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The mutation operator has been seldom improved because researchers hardly suspect its ability to prevent genetic algorithm (GA) from converging prematurely. Due to its importance to GA, the authors of this paper study its influence on the diversity of genes in the same locus, and point out that traditional mutation, to some extent, can result in premature convergence of genes (PCG) in the same locus. The above drawback of the traditional mutation operator causes the loss of critical alleles. Inspired by digital technique, we introduce two kinds of boolean operation into GA to develop a novel mutation operator and discuss its contribution to preventing the loss of critical alleles. The experimental results of function optimization show that the improved mutation operator can effectively prevent premature convergence, and can provide a wide selection range of control parameters for GA.  相似文献   

图像去噪是图像处理领域中的重要研究方向之一。小波变换具有选基灵活和多分辨率特性等,能清晰图像,因此在图像去噪中获得了广泛的应用。当含噪图像经过小波变换后,图像和噪声在不同的分辨率下呈现出不同规律,设定阈值门限,接着调整小波系数,最终达到去噪的目的。在硬软阈值去噪法的基础上提出新算法,并且利用Matlab进行仿真,实验结果表明新算法的峰值信噪比较高,具有较好的去噪效果。  相似文献   

y Control Based on Genetic Algorithm and Its ApplicationsTX1IntroductionMembershipfunctionisthebasisforfuzzylogictheorytoappli...  相似文献   

通过对噪声特性的分析并用小波的方法对信号进行消噪处理,结合去噪原理讨论和比较了实际应用中对小波基及阈值规则的合理选取问题。结果表明,这种方法在改善信噪比的同时,又保持相当高的时间分辨率,并且计算简单,有很好的去噪效果。  相似文献   

遗传算法(GA)被广泛地应用在聚类算法中.但是当数据点多时,其计算量大的问题是不容忽视的.针对与遗传算法相结合的FCSS算法中的这一不足,主要通过研究了GA初始化种群的选取方法,对GA-FCSS算法进行了改进.实验数据表明:改进的GA-FCSS算法在收敛速度方面有令人满意的效果.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Two-phase flow exists widely in chemical, pe- troleum and metallurgical industries. The voidage is one of the most important parameters of two-phase flow because the measurement of the voidage is im- portant for safety, environmental protection, energy conservation and quality assurance in industry (Hewitt, 1978; Lin, 1992). Although many voidage measurement methods have been proposed, it is still difficult to measure the voidage due to the complexity of the characteristics o…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Recently, with the development of science andtechnology, more and more people become interestedin researching image encryption techniques. Manymethods have been proposed for optical image en-cryption. Random phase encoding methods and digi-tal holography techniques are effectively used inencrypting (Javidi and Nomura, 2000; Unnikrishnanet al., 2000a; Hennelly and Sheridan, 2003; Nishchalet al., 2004). Meantime some important properties oflight are used to realize encryptio…  相似文献   

本文提出了一种新的公开算法的数字水印算法。该算法首先应用Logistic映射构造了一个原始图像的子图,其次把DWT变换作用在这个子图上得到两个子带LH1和HL1,然后对这两个子带进行RSA加密并把水印嵌入在这两个被加密的子带上,接着解密这两个子带并通过IDWT变换重构子图,最后按构成子图的顺序把每一个8×8像素的小块放回到原图中相应位置,从而得到了一个嵌入了水印信息的图像。实验结果表明,通过该算法嵌入的水印具有较好的鲁棒性、安全性和不可感知性。  相似文献   

As the idea of simulated annealing (SA) is introduced into the fitness function, an improved genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to perform the optimal design of a pressure vessel which aims to attain the minimum weight under burst pressure constraint. The actual burst pressure is calculated using the arc-length and restart analysis in finite element analysis (FEA). A penalty function in the fitness function is proposed to deal with the constrained problem. The effects of the population size and the number of generations in the GA on the weight and burst pressure of the vessel are explored. The optimization results using the proposed GA are also compared with those using the simple GA and the conventional Monte Carlo method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach to find optimum locations and capacity of flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) devices in a power system using a multi-objective optimization function. Thyristor controlled series compensators (TCSCs) and static var compensators (SVCs) are the utilized FACTS devices. Our objectives are active power loss reduction, newly introduced FACTS devices cost reduction, voltage deviation reduction, and increase on the robustness of the security margin against voltage collapse. The operational and controlling constraints, as well as load constraints, were considered in the optimum allocation. A goal attainment method based on the genetic algorithm (GA) was used to approach the global optimum. The estimated annual load profile was utilized in a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) optimization sub-problem to the optimum siting and sizing of FACTS devices. Fars Regional Electric Network was selected as a practical system to validate the performance and effectiveness of the proposed method. The entire investment of the FACTS devices was paid offand an additional 2.4% savings was made. The cost reduction of peak point power generation implies that power plant expansion can be postponed.  相似文献   

