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What can be done at the local school level to study the validity of measures of critical thinking? What information other than test scores should be analyzed? What validity can a test have for diagnosis, monitoring achievement, or curriculum reform?  相似文献   

What problems arise in translating a test to other languages? How can performance be compared for students who take different language versions of a test? What designs can be used for linking studies?  相似文献   

How can we help people get better at what they do? What might motivate people to want to get better? What do individuals need in order to maximize their learning? What would be the most effective delivery strategies for professional development events?  相似文献   

Essential Assessment Skills in Professional Education of Teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What content areas should be included in a testing and measurement course? What skills should teachers learn in each content area? How can this content and these skills be rationalized?  相似文献   

What components should be included in a portfolio of student work? How can the contents of portfolios be scored? How is reliability affected as the number of entries in the portfolio increases? What will it cost to obtain reliable scores?  相似文献   

How can we best extend DIF research to performance assessment? What are the issues and problems surrounding studies of DIF on complex tasks? What appear to be the best approaches at this time?  相似文献   

What has happened in recent decades to the test scores of American students? What can be said about the causes of trends in scores? Do these trends provide an indictment of the effectiveness of American schools? How should test scores be used to inform the debate about education policy?  相似文献   

What are some of the ways that the NAEP scales have been interpreted? Are such interpretations valid? What conditions are necessary before valid criterion-referenced interpretations can be made for the NAEP Proficiency Scales? Does the NAEP test development process meet these conditions?  相似文献   

Educational Testing Abroad and Lessons for the United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What are key features of schooling and testing in some major industrialized countries? What lessons can we learn u from other countries? How important is the issue of confidence in the teachers who will be called on to judge student performance?  相似文献   

What are secondary school teachers' views on testing and grading practices? What clusters of opinions can be categorized as ‘flexible,”“opposed to difficult testing,” or “hard-nosed?” How should the use of test results for grading be treated in teacher in-service training programs?  相似文献   


This essay explores what surfaces when we lead a reflection on the 2018 REA meeting with questions about teaching and learning. What pedagogical models appeared to be operative during the meeting? What voices were missing and which ones were privileged? Who benefitted from the pedagogies at work in the meeting? Who was marginalized? What pedagogical possibilities burst through the painful and difficult spaces in the meeting that can be a “North Star” to guide us in our future work?  相似文献   

数学教学中如何培养学生的反思能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了数学教学中培养反思能力的做法。即说理过程中使用了什么知识、什么思想方法?该命题是否还有其他说明方法?还可以得到什么结论?条件可否特殊化或一般化?题目中的题设和结论是否可以互换?  相似文献   

Professors Richard J. Murnane and John B. Willett set out to capitalize on recent developments in education data and methodology by attempting to answer the following questions: How can new methods and data be applied most effectively in educational and social science research? What kinds of research designs are most appropriate? What kinds of data are needed? What statistical methods are best used to process these data, and how can results be interpreted so that policymakers are best informed? In this review we summarize main contributions of the book, assess the unique value-added of the text, and discuss the usability of it to various potential audiences.  相似文献   

何谓体罚?体罚何以会产生?它有哪些危害?又为何屡禁不止?只有从不同维度进行深入探讨才有可熊准确地把握。而要有效地预防和矫治体罚,则务须倚重法律,但惟有多方配合,方能奏效。  相似文献   

Can districtwide portfolio assessment yield reliable scores? How can content and scoring be standardized? How can such assessment be integrated with instruction? What are the costs?  相似文献   

现代教育技术与创新人才培养   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
素质教育的核心是培养创新人才,而创新人才的培养离不开创造性思维的培养。什么是“创新”和“创新人才”?学术上对它们是如何界定的?它们与现代教育技术有何关系?该从理论上对此作了较为详尽的论证与阐述。  相似文献   

Why is it important to investigate the effectiveness of coaching for a test such as the SAT? How can you evaluate the effectiveness of coaching? What are some common misconceptions? What do we know and what is still unclear about the effects of coaching? What can we tell students and their families about the results of coaching studies ?  相似文献   

How can information and critique be introduced into an art project? What can art do? How can it position itself in society today?  相似文献   

哲学对于大学意味着什么   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哲学与大学的繁荣有什么关系?哲学与一流大学的建设有何关系?哲学与科学的关系在大学诞生之后发生了什么变化?大学自身如何看待这些问题?德国大学的事实,古典大学的某些传统,以及我们自己的事实,都能够说明一些观点。事实证明,自从近代大学不断发展起来,科学与哲学就有了它们共同的理想安憩之地,有了它们共生共盛共荣的最好家园。没有什么能够跟科学与哲学的融合更能说明无用之大用的,没有什么能够比大学更能理解这一点。  相似文献   

论学生学习动机的功利化倾向   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
20世纪90年代以来,我国学生的内部学习动机有一种逐渐减弱而功利化学生动机又有逐步增强的倾向。虽然功利性的学习动机能在特定的情景中促进学生的学习,但它很难成为持久的学习动力,也难以使学生形成积极的学习态度。形成这种状况的原因是什么?它对学生的未来发展有什么影响?我们对学生的学习动机应该有什么样的态度?这是我们在教育改革过程中必须面对的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

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