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Anatomy education has been revolutionized through digital media, resulting in major advances in realism, portability, scalability, and user satisfaction. However, while such approaches may well be more portable, realistic, or satisfying than traditional photographic presentations, it is less clear that they have any superiority in terms of student learning. In this study, it was hypothesized that virtual and mixed reality presentations of pelvic anatomy will have an advantage over two-dimensional (2D) presentations and perform approximately equal to physical models and that this advantage over 2D presentations will be reduced when stereopsis is decreased by covering the non-dominant eye. Groups of 20 undergraduate students learned pelvic anatomy under seven conditions: physical model with and without stereo vision, mixed reality with and without stereo vision, virtual reality with and without stereo vision, and key views on a computer monitor. All were tested with a cadaveric pelvis and a 15-item, short-answer recognition test. Compared to the key views, the physical model had a 70% increase in accuracy in structure identification; the virtual reality a 25% increase, and the mixed reality a non-significant 2.5% change. Blocking stereopsis reduced performance on the physical model by 15%, on virtual reality by 60%, but by only 2.5% on the mixed reality technology. The data show that virtual and mixed reality technologies tested are inferior to physical models and that true stereopsis is critical in learning anatomy.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和计算机信息技术的快速发展,越来越多的企业开始意识到利用互联网电子商务技术改造传统销售模式对企业发展的战略意义,电子商务的兴起和发展虽然引起企业贸易活动和营销管理方式的重大变化,但它并不能改变基本的营销理念、营销关系和企业营销活动的基本内容,更不会取代营销者实现自动管理,企业只有加强网络条件下营销管理,才能使电子商务真正为企业带来实实在在的利益,才能使这一新兴技术得以发展。  相似文献   

随着通信技术的发展与教育现代化进程的推进,在线教育得到了广泛的应用。以存在论视角对在线教育进行分析可以发现,在线教育虽然为教育提供了远程在场与知识延展的手段支撑,但同时也面临学生存在空间收缩的危机。远程在场使知识得以延展的同时易出现知识内化片面且断裂的现象;界面化与符号化使知识跨地域传输的同时易导致学生学习成为一种脱节于真实经验与应用的存储。溯其原因在于远程在场存在收缩而导致的学生认知局限,身体缺席而导致的学生主体冲突,技术呈现中的情境残缺而导致的学生片面发展。因此,在线教育应重述“在场”的意义,区分现实与虚拟的课堂,明确虚拟是现实教学的辅助,以真实经验引领虚拟感知。  相似文献   

21世纪体育道德面临的问题与对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
21世纪社会发展的总体特征,将使体育发展具有科技含量增大、商业化倾向加重、体育人口增加等五个特点。针对这些新特点,体育道德将面临商业化与体育的“善”的背离,国际化与爱国主义的矛盾、高科技所带来的道德问题,兴奋剂愈演愈烈等六大问题。加强伦理道德教育、体育法律建设和体育机构改革是解决这些问题的主要对策。  相似文献   

虚拟组织,作为适应知识经济时代的柔性开放组织新模式,在政治、经济、化领域逐步取代传统的刚性职能型组织。目前的封闭孤立式大学组织不能适应新时代人类对于教育科研多样化需求,必将被体现合作竞争的虚拟大学所取代。章分析了组织软化的动因,探讨了虚拟大学的内涵、优势以及它对中国教育改革的现实意义。  相似文献   

Changing education philosophies and technological advancement have altered the way educational content can be delivered to students. One format growing in popularity is virtual institutions which allow students to complete their secondary education completely online. While the format has been in existence for two decades, little information has been presented regarding how the shift from a traditional brick and mortar environment to a virtual one impacts the physical activity of the students. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of school type on physical activity participation. One hundred fifteen high school age students attending brick and mortar and virtual institutions completed a survey regarding their physical activity participation. Results indicate students who attend virtual institutions are more likely to be physically active than their brick and mortar counterparts.  相似文献   

The Internet provides a venue for several purposes. One purpose is to disseminate information. Compared to other infrastructures, the Internet is one of the more cost-effective ways of improving a country's educational system. Online education is growing in popularity as it provides accessibility and encourages collaborative communication among student peers. The main purpose of this paper was to analyze the impetus of online education through the perception of adult learners at Curtin Business School. The majority of the respondents valued the direct interaction of traditional classes and easy access to information on subjects being offered on online courses. A combination of both traditional and online methods proved to be the most comprehensive solution as students were able to increase their interpersonal skills and computer literacy. Based upon the conducted survey, the three main driving forces to the development of online education were identified as information technology, education brokers (universities), and market demands. The main implications of technology to universities were identified in its changing roles and organizational structure and being able to form partnerships with other business counterparts. Simultaneously, this trend would produce a new generation of knowledge workers with new expectations on career advancement and learning opportunities. As such, it becomes imperative that universities and information communication technology-based organizations form a symbiotic relationship to meet the expectations of the new e-generation.  相似文献   

在网络经济时代,互联网的迅速发展使电子市场成为继传统市场之后的又一个巨大的市场,于是以互联网为依托,构建企业核心业务的网络企业应运而生。而把物质世界和虚拟世界的优势融合到一起,即构建“鼠标 水泥”企业(或称混合企业)也就成为了传统企业电子商务转型的目标。  相似文献   

