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对听觉障碍人群的认知机制及脑功能成像研究提供了独特的视角来探讨人脑在发展过程中的可塑性。本文从三个方面总结了对听觉障碍人群皮层可塑性研究的新进展 :(1)早期听觉剥夺对跨通道重组织的影响 ;(2 )晚期听觉剥夺对通道内重组织的影响 ;(3 )对脑内重组织产生机制的解释 ,包括跨通道重组织出现的时间与不同神经系统发展敏感期之间的关系 ,以及跨通道重组织的神经机制。这些研究为听觉障碍人群的康复训练提供了强有力的理论基础  相似文献   

学习障碍视觉空间障碍研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习障碍者的视觉空间障碍严重地阻碍了其社会认知能力的发展,并引起国内外各界研究者的高度重视。本文用文献回顾法梳理了学习障碍者的视觉空间认知缺陷的行为表现,并结合其脑功能定位进行分析,探求学习障碍的视觉空间加工神经心理机制。目的:(1)旨在为更精细地确定大脑皮层各区域的功能结构提供理论依据,(2)针对学习障碍的异质性,为确定科学有效的干预措施和治疗手段提供生理学上的证据。  相似文献   

盲人通过摸读盲文进行阅读。在盲文摸读时,盲人大脑皮质功能发生改变,主要表现为视觉词形区被激活且具有多项功能,枕叶视觉皮质功能发生跨模态重组且具备获取触觉信息和高级语言加工的功能,同时顶叶-枕叶皮质间的功能连接也被增强。失明年龄相关的早期视觉经验缺失、盲文摸读训练与学习以及口语会对盲人大脑皮质功能改变产生一定的影响。对盲文摸读进行研究既为盲文教学策略的选择提供依据,又丰富了阅读神经机制的研究。未来盲文摸读神经机制研究应关注对不同年龄段盲人群体的比较研究、视觉经验缺失的影响、盲文摸读时大脑不同区域的功能以及盲文摸读的跨语言比较研究。  相似文献   

视觉障碍者和其他主体一样享有同等获取信息的权利,在网络环境下也是如此。要在保证不侵害版权人利益的情况下,确保视觉障碍者获取信息的权利,为他们创立多样化的感知信息的形式。认真研究视觉障碍者适用版权限制与例外的适用标准,适当调整版权使用的许可制度和提供先进的技术保障等都是十分必要的举措。  相似文献   

数量表征是人类重要的基础心理能力,包括了符号和非符号两种表征系统。非符号数量表征是个体不需要依赖符号知识对视觉、听觉或跨通道呈现的实物或实物记号的数量刺激进行表达和运算的过程,具有一定的种系进化基础,先于语言发生。在未接受正式数学教育之前,儿童在一定程度上就能在平面空间和三维空间内表征非符号数量,并表现出了在视觉-听觉跨通道条件下的抽象非符号数量表征能力。个体早期即可能拥有两种特点不同的离散量表征系统:对非符号小数量的精确表征和对大数量的近似表征,但对其产生机制还存在不同的理论解释。在符号系统出现后,非符号数量表征和符号数量表征在行为及神经机制既有区别又有联系,并可能通过映射过程在头脑内部相互转换。与符号数量表征相互作用发展成为个体高级数能力的重要基础。  相似文献   

一种可将视觉信号传达到盲人大脑中,使其复明的人工视觉新装置,最近由日本大阪大学和奈良科技研究所的科学家合作研制成功,从而给广大盲人和视觉障碍者带来了福音。这一视觉新系统的工作原理是:通过一副太阳镜,将视觉信号传送到患者的大脑。  相似文献   

目的:评价瞬时受体电位通道(TRP通道)TRPV1、TRPA1和TRPM8拮抗剂在小鼠神经源性、持续性和神经病理性疼痛模型中的作用。方法:通过辣椒素实验、异硫氰酸烯丙酯(AITC)实验和福尔马林实验,评估TRP通道拮抗剂在小鼠神经源性疼痛模型中的镇痛作用;通过建立紫杉醇诱导的小鼠神经病理性疼痛模型,对TRP通道拮抗剂的抗痛觉(冷、热、触觉)过敏效应进行评估;通过旋转法实验对小鼠的运动协调性进行评估。结论:TRP通道家族包含了不同的小鼠疼痛模型。TRP通道拮抗剂能减轻神经源性、持续性和神经病理性疼痛,但是其镇痛效果与疼痛模型有关。  相似文献   