在研究传统Harris角点检测算法的基础上,结合小波变换的多分辨率特性,提出一种基于小波变换边缘检测与Harris角点检测的多尺度图像配准算法。该算法保持了Harris角点检测算法在图像旋转、缩放或灰度变化时角点提取效果依然良好的优点,改进了其对噪声敏感且不具有尺度不变性的缺点,在不同尺度上有较高稳定性与匹配精准度,抗噪性较强。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION 2D irregular-shaped nesting problem is the problem of finding an efficient arrangement for pieces in a containing region without overlapping (Fig.1), and is aimed at maximizing use of material. Nesting problem is of great interest to garment, paper, ship building, and sheet metal industries since small improvement of layout can lead to large savings in material. Many effective solutions have been pro- posed for the case when pieces and containing region are both rectangular. …  相似文献   

基于小波分析算法的应用程序设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先简述了面向对象程序设计的基本思想;然后利用面向对象程序设计的思想,设计了一个实现小波分析理论中的常用算法的应用钦件。实例表明,该钦件具有很好的应用效果,同时具有较好的通用性和扩展性。  相似文献   

The nesting problem involves arranging pieces on a plate to maximize use of material. A new scheme for 2D irregular-shaped nesting problem is proposed. The new scheme is based on the NFP (No Fit Polygon) algorithm and a new placement principle for pieces. The novel placement principle is to place a piece to the position with lowest gravity center based on NFP. In addition, genetic algorithm (GA) is adopted to find an efficient nesting sequence. The proposed scheme can deal with pieces with arbitrary rotation and containing region with holes, and achieves competitive results in experiment on benchmark datasets.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONJPEG2 0 0 0 (LawsonandZhu ,2 0 0 2 )isanewlypublishedstillimage codinginternationalstandard .Itsintroductionmeantthatforthefirsttime,thediscretewavelettransform (DWT)wouldbeusedforthedecompositionandrecon structionofimagestogetherwithanefficientcod ingscheme.IntheJPEG2 0 0 0coder,beforeanywaveletdecompositionisperformed ,theimageispartitionedintonon overlappingtiles.Thesetilesareofequalsizeexceptpossiblyforthoseadjacenttotheimageboundary .Thenwavelettransformisappliedtotr…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Recent techniques based on oligonucleotide or cDNA microarrays allow the expression level of thousands of genes to be monitored in parallel (Golub et al., 1999). A critically important factor for cancer diagnosis and treatment is the reliable prediction of tumor progression. A remarkable advance for mo- lecular biology and for cancer research is cDNA mi- croarray technology. cDNA microarray datasets havea high dimensionality corresponding to the large number of genes monit…  相似文献   

A grating eddy current displacement sensor (GECDS) can be used in a watertight electronic transducer to realize long range displacement or position measurement with high accuracy in difficult industry conditions. The parameters optimization of the sensor is essential for economic and efficient production. This paper proposes a method to combine an artificial neural network (ANN) and a genetic algorithm (GA) for the sensor parameters optimization. A neural network model is developed to map the complex relationship between design parameters and the nonlinearity error of the GECDS, and then a GA is used in the optimization process to determine the design parameter values, resulting in a desired minimal nonlinearity error of about 0.11%. The calculated nonlinearity error is 0.25%. These results show that the proposed method performs well for the parameters optimization of the GECDS.  相似文献   

Neurochip based on light-addressable potentiometric sensor(LAPS),whose sensing elements are excitable cells,can monitor electrophysiological properties of cultured neuron networks with cellular signals well analyzed.Here we report a kind of neurochip with rat pheochromocytoma(PC12) cells hybrid with LAPS and a method of de-noising signals based on wavelet transform.Cells were cultured on LAPS for several days to form networks,and we then used LAPS system to detect the extracellular potentials with signals d...  相似文献   

采用非线性滤波方法处理图像去噪问题时,阈值参数的选取和恰当使用滤波器函数,对去噪图像的效果影响极大。文章构造了可用于非线性滤波算法的一族分段次小波阈值参数滤波器函数,它是Donoho的软阈值滤波器函数的推广,证明了滤波后的逼近是Besov空间中泛函的近似最小值。该滤波器函数次数越大,逼近效果越好,也证明了广义软阈值滤波器函数的极限是一理想低通滤波器。仿真结果证实了区间双正交小波比Daubech ies小波有更好的去噪效果。  相似文献   

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