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Popular Culture in Contemporary China (English version) With China's reform and opening up in 1978 as a starting point, this book records the development and evolution of contemporary Chinese popular culture. In the form of story-telling, it introduces wave upon wave of the popular culture in contemporary China and shows how Chinese people are open-minded toward international popular culture. A very important feature of the book is that it explores social and psychological changes of the Chinese people during more than 30 years. This books is published by New World Press.  相似文献   

To celebrate the 65 years anniversary of Sino-Czech diplomatic relations, the Chinese 1 Cuhural Relics Exhibition was held in the worldwide known Prague Castle. Under the great support of China's State Administration of Cultural Heritage, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Czech and Chinese embassy in Czech, the "Chinese Treasures Exhibition" , which was sponsored by Art Exhibitions China (AEC) and the Czech-China Friendship Association.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: On 22 August, China Foreign Language Publishing Administration, Translator's Association of China and China Academy of Translation launched an award ceremony in Beijing, representing International Federation of Translators (FIT) to award Aurora Borealis Prize to Prof. Xu Yuanchong of Peking University. Two of Prof Xu's friends from Southwestern Associated University in the early years attended the ceremony to express their congratulations. One is Nobel Physics Laureate Yang Zhenning and the other is Wang Xiji, the academician of Chinese Academy of Science and winner of "Two Bombs and One Satellite" award (meaning atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and man-made satellite).  相似文献   

After three years of preparation, the exhibition "One Hundred Years of Watercolor Painting", jointly-sponsored by the Arts Department of Chinese Cultural Ministry, Chinese Artists' Association and the National Art Museum of China, was held from October 14 to 27, 2006. This article was written in celebration of this landmark event by Huang Tieshan, Chairman of the Watercolor Painting Committee of Chinese Artists' Association.  相似文献   

On June 6, Xi'an Qujiang Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd. held a ceremony to release its new book “Evaluation and Research: Habitat Setting of Qujiang New Area” at Overseas Chinese Art Gallery in Xi'an. This book is the second collection of View Point Series of Qujiang Cultural Tourism planned and compiled by Qujiang Institute of Cultural Tourism (QICT), following its first collection “Cultural and Historic Theme Attractions in China: Case Study and Analysis of Tourist Behaviors”.  相似文献   

On October 6,China Culture Year,a year-long significant cultural event,opened in Paris.Chinese president Hu Jintao and French president Jacque Chirac extended their congratulations.In his congratulatory mesage,Huwrote,“Over the sweep of human history,Chinese and French  相似文献   

On July 7, 1937, the intruding Japanese forces assaulted Lugou Bridge (also known as the Marco Polo Bridge), and Chinese defending soldiers responded by gun fire. This has been known as the worldfamous Lugou Bridge Incident, which marked the beginning of Japan's all-out aggression against China as well as of China's War of Resistance to Japan.  相似文献   

Overseas Chinese history museums are cultural institutions specialized in the colleCtion and exhibition of hiStory, artifacts and references of overseas Chinese. In recent years, overseas Chinese history museums have risen as an important dimension of China's museum development, thanks to eye.increasing ties between overseas Chinese and their motherland, upgrading of China's comprehensive strength and ever-deepened studies about overseas Chinese. So far, there are eight overseas Chinese history museums in China.  相似文献   

With the coming of Chinese lunar year of monkey,the year-long grand cultual event“China Cultural Year“embraced its second climax in January 2004.The climax coincided with Chinese president Hu Jintao‘s state visit to France and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of China-France diplomatic relatios.  相似文献   

Usually these sinologists relied on Chinese sources and thereby quite often conceived themselves as inheriting the tradition of the Chinese literati. Although usually taking an interest in what happened in contemporary China, they only randomly recognized the true dimension of political and intellectual currents within China. Even though occasionally sympathizing with various currents among China's new elite, including revolutionary groups, these sinologists directed their study of China toward recon- structing the past rather than toward observing the building up of a new China. As a result, there was a widening gulf between contemporary China and the China of the sinologists' research.  相似文献   

The successful launch of China's first unmanned lunar orbiter, Chang'e Ⅰ witnessed the country's leading status in the space industry and fulfilled Chinese people's dream to explore the moon. In order to show respect for Chinese scientists who have made great contribution to the countrv's space exploration and express Chinese people's commitment to the peaceful utilization of space for the benefit of human kind,  相似文献   

As Mainland China 's.first international exposition on cultural industries, China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF) has seen the rapid growth of the country's cultural and creative industries over the past ten years. In retrospect, ICIF has made excellent performance and success.  相似文献   

"Dare to Trust--the First China-Germany Leaders forum", co-organized by the Ministry of Culture of China, the German Bertelsmann Foundation and the German Studies Center of PKU, recently opened at Peking University. Chinese Minister of Culture Cai Wu, vice president of the German Bertelsmann Foundation Liz Mohn, and Party Secretary of Peking University Zhu Shanlu addressed the opening ceremony.Thirty leading figures in politics, economy, culture, sports, education and academic circles from both countries attended the forum, including German ambassador to China Michael Clauss, former Chinese ambassador to Germany Ma Canrong, Chinese writer Li Er, and former German Minister of Justice Gmelin.  相似文献   

The Symposium on China Stud- ies, an annual event launched in 2013, celebrated its second session in the end of October 2014. Jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of China (MOC) and the Chinese Academy of Social Scienc- es (CASS), the event saw the atten- dance of 20 renowned sinologists from 17 countries and 14 Chinese experts in studies of Chinese culture, econo- my and politics. Participants carried out two-day discussions and dialogues on such topics as “Chinese Dream and value of contemporary China”, “ con- temporary interpretation of Chinese culture”, “translation and spread of contemporary Chinese works” and “tuture and trend of China studies”.  相似文献   

The Institute of Archaeology under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences announced China's top six archaeology finds in 2008. These discoveries were mostly made in Shaanxi, Yunnan, Gansu, Henan, Anhui and Inner Mongolia. They are of great importance to the chronology determination as well as studies of cultural characteristics and social structures of ancient China.  相似文献   

On October 25, 1979, the International Olympic Committee proclaimed the restoration of China's official status as IOC member. In order to celebrate this significant event, IOC authorized the Chinese Olympic Committee to produce and issue a set of precious-metal Olympic coins.  相似文献   

A 36-person delegation from the US President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanity paid an official visit to China from June 5 to 13 at the invitation of Chinese Cultural Ministry. On June 10, the delegation attended a seminar on the cultural identity of Chinese contemporary art chaired by Director Fan Di'an in the National Art Museum of China.  相似文献   

On February 6, 2008, the eve of the Chinese Year of Rat, Chinese red lanterns ignited major shopping streets of London. For the third year running, the "China in London" season was officially launched with grand parades. This spectacular event, aiming to showcase China's fascinating history and culture and strengthen ties between China and UK, has attracted a huge number of local residents and many prestigious institutions like the British Museum and the Royal Opera House.  相似文献   

"The Red Flag Is Flying: Thematic Painting of China in the 20th Century'is a research and publication project sponsored by the National Publication Fund and published by People's Fine Arts Publishing House. It is the result of several decades of art research and five years of collection and compilation by the author Cheng Lvsheng. The book includes nearly 4,000 thematic painting works by up to 1, 500 Chinese painters.  相似文献   

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