教育工作者应重新审视体育课程教学,不但要重视显性课程,同时还要重视对隐蔽课程的研究,建立与之相适应的新型师生关系.以达到素质教育的教学目标。  相似文献   

Conclusions Physical education should provide opportunities for students to participate in activities that promote fitness and well-being. Implementing best practices into the physical education curriculum can contribute to the understanding and application of a healthy lifestyle for students. Technology applied in the physical education curriculum can provide an opportunity for improved instruction and enhanced student learning in physical education. The current study showed that students not only enjoyed working with computer technology but also preferred this interactive instructional method to a lecture method of instruction. The use of technology within the physical education program seemed to motivate students to engage with the material presented. After completing the web-based activities, students also seemed to be aware of their eating and physical activity habits and the changes that they needed to make in their lifestyles. They also expressed positive attitudes toward the use of technology in their physical education class. This study supports Cradler’s (1992) observation that outcomes will be positive when the effective physical educator uses the appropriate technology with sound pedagogical strategies and applicable content in their curriculum.  相似文献   

德育主体范围的拓展是其主体创新的首要渠道。随着网络技术的迅速发展,高校通过各级党政机关、校外某些特定人士和场所的网上参与以及学生间平等的网上互动、网络技术人员的支持配合等途径,拓展教育主体的范围,努力发掘、利用网络提供的教育资源,积极介入学生的网络生活,会使高校德育展出现全新的气象。  相似文献   

教育信息化是实现新时代中国教育现代化的关键一环,体育教学信息化相比文化课略有滞后.新冠疫情爆发以来,全国范围内开展了在线体育教学实践活动,推动了在线体育教学理论发展,促进了信息技术在体育教学中的应用,并对课程结构、比重、评价与器材进行了调整,对体育教学信息化发展提供了重要理论与实践参考.在线体育教学不能成为体育教学信息...  相似文献   

A new class of post-secondary education has emerged in recent years—the virtual university—in which educational opportunities are delivered worldwide without regard to time constraints or location. Supporters of virtual and transnational learning environments abound as do those who question asynchronous on-line learning for its alleged impersonal nature. They note the limitations of its enabling technologies, and contend that such traditional instructional supports as access to physical libraries are shortchanged or non-existent. This article explores some of the issues surrounding library and information technology support for virtual learning environments through a focus on four models, each illustrated by a world-class example, that demonstrates good practice. The article concludes with observations on the mutual need that virtual and physical libraries have, one for the other.  相似文献   

电子商务整个交易完全虚拟化,构建方便、安全的商务环境是发展电子商务必须考虑的问题。电子签名,是电子商务过程中采用的一种认证技术,其作用是对发送的交易文件及发送者的真实性进行确认。《电子签名法》,赋予电子签名与文本签名具有同等法律效力,保证电子商务交易能在网上完整地进行。将围绕电子签名的技术原理、法律效力问题进行论述。  相似文献   

教育工作者应重新审视体育课程教学,不但要重视显性课程,同时还要重视对隐蔽课程的研究,建立与之相适应的新型师生关系,以达到素质教育的教学目标。  相似文献   

大学生网上虚拟群体:高校思想政治教育的新对象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生网上虚拟群体是网络环境下的新型学生组织。与传统群体相比,网络虚拟群体具有虚拟性、自由性、平等性、机械性等特点。网上虚拟群体的出现对高校思想政治教育产生了积极的影响,同时亦带来了新的挑战。高校应主动适应新的形势,积极构建校园网络社区,激发学生参与社区建设和管理的热情,加强对社区虚拟群体的正面引导,努力实现虚拟和现实的良性对接,充分发挥虚拟群体在大学生思想政治教育中的积极功能。  相似文献   

The Engineering Council in the United Kingdom recommends that engineers undenake continuing education and training (CET) in order to keep up-to-date with changing technology an4 where appropriate, management and business skills. The Council is also convinced that engineers are particularly we11 place4 by virtue of their education, training and experience, to become successful managers, provided they possess the right abilities, make eflorn to progress their own self-development and are suitably encouraged and developed by their employers. In the future, we wish to see more and better engineers entering all levels of management and we wish to encourage suitable continuing education and training so that more will reach leading positions in industry and commerce.  相似文献   

网络游戏作为一种新的媒介,在带来极大娱乐的同时,也产生了对人异化作用。反观游戏的本质精神,这种异化现象主要表现在个体的游戏行为、消费行为、人格心理等方面;网络游戏媒介的虚拟特性、网络游戏的商业殖民、教育的游戏缺失等是异化产生的重要因素;构建游戏与现实之间的建设性关系,呼唤传统游戏精神的回归是消除异化的理智之策。  相似文献   

Effective and efficient teams communicate, collaborate, and perform, even if these teams are not co‐located. Although much is known about enabling effectiveness on face‐to‐face teams, considerably less is known about similarly enabling effectiveness on virtual teams. Yet the use of virtual teams is common and will likely become more commonplace as organizations continue to update and use increasingly sophisticated technology. Cohort and individual trust between team members is a significant component on most effective teams, virtual or face‐to‐face. This paper examines research on virtual teams and trust across disciplines, including management, e‐learning, business communication, decision making, human resource management, psychology, and IT, to identify major characteristics that increase our knowledge of how to establish and maintain trust in the virtual environment and on virtual teams.  相似文献   

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