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崔薇 《教师》2014,(23):123-124
理性与感性在文学作品中时有出现,显示出人类成长的轨迹,启迪人类的思想也为文学舞台增添色彩。《儿子与情人》是英国作家劳伦斯的第一部长篇小说,在小说中作者展示了两位性格迥异的女性——充满理性的米莉安和富于感性的莫瑞尔夫人。本文探讨了理性与感性在小说《儿子与情人》中的体现,主要分析了两位女性角色的性格特征以及她们悲剧的结局的原因。  相似文献   

寻根作家创作心态的迷茫与文本的缺陷   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
寻根作家创作心态的迷茫主要表现在两个方面:一是寻根作家对传统文化赞美与批判的迷茫心态,二是寻根作家对外国文学排拒与借鉴的迷茫心态。这种迷茫的创作心态导致了寻根文学的经典文本《棋王》出现瑕疵,《爸爸爸》对中国传统文化批判有一定的局限。  相似文献   

《小径分岔的花园》、《死亡与罗盘》和《阿斯特里昂的家》是作家豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯"迷宫"命题中三篇最具代表性的作品.通过对作家在关注对象和创作心态上的变化,揭示出其"迷宫"命题从建筑迷宫般的结构到对人生终极的思考徘徊绝望,以及从积极到消极的创作倾向的变化发展过程,在这一过程中反映出作家自身的局限性.  相似文献   

本文就川端康成在《伊豆舞女》、《雪国》中的少女形象的塑造上来分析她们的艺术特征。归纳出她们形象特质的相同与相异,从而总结出悲与美是她们共有的艺术特质,也是作家的审美倾向,而这种倾向在女性形象塑造上也是有所发展和变化的。  相似文献   

华裔女性作家谭恩美和非裔女性作家托妮.莫里森是生存在美国白人主流文化里的边缘作家,她们的身份和她们的文学一样被烙上了"他者"的标签。从后殖民女性主义视角,特别是斯皮瓦克的"属下"理论,我们可以看到谭恩美作品《百感神秘》和托妮.莫里森作品《所罗门之歌》里女性人物的具有浓厚的属下气质。但是"属下"女性们用她们的方式在"说话",同时她们的属下气质不会因为"说话"而得到消解。  相似文献   

本文分析了《儿子与情人》和《孔雀东南飞》中两位不同时代、不同国度的母亲的不幸命运和这种不幸命运产生的主要原因。由于两位母亲所处的社会背景以及她们本身的个性造成了她们各自不恰当的价值观,这些价值观直接导致了家庭悲剧的发生。同时两位母亲由于婚姻失败,把情感和希望过度集中在儿子身上,对儿子有不正常的依恋关系,对自己、家庭和儿子造成了悲剧性的结果。  相似文献   

《小径分岔的花园》、《死亡与罗盘》和《阿斯特里昂的家》是作家豪尔赫.路易斯.博尔赫斯“迷宫”命题中三篇最具代表性的作品。通过对作家在关注对象和创作心态上的变化,揭示出其“迷宫”命题从建筑迷宫般的结构到对人生终极的思考徘徊绝望,以及从积极到消极的创作倾向的变化发展过程,在这一过程中反映出作家自身的局限性。  相似文献   

作为一位女性作家,简·奥斯汀一直关注英国女性面临的婚姻、爱情、教育等问题,在《爱玛》和《傲慢与偏见》这两部小说中,奥斯汀以其敏锐的观察力和细致入微的描述向读者再现了18世纪英国中产阶级女性的教育状况.在男性统治的18世纪英国,中产阶级女性的社会定位是“好妻子,好母亲”,她们主要的出路是婚姻,她们接受教育的目的是为了获得体面的婚姻,她们接受教育的途径主要是家庭或寄宿学校,而她们所学的知识或技艺只是一种婚姻市场所需要的装饰品,既肤浅又无用.  相似文献   

D.H.劳伦斯是20世纪西方文坛争议颇多的作家,他终生热衷于探索男女之间的两性关系,强调爱情的肉体与精神的和谐统一,神圣与世俗的契合,以达到更高层次的自我实现,从而达到改造社会的目的.我们通过对其小说《儿子与情人》、《虹》和《查太莱夫人的情人》等作品中主要人物命运的分析,可以看到他对两性关系的看法及对理想爱情的理解.  相似文献   

张瑞 《宜春师专学报》2014,(4):116-118,130
作为二十世纪重要的女性作家,卡森·麦卡勒斯和张爱玲都为世界留下了宝贵的文学财富.在她们的作品里,她们用女性作家敏感细腻的笔触讲述了一个又一个精彩的故事,也塑造了一个又一个经典的人物形象.纵使两位女作家一中一西,但是她们在主题探讨中都涉及了女性生存悖论以及人类普世的孤独和哀凉.与此同时,她们在写作手法也有一致的地方.在各自的主要作品《金色眼睛的映像》和《金锁记》中,两位作者都使用了哥特式的小说手法,文本在不同程度上都阴森恐怖,让读者不寒而栗,却又引人深思.本文旨在对《金色眼睛的映像》和《金锁记》中的哥特艺术手法进行解析和对比,以期能更好的理解两位女性作家的作品.  相似文献   

