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Many countries spend sizeable sums of public money on R&D grants to alleviate debt and equity gaps for small firms’ innovation projects. In making such awards, knowledgeable government officials may certify firms to private financiers. Using a unique Belgian dataset of 1107 approved requests and a control group of denied requests for a specific type of R&D grant, we examine the impact of subsidies on small firms’ access to external equity, short term and long term debt financing. We find that obtaining an R&D subsidy provides a positive signal about SME quality and results in better access to long-term debt.  相似文献   

Alice Lam 《Research Policy》2011,40(10):1354-1368
This paper employs the three concepts of ‘gold’ (financial rewards), ‘ribbon’ (reputational/career rewards) and ‘puzzle’ (intrinsic satisfaction) to examine the extrinsic and intrinsic aspects of scientists’ motivation for pursuing commercial activities. The study is based on 36 individual interviews and an on-line questionnaire survey of 735 scientists from five major UK research universities. It finds that there is a diversity of motivations for commercial engagement, and that many do so for reputational and intrinsic reasons and that financial rewards play a relatively small part. The paper draws on self-determination theory in social psychology to analyse the relationship between scientists’ value orientations with regard to commercial engagement and their personal motivations. It finds that those with traditional beliefs about the separation of science from commerce are more likely to be extrinsically motivated, using commercialization as a means to obtain resources to support their quest for the ‘ribbon’. In contrast, those identify closely with entrepreneurial norms are intrinsically motivated by the autonomy and ‘puzzle-solving’ involved in applied commercial research while also motivated by the ‘gold’. The study highlights the primacy of scientists’ self-motivation, and suggests that a fuller explanation of their commercial behaviour will need to consider a broader mix of motives to include the social and affective aspects of intrinsic motivation. In conclusion, the paper argues that policy to encourage commercial engagement should build on reputational and intrinsic rather than purely financial motivations.  相似文献   

一个女孩 听啊,听啊,在废墟中,在瓦砾下,传来阵阵清脆读书声。一个压在废墟下的女孩,打着手电筒在忘情读书。她忘记了危险,忘记了伤痛,忘记了饥饿,用读书声驱赶着恐惧,与死神抗争,同时也召唤着生的希望。废墟下是黑暗的,但你心中有阳光,因为知识会带来勇气,文化会带来光明。临危不惧,从容镇静,在你身上,显示了广大灾民的不屈精神,体现着我们民族的光辉未来。你是最优秀的“读书种子”,你也是最出色的抗震勇士,向你致敬,为你祝福!  相似文献   

如果说农民耕田是所谓“汗滴禾下土”,那我们今天应该也能略微地体验一下“汗滴脚下土”的感觉。  相似文献   

稍息、立正、跨立、齐步走、正步走……一样的动作,一样的要求,一样的口号将我的思绪带回到初中军训的时光。三年前的军训见证了我的成长:从初一的懵懂到初二的张扬再到初三的沉稳。经历鲜花簇拥时的快乐,也有身处荆棘时的痛苦,但无论处境如何,总有父母的双手为我导航,总有朋友的身影与我并肩,总有老师的目光陪我前行。  相似文献   

翻译活动是个极其复杂的过程,其中,作者、译者和读者的身份不同,然而彼此联系紧密。斌从信息交流的角度讨论翻译活动中这三类不同的主体,揭示其重要的地位和作用,对有关评判译作标准的问题抒一己之见。  相似文献   

2006年9月13日.欧盟创新峰会在比利时布鲁塞尔召开,会议讨论通过了《欧盟全面创新战略》报告,并提出了10项鼓励创新的措施;2006年11月26日,欧洲第一届再创新(Re-innovating)会议在西班牙巴伦西亚召开,会议讨论了传统产业的创新问题,旨在增强欧洲工业的基础创新能力.……  相似文献   

诺贝尔奖这一代表世界创造力与创新能力的最高奖项,从1901年至今已经走过了107年,它见证了科技创新的原动力,浓缩了20世纪以来科技发展的历程.……  相似文献   

宋源 《今日科苑》2010,(2):12-12
宋代大儒张载说过,文人的责任是“为天地立心,为生民请命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平”。高校教师作为现代“文人”,主要是通过“教书育人,管理育人,服务育人”来培养社会主义的建设者和接班人来达到这个责任的。  相似文献   

