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Physics teachers’ approaches to teaching physics are generally considered to be linked to their views about physics. In this qualitative study, the views about physics held by a group of physics teachers whose teaching practice was traditional were explored and compared with the views held by physics teachers who used conceptual change approaches. A particular focus of the study was teachers’ views about the role of mathematics in physics. The findings suggest the traditional teachers saw physics as discovered, close approximations of reality while the conceptual change teachers’ views about physics ranged from a social constructivist perspective to more realist views. However, most teachers did not appear to have given much thought to the nature of physics or physics knowledge, nor to the role of mathematics in physics.
Pamela MulhallEmail:

This paper reports an exploration of the conceptions of quality learning held by two samples of physics teachers – final year, high school physics teachers and academics teaching first year university physics. We begin by outlining our view of quality learning, that is a view of learning in which learners take control of their own learning and engage with active construction and reconstruction of their own meanings for concepts and phenomena. This view of quality learning recognises the crucial role of the affective dimension of learning on the extent to which students engage with and maintain such constructivist and metacognitive approaches to learning. The study explored the qualitatively different ways in which individuals conceptualise quality learning in physics, using semi structured interviews that explored aspects of learning that the respondents regarded as worth fostering in their classrooms. The interview approach was a modification of the Interview-About-Instances approach that allowed the possibility of interviewees suggesting instances of particular relevance to their view of quality learning. This process resulted in a considerable quantity of rich and complex data related to a large range of aspects of physics learning. These data are summarised here, and the qualitatively different conceptions of the respondents with respect to four significant aspects of physics learning are discussed. These aspects are: doing experimental work; linking physics to the real world; students taking responsibility for their own learning and being confident/feeling proud of what you can do.  相似文献   

作为新课程的实施者 ,教师扮演着重要的角色 ,教师只有正确认识和理解新教材的变化及呈现方式 ,深刻领会教材的意图。关注教材所辐射出来的价值和功能 ,并使之成为教学行为的指南 ,才能使新课程的理念和目标落到实处 ,真正达到实施素质教育 ,培养全体学生的科学素质的目的。  相似文献   

作为新课程的实施者,教师扮演着重要的角色,教师只有正确认识和理解新教材的变化及呈现方式,深刻领会教材的意图.关注教材所辐射出来的价值和功能,并使之成为教学行为的指南,才能使新课程的理念和目标落到实处,真正达到实施素质教育,培养全体学生的科学素质的目的.  相似文献   

Changing emphases in science education during the past decade have placed teaching/learning approaches informed by constructivism on the ascendancy. However, implementing these approaches, which are not the usual classroom practices for many teachers, is likely to create difficulties. In this study, these difficulties were examined in terms of concerns expressed by a group of eight science teachers in one school prior to, and upon completion of, an 18‐month inservice programme specifically aimed at promoting teaching/learning approaches informed by constructivism. Teachers’ initial concerns were related to how the new approaches would affect their own teaching and how they could fulfil their responsibilities for completing the required syllabus. Post‐inservice concerns changed to a focus on how to maximise student involvement in science learning and to the consequences of their teaching. This paper concludes with implications for teacher educators who wish to use teachers’ concerns as indicators of difficulties encountered by teachers implementing new teaching/learning approaches.  相似文献   

例1如图1所示电路中,电源电压不变。电阻R=6Ω,开关S闭合后,电流表示数为2A。求:(1)电源电压;(2)电阻R消耗的功率;(3)在原电路中电阻R两端并联一个电阻R1,为使电阻R1消耗的功率为6W,求电阻R1的阻值;(4)在原电路中串联一个电阻R2,为使电阻R2消耗的功率也为6W,求电阻R2的阻值。答案(1)电源电压U=IR=2A×6Ω=12V。(2)电阻R消耗的功率P=IU=2A×12V=24W。(3)电阻R1与R并联,电阻R1消耗的功率P1=U2/R1,6=122/R1。解得:R1=24Ω。(4)电阻R2与R串联,电路中的电流I2=U/(R R2)=12/(6 R2)。电阻R2消耗的功率P2=I22R2,6=I22R2。解得:R2…  相似文献   

There has been little research into the views of the consumers of the special education service‐‐the children themselves. Social legislation (e.g., the 1989 Children Act in the UK) has emphasised the importance of discovering the views of the child when planning provision. Similar proposals have been put forward in recent UK documents concerning educational provision (DFE, 1993). This paper reports data based on individual, semi‐structured interviews with 56 children (ages 9 to 11) attending schools for pupils with moderate learning difficulties (MLD/MlD). Interviews probed views about special and mainstream schools and pupils, and perceived reasons for transfer from mainstream to special school. Two areas (teachers as a liked aspect of special and mainstream schools, and problems handling playground relationships) point to key areas of concern for children with learning or intellectual difficulties. Overall, MLD school children were supportive of their special schools. This is discussed in relation to categorization theory.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

