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Today, the production of knowledge in the experimental life sciences relies crucially on the use of biological data collections, such as DNA sequence databases. These collections, in both their creation and their current use, are embedded in the experimentalist tradition. At the same time, however, they exemplify the natural historical tradition, based on collecting and comparing natural facts. This essay focuses on the issues attending the establishment in 1982 of GenBank, the largest and most frequently accessed collection of experimental knowledge in the world. The debates leading to its creation-about the collection and distribution of data, the attribution of credit and authorship, and the proprietary nature of knowledge-illuminate the different moral economies at work in the life sciences in the late twentieth century. They offer perspective on the recent rise of public access publishing and data sharing in science. More broadly, this essay challenges the big picture according to which the rise of experimentalism led to the decline of natural history in the twentieth century. It argues that both traditions have been articulated into a new way of producing knowledge that has become a key practice in science at the beginning of the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

大学生群体是具有独特的内心体验、丰富的情感世界、鲜明的个性特征、追求卓越理想的个体集合而成的特殊群体。思想政治素质的高低是决定他们能否健康成长成才的关键要素之一。心理健康问题是影响思想政治教育工作成效的重要因素。团体辅导是大学生思想政治教育工作的新模式,有利于增强思想政治教育工作的针对性和时效性,提高思想政治教育工作的科学化水平。  相似文献   

网络环境下图书馆馆藏资源的模式变化   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本文阐述了网络环境下图书馆馆藏“拥有”与“存取”两种模式的立场观念和不足之处 ;叙述了两种模式的辩证互动关系对图书馆馆藏的影响 ;提出了如何在馆藏发展理论与实践中合理运用两种模式创建网络环境下图书馆馆藏发展工作新局面的平衡点 ,最大限度地满足读者对馆藏资源的需求。  相似文献   

叉蕨属是蕨类植物的大属之一,全世界约150种,分布于世界热带及亚热带地区。据记载,中国 有27种、2变种,分布在长江以南,仅有2种北达长江以北四川境内,而大部分种类集中分布在云南。近 来,笔者主要对保存在中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本室的标本进行了清理,也参考了中国科学院植物 研究所标本馆的标本,这些标本不少是近年来所采集,其中,发现1新种并有1种和1变种为中国新记 录,1种为云南新记录,1种为贵州新记录,有4个种名是新异名,即Tectaria cosimilis Ching et C.H.Wang, T.decurrenti-calata Ching et C.H.Wang,T.fengii Ching et C. H.Wang,T.Simaoensis Ching et C.H.Wang。至此,所知云南产叉蕨属有22种、2变种。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and application of visualisation techniques for users to access and explore information in a digital library effectively and intuitively. Salient semantic structures and citation patterns are extracted from several collections of documents, including the ACM SIGCHI Conference Proceedings (1995–1997) and ACM Hypertext Conference Proceedings (1987–1998), using Latent Semantic Indexing and Pathfinder Network Scaling. The unique spatial metaphor leads to a natural combination of search and navigation within the same semantic space in a 3-dimensional virtual world. Author co-citation patterns are visualised through a number of author co-citation maps in attempts to reveal the structure of the hypertext, including an overall co-citation map of 367 authors and three periodical maps. These maps highlight predominant research areas in the field. This approach provides a means for transcending the boundaries of collections of documents and visualising more profound patterns in terms of semantic structures and co-citation networks.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(7):104806
This article provides a review of the private and social functions of patents using data and evidence from the economic and management literature. While patents provide incentives to invent by providing private protection to appropriate the returns on inventions, they also have broader effects. For example, in this paper we focus on the fact that they provide signals about the value of new firms, disclose information about the invention, and encourage the exchange of inventions and ideas in markets for technology. In order to better understand the relative importance of the implications of patents, patent agencies and stakeholders should invest to a greater extent in data collections or in creating the conditions for research designs and experiments that nail down causal effects and mechanisms. Available data are not created with these identification strategies in mind, which limits the questions that scholars can ask. Systematic studies that identify different effects of patents can provide the basis for rigorous evidence-based management and policy about patents. This would imply a wider shift from a world in which managerial and policy analysis is distinct from practice, to a world in which analysis and implementation are increasingly co-produced, and there is greater integration between them.  相似文献   

