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INTRODUCTION Spatial distribution estimates of meteorological data are becoming increasing important as inputs to spatially explicit landscape, regional, and global models. Interpolation is a common method translating for estimated spatial distribution of meteorological data that come from distantly scattered meteorologi- cal stations into raster data, which has benefits of simplicity and convenience. The choice of spatial interpolator is especially important in mountainous areas where dat…  相似文献   

测试了宁德市茶园土壤中13种重金属的含量,并研究其分布特征,采用单项污染指数法和内梅罗综合指数法对宁德市茶园土壤重金属污染环境质量和土壤环境质量进行了评价.结果表明,在宁德市茶园土壤重金属污染单项评价中,平均值均未超标,但个别因子最大值超过1.0,为超标;在土壤重金属污染综合评价中属清洁,即茶园的土壤质量安全,但个别样点接近或略微超出警戒限,应引起必要重视.  相似文献   

This literature review engages with a diverse and sometimes contradictory body of work, employing an analytic stance rooted in policy scholarship. It discusses rhetorical constructions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4th IR), locating these in understandings of the economy rooted in a neo-liberalism which rests upon a capitalist terrain. The 4th IR is an ideological construct which reflects specific material interests and has particular implications for education and training. The 4th IR’s association with digitalisation and artificial intelligence is ambivalent. For some writers, this leads to technological unemployment while for others, even though there is labour market disruption, there is no employment crisis that cannot be resolved. The strong connection between the 4th IR and labour market requirements is softened by those writers who adopt a qualitative analysis of advanced manufacturing work. These scholars suggest that the relationship between technology and skill is rather more complex than the protagonists of technological unemployment describe. Neo-Marxist writers develop a qualitatively different account of the current conjuncture to the imaginary of the 4th IR. In this instance, the analysis turns towards the elimination of labour from paid employment, together with the falling rate of profit and bypasses the former arguments. This review concludes by arguing that technology and artificial intelligence are entwined with social relations, being sites of class struggle. How this is played out is an outcome of the balance of power, not only within the social formation but also globally. How far the development of the forces of production is compatible with capitalist relations is a moot point, as this is also a site of struggle. The paper draws out the implications for VET and considers progressive educational responses. However, such a practice needs to be set within a broader politics that is committed to the development of a socially just society.  相似文献   

为查明华东721铀矿区水冶厂周边稻米重金属污染现状及分布差异,测定水冶厂周边44件稻米样品中重金属Pb、Zn、Cu、Cr、Cd、As、U的质量比,采用内梅罗综合污染指数法和潜在生态危害指数法评价重金属污染,并运用ArcGIS地统计分析模块绘制U、As质量比空间分布图。结果表明:研究区稻米Pb、Zn、Cu、Cr含量均低于国家粮食标准,As、Cd和U的平均质量比分别为322、53和1.393ng/g,超标率分别为97.73%、4.55%和79.55%;稻米单因子污染指数仅有As、U处于中污染水平,其他重金属未污染;综合污染指数属于轻度污染,轻微生态危害,且主要由U元素引起;简单克里格球面模型和普通克里格指数模型分别是稻米中U元素和As元素质量比的最佳插值模型。  相似文献   

为了解北京城区表层土壤重金属的污染状况及与降尘间的关联性,采集表层土壤和大气降尘样品,分析评价8种重金属(V、Cr、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb)的空间分布特征和潜在生态风险,并基于Pearson相关和灰色关联法对土壤重金属与大气降尘的相关性进行分析。结果表明,北京城区表层土壤重金属存在明显空间差异,Cd的污染最为严重,Ni的污染最轻,其综合潜在生态风险达到中等生态危害。土壤重金属与大气降尘相关性显著,但各元素存在差异,主要与其沉降特性有关。  相似文献   

The research self-efficacy and motivation of foreign language (FL) faculty in periphery countries is under-researched, yet there is a need to understand the impact of public policies that drive such faculty to conduct research. This paper reports a qualitative case study investigating research self-efficacy and research motivation in a group of Mexican FL professors. Interview data show variation in self-efficacy levels connected with academic degree, motivation types and strategic behaviors. Professors with doctorates, intrinsic motivation and use of strategies showed the highest self-efficacy. Professors with master's degrees and low motivation show the lowest self-efficacy. Previous experience and mentoring are influential sources of self-efficacy. Policies such as forced collaboration, financial rewards and the threat of employment termination seem to exert some effect on self-efficacy. It is recommended that policies be enacted to recognize and promote mentoring formally.  相似文献   