利用小组合作学习提高大学物理教学效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙拥兵 《时代教育》2010,(6):108-109
针对大学物理教学中物理概念原理较多以及应用领域广泛这一特征,将小组合作学习引入到大学物理教学过程中,使学生在分工协作中学习物理知识,有利于提高学生的学习能力和学习物理的兴趣.本文将结合教学实践经验,对小组合作学习在大学物理中的应用进行了深入的分析.  相似文献   

关注高中物理教学中学生的学习体验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对新课改在推进过程中出现的实际问题--"表面繁荣"、"泡沫现象",本文在剖析"体验"概念的基础上,结合高中物理的教学特点,提出了增强学生在高中物理学习过程中体验的依据和实施途径.  相似文献   

物理概念与物理规律的教学程序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文将物理概念与物理规律细分成10类,详细地讨论了这10种不同类型的物理概念与物理规律的教学程序,对提高物理教学效果有很强的指导作用。  相似文献   

Research into teachers' conceptions of teaching can be justified in that deep seated beliefs impact upon the way teachers teach and influence the learning approaches of their students. This study examined conceptions of teaching art, through interviews with 18 secondary school art teachers in Hong Kong. The analysis resulted in a two‐level characterisation of conceptions under broad essentialist and contextualist orientations. There were four subordinate conception categories, namely moral development in art and aesthetic development in art under the essentialist orientation, and intellectual development through art, and expression and therapy through art as sub‐categories of the contextualist orientation. The categories were defined and delimited by six dimensions. The categories were seen as clearly distinguishable but related, though not hierarchically. There was no evidence of the category scheme being culturally specific, as the majority of the teachers held beliefs which were not consistent with the traditional manner of Chinese painting.  相似文献   

物理课是工程院校的一门基础课,教师教授物理课时需要一定的教学方法,才能提高教学质量和教学水平。本文是作者根据自己多年的物理教学中总结和感受而得出的教学经验,仅供同行参考。  相似文献   

安迪.哈格里夫斯在教师教学理论中提出了著名的"情绪地理"理论,其包括政治距离、专业距离、道德距离、物理距离和社会文化距离五个层面。并指出管理者在教育变革和教育政策的制定时要充分考虑教师的情绪因素,学校领导在学校组织文化建设中要考虑教师的情感需要,教师在课堂教学中更要利用情绪实践活动来加强与学生的情感交流,在工作中要与同事、领导、学生家长建立起合意的情感联系。  相似文献   

陈钧 《海外英语》2011,(11):7-9
Language learning beliefs play a very important role in influencing learners’ attitudes,motivations and also shape their experiences and actions in classroom.Successful learners develop insightful beliefs about language learning process,their own abilities and the use of effective strategies.However language learning beliefs can be different because of individual learner differences and contextual diversity.This study aimed at exploring beliefs about language learning held by pre-service teachers.159 pre-service teachers majoring in English at Qianan Normal College for Nationalities participated in the study.A 34-item questionnaire adapted from Horwitz’s(1987) BALLI was used to collect the data.The results were reported and discussed from the following five aspects:1) beliefs about foreign language aptitude,2) beliefs about difficulty of language learning,3) beliefs about nature of language learning,4) beliefs about learning and communication strategies,and 5) beliefs about motivation and expectations.Suggestions on pedagogical implications and for future research were also indicated.  相似文献   

浅谈"研究性学习"在物理实验教学中的渗透   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,让学生得到可持续发展,其根本点之一是改变过去那种学科教学中偏重于知识的机械记忆、浅层理解、简单应用以及立足于教师传授知识的学习方式。为此,我们必须引入一种使学生的学习能力和知识层次得到总体提升的学习方式,其中“研究性学习”就是我们所期待的这种学习方式之一。所谓“研究性学习”就是指学生在教师的指导下,从学习生活和社会生活中选择并确定研究专题,用类似科学研究的方式,主动地获取知识、应用知识、解决问题的学习活动。通过“研究性学习”既可以培养学生善于发现、勇于探索、勤奋钻研、求…  相似文献   

教学效能感是教学心理学的一个重要内容,它能促进教师专业发展和学生学业成绩。本文对教学效能感的概念、相关影响因素和教学效能感的功能做了简单的述评,并对教学效能感的培养提出了建议。  相似文献   

“研究性学习”课程的设置是高中课程改革最显著的特点之一,该计划规定:“研究性学习”以学生的自主性、探索性学习为基础,从学生生活和社会生活中选择和确定研究课题,主要以个体或小组合作的方式进行。研究性学习的核心是让学生主动地接受信息和创造性思维的过程,强调学生知识表征方式的重要性。在物理教学中,教师应有意识开展研究性学习,以达到大纳中规定的能力要求。  相似文献   

影响课堂教学效果的因素有多方面,不仅与教师(个人修养及业务能力)、学生(学习目标及学习状态)有关,还与教学因素(目标的确定、教法及过程的优化等)有关.在课堂教学中,我们总会发现学生存在这样的现象:心不在焉、打瞌睡、做小动作(玩笔、抠指甲)、讲话等,所有的这些因素都将使课堂教学的效果大打折扣,其主要原因是学习状态有问题.  相似文献   

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