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This paper explores the cultural significance of boxing in its relationship to concepts and practices of masculinity, recently much discussed, but here reviewed specifically in European and American literary texts from the end of the nineteenth to the end of the twentieth centuries. Focussing on key moments of change in boxing’s significance in relation to male vocation, the paper will in particular investigate the extent to which literary responses to the sport cast light on the crisis masculinity has undergone since the start of the twentieth century. Changing attitudes to boxing will thus be interpreted as symptoms of modification in the concept and practice of manliness, successively from boxing as rite of passage, as profession or occupation, as idea, as fantasy and finally as image or neurosis. This evolution will be traced successively in four early twentieth-century European literary writers: Maurice Maeterlinck (first decade), Arthur Cravan (second decade), Robert Musil (third decade), and Malcolm Lowry (fourth decade). Little studied to date in this context, these writers together provide evidence of symptoms that will subsequently be clarified by contemporary American authors, whether of fiction (Chuck Palahniuk) or of socio-psychological study (Gerald Early, Carlos Rotella).  相似文献   

职业足球运动员协会是英国职业足球运动员最重要的工会组织,该协会大致经历了艰难创立时期、抗争维权时期、内部建设时期三个主要阶段,并且在长期的维权斗争中建立起较为完善的球员援助服务机制。该机制主要包括球员职业基金援助、优秀实习球员培训、球员经纪代理服务、职业疾病康复诊疗、退役球员就业指导等内容。该机制具有工会自身实力雄厚、援助服务内容丰富、职业特点针对性强、对外合作交流广泛等特征。英国的先进经验为我国依法保障职业运动员工会权益,尽快建立健全职业运动员工会援助服务机制提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Hegemonic masculinity, a framework where stereotypically masculine traits are over-emphasized, plays a central role in sport, partly due to an excessive focus on winning. This type of masculinity marginalizes those that do not possess specific traits, including many women and men. I argue sport reform focused on mitigating hypercompetitive attitudes can reduce this harmful and marginalizing hegemonic masculinity in sport. I make this argument first by challenging the dichotomous nature of sport, especially in recognizing that all outcomes are a blend of winning and losing, that ties are relevant and informative outcomes to contests, and that winning and losing do not always tell accurate stories of the outcome. Secondly, I contend that expanding the potential outcomes in sport can help broaden the emphasis of competitive sport to take into account playing well and improving, in terms of both the test and the contest. I conclude that these reforms decrease hegemonic masculinity, making sport better for all.  相似文献   

This autoethnography explores challenging and ethically sensitive issues around sexual orientation, sexual identity and masculinity in the context of school sport. Through storytelling, I aim to show how sometimes ambiguous encounters with heterosexism, homophobia and hegemonic masculinity through sport problematise identity development for young same-sex attracted males. By foregrounding personal embodied experience, I respond to an absence of stories of gay and bisexual experiences among males in physical education and school sport, in an effort to reduce a continuing sense of Otherness and difference regarding same-sex attracted males. I rely on the story itself to express the embodied forms of knowing that inhabit the experiences I describe, and resist a finalising interpretation of the story. Instead, I offer personal reflections on particular theoretical and methodological issues which relate to both the form and content of the story.  相似文献   


This article begins by focusing on the presumed relation between the toughness fostered by mixed martial arts (MMA) and the maintenance of traditional ‘hard man’ forms of toxic masculinity. However, it adds an extra dimension to this discussion. It argues that (first) the UFC and (thereafter) MMA as a whole were in very tangible ways invented within and thanks to reality TV. As such, it contends that MMA's often debated relation to ‘real’ fighting needs to be approached in full awareness to the implications of its indebtedness to media representation. Because of this debt, it argues that media representation itself ought to be understood as playing an active role in the invention, maintenance or modification of gendered representation. Finally, it proposes that if a kind of ‘MMA toxic masculinity’ is regarded as being a problem, then the solution may not simply be to ‘change MMA’. Rather, both the problem and the solution may more precisely be located in the kinds of media representations that circulate about MMA subjects and subjectivities.  相似文献   

高尔夫球橄榄球重返奥运会思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥运会项目的增减一直是各奥运成员国所关注的大事.从文化、经济、政治几个角度来分析和认识高尔夫球与橄榄球即将进入奥运会这一事件,认为:体育文化的融合、经济利益的驱动、政治利益的博弈,是国际奥委会在做出重要决策时所必须要考虑的因素.提出我国在应对奥运项目改革中必须注意的问题.  相似文献   

以学校体育教育改革为切入点,对青少年阳刚之气匮乏的原因、如何重塑阳刚之气以及需要注意的问题进行探讨。研究认为:(1)当代青少年阳刚之气的匮乏是社会文化长期漠视身体、社会环境和计划生育政策的影响及学校体育实践的局限共同作用的结果。(2)重塑阳刚之气,需要在文化上加强引导,在思想上转变对学校体育作用的认知,并且对幼儿、中小学、高校体育教育的内容进行相应的调整和改革。(3)学校体育在重塑阳刚之气过程中,需要注意矫枉过正、正视安全、家庭和社会通力配合等方面的问题。  相似文献   

