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心理理论的发展是幼儿社会认知发展的重要方面。文章对幼儿心理理论的发展进行了理论梳理,简要介绍了心理理论的概念、研究方法、发展的阶段以及理论解释,并在此基础上提出了提高幼儿心理理论发展水平的教育对策。  相似文献   

地方教育制度创新是地方治理改革的一个重要方面。各个地方政府从本地实际出发,通过自主的探索实践,形成了一系列落实国家政策、解决当地实际问题的政策措施。在这个意义上说,地方教育制度创新是宏观政策"落地"的重要实践路径。研究和归纳地方政府教育制度创新的基本特征,并从中发现存在的问题,对于科学理性地分析我国教育改革与发展,推动政府教育责任履行,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

试析高师院校教育实践有效开展的理论依据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高师教育实践作为教师教育中重要的教学环节,被认为是一种促进教师专业发展的重要途径,对师范生的专业成长发挥着举足轻重的作用.在教育实践中,师范生不断生成自我实践性知识,以有效地指导教育实践活动.剖析了高师教育实践有效开展是如何促进师范生实践性知识的习得与养成,分析了师范生在教育情境中的体验与感悟、经验的价值与作用、师范生自我知识的建构、在教育实践中依托于经验的反思和泛实践战略的整合等方面,并对高师院校教育实践有效开展的理论依据作出分析.  相似文献   

教育救助是社会救助活动的一个重要方面,也是中华民族的传统美德。两汉时期,血缘型、业缘型、机缘型的救助活动构成了民间教育救助的主要形式。这些教育救助活动深受当时宗族力量、社会风气、制度导向的影响。民间教育救助活动对两汉社会的发展起了重要的促进作用,同时仍然存在一些不足。  相似文献   

针对《现代教育技术学》课程的特点,讨论了CAI应用的一个重要方面——计算机辅助教学,并着重就《现代教育技术学》多媒体教学系统CAI软件的开发环境、课件设计与开发等主要问题进行了详细且深入地讨论。  相似文献   

In this essay, Judith Suissa draws on the tradition of radical and alternative education, and on some philosophical literature on democratic politics and the role of the political imagination, in order to suggest some ways of thinking about what constitutes an educational counterpublic that are different from those suggested in recent work by philosophers of education. Building on arguments by Nancy Fraser and others about the vital role of counterpublics in the political life of democracies, Suissa suggests that creating educational spaces where the formation, development, imagining, and nurturing of such counterpublics can occur is an important aspect of this role.  相似文献   

Labels and Labelling in the Field of Educational Leadership   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports on theorising based on developing histories of the field of educational leadership in higher education in the UK. These histories are being constructed through the collection of professional biographies of field members, reading the outputs of the field in the form of journals and books, and analysing the papers from the British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society. In this paper I focus on how the field has changed its label over the last forty years from “educational administration” to “educational management”, and more recently “educational leadership”, and the link between labels and knowledge claims. In particular I argue that while there is a continuity of knowledge underpinning this relabelling process there is also a mutation in the form of management in education that has become performance leadership in schools. The latter is official government policy and practitioners are being located in an all‐embracing training framework. The paper argues that knowing about knowledge claims and field labels is an important means by which we can control our practice and identities. Through Bourdieu's theory of practice I describe and explain the development of the field and the struggle to be located and to stay located within higher education. By putting Bourdieu to work in this way I also seek to analyse how habitus and field can contribute to the development of explanatory frameworks regarding the power structures underpinning knowledge production.  相似文献   

教育要创新.教育督导作为教育事业改革与发展的监督机制,是实施教育创新的重要方面.本文从红花岗区教育督导工作的成绩与不足着笔,阐述了该区教育督导创新是该区教育发展的需要,探讨了该区教育督导创新首先要制定"以校为本"的评估标准以及如何运作评估标准的制定.  相似文献   

简论中国少数民族的传统教育模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国教育发展的历史中,少数民族在教育模式方面的探索与实践是丰富多彩的,也是卓有成效的,如丰富和"不正规"的社会教育模式、相对滞后却绵延不断的专门学校教育模式。加强这方面的研究具有多方面的价值,其作用也将拓展至更广泛的社会,成为构建多民族国家学习型社会的重要依据和参照。  相似文献   

教育要适应并促进人的全面发展 ;教育要适应并促进社会的全面发展 ,这是教育的两条基本规律。当前教育改革中出现了两个偏向 ,一是过分强调教育对社会全面发展的促进和适应 ,忽视了对人自身的发展规律的尊重 ;二是过分强调对人的发展的促进 ,忽视了对人的身心发展规律的适应。  相似文献   

作为中国近代资产阶级的第一代教育家,王韬的教育思想具有明显的反传统性特点。主要表现为:在教育目的方面,以富国强兵为目标,为现代化运动中的各行各业培养合格人才;在教育内容方面,力求广泛,把“艺”、“技”、“实学”放在了首要位置;在教育对象方面,重视平民教育,认为教育应当普及化,工农兵商、男女老少均有受教育的权利。王韬的这种反传统性的教育思想顺应了当时中国要求变革的需要,为中国文化教育制度的近代转型提供了思想铺垫。  相似文献   