Rainwater and run-off from three kinds of impervious surface in the Shanghai urban area, China were sampled. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in the samples, and their sources were assessed. The mean sum of the 16 PAH concentrations measured in rainwater and run-offs from ceramic tiles, asphalt roofs, and asphalt roads were 873, 1404, 1743, and 4023 ng/L, respectively. The PAH concentrations found in this study were moderate compared to PAH concentrations found in run-offs in other studies. The main PAH components in the rainwater, roof run-off, and asphalt road run-off samples were 3-ring PAHs, 3-4-ring PAHs, and 4~6-ring PAHs, respectively. Source apportionment results indicated that combustion (47.4%-55.5%) and vehicular emissions (30.5%-33.0%) were the major contributors to PAHs in roof run-off. Vehicular emissions were the most significant contributors to asphalt road run-off (47.2%), followed by combustion (23.5%), and petroleum (16.3%). Vehicular emissions and coal and natural gas combustion are therefore the most significant sources of PAHs in run-off from impervious surfaces in the Shanghai urban area.  相似文献   

“外生性”与“内生性”:中西方大学起源之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从发生学的历史维度来审视,西方大学有着鲜明的“内生性”表征,从产生到发展都是一种演进过程组合的结果,中国大学则更多地受到政府和社会的制约,表现出明显的“外生性”特征。中西方大学的形成有着“自上而下”及“自下而上”两个相逆的路径,这对于大学精神的沉淀与大学制度的形成都有很大影响。  相似文献   

This study considers the experience of school mapping restructure (SMR) in areas of rural China. It aims to understand what happened after SMR implementation. Through a combination of instruments such as questionnaires, interviews and document analysis, the study finds that SMR has impacted positively on the development of education in terms of generating scaling benefits, improved school conditions and educational quality, and more equitable distribution of educational resources. However, there remain several associated problems including longer schooling commute, household financial restrictions and student pressures, and increased teacher work-loads. The study recommends that more structured plans should be developed. Increased stakeholder participation should be enabled, and by providing increased teaching resources to rural schools, implementation should be improved.  相似文献   

中国考试思想发展:特点、规律及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国考试思想发展过程中,考试始终为历代思想家、政治家、教育家等所重视,所涉及的考试问题具有延续性和时代性的特点及超前性和滞后性并存的特点。从标准上看,“德才兼备”作为选拔人才的标准,是经过长期的反复实践和理论探讨逐步达成的一个共识;从考试的内容上看,注意与现实问题相联系,并在形式上不断变化;从公平的角度看,考试公平逐渐趋向于区域公平;反舞弊是中国考试思想史上最为艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

During the 1990s the Teacher Training Agency showed its commitment to adopting elements of a 'competence' model of educational management training in the construction of the National Standards for Headteachers (TTA 1997, 1998). These same 'standards' have come to underpin the most ambitious programme of educational management training and development ever attempted in the UK (Glatter 1997) including the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH), the Headteachers' Leadership and Management Programme (HEADLAMP) and the Leadership Programme for Serving Headteachers (LPSH). This article attempts to trace the origins of competence-based approaches to management training and suggests that the model, though having much to commend it, contains within it a variety of underlying and unresolved tensions.  相似文献   

中国内地教师的考评观:类型、特点与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾考评观的概念和国际上有关教师考评观的研究,对中国内地六项考评观研究的方法和结果进行归纳、整理和重构,得出中国内地教师所具有的六类共同的考评观,构建了中国内地教师考评观的模型。通过与国外同类研究的比较、考评观与教师实践的探讨,以及影响教师考评观的要素的分析,可以看出中国内地教师考评观是复杂的、多向度的,考评观对中国内地的教学以及课程改革实践具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - Haze pollution has been an annual environmental problem in the northern region of Thailand. The main causes include agricultural burning and wildfires that...  相似文献   

总结了改革开放以来我国少数民族研究生教育取得的显著成就,分析了少数民族研究生教育的发展特征,并对未来发展提出了一些构想。  相似文献   


For the past two decades, there has been persistent debate around whether there is a difference between the fields of instructional design (ID) and learning design (LD). While differences in the two approaches are certainly apparent, there are cross-over points that can provide ID and LD researchers and practitioners with opportunities for dialogue about the purposes and remit of research-based practices for optimal design. Though potentially disruptive, initiating dialogues among learning and instructional designers could lead to more thorough and critical analyses of both ID and LD repertoires. Should boundary crossings occur, there is a potential for a third space for the contemplation, research, and practice of design. A goal of this article is to use the notion of Van Gogh’s Yellow House as an anchoring metaphor for the third space – a location for shared discourse, inspiration, collaboration, and challenge for a community of designers of/for learning. Using the impressionist and expressionist terminology to help elucidate the ways of thinking of designers of both traditions, this article examines the history, underlying philosophical approaches, methodologies, and design goals of ID and LD. We conclude that the emergence of a third space for design can help us move beyond the LD and ID dichotomies. We suggest that a socio-materialist perspective alleviates issues of incommensurability by acknowledging ontological multiplicity.  相似文献   

