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王玮 《海外英语》2013,(8X):246-248
Grammar is an important part of language learning. In order for students to have a functional knowledge of a language (in other words, that they can spontaneously produce language) they must have at least some knowledge about the grammatical constructs of the language in question. How grammar can be taught? Considering various second language teaching methods, teaching grammar through Communicative Language Teaching Approach is the most talked. Emphasis in this article is put on the application of Communicative Language Teaching Approach in grammar teaching in college English classes.  相似文献   

大学英语语言教学对提升学生的英语能力有非凡的意义,在进行教学的过程中,英语教师需要针对目前存在的问题采取解决措施,使课堂的交互性增强,通过课堂提问和课堂讨论等形式把课堂教学的气氛活跃起来,使师生之间的互动性增强,提高学生学习的积极性,在课堂中勇于用英语展现自己,使学生的英语综合能力提高。  相似文献   

Gashi  Leonora 《Interchange》2021,52(3):357-375
Interchange - This study seeks to understand opportunities for teaching and learning the target culture for intercultural awareness. Utilizing Moran’s Knowing Framework (2001) and its five...  相似文献   

Primary/elementary teachers are uniquely positioned in terms of their need for ongoing, science-focused professional development. They are usually generalists, having limited preparation for teaching science, and often do not feel prepared or comfortable in teaching science. In this case study, CHAT or cultural–historical activity theory is used as a lens to examine primary/elementary teachers’ activity system as they engaged in a teacher-driven professional development initiative. Teachers engaged in collaborative action research to change their practice, with the objective of making their science teaching more engaging and hands-on for students. A range of qualitative methods and sources such as teacher interviews and reflections, teacher-created artifacts, and researcher observational notes were adopted to gain insight into teacher learning. Outcomes report on how the teachers’ activity system changed as they participated in two cycles of collaborative action research and how the contradictions that arose in their activity system became sources of professional growth. Furthermore, this research shows how the framework of activity theory may be used to garner insight into the activity and learning of teachers as both their professional activities and the context change over time.  相似文献   

This survey study explored high school science teachers’ challenges and needs specific to their growing English language learning (ELL) student population. Thirty-three science teachers from 6 English as a Second language (ESL)-center high schools in central Virginia participated in the survey. Issues surveyed were (a) strategies used by science teachers to accommodate ELL students’ special needs, (b) challenges they experienced, and (c) support and training necessary for effective ELL instruction. Results suggest that language barriers as well as ELL students’ lack of science foundational knowledge challenged teachers most. Teachers perceived that appropriate instructional materials and pedagogical training was most needed. The findings have implications for science teacher preservice and inservice education in regard to working with language minority students.
Jacqueline T. McDonnoughEmail:

The aim of this study was to compare the achievement of prospective primary science teachers in a problem-based curriculum with those in a conventional primary science teacher preparation program with regard to success in learning about gases and developing positive attitudes towards chemistry. The subjects of the study were 101 first year undergraduate students, who were in two different classes and who were taught by the same lecturer. One of the classes was randomly selected as the intervention group in which problem-based learning (PBL) was used, and the other as the control in which conventional teaching methods were used. The data were obtained through use of the gases diagnostic test (GDT), the chemistry attitude scale (CAS), and scales specific to students’ evaluation of PBL such as the peer evaluation scale (PES), self evaluation scale (SES), tutor’s performance evaluation scale (TPES) and students’ evaluation of PBL scale (SEPBLS). Data were analysed using SPSS 10.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). In order to find out the effect of the intervention (PBL) on students’ learning of gases, independent sample t-tests and ANCOVA (analysis of co-variance) were used. The results obtained from the study showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of students’ GDT total mean scores and, their attitude towards chemistry, as well as PBL has a significant effect on the development of students’ skills such as self-directed learning, cooperative learning and critical thinking.  相似文献   

孙鹏 《海外英语》2011,(9):194-195
近年来,英语任务型教学的研究和应用十分广泛。但在实际英语教学中,有些教师对任务及任务型教学内涵分析和认识不全面,对在教学过程中的自身的角色没有明确的定位,从而会遇到一些困惑和问题。因此,英语教师应该加强对自身教师角色的认识,不断反思自身的教学实践,从而有效地推动和促进任务型教学模式在英语教学实践中的应用。  相似文献   

