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This article argues that action learning has been incorporated into the Chinese administrative system because of a functional need for Western learning technology. This finding contrasts with those presented in the existing literature, which assert that Western practices have only been partially implemented, if implemented at all, because they were selected to serve certain political objectives. Therefore, this paper presents a different picture of Chinese governance, showing that it is not exclusively driven by political considerations but rather respectfully drawn to Western expertise and open to accommodating foreign ideas in order to update existing administrative knowledge. For practitioners, the findings suggest that, if a Western practice can serve major reform objectives and smoothly function within the constraints of the political ideology of the Chinese Communist Party and if its effectiveness is convincingly demonstrated, the practice can be accepted to improve the functioning of the system, and it can thus have a true impact on Chinese administrative governance.

本文认为,由于中国对西方的学习方法的功能需求,行动学习已被纳入中国的行政体系。这一发现与现有文献中提出的结论形成鲜明对比:现有文献认为,出于某些政治目的,西方实践被有选择性地施行。因此,本文提出了一个关于中国政府实施西方实践的不同的论点,表明中国政府在行政管理方面对西方实践的施行,不是完全由政治考虑所驱动,而是由于中国政府出于谦恭的态度被西方的专业知识所吸引,并愿意接受外国的思想,以更新现有的行政知识。研究结果表明,如果西方实践能够服务于重大的改革目标,并在中国共产党的政治意识形态约束下顺利运作,且其所展示出的价值令人信服,则其价值本身就会被中国政府所认同和接受,并且它因此而影响了中国政府的行政管理。  相似文献   

目的:观察匹伐他汀钙对高胆固醇血症患者外周血管的影响。创新点:首次在国内发现匹伐他汀钙能够改善高胆固醇血症患者肱动脉和颈动脉血管内皮功能而且延缓其动脉粥样硬化发展,并首次证实改善内皮功能是匹伐他汀钙延缓其动脉粥样硬化发展的重要原因。方法:按照入选排除标准,选取本院高胆固醇血症患者(HC),完成超声心动图检查的40例。根据剂量不同,分为两个剂量组:1 mg剂量组20例(男性5例,女性15例,平均年龄(55.20±8.35)岁),2 mg剂量组20例(男性9例,女性11例,平均年龄(57.56±6.09)岁)。访视结束后完成超声心动图检查的HC组36例,两个剂量组分别有2人失访。治疗后1 mg剂量组18例(男性3例,女性15例,平均年龄(56.00±7.85)岁),2 mg剂量组18例(男性7例,女性11例,平均年龄(57.79±6.46)岁)。选择本院同期体检中心30例正常人作为对照(年龄和性别均与病例组匹配,男性14例,女性16例,平均年龄(54.94±6.90)岁)。所有研究对象,均经隔夜禁食12~14小时,次日清晨抽取空腹肘静脉血,测定临床生化指标。采用Sequia512彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,应用高分辩率外周血管超声技术,检测HC治疗前后肱动脉血流介导性舒张功能(FMD)、颈动脉结构和功能。结论:经匹伐他汀钙治疗8周后,高胆固醇血症患者血管功能明显改善,表现为FMD升高,僵硬度减小;颈动脉僵硬度和内中膜厚度(IMT)延缓进展与其内皮功能改善密切相关。  相似文献   

I explore the role of categories as rhetorical barriers in organizations responding to crisis (Veil, 2011 Veil, S. R. (2011). Mindful learning in crisis management. Journal of Business Communication, 48(2), 116147. doi:10.1177/0021943610382294[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). I analyze some problematic categories of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the categories’ impact on the organizations’ response to Hurricane Katrina. My analysis shows that unintended and perverse consequences (Giddens, 1984 Giddens, A. (1984). The constitution of society: Outline of the theory of structuration. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. [Google Scholar], 1987 Giddens, A. (1987). Social theory and modern sociology. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. [Google Scholar]) reversed the power of a key legitimated category (Orlikowski, 1995 Orlikowski, W. J. (1995). Categories: Concept, content, and context. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 3, 7378.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Giddens, 1984 Giddens, A. (1984). The constitution of society: Outline of the theory of structuration. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. [Google Scholar]) and exposed a set of reified categories (Giddens, 1984 Giddens, A. (1984). The constitution of society: Outline of the theory of structuration. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

Research Findings: The present study used a longitudinal design to identify how sleep habits and learning-related behaviors impact the development of cognitive skills in preschoolers (ages 3–5). Sixty- seven children with parental report and cognitive skill assessment data were included. Scores on the Differential Ability Scales (C. Elliott, 1990 Elliott, C. 1990. Differential Ability Scales: Introductory and technical handbook. New York: Psychological Corporation..  [Google Scholar]) were obtained at ages 3, 4, and 5. A Sleep Questionnaire (D. Gozal, 1998 Gozal, D. 1998. Sleep disordered breathing and school performance in children.. Pediatrics, 192: 616620.  [Google Scholar]) with 12 items from the Child Behavior Checklist (T. M. Achenbach &; L. A. Rescorla, 2000 Achenbach, T. M. and Rescorla, L. A. 2000. Manual for ASEBA preschool forms &; profiles. Burlington: University of Vermont, Research Center for Children, Youth, &; Families..  [Google Scholar]) related to children's attention and activity levels was administered at age 3. Growth curve changes in cognitive scores were estimated using hierarchical linear modeling. Parental reports of nighttime sleep duration predicted level of cognitive skills at 3 years. The effect of sleep duration on cognitive scores was constant across age. Practice or Policy: Sleep and learning-related behaviors distinguish the cognitive skills children bring to preschool programs and impact gains made in skills while in preschool.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a research project that sought to gain a deeper understanding of the contribution that universities make to the professional learning of teachers. The particular case studied was a group of learners who were engaged in an in‐service teacher education course for further education (FE) whilst also working as lecturers in FE colleges in Scotland. The paper develops the narrative of learning across boundaries (Saunders 2006 Saunders, M. 2006. From ‘organisms’ to ‘boundaries’: The uneven development of theory narratives in education, learning and work connections.. Journal of Education and Work, 19: 127. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) drawing on the work of Engeström (1987 Engeström, Y. 1987. Learning by expanding: An activity‐theoretical approach to developmental research, Helsinki: Orienta‐Konsultit. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], 2001 Engeström, Y. 2001. Expansive learning at work: Toward an activity theoretical reconceptualisation.. Journal of Education and Work, 14: 13356. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). The claim made is that the learning that takes place across the boundary of the workplace and university has the possibility of helping learners to resolve issues that the workplace alone does not provide them with the resources to resolve.

