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峨眉姜 新种 地莲花(峨眉) 图1 Zingiber emeiense Z.Y.Zhu,sp.nov.Sect.Cryptanthium Boehm. Species.Z.striolato Diels affinis sed bracteis oblongo-lanceolatis vel lan- ccolatis,corollae lobis rubidis,labellum caeruleo-purpurureo-rubellum lobo medio subrotundo vel obovato-rotundato latiore 1.8—2.5cm lato,pedunculis rhachi- dibus capsulisque cum corollae tubo superjecto villosis,seminibus purpureo-rubidis differt.  相似文献   

祁门鼠尾草 新种 图1Salvis qimenensis S.W.Su et J.Q.He,sp.nov. Species S.chienii Stib.affinis,sedverticillastris regularibus,corollis ad 15mm longis,corollae tubis intus ad faucemnon barbatis,stylis omnino parse retrorsepubesentibus differt. Herba perennis vel biennis,radici-bus dense fibrosis.Caulis erectus,40—60cm altus,ad partem superiorem ramifi-catus,obtuse quadrangularis,quadrisu-  相似文献   

新金发藓属 新属 图1,2,3 Neopogonatum W.X.Xu et R.L.Xiong,Gen.nov. Genus novum habitu ex affinitate Pogonati P.Beauv.,a quo differt mar- gine laminae incrassato,e 2—3 stratis cellularum constructo;limbo superne aliquot duplicato-serrato;inter lamellas et marginem canalis profundis flexuosis pracditis;theca supra basin 7—11 angulis indistinctis instructis.  相似文献   

llex strigillosa T.R.DUDLEY,sp.nov. 〔Section Pseudoaquifolium S.-Y.HU(1950)Series Lougecaudatae S.-Y.HU(1950)〕. DIAGNOSIS: A I.kengii S.-Y.HU(1950)affinis sed ramulis et gemmis terminalis,dense cinerascentibus puberulento-strigillosis,stipulis tenuiter membranaceis minutis0.1mm longis vel minus fugacibus cito caducis,petiolis denso cinerascentibuspuberulento-strigillosis aliquado subglabris laminis versus,laminis foliorum mino-ribus 4—7.5cm longis 1—2cm latis basibus acutis ad attenuatis apicibussensim acuminatis vel caudato-acuminatis acuminibus brevioribus 5—10(—15)mm longis marginibus integris vel subintegris conspicue sinuolatis et apicibus  相似文献   

盘珠姜花 新种 洋姜笋(峨眉)图1:1—2 Hedychium panzhuum Z.Y.Zhusp.nov. (subgen Hedychium) Species nova H.coronario Koensimilis,sed laminis foliorum subtudense appresso-villosis haud pubesceti-bus,vaginis bracteis bracteolis calyci-busque cum rhachibus appresso-villosis,ligulis longioribus 3—5 cm longisdense appresso-villosis,flores flavi,staminodiis lateralibus obliquo-lanceo-latis,labello late ovato medium auran-tiaco punctato,capsulis ellipticis differt.  相似文献   

丽江百合 新种 图1 Lilium lijiangense L.J.Peng,sp.nov.(Sect.Sinomartagon) Species nova L.duchartrei Franch.proxia,sed segmentis perianthii flavis,in lateribus ambobus sulci nectariferi non papillato-tuberculatis differt. Bulbus subglobosus,3—4.5cm altus,2.5—3.5cm in diam.,squamislanceolatis,2.5—5cm longis,1—2cm latis,purpureis.Caulis erectus,57—60cm longus,purpureo-punctatus vel breviter purpureo-striatus,prope basin  相似文献   

1.One day熏John m et a friend in the  street.H e borrowed five pounds from John.                   :“ 2. A fter a week熏 the friend m et John    John熏please lend m e five m ore pounds.Then …  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION IEEE 802.11e is designed to support multimedia applications. The main and mandatory scheme of IEEE 802.11e standard is enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA), which adopts service dif-ferentiation in configuration. The performance analysis of EDCA has been extensively studied by analytical or numerical means in recent years (Kong et al., 2004; Xiao, 2005; Zhu and Chlamtac, 2005; Hui and Devetsikiotis, 2005; Zhang et al., 2006). With the help of these works, perf…  相似文献   

1.①W hen be back,do you know?②D o you know when be back?A.does he B.he does C.willhe D.he w ill2.①Itis foolish you to believe whathe said.②Itis necessary you to believe w hat he said.A.with B.for C.at D.of3.①Please give m e som e ink to write.②Please give m e som e paper to write.A.to B.in C.with D.on4.①your head,you w illfind a w ay.②your head,and you w illfind a w ay.hoolrdengA.To use B.U se C.U sed D.Ifyou use5.①M ary,sure to go there tom orrow.②M ary sure to go there to…  相似文献   

等比定理是指:a/b=c/d=e/f=…(?)a c e …/b d f …=a/b.在三角问题中,若能根据式子的结构特征,恰当运用等比定理,常能避免复杂的公式变换,巧妙获得结果.一、证明三角恒等式(或条件等式)例1求证sinα cotα/tanα cscα=cosα.简析:cosα=sinα/tanα=cotα/cscα=sinα cotα/tanα cscα例2求证1 secα tanα/1 secα-tanα=secα tanα.  相似文献   

