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受血缘、地缘、页缘等影响的差序格局的中国,在进行社会主义建设的过程中,建立法治社会成为社会发展的必然趋势。但是,在该进程中,弊端频频出现,官员的权利滥用、组织间的共谋现象普遍存在。本文主要从正式制度被人们呼吁急需完善的背景下,非正式制度的形成原因及其存在的利弊。  相似文献   

Rarely has a demand regarding school been so persistently repeated through history as the demand that school be related to life. From Seneca to our day this demand has been stressed with variations, never with complete success. Evan our era, characterized by rapid and profound changes in the whole of social life, has not been spared the renewed postulation of this task: school is not only expected to establish a balance between itself and life, it is also expected to hasten social changes. Teachers, politicians and futurologists of all kinds compete in attempting to envisage a type of school which would satisfy this centuries-old aspiration. The essence of the question lies in the fact that school is an institution which originated at the time of the invention of written characters, extracting a certain strata of people who could engage in science and the arts beyond the sphere of productive labour. To this day, school has retained some basic characteristics of this origin. Many of our contemporaries would be surprised if we told them that there was a time when schools did not exist and that perhaps in the far-off future they will cease to exist. Marshall McLuhan has already announced the end of the era of written letters and books, and consequently the disappearance of school in the traditional form to which we are accustomed. Dr. Franković is a former director of the Yugoslav Institute for Educational Research and has served as president of the Yugoslav Union of Pedagogic Societies.  相似文献   

治理视角下的大学制度研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
现代大学的目标是传承知识、创造知识与服务社会,但这个目标不是自动实现的,需要一系列制度安排来实施,这种制度安排就是大学治理。它包含内部治理和外部治理两个方面,除正式制度安排外,文化在大学治理中也发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

教育制度:概念的厘定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
虽然要对教育制度下一个准确的、为各方所认可的定义十分困难 ,但我们认为 ,一个完整准确的教育制度定义 ,至少应当包含以下几个基本的方面 :即 ,教育制度是教育活动的规则 ;教育制度是“社会的”制度 ;教育制度具有程度不同的权威性或强制性。在此基础上 ,我们可以将“教育制度”概念大致地界定为 :教育制度是用以调整个体行动者之间以及特定教育组织内部行动者之间关系的强制性或权威性的行为规则体系  相似文献   

传统的教育学教学过于注重系统化、理论化的教育知识的传授,而忽视了学生的教育经历在教育学教学中的积极作用,从而导致了教育学教学的呆板、沉闷与低效。其实,学生的教育经历是一种教育学教学不可忽视的课程资源。它既是嫁接教育理论的基础,也是沟通教育理论与教育实践的桥梁。把学生的教育经历视为一种课程资源,可以有效地激发学生学习教育学的热情,引导学生在教育现实与教育理论的撞击中进行学习、思考,使本身具有开放性和多种可能性的教育理论更加可亲、可信、可敬。  相似文献   

The demand for higher education facing an individual institution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to provide an estimate of the elasticity and cros-selasticities of demand for higher education facing an individual institution. The utility which a high school graduate derives from each educational option open to him is assumed to be a stochastic function of the attributes of that option. For certain types of utility functions the maximization of utility results in the logit probability model. This model is used to analyze the choices made by a sample of high school graduates in Hawaii. Estimates of the price elasticity and the cross-price elasticities of demand for enrollment at the University of Hawaii are obtained. It is found that the demand is quite inelastic with respect to both tuition and total cost of education. These estimates imply that changes in tuition will not affect enrollment appreciably.The authors wish to express their appreciation to Arthur S. Goldberger, H. Laurence Miller, and Pan A. Yotopoulos for their comments on earlier drafts of the paper.  相似文献   

