the importance of leaders building trust in their schools: development processes must be collegium-rooted with common goals for the whole school. The interplay of culture, structure and content is found to be necessary for successful school-based development. Furthermore, school leaders need to balance internal and external accountability, moving school practices towards local goals, which are constructed within national overall aims.

Conclusions: The study suggests that leaders require an overview of developmental processes to manage to support and progress development; leadership needs to be distributed. Further research on leaders’ learning in relation to school-based development can generate knowledge that serves as a thinking tool, thereby informing leaders’ actions in support of school-based development.  相似文献   

院(系)党政领导班子要增强群体活力,应注意理顺六对关系;院(系)党组织与行政的关系;集体领导与分工负责的关系;领导与群众的关系;全局利益与局部利益的关系;正职与副职的关系;管理工作与业务的关系。  相似文献   

太平天国对上帝形象的创造与基督教上帝纯灵说有着天壤之别。太平天国创造的上帝具有人类的相貌和性格,是人格化的神灵。太平天国领导人心中的上帝形象,是来源于洪秀全的异梦、受到《劝世良言》的启示并融入了民间宗教的成分再加上他们的想象而创造出来的复合体。太平天国依靠上帝的形象动员民众、加强管理、调适领导集团内部的关系,无疑有助于太平天国的发展。同时,太平天国领导人也凭藉上帝的权威来谋求自己的利益,这是太平天国运动失败的原因之一。  相似文献   


A key goal of school choice policies is to generate competition between schools, which should theoretically drive school leaders to improve their programs to attract and retain students. However, few studies examine how principals actually perceive and define competition. This article empirically examines school leaders’ conceptions of competition and their strategic behaviors using cognitive frameworks from new institutional theory, including sensemaking theory. Drawing on data from qualitative interviews with 30 charter school leaders in Arizona, we explore how leaders’ cognitive understandings of competition influence their actions in an educational “marketplace.” We find charter school leaders make meaning of “competition” in different ways, influenced by their local contexts and their conceptions of what actions are legitimate. Our work suggests that it is important to study the meanings of competition to school leaders, as it has important implications for schools’ competitive responses and, ultimately, student outcomes. Our work has important implications for policy makers seeking to expand school choice as it sheds light on how competition works in practice, with implications for equity and access.  相似文献   

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