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Objective:To report a case of Wernicke encephalopathy in the early stage after surgery.Methods:A nonalcoholic female patient with hepatitis B-related cirrhosis and hypersplenism underwent splenectomy in a local hospital.No surgical complications occurred and the patient recovered well.However,on the eighth postoperative day she developed psychiatric and neurological disturbance without an obvious cause.She was then admitted to our hospital.Brain magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) with FLAIR T2 showed symmetric high-signal intensities in the periaqueductal area of the midbrain,which were consistent with Wernicke encephalopathy.She was thus given in-tramuscular thiamine immediately.Results:After the administration of thiamine,the patient's confused mental state resolved within 3 d,and her dystaxia gradually improved over the next 5 d.The brain MRI with FLAIR T2 was re-examined one month after the episode,and showed nearly complete resolution of the previously abnormal signal intensities in the periaqueductal area of the midbrain.Conclusion:Physicians should be aware of the possibility of acute Wernicke encephalopathy,especially in patients with liver dysfunction.  相似文献   

Marfan syndrome is a systemic connective tissue disease that could affect the cardiovascular system and eventually lead to heart enlargement and heart failure with high mortality, mainly due to progressive heart failure and/or sudden cardiac death caused by malignant arrhythmia. Here we report that a patient received a cardiac resynchronization therapy-defibrillator (CRT-D) with a pre-monitor function for heart failure and experienced obvious improvements in his cardiac function. Postoperative follow-up showed that the patient had reduced morbidity and hospitalization for heart failure, and also experienced improved quality of life.  相似文献   



Inquiry-based learning has been widely adopted in educational practice especially in science education. Scaffolding plays an important role in fostering learning in sophisticated inquiry. Meanwhile, it is important not to undermine the open-endedness of inquiry activities and the nature of student-centred learning.  相似文献   

We examined whether university students who report a significant history of reading difficulties (RD; n = 24) differed from university students with no history of reading difficulties (NRD; n = 31) in how sentence context affects word recognition. Experiment 1 found no differences in how congruent sentence primes or syntactic manipulations of the sentence primes affected the performance of the two groups. However, only the RD group displayed a significant inhibition effect when the target word was preceded by an incongruent sentence prime. Experiment 2 found that the groups differed in how meaning frequency of the target word and context strength of the sentence prime affected word recognition latencies. The results suggest that the RD participants’ performance is context-sensitive and better explained by interactive models of language processing than by modular models.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to describe the strategies used by a mother with a child with autism during games activities with peers to provide the child with social skills. The research method of this study is ‘a qualitative single‐subject case study’. The participants in this research are a mother and her 9‐year‐old child with autism, one brother and three typically developing peers. The research data were collected through field notes, interviews, audio and videotape recordings during natural interactions between the mother and her child. The strategies the mother used were analysed using video records during games activities in a natural park. The interactions of the mother with her child were examined in the context of a hide‐and‐seek game. Micro‐ethnographic‐analysis techniques were used in the analysis of the video records. According to the research data, it was found that the mother with a child with autism made extensive use of 13 different verbal strategies and seven different non‐verbal strategies. It was observed that the mother guided her child and the group during the hide‐and‐seek game, arranged the environment of the games, carried out routine activities both at the beginning and at the end of the games and arranged the games in accordance with the abilities and preferences of the child. These applications bear a resemblance to the model of integrated game groups. As a result, the data from the present research reveal that a mother having a child with autism acts as a guide during the games and uses verbal and non‐verbal interaction strategies in this guidance process and by doing so contributes to the process of participation in the games by the child with autism and in the child's social interaction with his peers.  相似文献   

An annual school census is held in the four countries of the UK in which pupils with ASD are identified. This longitudinal study of the total UK school population compares increases in prevalence rates for pupils with ASD over a nine-year period from 2010/11. Northern Ireland had the highest prevalence throughout, reaching 3.20% by 2018/19 compared to 1.92% in Wales. The prevalence rates were higher in secondary than in primary schools. The increases in prevalence and intra-country variations may be linked to a greater appreciation of ASD occurring alongside other developmental difficulties. Greater reliance on school rather than statutory assessments may also contribute to increases in pupils with ASD. More in-depth research is needed to establish the reason for the variations across years and countries.  相似文献   

台湾寻根小说作为反映现实的一个窗口,真实地反映了台湾同胞“反独思想”的心理。“乡愁文学”抒写了离根之苦;离学生文学展现了失根一代的迷惘;亲情小说则表现了台湾同胞寻根的执着和归根的热望。“反独思统”乃是两岸同胞共同的心声。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Drought stress is a major constraint to rice(Oryza sativa) production and yield stability in rainedecosystems (Dey and Upadhyaya, 1996). Rice mustbe made more drought tolerant, but this is a somewhatcontradictory objective considering that rice is mostcommonly grown under flooded conditions. Achiev-ing drought tolerance in rice will require a deeperunderstanding of the possible physiological mecha-nisms available for water stress tolerance and theidentification of favo…  相似文献   