The problem of results merging in distributed information retrieval environments has gained significant attention the last years. Two generic approaches have been introduced in research. The first approach aims at estimating the relevance of the documents returned from the remote collections through ad hoc methodologies (such as weighted score merging, regression etc.) while the other is based on downloading all the documents locally, completely or partially, in order to calculate their relevance. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Download methodologies are more effective but they pose a significant overhead on the process in terms of time and bandwidth. Approaches that rely solely on estimation on the other hand, usually depend on document relevance scores being reported by the remote collections in order to achieve maximum performance. In addition to that, regression algorithms, which have proved to be more effective than weighted scores merging algorithms, need a significant number of overlap documents in order to function effectively, practically requiring multiple interactions with the remote collections. The new algorithm that is introduced is based on adaptively downloading a limited, selected number of documents from the remote collections and estimating the relevance of the rest through regression methodologies. Thus it reconciles the above two approaches, combining their strengths, while minimizing their drawbacks, achieving the limited time and bandwidth overhead of the estimation approaches and the increased effectiveness of the download. The proposed algorithm is tested in a variety of settings and its performance is found to be significantly better than the former, while approximating that of the latter.  相似文献   

数字馆藏存储媒体之选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董光彩 《现代情报》2007,27(9):99-102
针时目前数字资源存储媒体选择中存在的问题.通过比较几种常见数字存储媒体的特性.阐述了数字馆藏存储媒体的选择策略。  相似文献   

Through analysis of the historical and present development of botanical gardens, both domestic and international, with particular focus on botanical garden practices within the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the authors propose that science-based botanical gardens (which differ from common public gardens), should be founded on plant diversity inventory and ex-situ conservation of wild plant species. Efforts should be directed to rarer species from biodiversity-rich areas and biodiversity hotspots, utilizing cutting-edge technologies to effectively preserve germplasm in living collections. Science-based botanical garden management should be directed by sound scientific evaluation of plant resources and guaranteed by innovative operational mechanisms. Science-based botanical gardens should also emphasize the establishment of identifiable and specialized living collections, research platforms and recruitment of qualified experts. In addition to curating living specimens, science-based botanical gardens should pursue research and development of new plant varieties or patents based on their plant collections, thus providing continual support to bio-industry.  相似文献   

信息时代数字图书馆馆藏建设的研究与思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李红琴 《现代情报》2006,26(10):101-102
本文在分析数字图书馆馆藏策略的基础上,就如何建设好数字图书馆馆藏提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

Web 2.0 technologies have introduced increasingly participatory practices to creating content, and museums are becoming interested in the potentials of “Museum 2.0” for reaching and engaging with new audiences. As technological advances are opening up the ways in which museums share information about the objects in their collections, the means by which museums create, handle, process, and transmit knowledge has become more transparent. For this to be done effectively, however, some underlying contradictions must be resolved between museum practices, which privilege the account of the “expert,” and distributed social technology practices, whose strengths lie in allowing for many, sometimes contradictory, perspectives. This article presents a theoretical position and framework for the adaptation of Web 2.0 technologies within the traditional work of the museum, in ways that support the generation and representation of knowledge in, by, and for diverse communities. We then expand on this theoretical perspective by discussing several case studies of exploratory work in this area, and close the article by presenting a few tactical, bottom-up initiatives that museums and distributed communities can take to facilitate the diffusion of this new conceptual framework. Though the subject of this article is online museums, the issues are relevant to all online collections, in particular portals, online public access catalogs (OPAC), and content management systems.  相似文献   

美国ISI公司网络版引文索引数据库评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The general situation of Web of Science, a new product of Institute for Scientific Information, USA, is introduced, including its coverage, characteristics and new collections. Its functions are also assessed.  相似文献   

