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现代学校评估在坚持以政府督导促进学校发展的目标导向下,其功能和内涵从教育问责更多转向学校发展效益的评定,并呈现出以下发展特点:在组织模式上,强调政府督导与学校自评相结合、国家统一标准与地方自主实践相结合,并由具有一定独立性的机构开展评估工作;在评估内容上,重视对办学效益的评估、对学生结果表现的关注、对学校发展多元化的引导、对学校自身"增值性"的纵向评估;在评估程序和方法上,注重向学校提供信息服务和资源支持,采用科学专业手段收集数据并公布学校评估结果。借鉴国际学校评估的发展趋势,我国现阶段的中小学学校评估工作需要努力构建从中央到地方不同功能和职责的组织体系和网络,加强专业化队伍建设,并着力发展专业性程序和技术。  相似文献   

We investigated curricular and pedagogical innovations in an undergraduate science methods course for elementary education majors at the University of Maryland. The goals of the innovative elementary science methods course included: improving students’ attitudes toward and views of science and science teaching, to model innovative science teaching methods and to encourage students to continue in teacher education. We redesigned the elementary science methods course to include aspects of informal science education. The informal science education course features included informal science educator guest speakers, a live animal demonstration and a virtual field trip. We compared data from a treatment course (n = 72) and a comparison course (n = 26). Data collection included: researchers’ observations, instructors’ reflections, and teacher candidates’ feedback. Teacher candidate feedback involved interviews and results on a reliable and valid Attitudes and Beliefs about the Nature of and the Teaching of Science instrument. We used complementary methods to analyze the data collected. A key finding of the study was that while benefits were found in both types of courses, the difference in results underscores the need of identifying the primary purpose for innovation as a vital component of consideration.  相似文献   

The School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt (SSMV) is an innovative partnership program between a Research I private university and a large urban public school system. The SSMV was started in 2007 and currently has 101 students enrolled in the program, with a total of 60 students who have completed the 4-yr sequential program. Students attend the SSMV for one full day per week during the school year and 3–6 wk in the summers following their ninth- to 11th-grade years, with each grade of 26 students coming to the Vanderbilt campus on a separate day. The research-based curriculum focuses on guiding students through the process of learning to develop questions and hypotheses, designing projects and performing analyses, and communicating results of these projects. The SSMV program has elevated the learning outcomes of students as evidenced by increased achievement scores relative to a comparison group of students; has provided a rigorous research-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics elective curriculum that culminates in a Summer research internship; has produced 27 Intel and Siemens semifinalists and regional finalists over the past 4 yr; and has supported the development of writing and communication skills resulting in regional and national oral presentations and publications in scientific journals.  相似文献   

传统的科学教学课堂,内容形式单一枯燥,而且受时间和空间的限制因素极大,局限了学生对科学的兴趣。素质教育要求培养德智体美劳全方位发展的综合型、应用型人才,对课程的要求更为灵活巧妙,充分体现了学生在教育活动中的主体地位。因此,在科学教学中,要激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生主动积极地学习科学知识。  相似文献   

From 1980 to 1995, the University of Western Sydney at Hawkesbury (formerly Hawkesbury Agricultural College) in Richmond, New South Wales, Australia, pioneered an innovative undergraduate degree in Systems Agriculture based on experiential education, systems thinking, and adult learning theory. Today this program is in trouble and has reverted back to a more traditional teacher-directed approach. This article discusses the rise of the innovative education paradigm at Hawkesbury, the unique Systems Agriculture program itself, and its eventual decline. Reasons for both the shift to innovative education and its eventual downfall are explored. Implications for institutions of higher education contemplating innovative educational approaches are suggested.
Thomas F. Patterson Jr.Email:

国外研究者分别探讨了小学教师科学教学效能感的测量、影响因素、来源及其转变,但这些研究多基于西方文化背景,由于测量工具单一而导致一些研究结论不一致。我国小学教师科学教学效能感的研究还是空白,因此,应基于我国的实情和文化环境进行一些开创性研究。本领域的一些研究难题也昭示了将来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Normal Science Education and its Dangers: The Case of School Chemistry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