A multiple case‐study design was used to explore the spontaneous play of three toddlers with disabilities as it emerged in the course of everyday activity in the home. Children were observed at home playing independently and with their mothers. Data consist of videotaped naturalistic observations in the children’s homes and mothers’ perspectives of their child’s play obtained in semi‐structured interviews. There was a great deal of similarity in the playful behaviour of toddlers and their mothers. Toddlers were active players throughout all daily routines and their play reflected their developmental level. Mothers actively supported their children’s initiative and engagement in play and they spoke of play as a highly valued behaviour. Some qualitative differences were noted in child and mother–child play, which seemed to relate to the nature of the child’s disability and developmental level. Further study of the play of young children with disabilities in naturalistic settings and ways that mothers and other caregivers value and support child play is recommended.  相似文献   

张炜小说中塑造了一批大地女儿和大地母亲的完美的女性形象,这些女性人物形象,源于中国神话传说中兼有母亲和女性特征的创世女神形象原型,是民间文学中为爱降生、为爱坚贞的女性人物形象的延续。寄予了作家朴实自然、浑厚深邃的审蔓观念和追求。  相似文献   

笔者以中国化马克思主义宗教观为理论基础,分析了藏传佛教、萨满教、基督教等宗教对鄂温克族作家涂克冬·庆胜3部长篇小说中人物精神境界的影响,揭示了宗教与作家作品思想性、艺术性的关系。  相似文献   

Voice is co-constructed, a result of the “text-mediated interaction between the writer and the reader.” The present study, using the context of U.S. college writing, explores the complicated process by which an L2 novice writer—one who has a growing awareness of, yet peripheral access to, discourse practices—constructs a voice. Through interviews and a close analysis of a text, a comparison is made between the voice the L2 writer wished to project in an assigned paper and the voice constructed by two readers in the course of their anonymous readings of the paper. The significant gap between the L2 writer’s aims and the readers’ responses suggests that a writer’s view of her voice stems from the ways in which she conceptualizes discourse conventions, in association with her particular linguistic, social, and cultural background. The pedagogical implications of the L2 writer’s process of negotiating identity, and her struggles to learn discourse expectations, are discussed.  相似文献   

张爱玲小说《金锁记》中的曹七巧被认为是“人性恶”的集大成者 ,是一个不被世俗所容的“异类” ,作者赋予其较其他女性人物形象更为完整的生命意义 ,在这个人物身上首先奠定并完成了作者对女性悲剧生命观的认识。在小说中另一个重要女性七巧的女儿长安形象上又寄予着作者对人生带有个人生命体验的深刻思考。从这两个女性形象上反射出的女性命运的生存本相以及由此体现出的张爱玲的生命悲剧意识正可视为《金锁记》的主题内涵。  相似文献   

Building a text is a multidimensional endeavor. Writers must work simultaneously on the content of the text, its discursive organization, the structure of the sentences, and the individual words themselves. Knowledge of vocabulary is central to this endeavor. This study intends (1) to trace the development of writer’s vocabulary depth, their vocabulary fluency in writing, and the features of the text they produce (productivity, lexical richness, and text structure) through elementary school and (2) to determine the contribution of the writer’s performance and the text features to the quality of the text. One hundred and eighty bilingual Spanish/Catalan speakers from first, third, and sixth grade took part in the study. They participated in three researcher-created tasks; a synonyms/antonyms task to orally assess vocabulary depth; a semantic orthographic fluency task to examine their vocabulary fluency in writing; and a text writing task to evaluate text quality. Data was analyzed using structural equation modeling in order to examine the relationship between the target writer’s performance and the text features of the written compositions, and the externally evaluated text quality. Results revealed that both writer’s performance on vocabulary depth and semantic orthographic fluency and text features improved with school level. However, the capacity to establish meaning relations between words contributed more directly to the quality of texts than the speed to find words with a specific phonographic correspondence. External evaluation of text quality was more variable for younger students than for older students and was affected by school level mediated by writer performance and text features.  相似文献   

张爱玲小说总给读者以超乎寻常的阅读感受。她小说世界里塑造的一系列母亲形象是崭新而陌生的,甚至是残缺和畸形的。张爱玲撕去了笼罩在母亲身上的崇高而温情的面纱,为读者展现了亲情的千疮百孔和不堪一击。张爱玲在描写母亲们悲剧人生时,充满了哲理性的思考,表现出超然的态度和一个现代女性超乎寻常的女性意识和理性高度。  相似文献   

谭霜 《涪陵师专学报》2013,(3):85-88,136
"黑土地"作为东北平原最珍贵的土壤,同时也是迟子建中短篇小说里主要意象。通过解读部分中短篇小说,以此来剖析"黑土地"这一意象里乡村人与都市人对这一意象的依恋与崇尚。乡村人这一部分重点剖析"黑土地"对于乡村人所蕴含的物质、精神与生命三个层次上的丰富意义;都市人这一部分重点阐释他们在身体与灵魂里放逐自己,皈依土地。在乡村与都市这样一个二元对立系统里,"黑土地"这一意象贯穿其中,串联着乡村人与都市人对"黑土地"的眷恋。  相似文献   

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