This paper presents data gathered from a sample of mainland Chinese university students to test some assumptions about social control theory. According to theory dating back to Durkheim, the most important mechanism for exerting social control in a population is the process of development of moral character. While political socialization is the dominant influence in the People's Republic of China, the family, the media, and particularly the educational system are used to play important roles in the creation of model members of that society. Findings from questions on morality, modernity and the influence of schooling indicate the formation of strong moral views and the apparent absorption of state values. While the limitations of the data do not permit wider generalization, the results suggest the success of the state in transferring central values to at the least the younger age group.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel präsentiert Daten, die einer Studie über eine Auswahl von Universitätsstudenten aus Festlandchina entnommen wurden, um einige Annahmen über die Theorie einer sozialen Kontrolle zu testen. Laut einer auf Durkheim zurückgehenden Theorie ist der wichtigste Mechanismus für eine soziale Kontrolle über eine Bevölkerung der Entwicklungsprozeß des moralischen Charakters. Während politische Sozialisierung der beherrschende Einfluß in der Volksrepublik China ist, sind der Familie, den Medien und besonders dem Bildungssystem wichtige Rollen bei der Schaffung von Modellmitgliedern jener Gesellschaft zugewiesen. Ergebnisse von Fragen über Moralität, Modernität und den Einfluß des Schulwesens deuten auf die Entstehung strenger Moralvorstellungen und die augenscheinliche Absorbierung staatlicher Werte hin. Während die Begrenzung der Daten keine weitere Verallgemeinerung erlaubt, zeigen die Ergebnisse den Erfolg des Staates bei der Vermittlung zentraler Werte, zumindest an die jüngere Generation.

Résumé Cet article examine les données recueillies auprès d'un échantillon d'étudiants de Chine populaire dans le but de vérifier certaines hypothèses relatives à la théorie du contrôle social. Selon une théorie remontant à Durkheim, le moyen le plus efficace de contrôler une population donnée consiste à développer l'aspect moral. Parallèlement à la socialisation politique qui joue un rôle prédominant en République populaire de Chine, la famille, les médias et en particulier le système éducatif ont une fonction importante dans la création de modèles sociaux. Les réponses apportées par les étudiants aux questions concernant la moralité, la modernité et l'influence de l'école reflètent des conceptions morales accusées et dénotent une assimilation apparente des valeurs véhiculées par l'Etat. Bien que la restriction quantitative des données ne permette pas une généralisation, on peut déduire des résultats que l'Etat est parvenu à transmettre ses valeurs fondamentales, du moins aux jeunes générations.

Sumario Este trabajo presenta datos que se han recogido de un grupo de estudiantes de la RP de China, a efectos de comprobar algunas conjeturas sobre la teoría del control social. Según una teoría que se remonta a Durkheim, el mecanismo más importante para ejercer el control social de una población reside en el proceso de desarrollo de la moral. Si bien la socialización política tiene una influencia dominante en la República Popular de China, la familia, los medios y especialmente el sistema de educación son usados para desempeñar importantes papeles en la creación de miembros modelo de esa sociedad. Las conclusiones referentes a cuestiones de moralidad, modernidad y la influencia de la educación escolar son indicadores de la formación de estrictos puntos de vista morales y de la aparente absorción de valores propagados por el Estado. Aún cuando la limitada cantidad de datos no permite establecer una generalización más amplia, el resultado parece indicar el éxito del Estado en cuanto a su trasmisión de valores fundamentales, al menos hacia el grupo de personas más jovenes.

This is a revised version of a paper presented at the International Conference on Educational Reform in East Asia, held in November 1989 at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. The authors thank anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and Gerald H. Read for his valuable insights on the nature of education and society in The People's Republic of China.  相似文献   

中国阶层分化与重组30年:过程、特征与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,中国阶层分化与重组经历了剧烈分化、持续快速分化和在分化中开始整合三个阶段.这一过程呈现出工业劳动者数量超过农业劳动者数量、与非公经济相联系的阶层发展迅速、社会全面流动态势、"两栖人"现象消亡与反复并存、阶层间经济差距拉大等特征.随着经济与社会的进一步发展,特别是随着城市化提速这一因素的强化,阶层分化仍将以较高的速度继续,但阶层整合会更突出一些,中国的社会结构在整体上将逐步实现现代化.  相似文献   

This study adopts a nationwide survey data set between 2005 and 2013 (Chinese General Social Survey) to explore the influence of the massification of higher education on the transition of Chinese youth into the labour market. Data analysis reveals two major findings. First, the economic returns to college education of recent cohorts of university graduates (those who have graduated from universities not more than 3 years ago) are lower than the cohorts who graduated in 2005 and 2006. Second, recent cohorts of college graduates are likely to work in the urban informal sector, unlike their senior counterparts. These findings could partially be explained by skills mismatch in the labour market but a comprehensive understanding of graduate unemployment in China could be obtained by bringing the broader political economy perspective into the analysis.  相似文献   

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