Professor Sir Godfrey Thomson is one of the key foundational actors in the history of the educational sciences in the UK. At a time when educational studies and the study of educational psychology were very closely linked, in the decades of the mid‐twentieth century, Thomson was a crucial figure in education research. He is known for his work on intelligence, factorial analysis and the validation and production of intelligence tests (the Moray House tests). However, he viewed himself as a teacher in his work as a professor at the University of Edinburgh and as director of Moray House teachers’ college. He managed closely an ambitious plan to develop an advanced school of education, combining the university department of education, teacher training and a demonstration school, and supervised and taught on many of its courses. This paper is based on a unique resource, an audio recording of Thomson teaching in the early 1950s. It considers the distinctiveness and the research value of this audio source in relation to complementary oral and documentary sources.  相似文献   


This paper, written from the perspective of a new teacher in nurse education, investigates and evaluates literature of androgogy, in general and with particular reference to nursing. The focus is on classroom teaching since one objective of the paper was to gain personal insight into enhancing teaching in this environment  相似文献   

《新文坛全传》前三部自出版以来,对其研究的文章甚少。从人物、情节、结构、语言和技法等五个方面对《新文坛全传》作整体评价,以期淘沙拣金,为当代文坛及文学爱好者提供可资借鉴的启示。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to elucidate the nature and efficiency of the strategies that readers with phonological dyslexia use for temporary retention of written words in Working Memory (WM). Data was gathered through a paradigm whereby participants had to identify serially presented written (target) words from within larger word pools according to their presentation order, with word pools containing code-specific distracter (CSD) words and non-code-specific distracter (NCSD) words. Analyses focused on three aspects of performance: (1) false recognition of target words; (2) correct recognition of target words; and (3) retention of word presentation order. Participants were readers with diagnosed phonological dyslexia (n = 20, mean grade level = 9.05 [0.89]) and a control group of regular readers (n = 25, mean grade level = 9.00 [0.76]). Results provide direct evidence that the dyslexic readers and the regular readers used essentially different memory coding strategies for the temporary retention of written words, with the former predominantly relying on a visual strategy and the latter on a phonological strategy. Findings further pinpointed a notably impoverished ability of the dyslexic readers to retain word presentation order. The implication of these findings is discussed in relation to theories predicting the acquisition and mastery of reading.
Paul MillerEmail:

关于人之“性”与人之“欲”,最早的认识从孔子开始。《论语》大量记述了孔子对“欲”的言说,他认为“欲”是“性”发的结果,“欲”可分为:“性”发而皆中节的“和之欲”和“性”发而失中节的“贪之欲”。“和之欲”经《中庸》的进一步阐释,为孟子所继承并提出性善说;“贪之欲”为荀子所发挥,提出了性恶说。  相似文献   

习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是高校党风廉政建设的根本指导思想。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记就党风廉政建设和高校思想政治教育等问题作出了系列重要论断,这为高校党风廉政建设赋予了新内涵,提出了新要求。针对新时代新要求,高校党风廉政建设应以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,着力营造廉政文化氛围、创新廉政教育手段、推进廉政制度建设以及合理配置国家资源,促进高校党风廉政建设取得新成效。  相似文献   

台湾文评媒体是小众读物,主要在学院生产,在办刊规划、编辑立场、写作销售、阅读反馈环节,构成相对成熟的交互流程与机制,也受编者、作者、读者和出版商、官方意识形态、文学集团、分销策略以及政、经场域挤压。以《文讯》为代表的文评传媒积极探索传播社会化、大众化、品牌化、形象化、人文化、专业化、世界化路径,建构象征资本、经济资本双赢的传播局面,值得镜鉴。  相似文献   

全国职业教育工作会议11月7日在北京召开。中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝在会上发表重要讲话。他强调,当前我国就业和经济发展正面临着两个大的变化,社会劳动力就业需要加强技能培训,产业结构优化升级需要培养更多的高级技工,因此,需要大力发展职业教育。做好这项工作,对于把巨大的人口压力转化为人力资源优势,使我国经济建设切实转到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质的轨道上来,具有重大意义。  相似文献   

学界对蒲松龄《聊斋志异》创作动机的研究,多是基于传统价值体系的道德评价。通过对《聊斋志异》创作动机的考察及其中与狐鬼异类交接作品的研究,可以看出道德责任与快乐满足的矛盾冲突,是作者创作《聊斋志异》主体作品的原动力,这一矛盾还同时导致作品中人的异化。  相似文献   

焦大醉骂的"养小叔子"所指对象究竟为何人,学界虽稽考多年,终归是识见驳杂,迄无定论。实质上,这是老义仆对贾府不肖子孙怒其不争的情况下,以酒遮面所爆出的诟谇谣诼之词。对于所揭抛的性丑闻来说,既无法肯定其有,亦难以否认其无,是作者假醉汉之口所施放的一束难以厘定坐实的警世烟云,藉以拓展读者自由想象的空间。此举是其"假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无"之惯用写作手法的成功范例。  相似文献   

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