普通高中生物教学内容中,多处讲到与细胞膜上载体、受体相关的内容(例如物质的跨膜运输用到载体;神经调节、激素调节用到受体;静息电位、动作电位产生用到了离子通道等),且在高考试题中也有众多以此为背景的材料题出现.但在实际教学过程中发现,学生在学习过程中,存在对载体蛋白、通道蛋白分辨不清,对载体与受体经常混淆使用问题.此文详细阐述了以上问题的区别,以飨读者.  相似文献   

探讨了计算机视频教学模式(CBVI)对成年自闭症谱系障碍者掌握公共生活技能学习过程的促进作用。采用单一受试实验设计(single subject design)中的跨情境的多试探设计(multiple probe design),以1名成年自闭症障碍者为研究对象,通过在电脑上呈现带有文字说明的视频、图片以及录音等来模拟3家快餐店中的情境来实施计算机视频教学。结果显示:研究对象可以在老师和研究人员的提示下操作所使用的电脑等设备;研究对象在计算机视频教学模式中所学习到的相关技能,在实际情景中也可以被很好地应用;研究对象在后续的调查中仍能较好地维持大部分前期干预中已掌握的技能。  相似文献   

探讨了计算机视频教学模式(CBVI)对成年自闭症谱系障碍者掌握公共生活技能学习过程的促进作用。采用单一受试实验设计(single subject design)中的跨情境的多试探设计(multiple probe design),以1名成年自闭症障碍者为研究对象,通过在电脑上呈现带有文字说明的视频、图片以及录音等来模拟3家快餐店中的情境来实施计算机视频教学。结果显示:研究对象可以在老师和研究人员的提示下操作所使用的电脑等设备;研究对象在计算机视频教学模式中所学习到的相关技能,在实际情景中也可以被很好地应用;研究对象在后续的调查中仍能较好地维持大部分前期干预中已掌握的技能。  相似文献   

Young disabled people continue to be under-represented throughout further and higher education settings. Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu’s social theory of habitus, capital and field, this paper explores the practices of domination and oppression that have made it difficult for young people with visual impairments and hearing impairments to participate in third-level education on the same basis as non-disabled people. Twenty young people with hearing impairments and visual impairments were interviewed about their educational experiences. In addition, 31 interviews were conducted with third-level education providers, policy-makers and non-governmental organisations. This article has two aims: firstly, to critically examine the experiences of young people with hearing impairments and visual impairments in accessing and engaging with support provisions in further and higher education settings; and secondly, to identify and explore the diversity of ways in which these young people have managed and responded to the practices they have encountered. This article emphasises the journey from ability to dis-ability that young people with hearing and visual impairments experience in their quest for educational achievement. The ambiguities of “inclusion”, “widening participation” and “support” are highlighted and critiqued for their extensive failure to challenge taken-for-granted discourses.  相似文献   

便携式视频播放设备的普及应用推动了多模态外语视听学习的开展,但由于学习者不熟悉视、听两类符号间的交互关系,干扰现象时有发生。基于Meinhof和Salomon的符号学研究成果,本文总结出五类视听交互类型,并结合示例文章提出应加强学习者视觉素养培养和视听策略运用。  相似文献   

为有效解决视障教育师生在学习评价与反馈上遇到的困难,在现代特殊教育观念指导下,运用缺陷补偿原理,开发了“新特视障人员考试平台”。该平台全面考虑视障学生考试工作的实际情况,为视障教育学生、教师和管理人员量身设计,使盲生、低视生和视觉正常生同试卷同场考试成为可能。研究者组织肓生试用了该平台并进行了问卷调查,在统计分析基础上得出如下结论:1、系统的功能和操作方式,较好满足了盲生和低视力学生的不同需求;2、两次试用后,所有学生都接受并喜欢这种通过计算机平台进行考试的方式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the social skills of five groups of children: children with visual impairments attending inclusive education schools, children with visual impairments attending schools for the blind, children with intellectual impairments attending inclusive education schools, children with intellectual impairments attending segregated special education schools, and typically developing children. A hundred and sixty-nine children aged from 7 to 12 participated in the study. The children's social skills were rated by their teachers on the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) – Turkish Form. The results suggested significant group differences between children attending inclusive education schools and children attending special education schools. Analysis of the findings indicated that children with visual impairments and children with intellectual impairments had poorer social skills than typically developing children; however children with visual impairments and children with intellectual impairments attending inclusive education schools had higher social skills than children attending segregated special education schools. The findings of the study were discussed and suggestions for future research were provided.  相似文献   

