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This study concentrates in part on the market of fine arts. First, fine arts will be defined from a marketing point of view and peculiarities in the market of fine arts will be analysed empirically and theoretically. Certain aspects of marketing theory are discussed regarding their significance for the fine arts. Results of an empirical study of galleries and artists will be presented. It will be shown, whether and how artists are involved in marketing, how successful they are and what prerequisites to marketing the artists have.  相似文献   

Bruno  Isabelle 《Minerva》2009,47(3):261-280
Minerva - Working on the assumption that ideas are embedded in socio-technical arrangements which actualize them, this essay sheds light on the way the Open Method of Co-ordination (OMC) achieves...  相似文献   

Brazilwood was used in this work to dye wool mordanted with different amounts of copper(II) sulfate, alum and iron(II) sulfate. Two different dyeing methods were used: premordanting (MD) and simultaneous mordanting (M+D) procedures. In order to evaluate the influence of the mordant ion in the brazilein chromophore photodegradation, samples were subjected to artificial light ageing. Color measurements were made and, for the first time, LC-DAD-ESI-MS was used for chromophore analysis of the dyed fibers before and after light exposure. Mordant ion quantification was done after fiber acid digestion, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS). Mordant metal ion, mordant bath concentration and dyeing procedure were found to have strong influence in the wool fiber hues. Color variation was more pronounced in the alum dyed samples. Overall, mordant quantification showed that the amount of metal ions found in the fibers is very small when compared to the original concentrations of the dyeing bath, being Cu the ion with greater affinity for the wool fibers. MD dyeing procedure yielded fibers with larger amounts of mordant metal ions and higher chromophore peak areas. Higher amounts of brazilein were extracted from wool mordanted with copper(II) sulfate. Finally, chromatographic analysis of the brazilwood dyed samples before and after light exposure resulted in the detection of Type C compound as an outcome of the photodegradation process.  相似文献   

Recently, scholars begun to urge an approach to the study of finance that interrogates the accepted wisdom of financial models and practices by examining the forces of power behind their development. Drawing from the field of cultural studies, Hardin and Rottinghaus (in their 2015 article, “Introducing a cultural approach to technology in financial markets”) advocate for a cultural studies of finance, which emphasizes the critical consideration of the co-constructive nature of financial technologies and cultures. This paper builds off that provocation using the concept of ‘rhetorical closure’ (as described by Pinch and Bijker in 2012) to explore how industry media aimed at derivatives developers, traders, and investment bankers worked to define the meanings of new financial technologies. Using critical discourse analysis, this study examines how credit default swaps (CDSs) were presented in the financial industry media in the years 1995–2007, and how this framing contributed to the politics of these artifacts. It finds that the financial industry media produced a discourse about CDSs using multiple overlapping frames that overgeneralized the success of CDSs from narrowly specific evidence and applied constant competitive pressure to adopt new financial technologies. These discourses implicitly encouraged the rapid adoption and broad application of CDSs, thus helping to (re)produce a financial culture in which self-interest and short-term gains were prioritized.  相似文献   

This essay examines the topicality of intra-European intercultural tensions, focusing on German–Italian relations. Grounded in Burke’s interpretation of literature as “equipment for living,” this project uses Marisa Fenoglio’s Never without a woman—a novel about an Italian Gastarbeiter in Germany—as a case study and suggests a critical cultural analysis of German–Italian food-related rhetoric as reflective and constructive of German–Italian interculturality. This essay invites a nuanced understanding of the rhetoric of European foodways as representative of the contemporary European culture and intercultural communication because we are what we eat.  相似文献   

June this year will see the 118th anniversary of the birth of Shen Yimo, a noted calligrapher and scholar in China and the 30th anniversary of his death. On this special occasion, an exhibit of his calligraphic works and writings on the studies of his calligraphy will be held in Shanghai in his memory. Mr. Shen was my fellow provincial,  相似文献   

In the early 1980s, a button market in Qiaotou Town, Yongjia County of Zhejiang province was a national wonder. The small town, tugged away in a remote mountainous comer without railroad, attracted thousands of buyers every day in its most prosperous days. The town abounded with hundreds of small businesses producing more than 10,000 kinds of buttons. Today, Zhejiang boasts more than 300 industries engaged in special products, their scopes and profitability leading China. A great variety of regional producers engaged in specialty products have mushroomed in the coastal province, showcasing local people' s economic creativity, imagination and power. Today, specialty products makers are painting a bright picture in the province's overall economic landscape. Haining, a nationwide tourist attraction for its mid-antumnn Qiantang River tides surging in from the trumpet-like Hangzhou Bay, does not have any other speakable natural resources for economic takeoff. Yet, the local people have tapped in to one speci  相似文献   

William James (1919) characterises hypotheses as either live or dead. A hypothesis is live when it is taken into account as a ‘real possibility’. We follow James’ suggestion to not attribute intrinsic properties to hypotheses, but rather investigate how they came into being and look at the effects they generate. Expectations of digital technologies are a topic of vivid debate in the insurance industry. Before these expectations can become ‘live’, they have, in the first place, to be generated by market devices. We investigate how the reinsurance blogpost platform Open Minds functions as an ‘expectation generation device’ on the future of insurance markets. Combining Beckert’s work on the role of fictional expectations with the pragmatist turn in sociology of markets, we propose to study ‘expectation generation devices’, provoking expectations on economic markets. In our empirical analysis, we demonstrate the explicit fictional character of the Open Minds contributions, and analyse how a contained space of openness is generated to provoke expectations. We demonstrate how Open Minds can become live through circulation to other expectation generation sites in the insurance industry and beyond. We conclude by reflecting on the importance of expectation generation devices as a particular type of market devices.  相似文献   