本文通过思想政治教育的社会价值和发展趋势论述,进一步探讨当前社会环境下思想政治教育中需要应用的理论基础。  相似文献   

大学各门学科地位差异的形成,源于不同主体建构的一整套评价标准。学者们按照专门化、规范化、理论化标准判定学科的学术地位;政府、大学和求学者等社会主体则根据各门学科对各自的功能意义对大学学科赋予不同的等级。在学科等级规范得到规定者和参与者的广泛认同后,等级标准遂演化为一种社会公意,控制着学科建设实践并将其制度化。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to offer a view of the primary school as an institution with structural properties comparable to institutions in general. Five studies will provide the basis from which such a view is developed, those by Sorokin, (1938), Perrow, (1965), Schon (1970), Taylor, et al (1974) and Collins and Porras, (1998). The common thread running through these studies focuses on three properties — core purpose, technology and task or social group — necessary to the effective functioning of an institution which are incidentally the multiple and overlapping, contexts of teaching.  相似文献   

武当山旅游门票应尽快实行一票制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,武当山旅游门票经营管理存在着很多弊端,导致景区收入漏损很大,而且影响了景区快速发展,应尽快实行旅游门票的一票制。解决好经营管理体制、协调多方利益等问题,是实行一票制的前提和关键所在。  相似文献   

我国政府当今与公立高校之间存在着一种全新的关系———本文谓之准监管关系。准监管关系与准市场机制相对应,属于科层内部总部与分支机构之间建立的界于管理与监管之间的一种关系。在准监管模式下,政府角色定位由“家长”转变为“监督者”;工作方式由直接指挥转换为间接问责;工作重心由决策、传达与检查等转换为目标指导、绩效问责与财政激励。  相似文献   

The cybernetic institution: Toward an integration of governance theories   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a new conceptual approach to institutional governance, management, and leadership based upon a cybernetic model of organizations. The cybernetic paradigm integrates existing models by suggesting how bureaucratic, collegial, political, and anarchical subsystems function simultaneously in colleges and universities of all kinds to create self-correcting institutions. The cybernetic paradigm posits that organization control systems can be described in terms of sensing mechanisms and negative feedback loops that collectively monitor changes from acceptable levels of functioning and that activate forces that return institutions to their previous stable state. These self correcting (cybernetic) processes function as institutional thermostats. Administrators can function effectively by adopting leadership and management approaches that are consistent with cybernetic principles. These principles suggest that administrators should complicate themselves and use multiple frames to develop richer behavioral repertoires, increase the sensitivity of institutional monitoring systems, and focus attention on important issues through systems that report data and create forums for interaction.The major function of the cybernetic administrator is to coordinate and balance the various systems within the institution to move towards optimizing the administrator's values. This can be done by making incremental adjustments to administrative processes and procedures, by enunciating goals that establish constraints, and by emphasizing selected elements of organizational life.  相似文献   

Surveys have confirmed the ubiquity of aggression in schools, and verbal aggression is not an exception. The identification of teasing as a frequent form of verbal aggression is an indispensable step towards diminishing it. The purpose of this study was to investigate teasing among primary school students in Slovenia. The research showed that teasing is common in schools: the most usual forms of teasing refer to the students’ appearance, and the victims mostly report negative feelings after being teased. Most teasing was done to reciprocate, and the most frequent response to teasing was a verbal comeback. The research revealed some differences in teasing between students by sex and age and offers some useful implications for practice.  相似文献   

学院人的“癖好”与大学的制度安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在研究型大学中,学院人是一个有着独特精神气质的群体,它反映了大学内部学术活动的特征和以学术为志业的人们的职业习性。也正是这种职业活动的特殊性,决定了大学制度安排中所存在的相对松散的倾向,以及对学者们带有典型的“个人主义”取向的宽容,没有对这种倾向的容忍,就很难有真正意义的学术创新。  相似文献   

试论政府危机管理体系的构建--从"非典"事件谈起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SARS危机暴露了政府危机管理机制缺陷,提升政府危机管理能力需建立危机预防体系、危机准备体系、危机处理体系和危机善后体系等。  相似文献   

农户土地产权残缺,组织化程度低,严重制约着农业生产力的提高和农村经济的发展,阻碍了农业的产业化进程.解决农村财产制度与农业产业化的矛盾,依照制度创新的一般性理论,既要创新我国农村土地产权制度,又要创新我国农村财产组织制度,提高农民的组织化程度,促进合作制、股份合作制的发展.  相似文献   

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