Quick Thinking     
O ne day, Tony m et his friend,A lan, in the street. T ony w as quiterich,but A lan w as poor.T he tw o boysw alked along the streettogether. They talked about m any things.Tony liked to listen to m usic and hetold A lan about som e new songs. A lanliked reading, and he told Tony aboutsom e new books. They had the sam e friends, andthey talked aboutthese ,too. T hen Tony rem em bered som ething.“Ilentyou ten dollarslastw eek,”he said.“C an you giveitback tom e?” “I’m very sorry…  相似文献   

英语中used to...,be used to...,be usedto do...,be used for/as...等用法容易混淆,为了帮助同学们分辨它们的用法,现小结如下:1.used to do sthused to只有过去式,可用于各种人称的单、复数,表示过去存在的但现在已经停止的情况或习惯,后接动词原形。例如:H e used to go hom e by bus.他过去常常坐公共汽车回家。The river used to be clean.这条河以前是干净的。The old m an used to get up early.那位老人过去起床很早。used to的否定句常用didn’t use to或used not to;疑问句常用D id...use to...?或U sed(you)to...?。例如:H e…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION A number of abiotic stresses have been shown to induce programmed cell death (PCD) responses in plant cells. High temperatures (e.g. 55 篊) induce nuclear condensation and DNA fragmentation in cultured carrot, cucumber and Arabidopsis cells (McCabe et al., 1997; McCabe and Leaver, 2000), and also mitochondrial cytochrome c release in cucumber cotyledons (Balk et al., 1999). The PCD pathway also appears to be activated by ozone. Ozone induces an oxidative burst with acc…  相似文献   

中学石磊蒸翼二竺竺1.Find the word with a di仃七rent soond in eaeh grouP(10兮6) ()1 .a.Icader b.b:·ead e.breathe d.deal ()2 .a.started b.Prete:、d‘d e.forbid d.judgod ()3 .a.:nouths b.动rougli e.thiek d.elolh ()4 .a.sa1’d b.laid e.Pa似d,rail ()5.’a.份coon b.eooler e. took d.soon ()6 .a.walk b.salt e.tall d.stalk ()7 .a.hoband b.neoreele二nowjpa碑r d.new, ()8·a.England b.iok e.ri馆d.fi,,d ()9·a·corner b.borrow e.orange d.foreign ()10.a.centre b.lend e.Princeton d.a价et11·Fill int卜blan…  相似文献   

给出了狄拉克相对论量子力学中α矢量在球面坐标系中的分量αr,αθ,αφ的矩阵形式,给出了这些矩阵间的有关运算性质.还给出了动量微分算符^Pr,^Pθ,^Pφ分别与αr,αθ,αφ及坐标系单位矢量er,eθ,eφ的对易关系.从而给出了相对论性动量算符分量在球面坐标系的表述形式.  相似文献   

第一部分:听力(略) 第二部分:英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 从 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。 21.O ur friendship our childhood has lasted for years. A .dates back to B.dating back C.dates from D .dating from 22.W ould you like a cup of coffee shall w e get down to business right away? A .and B.then C.or D .otherwise 23.I fell in love with her I m et her.This is the first tim e we . So it is tim e I . A .first tim e;have a date;leave B.for the first tim e;had had a da…  相似文献   

Thanks very m uch.W ho can drew a fish?W here are you going?W ho is it?1 2W hat are you doing here?Is it w et today?3 4W hat do youwant,sir?G ood m orning.A .M e, sir. B.You re welcom e. C.Good m orning, Peter.D .Its m e, John. E.Tea, please. F.Shopping.G .W aiting for the bus. H .N o, its dry. ( )●答 案 :1~8 BA FD G H C E7 8对答如流(英文)@刘碧群…  相似文献   

used to...,be used to...,be used to do...,be used for/as...等词组形似且用法容易混淆,为了帮助同学们分辨它们的用法,现小结如下。1.used to do sthused to表示“过去常常……”、“过去惯常……”,指过去有但现在已经不存在的情况或习惯,可与各种人称的单、复数形式连用,后接动词原形。例如:H e used to go hom e by bus.他过去常常坐车回家。The river used to be clean.这条河过去是干净的。used to的否定句常用didn’t use(d)to,used not to或use(d)n’t to形式,疑问句常用D id sb use(d)to...?或U sed sb to...?形式。例如:H e …  相似文献   

本文证明了指数函数e。的几个不同形式定义的等价性,从不同侧面揭示了指数函数et的本质特征。  相似文献   

I Am Here     
Custom at Duquesne University dictatedthat if a professor was ten m inutes late, classwas canceled. One professor arrived early fora 9 a.m . lecture. H e placed his hat on hisdesk, and went to the faculty room . Beforehe knew it, it was 9:10. By the tim e he gotback to his classroom , it was em pty.The next day, he let his students haveit. “W hen m y hat is here,”he fum ed,“I’mhere!”The following day, the professor arrivedat 9 a.m . H e was m et by the sight of 28hats on 28 desks—and …  相似文献   

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