Via a discussion of public debates surrounding the potential minting of a trillion dollar platinum coin in the context of the American debt ceiling crises of 2011 and 2013, this essay seeks to make sense of the popular persistence of ‘commodity’ or ‘metallist’ understandings of money's value in the face of a scholarly consensus that all currency is ‘token’ or ‘fiat’ in nature. Scholars from Knapp to Desan have elaborated token theories of commodity money, wherein both precious and non-precious currencies are treated as the products of social construction. By contrast, I suggest the need to supplement such approaches with what I term a commodity theory of token money, wherein money objects made from both precious and non-precious materials are treated as inherently valuable. Exploring the semiotic convergence between gold, Bitcoin and modern paper money, I suggest that the broadly Peircean notion of rhematization in which symbol and indexical signs are (mis)taken for iconic ones is particularly suited to unpack the continuing social salience of commodity theories of money across the gold/paper divide. Moreover attention must be paid to how we define the icon itself.  相似文献   

Jiaxing, an important city in north Zhejiang Province, has become a big attraction for Korean celebrities in the field of politics, business, and history. In the last few years, more than 2,000 Koreans in over 60 groups have visited the city. They come for one purpose: Kim Ku, a founding father of today's Korea, once worked in Jiaxing as his base for Korean independence for several years.  相似文献   

Benefit transfer refers to the transfer of economic values from a primary valuation study (study site) to a site where we need to conduct policy analysis (policy site). Due to the considerable costs and time required to conduct primary valuation studies, using benefit transfers to estimate the values for sites not yet valued is likely to attract policy interest. While benefit transfer is being increasingly applied in studies on environmental goods, its application in the field of cultural heritage resources is rare. The unique nature of these public goods, and differences in the size and demographic characteristics of the affected populations lead to a significant risk of benefit transfer providing irrelevant estimates for cultural heritage. In this study, we compared the results of two contingent valuation (CV) studies involving historic temples in Thailand and Vietnam, tested the validity and reliability of benefit transfers between the two sites, and explored the possibilities and difficulties in such transfers. We found that the error in transferring unadjusted mean willingness-to-pay (WTP) ranged from 46% to 129%. Adjustments for differences in purchasing power parity (PPP), income level and income elasticity between the sites substantially increased rather than decreased transfer errors in many instances. Function transfers did not perform better than unadjusted unit transfers. These results suggest that there are other important factors – possibly physical, cultural and institutional variables – that need to be taken into account in explaining the differences in WTP for cultural heritage aside from the usual income and socio-economic variables captured in CV studies. Until we are able to identify these other factors and measure their impacts, the potential policy use of benefit transfer in the case of cultural heritage goods remains limited.  相似文献   

Based on patterns of naming across four generations in first author Lie’s Chinese Indonesian family, we argue that naming practices are not just a function of personal taste or cultural habit but rather reflect negotiation of larger-scale political and historical conditions. We show that seeming contradictions and puzzles in the names and naming practices in Lie’s family can be explained by the specific social and political challenges faced by members of the family, particularly during the assimilation period of Suharto’s 1966–1998 reign. Both Lie’s family and the Indonesian state have treated names as having a high degree of constitutive power in these negotiations.  相似文献   

Black crusts formed on limestone built into the King's Gate represent the most important process in stone deterioration that is occurring in this part of the monumental complex of the Belgrade Fortress (Serbia). Of special importance is the association of salts (namely gypsum and syngenite). Syngenite is a common secondary deposit on granite monuments and on medieval stained glass (i.e., on K-containing materials). However, its appearance over calcareous substrates is not apparent, particularly in cases where cement mortar was not used for bounding. The origins of the potassium and sulphate ions required for syngenite formation are related to meteoritic water, which penetrates the soil above the arch of King's Gate. Water dissolves some soil components and becomes enriched with various ions before coming into contact with the limestone blocks. Enriched water contains two times more K+ and SO42? ions than pristine meteoritic water does. The source of the required ions is potassium-sulphate that is present in agricultural fertilisers that are used above the monument. The proposed mechanism for syngenite formation was additionally supported with laboratory experiment. The results of X-ray diffractometry and SEM-EDS analyses of limestone treated with potassium-sulphate solution and sulphuric acid suggest the possibility that the syngenite was formed over calcite:CaCO3 + K2SO4 + H2SO4  K2Ca(SO4)2 H2O + CO2↑However, the complex mechanisms of gypsum and syngenite formation under natural conditions (variable concentration of potassium and sulphate ions, intermediates phases, temperature changes, humidity, the amount of disposable water etc.) do not exclude the possibility of syngenite formation over gypsum.  相似文献   

In Italy, the Regular Grant is the most important subsidy to private cultural institutions. Since 1996, law 534/96 has regulated its provision. This law greatly improves on the previous legislation, as it redefines the prerequisites to become a recipient and specifies performance indicators to which the size of the grant must be tied. This paper examines the effects of the introduction of the new law, the characteristics of the government choice process and the redistribution profile of these grants using a variety of estimating techniques on official data gathered for the purpose.  相似文献   

The economic potential of language tourism is manifested in the number of summer courses organised by some countries. Even if learning the language is the main motivation for travelling, the tourists also take into account other characteristics when choosing a destination, such as the location, the safety, the quality of the language or the cultural attractions. The objective of the current study is to analyse the profile of language tourists according to their motivations to study Spanish and their perception of the destination and to examine this profile as a driver of tourists’ expenditures. Specifically, this work analyses a sample of tourists who attended Spanish courses in language schools and academies in the city of Valladolid (Spain). The analysis of their expenditure during the stay reveals that expenditure is affected by visitors’ motivations and perceptions.  相似文献   

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