研究采用逻辑与文献分析的方法,以游戏和体育为哲学考察对象,目的是对体育回归游戏本真,以及游戏与体育的相互交叉、相互渗透进行哲学的探析研究。通过对文献资料的梳理,分析了游戏和体育概念的前人理解进行梳理,分析两者之间的关系,再从游戏视角去看待体育,从体育视角看待游戏。并从辩证法的否定之否定规律角度对游戏与体育进行新的审视:认为从游戏到体育再到游戏是一个渐进式过渡回归游戏本真的过程。  相似文献   

This article investigates Japan's readmission into the International Lawn Tennis Federation after World War II and its return to the Davis Cup in 1951. In seeking readmission, the Japanese Tennis Association sought support from Australia, where the animosity resulting from recent wartime conflict was particularly strong. The article examines particularly the ways in which the Council of the Lawn Tennis Association of Australia dealt with the proposal for Japan's readmission, and indicates how its strong opposition was initially respected by other national tennis bodies but ultimately mediated by their desire to readmit former enemy countries. The article suggests that tennis relations between Australia and Japan in the early post-war period provided a useful means for the respective governments to promote goodwill between the two countries once the diplomatic relationship was resumed and were an important facet of the history of Australia–Japan relations after World War II.  相似文献   

文章通过对武术套路教育技击缺失的历史背景及现实情况进行分析,指出武术套路的教学目标建立在学生防身自卫主体需求之上。文章对学生学习武术套路的现状进行分析,找出武术套路教学所遇到的问题,从武术套路内容本身着手进行调查研究,指出武术套路教学内容需要包含更多的技击动作,以激发学生练习武术的动机,提出攻防技击回归武术套路教学,以新的武术套路内容诠释武术的技击含义,保持武术的技击本质。  相似文献   

In 1948, the American Military Government worked with Swiss soccer officials to organise Germany's first post-war international matches, three simultaneous German–Swiss intercity games. The American occupation authorities viewed these games as part of their broader efforts to help teach Germans about democracy, as a way for the international community to begin the process of reaccepting Germany and as a way to raise funds for charitable purposes tied to the reconstruction efforts. These games received tremendous popular support in Germany and Switzerland from football officials, the general public and the press. These German–Swiss games also facilitated Germany's return to the international community by forcing one of the most powerful international sport federations to address Germany's exclusion. Through a combination of materials from military governments, football federations and the press, this article examines how states used the internationalism of sport to obtain diplomatic aims. With these three intercity matches, football provided a venue for Germans to participate in relations with other countries while Germany itself remained excluded from the traditional international relations of diplomats.  相似文献   

休闲体育:人性的回归   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从新的视角审视休闲体育的含义,以休闲体育的人文内涵、价值基础、传统文化、西方思潮等为途径,系统论述休闲体育在新的社会发展时期所体现的本质特征———人性的回归,并提出未来体育的发展方向———休闲体育下的娱乐与健康。  相似文献   

Physical education (PE) and sport have traditionally been identified by scholars as a key mechanism for the production and reproduction of a culturally esteemed ideal of masculinity, premised upon being stoic, strong, competitive, sexist and homophobic. Yet, more recent research reflects a change in valued masculinity as a response to declining cultural homohysteria. As such, this preliminary study looks to establish how PE teachers understand and construct masculinities within the educational environment. Through in-depth interviews, we find participants recognised many elements of softer masculinities, described in inclusive masculinities literature, as being performed by contemporary teenagers. This includes being emotionally open, embracing a more effeminate taste in dress and being increasingly physically tactile. However, we also found that the PE teachers have a cohort variance in their masculine values, with those socialised in sport through the 1980s showing the most orthodox and oppressive views.  相似文献   

足球运动与欧盟法律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
博斯曼案件在加快欧盟足球法律化进程的同时,亦加剧了足球运动传统的制度和规则与欧盟法律的冲突,欧盟现已提出了指导体育法律实践的基本原则,但该原则在欧盟范围内足球界转会问题、队员与球队的国籍问题、关联俱乐部球队之间的比赛问题以及电视转播权问题等等,还有待实践检验。欧盟足球运动必须接受欧盟法律的指引,但有关方面同时在具体法律实践中也必须考虑到足球运动的特殊规律。  相似文献   

学校体育是教育系统的重要组成部分,建构理论与实践相结合的学校体育结构,是长期以来学校体育改革面临的严肃、认真的研究问题。学校体育要求教学从竞技化转向素质教育为核心。然而,在实际操作中缺乏理论的指导,教学过程缺失准确的定位。把学校体育标准构建纳入教学之中,确立切实可行的体育标准,实现学校体育真正意义上的“以人为本”。  相似文献   

岳岩 《收藏》2012,(22):58-61
庞涛,20世纪著名画家庞薰琹和丘提的女儿,现为中央美术学院油画系教投,画家林岗的妻子。她9岁与苏立文相识,是目前在世认识苏立文时间最久的中国人那么,在她眼中,苏立文与逝去的那个时代又是怎样的呢?您画得这么好,能给我画张像吗《收藏·趋势》:您的父亲庞薰琹和苏立文当时是如何认识的?庞涛:是在1943年,苏立文结婚后从重庆搬到成都认识的。我们家1940年冬天随着当时的中央博物院从昆明来到四川。到四川没过几个月,我父亲生病,就从中央博物院退出来了。1941年,父亲到成都艺专教书,两年后苏立文他们就来了,跟我父亲一见如故。当时成都会说外语的艺术家很少,我父亲会说法语。苏立文主要说英语,但是会一点法语。我父亲有一本小的法  相似文献   

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