The exploratory study presented in this article looks into the possible differences in psychosocial aspects (self-esteem and locus of control) and aspects of psychopathology (depression, anxiety, melancholia, asthenia, and mania) amongst sighted adults and adults with visual impairments. Moreover, the study aims to examine the possible correlations between psychosocial aspects and aspects of psychopathology of adults with visual impairments. Furthermore, this study examines the possible relationships between the above psychological aspects and the individual features of the participants (age, gender, age at onset of visual impairments, how recent the loss of vision is, marital status, employment status, and ability of independent mobility). One hundred and forty-eight adults participated in the study: 55 adults with visual impairments and 93 sighted adults. The research was based upon the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Rotter’s Internal–External Locus of Control Scale, and the Symptoms Rating Scale for Depression and Anxiety. The results reveal correlations between psychosocial aspects and psychopathology of adults with visual impairments. Moreover, the individual features influence the psychosocial aspects and psychopathology of the participants.  相似文献   

This study sets out to examine and understand the meaning of social inclusion for people with disabilities, as constructed by people with disabilities themselves. Focus group interviews with 34 people who have physical impairments, cerebral palsy, or hearing or visual impairments were conducted for the study. Using the data obtained from these interviews, the interviewees’ various definitions and perceptions of social inclusion were analysed and four meaning categories for social inclusion were identified: excluded/segregated, present, participating, and actively participating. The findings of this research can be used as foundational material in the development of disability policies and the improvement of social services to better enable full social participation and social inclusion for people with disabilities.  相似文献   

根据Williams&Batten等人学校生活品质的理论框架,在访谈视残大学生基础上,结合以往视残大学生学校生活状况的相关研究,编制出视力残疾大学生学校生活品质问卷,包括7个维度共36个题目,经研究,该问卷具有较好的信效度,可以有效地对我国视力残疾大学生的学校生活品质进行测查。  相似文献   

Science instruction is typically highly dependent on visual representations of scientific concepts that are communicated through textbooks, teacher presentations, and computer-based multimedia materials. Little is known about how students with visual impairments access and interpret these types of visually-dependent instructional materials. This study explored the efficacy of new haptic (simulated tactile feedback and kinesthetics) instructional technology for teaching cell morphology and function to middle and high school students with visual impairments. The study examined students’ prior experiences learning about the cell and cell functions in classroom instruction, as well as how haptic feedback technology impacted students’ awareness of the 3-D nature of an animal cell, the morphology and function of cell organelles, and students’ interest in the haptic technology as an instructional tool. Twenty-one students with visual impairment participated in the study. Students explored a tactile model of the cell with a haptic point probe that allowed them to feel the cell and its organelles. Results showed that students made significant gains in their ability to identify cell organelles and found the technology to be highly interesting as an instructional tool. The need for additional adaptive technology for students with visual impairments is discussed.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers 0354578 and 0411656  相似文献   

Thirty children with partial sight and 30 children with unimpaired sight aged between 8 and 12 years were randomly assigned to either verbal mediation or visual mediation training regimes. Participants were asked to complete four variations of the Tower of Hanoi puzzle and success on the task was judged on the basis of the number of moves and time taken to complete the puzzles. Children with visual impairments had some difficulty in adjusting to the requirements of the problem‐solving tasks. However, on the final and most difficult of the tasks (a four‐disc problem), the children with impaired sight performed very much like participants without visual impairments. The effect of verbal mediation training was superior to that of visual mediation training in the final trials of the four‐disc problem‐solving period for both children with partial sight and children without visual impairments.  相似文献   

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