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This article focuses on the development and analysis of a two‐stage early detection process (screening and diagnostic) for high ability students carried out in the region of Navarra (Spain) on a random sample of 1,274 elementary school students. Spanish versions of the Raven Progressive Matrices (SPM), the Renzulli Scales for Rating Behavioural Characteristics of Superior Students (SRBCSS), and participants’ academic achievement were the main variables in the initial screening phase. The Spanish edition of WISC‐R, as well as the Young Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (Gottfried, 1986), and the Self‐concept Questionnaire (Marsh, 1988), were the main variables in the diagnostic phase. The findings of the detection process show that the WISC‐R results were incompatible with those expected in accordance with the normal distribution of IQs. Results may suggest a clear problem with scoring rules, the Spanish norms for the test, or both. These possibilities are discussed in light of the results obtained. The paramount importance of validating and developing adequate instruments for the identification of the gifted is emphasized.  相似文献   

We present a new algorithm for nesting problems. Many equally spaced points are set on a sheet, and a piece is moved to one of the points and rotated by an angle. Both the point and the rotation angle constitute the packing attitude of the piece. We propose a new algorithm named HAPE (Heuristic Algorithm based on the principle of minimum total Potential Energy) to find the optimal packing attitude at which the piece has the lowest center of gravity. In addition, a new technique for polygon overlap testing is proposed which avoids the time-consuming calculation of no-fit-polygon (NFP). The detailed implementation of HAPE is presented and two computational experiments are described. The first experiment is based on a real industrial problem and the second on 11 published benchmark problems. Using a hill-climbing (HC) search method, the proposed algorithm performs well in comparison with other published solutions.  相似文献   

The use of fiction and autobiography in social science course work has been shown to enhance students' learning experience. Using the novel PUSH, by Sapphire, we designed a curriculum supplement for the social work course, human behavior and the social environment (HBSE) that encourages students to integrate course content in an innovative way and enables them to apply the material to life-like situations. The HBSE supplement allows students to explore poignant and problematic issues that push them past intrapersonal and interpersonal limits. Classes are infused with energy and the critical consciousness of the students. Final projects are a systematic case study of a chosen character (or characters) in the book and are a testament to student critical thinking and creativity. Methods, assignments, and student experiences in an introductory BSW course are described.  相似文献   

本文简单地介绍了“实验教材”(七年级·上 )的第 5、6、7章的有关教学的问题 ,并作了一些具体阐述。  相似文献   

本文简单地介绍了"实验教材"(七年级·上的第3、4章)的若干教学和评价建议.  相似文献   

Technology resources created for use by children have often been drill and practise or game‐like in approach. For a literacy resource, the use of narrative provides an opportunity for children to become more immersed in an environment rich in print and illustrations that supports the development of reading skills while encouraging the enjoyment of reading. This paper will examine the rationale for the incorporation of narrative in the OWL (On‐line Webstories for Learning) resource, and how the narrative line is supported by on‐line and off‐line activities.  相似文献   

International Review of Education - Accelerated learning programmes (ALPs) provide a fast-track second-chance opportunity to complete formal education, enabling disadvantaged children and youth to...  相似文献   

The authors of Motivating students to learn offer teachers evidence‐based classroom strategies to motivate their students. This fourth edition draws comprehensively on current psychological and educational research on student motivation and extrapolates this to implications for teaching practice in the classroom. This book's aim is primarily school teachers but it may also be of interest to people in further and higher education. If you think this book's content could be relevant, I suggest you borrow a copy to decide whether it's worth buying. Sara Hammer  相似文献   

For preventive purposes it is important to be able to identify families with a high risk of child maltreatment at an early stage. Therefore we developed an actuarial instrument for screening families with a newborn baby, the Instrument for identification of Parents At Risk for child Abuse and Neglect (IPARAN). The aim of this study was to assess the predictive validity of the IPARAN and to examine whether combining actuarial and clinical methods leads to an improvement of the predictive validity. We examined the predictive validity by calculating several performance indicators (i.e., sensitivity, specificity and the Area Under the receiver operating characteristic Curve [AUC]) in a sample of 4692 Dutch families with newborns. The outcome measure was a report of child maltreatment at Child Protection Services during a follow-up of 3 years. For 17 children (.4%) a report of maltreatment was registered. The predictive validity of the IPARAN was significantly better than chance (AUC = .700, 95% CI [.567–.832]), in contrast to a low value for clinical judgement of nurses of the Youth Health Care Centers (AUC = .591, 95% CI [.422–.759]). The combination of the IPARAN and clinical judgement resulted in the highest predictive validity (AUC = .720, 95% CI [.593–.847]), however, the difference between the methods did not reach statistical significance. The good predictive validity of the IPARAN in combination with clinical judgment of the nurse enables professionals to assess risks at an early stage and to make referrals to early intervention programs.  相似文献   

Nelson and Erlandson have collated a summary of the work of early designers and researchers into virtual worlds for learning and assessment. While it is confined to those experiences already well known in the literature, it does provide a basic introduction for undergraduates. If it seems that this book could be relevant to you, I advise that you will probably find only parts of it of interest or use. John G Hedberg  相似文献   

Although primary teachers in the Republic of Ireland are generalist teachers, language teaching of both Irish and English, as well as the development of literacy skills across the curriculum is an integral part of their daily professional practice. This paper presents an analysis of the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) with a view to considering its potential as a reflective tool in the initial primary teacher education (IPTE) in the Republic of Ireland. The creation and structure of the EPOSTL within a European language policy landscape is delineated, and thematic analysis is presented, focusing on three of the EPOSTL’s main theoretical and conceptual underpinnings: (a) teacher autonomy, (b) reflective practice and, (c) self-assessment. The role of primary teachers as language teachers within a new framework of plurilingualism is highlighted. In order to consider the suitability of the EPOSTL as a reflective tool in teacher education, IPTE educational policy documents are examined to uncover converging discourses with the underlying themes of the EPOSTL. The EPOSTL emerges as a good conceptual fit with IPTE policy. It presents as a reflective tool with the potential to promote a transformative and integrated approach to language teacher education in and across Institutes of Education at a time of sociolinguistic and curriculum change in Irish primary schools.  相似文献   

本文简单地介绍了"实验教材"(七年级·上)的基本特征、实施过程中的若干教学与评价建议,并对教材第1、2章中有关教学的问题作了一些具体阐述.  相似文献   

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