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This is the first of two linked papers which explore the implications for professional learning of the ethnic and cultural diversity which marks contemporary developed societies. The first paper considers the responsibilities brought to professionals by multicultural contexts for their practice and reviews educational provision in relation to these responsibilities for one group, namely the police. The two papers are based on a case study of the contribution of continuing professional education to the development of the Race Relations Policy of Metropolitan Toronto Police. This initiative brings lessons for any organization or professional group. The paper describes the Race Relations Policy and sets its development in the context of new models of policing currently being created and the legislative framework surrounding the initiative. The paper considers the implications for professional learning of policy development of this kind, and examines the extent to which continuing professional education programmes respond to issues relating to visible minorities. The paper reviews issues in training and education in police services and summarizes recent approaches to police education and training. Using the foregoing analysis as a base, the paper then focuses on race relations education and training in police services, reviewing different approaches and the successes (or problems) which their proponents (or critics) have claimed for them. This examination, drawing on material from both the UK and Canada, concludes that a focus on the training of individual officers produces only limited effects. Change of the kind needed for the development of Metropolitan Toronto Police Services’ Race Relations Policy, and for their creation of a new model of policing, draws on organizational measures to change institutional life radically. Such an ambitious project is supported by novel forms of learning, undertaken outside the classroom. These will be the subject of the second paper.  相似文献   

良好的公安教育质量是一个国家保持社会安定的关键因素,公安教育历来受到人们的普遍关注。近年来,可持续发展的理念逐渐渗透到社会的各项工作中,公安教育也正在实施自身的可持续发展。本文针对公安教育可持续发展的现状作了详细具体的描述,分析了当前所面临的问题,最后提出了一些实施方法,以期我国的公安教育事业再上新台阶。  相似文献   

最近,美国电商征税法案的获得通过,使对电商全行业进行征税的话题再度备受关注。该文通过分析现有网商税收环境,就小型网商免税的合法性进行法律分析,并尝试总结小型网商免税的条件,以应用于免税的税务策划;专门针对小型网商规定明确的免征税收的条件,提出应避免“一刀切”的做法,从而进一步促进小型网商发展的税收政策展望。  相似文献   

留置盘问作为一种行政强制措施在刑事侦查过程中发挥了重要作用,而公安机关的双重执法职能和留置盘问的双重法律属性,以及违法与犯罪的界限有时比较难以把握,导致了公安机关在办理治安案件中大量使用了留置盘问措施,从而引起许多行政诉讼案件。因此,应在刑事诉讼立法上将留置盘问纳入刑事强制措施,以明确其法律性质便于公安民警辨析,从而准确适用法律。  相似文献   


Education for criminal justice professionals in the UK (particularly for the police) was a long time coming. The deep resistance to such notions shown by individual officers, to say nothing of antipathy from the Police Federation (a quasi police union) only started to dissipate in the wake of critical research (and criticism of police ‘research’) in the mid-1980s. Early efforts at such education concentrated on delivery using traditional classroom-based teaching. However, by the early 1990s the inadequacies of such delivery were identified, and full undergraduate programs were developed using distance learning (DL) technology. This paper examines, in the context of 10 years of experience in developing and managing high-quality DL programs for a wide range of criminal justice professionals, the key features of development, design and delivery of such programs in the UK, which extend well beyond Internet/WWW delivery. The article also describes and considers the impact and expectations of the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), which seeks to monitor and assess the delivery of higher education in the UK, and examines the positive pedagogical outcomes that can, for CJ professionals, follow DL study.  相似文献   

随着司法警察队伍规范化建设进入实质性攻坚阶段,队伍建设也不可避免地面临着一些瓶颈问题,如何改变现状,走"内涵式"发展道路,使警队的发展更专业化、更职业化,成为摆在司法警察队伍面前的一个重要难题。文章结合法院实际工作,从强化司法警察执行功能入手,全面建立起司法警察作为执行主体的体系,从而真正实现司法公信力的提升和有效解决"执行难"。  相似文献   

监狱警察作为一支特殊的警种,其工作的特殊性、任务的繁重性及工作环境的封闭性等特点,使大部分民警产生了不同程度的心理问题,在一定程度上影响了警察的身心健康。我国监狱民警心理压力产生的原因主要包括社会、心理和生理因素,三者之间相互作用。对于不同的个体而言,三种因素发挥的作用各不相同。缓解压力主要是发挥个体心理压力中介系统对压力的降解,它包括支持系统、认知系统等方面的措施。  相似文献   

The School Watch initiative is centred in South Wales and involves police liaison officers, primary schools and their pupils. In each interested school, the scheme is explained and the pupils then decide if they want to take part. A pupils' committee is elected which is given support and guidance by the liaison officer. A key element of the scheme is the involvement of the pupils themselves and the way the pupils' committee plays a major part in the choice and running of activities. The scheme benefits pupils both in terms of their personal and social development and in their attitudes to the police. The paper ends with a number of examples of the type of work that schools have undertaken within this scheme.  相似文献   

随着现代社会的不断发展,警察从业人员面临的工作环境和工作对象日益复杂和多变,这给警察从业人员提出了更高的要求,即不仅要求警察从业人员具有扎实的警察职业素养,而且,需要具备较强的社会适应能力和应急处理能力,这对警察从业人员的社会化水平提出了更高的要求,因此,各警察院校要进一步明晰警察院校大学生社会化的基本内涵和影响因素,不断提高警察院校学生社会化的水平和层次。  相似文献   