教师发展是指教师在智能、经验以及教学态度上不断成长的过程.我国外语教学长期存在的一个主要问题是外语师资质量不高.促进高校外语教师发展,提高外语教师专业素质,是大学英语教学改革成功的一个重要因素.外语教师应转变观念,积极参与教学法研究,进行教学反思,科学利用现代信息技术,促进自身发展.  相似文献   

谢萌  郭力平 《幼儿教育》2012,(Z3):85-89
美国2010年颁布的"共同核心州立标准"包括《共同核心州立数学标准》和《共同核心州立英语语言标准》。本文介绍了《共同核心州立英语语言标准》的目标、结构以及K~2年级的具体内容。这份标准对我国《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的制订与实施有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

We report results and impressions from a three-day inquiry-based workshop for K-8 teachers, aimed at improving their understanding of energy from a science and engineering perspective. Results suggest that the teachers made significant gains in understanding and appreciation of important energy concepts, but their comprehension of some key ideas remained incomplete. The dissipation of energy into thermal energy of the environment proved to be a particularly difficult idea, and one that represents a serious obstacle to understanding the principle of the conservation of energy.  相似文献   

本文通过分析材料科技英语的词汇、语法及语篇等语言特征,提出准确、通顺与简洁的材料科技英语标准,另外还分析了了材料科技英语的翻译方法及翻译技巧。  相似文献   

小学英语教学及其对小学英语教师的素质要求   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在小学英语教学普及的同时,面临的问题和困难也很多,其中教师问题是最主要的。因此,要提高小学英语教学质量,必须加强小学英语师资队伍建设,提高小学英语教师素质。  相似文献   

多媒体英语教学与英语教师的角色定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多媒体英语教学不仅为传统的英语课堂注入了新鲜的活力,而且也极大地改变了英语教师的工作特点。本文对英语教师在新环境下的定位进行了具体分析,指出英语教师应该承担起学习者、研究者、设计者、组织者和帮助者的角色,从而更好地发挥现代化教学技术的优势,最大限度地提高学生的英语应用能力。  相似文献   

大学英语教学中的中国文化   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
为了解大学英语教学中有关中国文化英语表达的教学情况 ,清华大学 12 6名非英语专业本科生接受了使用英语转述中国特色文化话题的能力调查。调查以答卷和访谈两种方式进行 ,并且对受测者所用英语教材和教学大纲进行了检看。结果表明 ,大多数受测者不能很好地用英语表述中国特色文化 ;中国文化在大学英语教学中受到了明显的忽视。有鉴于此 ,笔者就大纲制订、教材编纂、课堂教学等方面对大学英语教学与中国文化相结合的路径和方法提出了建议。  相似文献   

幼儿英语师资的质量直接影响着幼儿英语语言教学的质量。比较幼儿园中外教师的教学特点有利于丰富幼儿园英语师资教学方法与教学策略的使用,并促进教师的专业发展。研究表明中国教师更多地使用自制玩教具、教学方法也更为多样;外国教师则更多地使用多媒体软件、课堂氛围也更加活跃、在活动过程中输出的语言更加简单易懂。针对中外教师英语教学活动的特点,建议中国教师增强幼儿教师的多媒体教学意识和技能,注重运用基础型的词句,准确口语发音;外籍教师要充分发挥自制玩教具的教育价值,增强教具与活动内容契合性,增强教师集体活动中课堂管理能力,提高英语教学效率。  相似文献   

陈晓荣 《成才之路》2021,(15):118-119
教学语言是教师传递知识的必需工具,是课堂教学取得成效的关键。提高农村英语教师课堂教学语言有效性,有利于英语教学的高效开展,能提高教学效率和教学质量,提升学生英语素养,为社会培养合格人才。教师在教学中要发挥表率作用,注重用语规范;运用教学技巧,激发学生学习热情;注重实践教学,提高学生英语运用能力。  相似文献   

1.ELTasa~ioNWhatdoesitactuallymean,tobeanEnglishlangUageteacher?WhatdoeSsuchaPersonknowanddO?Whatqualifiesoneforsucharole?HowdoEnglishlanguageteacherScometobe?HOwfararethey'made'andwhatforceshelptOshapethem?~thenotionofteachingtheEnglishlangUageaPPealtOcertainsortSofpeople,ordoeSthejobitselfaffectthesortofpeOPletheybecome?WhatgiveSthemasenseOfidentity?DotheyseethemselveSasdifferentfromteachersofothersubjectS?WhatdoeSitmeantOhaveasucCeSSfulcareerasanEnglishlangusgeteacher?WallaCe…  相似文献   

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