中央电大人才培养模式改革与开放教育试点,强调自主化学习,由于学员处于在职学习状态,实践性教学环节一直成为远程开放教育教学过程中的一个难点。广东广播电视大学法学专业的实践性教学,力图在教学设计方面和教学实践方面做了不同于普通高校而又符合远程开放教育特点的创新性探索。  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - School readiness is a construct used by educators and policy makers to describe a range of abilities that are beneficial for children transitioning to school....  相似文献   

Journal of Science Teacher Education -  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国小学教师教育机构经历了一系列的变化:机构层级逐渐提升,出现新的三级层级,组织形式愈发扁平化。这一机构变迁推动了小学教师培养朝高学历化、专业化、综合化的方向发展;也引发了对机构变迁速度、对中师历史的态度以及对机构转轨的认知等思考。未来小学教师教育机构应寻求独立化发展、实现专业的独立建制和学科的共同体建制,并积极正视中师发展的历史经验。  相似文献   

科学本质教学是科学教育的重要目标。科学教科书作为科学教学的核心课程资源,对教师的课堂教学和学生科学本质观的形成发挥着重要作用。本文应用内容分析法对美国《科学入门》教科书中科学本质观的分析表明,该教科书呈现了较为完整的科学本质观;突出科学的实证性、暂定性与发展性;为科学划界,区分科学与非科学;显性呈现关于科学与技术的关系;注重体现社会文化对科学的影响;所呈现的科学观是实践优位的。该教科书呈现的科学本质观能够为我国理科教科书编写提供多方面的启示。  相似文献   

文章针对小学科学课堂教学的现状与小学科学课堂教学的特殊性,结合新课程条件下小学科学教学的目标、理念和课堂教学设计有效性的要求,以小学科学《七色光》这一具体的教学内容片断为对象,探索小学科学课堂教学设计的有效性策略和实施途径。提出了"五步-四层"的课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

理答是课堂教学的重要组成部分,深度理答启发与引导学生思维走向深入。基于对小学语文课堂真实案例的剖析,发现教师只关注课堂理答形式层面而忽略其教学属性,存在表扬敷衍了事、类型刻板单一、忽视学生思维发展问题,应该从建设性表扬、多类型理答、捕捉教学时机方面进行深度理答。  相似文献   

课程文化主要是在课程目标、课程设计和课程实施三个层面上展示其主要内涵及特点。远程教育课程是一种复合文化,既包含了静态的教学媒介体系,又包含了动态的教学过程体系,其特质更集中地体现于应用型人才培养的目标定位、学生的特殊构成、基于网络条件的现代远程教育教学环境、导学结合的教学模式、突出学习支持服务等方面。  相似文献   

The role of aesthetic experiences for learning was examined in elementary school science. Numerous authors have argued for a science education also involving aesthetic experiences, but few have examined what this means empirically. Recordings of children’s talk with each other and with the teacher during hands-on activities in nine different science units were made. How the children and teachers used aesthetic judgements and how these judgements were part of aesthetic experiences of the science assignments were analysed. For the analysis a pragmatist perspective was used, especially drawing on Dewey and the later Wittgenstein. The results showed how aesthetic judgements occurred in moments of anticipation and moments when the science activities were brought to fulfilment. In this way children used aesthetic judgements normatively about what belonged in science class and what to include and exclude. In this way aesthetic judgements were an important part of learning how to proceed in science class. In using aesthetic judgements the children also talked about their own place in science class and whether they belonged there or not. In this way aesthetic experience is tightly related to learning science as participation. Learning science also meant learning a special kind of aesthetics, that is, learning how to distinguish the science context from other contexts. The fact that children liked or disliked something outside school did not necessarily mean that it was experienced aesthetically in the same way in school, but needed to be re-learnt. What these results mean for science education is discussed at length. The connection between aesthetics and learning to observe is also briefly discussed.
Britt JakobsonEmail:

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