Today’s method of teaching the concept of falling bodies in French physics classes is ineffective, not only because it ignores the physical aspect of the phenomenon by addressing only its mathematical aspect, but also because it does not take into account students’ initial conceptions, which are often incompatible with scientific knowledge. The goal of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of a new educational perspective for teaching gravity, based on an analogical presentation of Einstein’s theory of the deformation of space‐time. The conceptions of French 15‐year‐old ninth graders and how they evolve are analyzed and compared for two different teaching methods, the new perspective (n = 102) and an approach based on Newton’s theory of bodies interacting at a distance. The data obtained are used to describe students’ initial conceptions of falling bodies, and confirm the lesser effectiveness of the teaching approach based on Newton’s theory. The results provide evidence of two phases of conceptual change: “positive substitution” (when a correct explanatory system replaces an erroneous one) and “generalization” (when the domain of validity of a correct explanatory system is extended). They also show that Einstein’s theory can be understood by ninth graders and promotes more conceptual change than a method based on Newton’s theory of bodies interacting at a distance. The new perspective appears to help students not only to extend the domain of validity of the correct conception – that bodies fall because they are attracted – but also to change their conception of attraction, now understood as the effect of a property of space rather than a property of bodies.  相似文献   

Educational planning has been regarded as an aspect of economic planning, at least in rough form, since immediately after World War 11. (7) At that time, however, planning was limited to the formulation of proposals for particular sectors of the economy; there was no economic planning in any more comprehensive sense. Whatever planning of this type the Italian economic system may have required (8), it remained unimplemented in the postwar years. A reassessment was first discernible in the preliminary studies made for the 1966-70 fiveyear plan, when a program was worked out as part of a general planning process covering all areas and setting down guidelines for the government to follow over a five-year period. Even this achievement, the result of a complicated set of procedures (9), was no more than a framework within which governmentaldecisions could be made, and it was not binding on state agencies. (10) Thus, the program, not without some justification, was dubbed a "book of dreams" (-l l), rather than being regarded as economic planning in the narrow sense.  相似文献   

育人功能是学校保卫人员行使治安管理权所体现的一个重要特征 ,强化和突出“育人功能”,对新形势下校园治安出现的新问题的有效解决 ,对提高保卫人员素质 ,创建安全、文明校园具有重要意义。  相似文献   

学习《江泽民总书记在北师大建校100周年大会上的讲话》,首先要深刻认识《讲话的重要意义:第一,这是马克思主义教育思想和教育理论的新发展;第二,极大地丰富了建设有中国特色社会主义理论;第三,为教育的改革与发展提明了方向。同时还要准确把握《讲话》的精神实质:即必须坚持与时俱时;必须全面提高教育质量,不断推进教育创新;必须加强师德师风建设。因此,一定要用《讲话》精神推动当前教育工作,一是要扎扎实实抓好学习和宣传,二是要不断开创教育改革与发展的新局面,三是要切实加强教师队伍建设,培养大批师德高尚、学风严谨的高水平教师。  相似文献   

Most universities use Information Systems (IS) to perform their daily administrative activities (student enrollment, data files, accountancy, etc.), and an integrated Learning Management System (LMS) to support teaching and learning. However, although a lot of effort has been put into deploying these computerized systems, the data that they provide are not fully exploited from an educational perspective. In this paper we describe a case in which these data have been used to identify relevant relations between the general use of the LMS, the existence of teaching innovation programs and the quality of education. The method used can be easily generalized and employed in other different contexts, to derive meaningful information on the impact that some variables may have over others.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe an undergraduate educational psychology course that utilizes self-regulated learning as the organizing principle. The course aims to facilitate students' development in self-regulated learning and to promote students' understanding of how to embed instruction for self-regulated learning strategies into classroom teaching. In the first section of the paper, we develop the rationale for this position and identify underlying assumptions we believe should guide the development and implementation of such a program. In the second section of the paper, we demonstrate how we have incorporated these assumptions in a basic educational psychology course.  相似文献   

In the 16 years since the establishment of the political authority of the Chinese Communists the only officially promulgated educational system has been that of 1951. When this educational system was promulgated, all the newspapers on the Mainland and the renowned scholars concerned with education rushed to proclaim its "excellent" nature. They compared it with the educational system that had been promulgated by the Kuomintang government in 1928 and emphasized the differences between them; for example, everyone praised highly "the unified five-year primary school system," "the system of accelerated schools for workers and peasants," "spare-time education," etc. However, the Chinese Communists ordered that the unified five-year primary school system "stop being implemented" in December 1953, and they continued to use the 4-2 system. In addition, the accelerated schools for workers and peasants, another "excellent point," were also ordered to "stop recruiting students" in the autumn of 1955. Finally, in 1957, the Chinese Communists again stressed that the educational system must be reformed, and therefore they organized discussions on broadening development in every locality, set up experimental points, and engaged in educational reform experiments. However, up until today, there have been no results. For the last several years the education work of the Chinese Communists has again concentrated on using all their strength to develop part-time work, part-time study and part-time farming, part-time study education and to systematize and determine the educational system. This essay concerns simply the process of the evolution and the development of this aspect, as will be seen below.  相似文献   

汉语表示动态事件进程的语义范畴包含着"断、续、连"等几个主要的进程状貌.本文通过相关词语、说法的描述和辨析,试图展现该语义范畴的一个重要侧面,以服务于对外汉语教学.  相似文献   

教育数据挖掘是一个新兴的、备受关注的研究领域。文章运用文献计量与内容分析法,对国内外公开发表的关于教育数据挖掘的文献进行统计分析,把握其发展脉络及研究现状,探讨研究中的关键内容,并展望该领域未来的研究趋势,为进行教育数据挖掘的研究与实践提供参考。  相似文献   

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