Cet article fait un compte‐rendu sur un projet de recherche dont le but était d'approfondir les connaissances sur la contribution des universités à la formation professionelle des professeurs. Le cas particulier qu'on a étudié était un groupe d'apprenants qui ont suivi un cours de formation d'enseignement professionnelle en travaillent commme professeurs dans des centres d'enseignement professionnel. L'article se déroule la narration d'apprentissage à travers les frontières (Saunders 2006 Saunders, M. 2006. From ‘organisms’ to ‘boundaries’: The uneven development of theory narratives in education, learning and work connections.. Journal of Education and Work, 19: 127. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) et d'après les recherches d'Engstrom (1987 Engeström, Y. 1987. Learning by expanding: An activity‐theoretical approach to developmental research, Helsinki: Orienta‐Konsultit. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], 2001 Engeström, Y. 2001. Expansive learning at work: Toward an activity theoretical reconceptualisation.. Journal of Education and Work, 14: 13356. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). On prétend que la connaissance qu'on a produit à travers des frontières du lieu de travail et de l'université pourrait aider les étudiants à résoudre des problèmes qu'ils ne pourraient pas résoudre en travaillant seulement.

Este trabajo presenta un proyecto de investigación que ha buscado una comprensión más detallada sobre la contribución aportada por la universidad al aprendizaje profesional del profesorado. El trabajo ha estudiado un grupo de alumnos que participaron en un curso avanzado de educación mientras trabajaban como profesores en institutos de enseñanza en Escocia. El estudio desarrolla la temática del aprendizaje a través de límites (Saunders 2006 Saunders, M. 2006. From ‘organisms’ to ‘boundaries’: The uneven development of theory narratives in education, learning and work connections.. Journal of Education and Work, 19: 127. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) inspirándose en el trabajo de Engeström (1987 Engeström, Y. 1987. Learning by expanding: An activity‐theoretical approach to developmental research, Helsinki: Orienta‐Konsultit. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], 2001 Engeström, Y. 2001. Expansive learning at work: Toward an activity theoretical reconceptualisation.. Journal of Education and Work, 14: 13356. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). La reivindicación hecha es que el aprendizaje que tiene lugar a través del límite del lugar de trabajo y la universidad tiene la posibilidad de ayudar a los alumnos en resolver asuntos en que el lugar de trabajo por si solo no puede proveerles con los recursos para su resolución.

Dieser Artikel berichtet die Resultate eines Forschungsprojektes, dass zu verstehen versuchte, was Universitäten zum professionellen Lernen von Lehrern beitragen. Ein Gruppe von Studenten wurder untersucht, die in Schottland an Berufsschulen unterrichteten und gleichzeitig an einem Weiterbildungskurs fuer Lehrkräfte an der Universität teilnahmen. Der Artikel ist auf der Arbeit von Engström basiert und konzentriert sich auf Lernen, das über Grenzen hinweg stattfindet (Saunders) (in unserem Fall Arbeitsplatz und Universität). Wir behaupten, dass das solches Lernen grössere Moeglichkeiten bietet, Probleme zu lösen, als Lernen, welches nur am Arbeitsplatz stattfindet.  相似文献   



The aim of the study is to evaluate the cognitive-enhancing effects of hydrolysate of polygalasaponin (HPS) on senescence accelerate mouse P8 (SAMP8) mice, an effective Alzheimer’s disease (AD) model, and to research the relevant mechanisms.


The cognitive-enhancing effects of HPS on SAMP8 mice were assessed using Morris water maze (MWM) and step-through passive avoidance tests. Then N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunit expression for both the cortex and hippocampus of mice was observed using Western blotting.


HPS (25 and 50 mg/kg) improved the escape rate and decreased the escape latency and time spent in the target quadrant for the SAMP8 mice in the MWM after oral administration of HPS for 10 d. Moreover, it decreased error times in the passive avoidance tests. Western blotting showed that HPS was able to reverse the levels of NMDAR1 and NMDAR2B expression in the cortex or hippocampus of model mice.


The present study suggested that HPS can improve cognitive deficits in SAMP8 mice, and this mechanism might be associated with NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-related pathways.

The paper argues that in recent years sociologists have neglected the processes of occupational socialisation of leaching, despite research interest in everyday life in other educational settings. Shortcomings in the extant research on teacher socialisation and in the wider literature on professional socialisation are detailed to explain the lack of intellectual interest in teacher socialisation. Finally, the paper offers some potential lines for the development of research on teacher socialisation.

Just as we need to know more about how children are transformed into pupils, so must we know more about how young persons (usually college students) are transformed into teachers

(Wax & Wax, 1971, pp. 10‐11)

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