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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
1.thatthetradebetweenthetwocountriesreacheditshighestpoint.A.Duringthe1960蒺sB.Itwasinthe1960蒺sC.Thatitwasinthe1960蒺sD.Itwasthe1960蒺s2.Ifyouwantyouhavetogetthefundsomewhere.A.thattheworkisdoneB.theworkdoneC.tohavedonetheworkD.theworkthatisdone3.Ifittoomuchtrouble,I蒺dlovetohaveacupoftea.A.isn蒺tB.wasn蒺tC.weren蒺tD.hadn蒺tbeen4.Silveristhebestconductorofelectricity,copperitclosely.A.followedB.followingC.tofollowD.beingfollowed5.Shewasgladthathersuccesswouldforthewomenwhowouldfollow.…  相似文献   

曹力城 《新高考》2007,(4):48-55
1.With everyone silent,I knewI had failed tomy joke to the crowd.A.get;over B.get;acrossC.get;up D.get;down2.Now that the students are burdened withmore work to do,after school do they havesports as they used to.A.usually B.seldomC.occasionally D.al ways3.—I guess you might have missed your traintoShanghai yesterday.—Well,I al most.A.might B.hadC.have D.did4.The development of industry affects the envi-ronment.,the environment affects the devel-opment of industry.A.In turn B.In retur…  相似文献   

1.Afterhegaveareportabouttheschool,MrWhite____thevisitorsaroundit.A.wentontoshowB.wentonshowingC.wentonwithshowingD.keptonshowing2.—TomworkshardatEnglish.—_____,and_____.A.Sodoeshe;soyoudoB.Soyoudo;soisheC.Sohewill;sodoyouD.Sohedoes;sodoyou3.Whenyouwritetohim,please_____him.A.givemylovestoB.givemyregardtoC.remembermetoD.givemywishesfor4.Wehavedonethingsweoughtnottohavedoneand_____undonethingsweoughttohavedone.A.leftB.leaveC.willleaveD.leaving5.Peoplearepuzzled_____theyreadthebook.A…  相似文献   

1 .Please goon the other exercise硫er you have finished this one. to do with 2一1 usuallygothere一Why not—A .tot仃going C .t叮and即3 .The driver and in the aeeident. A .young two other B .doing D .to be doing hy traln. by ship for a ehange? B.勿togo D.卿  相似文献   

1.Marsisnot,it,thedryoldplanetweoncebelievedit.A.seems;tobeB.looks;wasC.appears;tobeD.shows;was2.Howdoyoufindtogotoschoolwithoutbreakfast?A.himB.heC.itD.that3.—Isheastudentthanyou?—No.Wearebothdoctors.A.nolongerB.nomoreC.notanylongerD.notanymore4.—IdontthinkIcanworkitout.—.Letsgoandturntotheteacherforhelp.A.NordoIB.SocanIC.Idont,tooD.Soitiswithme5.Forgivelate.Mycarwasbyatrafficjam.A.mybeing;heldonB.mebeing;heldupC.metobe;stoppedD.metobe;delayed6.—Youseemedtobedeeplyimpressedb…  相似文献   

任丽卿老师是北京理工大学外语系副教授、研究生导师。她还是著名的英语考试辅导专家,对各类考试的命题原则、思路有过深入的探究。做好单项选择题,不仅要往意题目的语境和句子结构,而且应该抓住其中的关键词所传递的信息,这祥才有利于找到解题的突破口。如果同学们在做题的同时不忘及时总结每道题的考点,要明显提高答题能力并不困难。  相似文献   

1.The new bike cost me 500 yuan, ____he paid 700 yuanforhis. A.while B.whether C.what D.which 2.We missed the first bus this morning, ____we were late. A.but B.when C.so D.however 3.You should have passed the exam, ____you always sleptinclass. A.but B.so …  相似文献   

情景交际与惯用法1.—Mr Smith,you are fined for overspeeding.Please sign here.—Fined?Overspeeding?______A.Are you all right?B.You can.t be serious.C.I.m a foreigner.D.It doesn.t matter.2.—How are you doing?—______.And you?A.Just so so B.I don.t knowC.It  相似文献   

.—IwenttotheparkandhadawonderfultimetherelastSunday.—Oh,didyou?.A.SoIdidB.SohadIC.SodidID.Ididso.—Letmeintroducemyself.I蒺mJane.—.A.WhatapleasureB.It蒺sapleasureC.PleasedtomeetyouD.Iamverypleased.Theyoungplantsmustinsuchhotweather.A.takeagoodcareofB.takegoodcareofC.betakengoodcareD.betakengoodcareof.Itwasverylate,butthepeasantsstillinthefields.A.wentontoworkB.wentonworkingC.keptonworkingD.keptupwiththeirwork.AllmyclassmateslistentoEnglishontheradio.A.everyday;everydayB.everyd…  相似文献   

ool den 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空或根据括号内所给的汉语提 示,写出空白处所缺的单词。 1. Taiw an Island (lie)in the southeast of China? 2.Last night,we went to the cinem a and the m usic of the film (sound)sweet. 3.—W hen did you see Carl,Tom ? —I saw him while I (get)offthe train. 4.Every teacher (希望)his or her students to work hard to m ake progress. 5.Jim always (赢)m e atsw im m ing.I think I need m ore training. 6.If he (lose)the books you borrow from the library,he m ust pay f…  相似文献   

从A,B,C,D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. You should make it a rule to leave things______you can find them again.(NMET 1999)A. when B. where C.then D. there2. After living in Paris for fifty years, he returned to the small town______he grew up as a child. (NMET 1996)  相似文献   

1 .1 know nothing about the young Iady_she 15 from Beijing. A .exeePt B.exeePt for C.exCePt that D.besides 2 .Rose was wild with」oy—the result of the examination. A .to B.atC,by D.as 3一You are 50 lueky.一What do you mean_that? A .for B.in C of D. by 4  相似文献   

1.—You‘vedl飞)P peds”in the word month beeause of an outbreak of sARs last year. —oh,sorry_letter“s”shouzd be dou-bled like this“ae功55,,. A .a,A B.an,A C.an,The D.the,The 2.—Mayl_your dietion出y forawhile? —Sor巧,I‘ve left it at home. A .borrow B.lend C.keep D.take 3 .Those_ha化eaught SARS disease.must bekept off至访m us. A .Who B.加hichC./D.what 4 .There,5 going to_a eonoertint生le halltonighr. A .have B.give C Play D.be 5 .An ea,thquake_rhe rtorth of Qinghai pr〔、vil…  相似文献   

1 .She thought 1 was ta!king about her daughte杭_in faet,1 was talking about mydaughter. A .whom B.where C.whiehD,whi!e 2一Do you remember_he eame?扁叭粥,1 do,he eame by ear. A how B.when C.that D.if 3,we ean’t get seems better than.we have. A.What;  相似文献   

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