耐力素质是警察综合素质的重要组成部分,它是警察提高防护能力与安全执法的基本保障。随着执法环境的进一步恶化,警察必须要有良好的身体素质应对各种突发事件,这对警察的耐力素质提出了更高的要求,加强公安院校学生的耐力素质训练已成为新形势下的当务之急。文章分析耐力素质训练对人体机能的作用,阐述公安院校学生耐力训练的必要性,探讨公安院校学生耐力素质训练的路径,以期为公安队伍建设提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   


The School Watch initiative is centred in South Wales and involves police liaison officers, primary schools and their pupils. In each interested school, the scheme is explained and the pupils then decide if they want to take part. A pupils' committee is elected which is given support and guidance by the liaison officer. A key element of the scheme is the involvement of the pupils themselves and the way the pupils' committee plays a major part in the choice and running of activities. The scheme benefits pupils both in terms of their personal and social development and in their attitudes to the police. The paper ends with a number of examples of the type of work that schools have undertaken within this scheme.  相似文献   

Berkeley Police Chief August Vollmer, in coordination with the University of California, created a baccalaureate degree granting program for his police officers in the summer of 1916. The program was titled Criminology and consisted of courses on police practices, criminal law, and many of the natural science classes including biology, chemistry, and toxicology. This program continued through the summer of 1932, when a university-wide program was developed and overseen by then Professor August Vollmer. The summer program, begun in 1916, developed into both the modern criminology and criminal justice programs of today. The purpose of this paper is to recognize the development of criminal justice education which marks its 100th anniversary in the summer of 2016.  相似文献   

现存唐代咏昭君诗大约七十余首,这些诗歌是唐代诗人追思汉代和亲历史、审视唐朝和亲现实的产物。诗人们以汉喻唐,借史抒怀,表明自己对待和亲的态度和认识,由此带来唐代咏昭君诗前所未有的发展。特别是在深化主题、扩大题材和意象创新等方面都呈现出新的时代特色,对后世产生了较为深远的影响。  相似文献   

权变理论的实质是根据不同情况的需要而采取不同的管理方法,以达到充分调动人员工作积极性的目的。由于公安工作外部环境变化的动态性、公安院校提升竞争力的适应性和公安院校自考管理的特殊性,有必要在公安院校自考工作中运用权变理论,其主要措施是突出特色促进可持续发展、创新管理强化服务意识、深化信息化建设、加强和规范助学管理和开辟新的生源渠道。只有不断增强公安院校自考管理者的权变素质,改善管理方法与模式,提高自考管理水平和工作的实效性,才能推动公安院校自考工作又好又快的发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the literature concerned with bodily perspectives on professional learning by reporting on a study of Swedish police officers’ sport participation as a form of occupational learning. The study seeks to answer how ideals of work practice and sport participation intersect, how professional learning is channelled through sport participation, and how such bodily practices might have excluding effects on professional participation. Using a practice theory framework, the Schatzkian concept of teleoaffective structure guides the analysis. Sixteen interviews were conducted with police officers who practice police sports. The analysis targeted symbolic manifestations of teleoaffectivity, and the findings indicate five overlapping ideals between sport and police practice. In addition, one police specific ideal was constructed. Based on these findings, we discuss how professionals learn by participation in practices not directly related to the work in question, and how such learning includes and excludes from participation.  相似文献   

应用标准化理论进行海警船艇指挥实验室建设的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文通过对海警船艇指挥实验室和设备的要素的具体分析,提出了采用标准化理论进行海警船艇指挥实验室设计的基本方法.这种方法具有节省经费、减少重复建设、便于扩展和便于维修等优点.该方法对于其他军事院校实验室的建设工作也具有一定的参考意义.  相似文献   

近年来,基层公安机关的警力严重不足,案多人少的矛盾日益激化。随着同步录音录像的大面积实施以及智能化办案场所的逐步建设,基层公安机关迫切希望能在同步录音录像下实行单警讯问的方式。现阶段,部分地区已经开始了单警讯问的试点工作,此时应当综合分析单警讯问制度建立的可行性和阻碍性,即同步录音录像的大面积实施、智能化办案场所的建设与发展、公安机关内部监督机制的建立为单警讯问制度的实施提供了前提条件,但是实行单警讯问制度对讯问警察和技术设备的要求更高,如果不严格按照讯问流程操作,极有可能会损害被告人的合法权利。因而要为单警讯问制度的实施制定一套行之有效的运作流程,即明确讯问主体、讯问场所、讯问程序和监督方式等内容,从而在确保执法公正的同时为基层办案机关节省更多的司法资源。  相似文献   

近代警政的创建,作为清末新政的一项重要内容,既适应了中国社会内部变革的要求,又符合了西方先进政治文明的导向。芜湖作为一个在安徽创办巡警最早的通商口岸城市,其近代警政的创建和发展,正是适应了城市开埠后巨大而深刻的社会变迁。对此加以研究,有助于我们丰富和深化对清末警政的认识。作为清末安徽权威的政治百科全书,《皖政辑要》详实地记录芜湖警政建设的历史进程,为我们对此的研究提供了绝佳的史料。  相似文献   

公安院校校园文化软实力初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校园文化建设是新时期公安院校思想政治教育工作的重要环节,提升公安院校校园文化软实力有助于校园文化的多元化健康发展。以湖南警察学院为例,针对培养对象不同的年龄阶段、知识结构、学历水平及家庭环境,思政工作者根据不同对象制定相应的思想政治教育方案,因材施教,创造多元发展的文化氛围,切实提升校园文化软实力水平,为社会培养出更多合格的预备警官和优秀人才。  相似文献   

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