陈强强  李霞 《科学学研究》2019,37(3):399-405
科学实践哲学强调科学知识的“地方性”,认为科学认识中不存在先验因素,这实际上倒向了经验主义或者说自然主义。众所周知,经验主义不但难以克服来自怀疑论的挑战,而且缺失对科学知识得以可能的“先验前提”的论证。有意克服怀疑论的先验主义是理解科学知识的“普遍性”的关键。在康德那里,科学知识的“普遍性”体现于主体的认知框架,即面对感性直观形式和知性范畴时的别无二选。在由改造康德哲学而来的先验语用学那里,科学知识的“普遍性”体现于主体间的先验语言游戏。然而,科学知识的现实存在以“数学在自然科学中不合理的有效性”为代价,代价起因于知性认知的奠基本性与人类实践的历史本性之间的错位。上述的探究启示我们应尝试将经验主义、先验主义与对科学知识的实际状况的反思结合起来,这样能更为全面地理解科学知识的“地方性”和“普遍性”及二者对立的根源。  相似文献   



The aim of our study was to investigate the extent to which Instructions to authors of the Croatian open access (OA) journals are addressing ethical issues. Do biomedical journals differ from the journals from other disciplines in that respect? Our hypothesis was that biomedical journals maintain much higher publication ethics standards.

Materials and methods

This study looked at 197 Croatian OA journals Instructions to authors to address the following groups of ethical issues: general terms; guidelines and recommendations; research approval and registration; funding and conflict of interest; peer review; redundant publications, misconduct and retraction; copyright; timeliness; authorship; and data accessibility. We further compared a subset of 159 non-biomedical journals with a subset of 38 biomedical journals. Content analysis was used to discern the ethical issues representation in the instructions to authors.


The groups of biomedical and non-biomedical journals were similar in terms of originality (χ2 = 2.183, P = 0.140), peer review process (χ2 = 0.296, P = 0.586), patent/grant statement (χ2 = 2.184, P = 0.141), and timeliness of publication (χ2 = 0.369, P = 0.544). We identified significant differences among categories including ethical issues typical for the field of biomedicine, like patients (χ2 = 47.111, P < 0.001), and use of experimental animals (χ2 = 42.543, P < 0.001). Biomedical journals also rely on international editorial guidelines formulated by relevant professional organizations heavily, compared with non-biomedical journals (χ2 = 42.666, P < 0.001).


Low representation or absence of some key ethical issues in author guidelines calls for more attention to the structure and the content of Instructions to authors in Croatian OA journals.Key words: instructions to authors, publication ethics, publication standards, open access, OA, research integrity  相似文献   

温日锦 《今日科苑》2010,(18):252-253
医德的规范、修养和管理是新形势下医疗卫生系统工作的重要组成部分、是医院思想政治工作者面临的紧迫任务、更是医院社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容。为此,通过分析医德规范、医德修养和医德管理的原则规定和内在要求,为进一步加强医疗卫生行业医德医风建设,构建社会主义和谐社会而努力工作,其意义和作用十分重大。  相似文献   

Emblica officinalis Gaertn., commonly known as the Indian gooseberry or “Amla”, has been used as health food for centuries in India and other Asian countries. The biological effects of amla have been attributed to the antioxidant properties of the low-molecular weight hydrolysable tannins present in the fruit. Amlamax™ is a purified, standardized, dried extract of amla containing about 35% galloellagi tannins along with other hydrolysable tannins. Our earlier studies on rabbits showed significant reduction in total cholesterol and triglycerides as well as increase in HDL. The present study extends these results to human volunteers. Two doses of the extract were evaluated — 500 mg and 1000 mg per day for 6 months. Blood samples were collected at the 3rd and 6th months showed reduction in total and LDL cholesterols and enhancement of beneficial HDL cholesterol. In addition, blood CRP levels, a marker for inflammation, were also significantly reduced. Since dyslipidemia and inflammation are the two major components of cardiovascular diseases, the present results must be considered encouraging and indicate the potential of Amlamax™ in the management of heart diseases.  相似文献   

乔治&#183;卢卡斯1944年5月14日出生于美国加州的一个农场主家庭,他的父亲同时还是一个文具商人,有三个兄弟姐妹。他十几岁的时候,在道思高等学校学习,在那时他对一级方程式比赛产生了兴趣,并打算成为一名赛车手。可是就在他毕业时发生的一次车祸,结束了他的这个梦想。1964年,他考入南加州大学电影系,1968年结束了在南加州大学的学业后,卢卡斯义无反顾地“撤离”洛杉矶,与科波拉合作租下旧金山北郊的一个仓库作为工作室,潜心制作个人首部电影《THX-1138》。  相似文献   

满城尽待《黄金甲EP》;杂烩新篇《最熟悉的...萧亚轩》;老友记《朋友难当》;备份的重要性……《自己》;爱戴的爱戴《万众爱戴》。  相似文献   

安适 《科技新时代》2005,(10):14-14
奔驰公司的鱼形仿生设计为小型轿车展示了新的发展方向。  相似文献   

蜕变《梦里花》,狼来了《北京的冬天》,不老传说《在你身边》,小学生心事《青春无敌》,马来情歌《天天天天说爱你》,好感觉《好一朵美丽的茉莉花》,  相似文献   

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