Citation analysis is performed in order to evaluate authors and scientific collections, such as journals and conference proceedings. Currently, two major systems exist that perform citation analysis: Science Citation Index (SCI) by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) and CiteSeer by the NEC Research Institute. The SCI, mostly a manual system up until recently, is based on the notion of the ISI Impact Factor, which has been used extensively for citation analysis purposes. On the other hand the CiteSeer system is an automatically built digital library using agents technology, also based on the notion of ISI Impact Factor. In this paper, we investigate new alternative notions besides the ISI impact factor, in order to provide a novel approach aiming at ranking scientific collections. Furthermore, we present a web-based system that has been built by extracting data from the Databases and Logic Programming (DBLP) website of the University of Trier. Our system, by using the new citation metrics, emerges as a useful tool for ranking scientific collections. In this respect, some first remarks are presented, e.g. on ranking conferences related to databases.  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to improve query expansion for ad-hoc retrieval, by proposing a more fine-grained term reweighting process. This fine-grained process uses statistics from the representation of documents in various fields, such as their titles, the anchor text of their incoming links, and their body content. The contribution of this paper is twofold: First, we propose a novel query expansion mechanism on fields by combining field evidence available in a corpora. Second, we propose an adaptive query expansion mechanism that selects an appropriate collection resource, either the local collection, or a high-quality external resource, for query expansion on a per-query basis. The two proposed query expansion approaches are thoroughly evaluated using two standard Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) Web collections, namely the WT10G collection and the large-scale .GOV2 collection. From the experimental results, we observe a statistically significant improvement compared with the baselines. Moreover, we conclude that the adaptive query expansion mechanism is very effective when the external collection used is much larger than the local collection.  相似文献   

在西方社会中,人们很早就认识到谚语的功能和意义,并有意识地收集谚语。然而随着近代理性主义的兴起,谚语传统一度受到忽视,不仅"谚语"(proverb)一词的语义缩减,谚语的语境范围也从广阔的生活世界退守至狭隘的文学与民俗学研究。近年来谚语研究出现新的进展,谚语中包含的博物学思想也逐渐受到重视。本文拟从英国博物学家约翰·雷编写的《英语谚语集》入手,在博物学语境下探讨谚语中展现的生活世界,剖析谚语与博物学的关系。  相似文献   

张力  侯婷 《现代情报》2010,30(3):42-44
馆藏文献的增长与馆舍空间不足的矛盾已成为世界各国图书馆普遍面临的重要问题。通过对国外储存库建设成功案例的介绍分析,从我国的具体国情出发,对我国基于图书馆联盟的地区性合作储存库的建设进行可行性分析并提出建设中应注意的几点问题,指出应以合作储存库的建设为契机推动图书馆联盟的合作采购与资源共建。  相似文献   

In recent years, new semistatic word-based byte-oriented text compressors, such as Tagged Huffman and those based on Dense Codes, have shown that it is possible to perform fast direct search over compressed text and decompression of arbitrary text passages over collections reduced to around 30–35% of their original size. Much of their success is due to the use of words as source symbols and a byte-oriented target alphabet. This approach broke with traditional statistical compressors, which use characters as source symbols and a bit-oriented target alphabet.  相似文献   

在现象学的世界是经验显现的世界之意义上,作为人的“基本建构”的“在世界之中存在”可理解向“在经验之中存在”,即人是经验性存在。基于身体与世界之“交流”的作为人的存在的经验生成的可能性,规约于“交流”之中的身体与世界的现实性。身体的技术延伸、技术介入、技术规训的普遍性,世界的技术改变、技术构成、技术表征的普遍性,使身体与世界现实地建构于技术。在这个意义上,作为人的存在的经验生成或人的经验性存在的现实,建构于技术的现实。  相似文献   

介绍了二维码在企业营销中应用,分析了二维码技术在国内外图书馆馆藏资源和服务推广中的应用:在OPAC资源揭示中的应用;对印刷型馆藏的揭示和推广;利用二维码实现图书馆服务导引与馆藏定位服务;利用二维码宣传移动图书馆、资源发现系统、微信等新的数字信息服务平台,以及二维码在图书馆其他服务中的应用。  相似文献   

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