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This study used The Competent Speaker, a rubric developed by the National Communication Association (S. P. Morreale, M. R. Moore, K. P. Taylor, D. Surges-Tatum, & R. Hulbert-Johnson, 1993), to evaluate student performance in general education public speaking courses as a case study of student skills and programmatic assessment. Results indicate that students taking the general education public speaking course are below satisfactory standards on five of the eight competencies defined by the National Communication Association and are above satisfactory standards on two of the eight competencies. Implications for this particular program, other communication departments, and communication across the curriculum in general education are discussed. We also offer suggestions for those in other disciplines or educational settings in the use of performance evaluation rubrics for assessing other student skills/knowledge and for training new teachers.
Norah E. DunbarEmail:

电装工操作技能考核的过程与单片机应用系统的开发过程有着难于调和的矛盾,限制了单片机在职业技能鉴定考核中的应用.根据职业技能考核和单片机开发的特点,提出创新措施,开发的技能鉴定试题适合考生的应用能力和操作技能水平,提高了试题的多样性、随机性和公平性,并解决了单片机应用能力与职业操作技能鉴定的脱节问题.  相似文献   

教师职业技能培养模式的建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着课程改革的推进,需要针对新的技能要求改革原有的培养方式,提出建立职前技能培训、入职技能辅导、在职技能提高一体化的教师职业技能培训体系。目前要实现一体化的教师技能培训目标,应从教师终身发展、专业发展的角度,统一规划教育教学,建立三个阶段相互连结的教师技能培训的目的要求、内容方式与措施体系,使三个阶段形成有机结合、系统连贯的整体。  相似文献   

This study measured changes in interviewing skills from pre- to post-training and the transfer of acquired skills to interviews with clients in practicum. Graduate social work students were grouped as "poor" or "good" interviewers before training based on pre-training interviews. Students showed positive changes in their post-training videotaped interviews with those initially rated as "poor" interviewers exhibiting greater increased use of exploration-simulating skills and greater decreases in advice and information giving. In general, students did not transfer improved skill use to practicum; transfer by "poor" begining performers was somewhat greater than by those with higher initial ratings. Implications for social work education are discussed.  相似文献   

高职院校学生职业技能竞赛体系的构建与实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高职院校在构建学生职业技能竞赛体系时,要注意将竞赛与教学和学生活动相融通,将校级竞赛与省级、国家级竞赛及职业资格鉴定相结合,在实施中要整体规划和统筹,保证竞赛的实践性、时效性、先进性,并以此为契机,激发学生的学习兴趣,提升教师的教学水平,推进学校的教育教学改革。  相似文献   

高校学生评教指标体系的构建——以湖州师范学院为个案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校组织学生对教师的教学行为及其态度、水平、效果等方面进行评价,并在客观分析评价结果和学生意见的基础上向教师反馈并提出改进要求.有助于引导教学改革的方向和进程.在立足于本校特色和学生评教工作操作实践基础上,采用简化指标、直观打分和增设"主观评价"栏等方式.创新构建具有鲜明个性、科学合理的学生评教指标体系,以期更好地使学生评教服务于学校课堂教学质量的提高.  相似文献   

论衡量城市建设文化品位的尺度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市建设的化内涵包括城市建设中人的活动成果和活动方式及其所蕴涵,所显示的观念和思维方式。衡量城市建设化品位的主要尺度包括;环境的保护和生态建设,物保护与城市建设发展矛盾的解决,城市建设所体现的人特色,城市建设与自然条件的协调统一,城市交通系统的建设和管理,景观审美准则。  相似文献   

回顾了建筑学专业教育评估的缘起,介绍了该评估的标准、程序和特点,并对浙江大学建筑学专业教育评估促进学科建设的实践进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Cognitive pretesting (CP) is an interview methodology for pretesting the validity of items during the development of self-report instruments. The present research evaluates a systematic approach to the analysis of CP data. Materials and procedures were developed to rate self-report item performance with CP interview text data. Five raters were trained in the application of that system. Estimates of inter-rater reliability found acceptable to substantial levels of inter-rater agreement. Results from the present study suggest that excellent inter-rater reliability can be achieved in the evaluation of CP data. Guidelines for systematically rating the qualitative data collected using CP methods are provided. Future research should focus on empirical demonstrations of how such rating procedures can lead to improvements in self-report instruments.  相似文献   


This article describes how a teacher changed her method of teaching after acquiring knowledge about graphing calculators in a Professional development program. It describes one particular unit on understanding variables and graph interpretation taught in a seventh-grade science and math class. The use of graphing calculators proved to be effective in increasing student understanding of relationships between variables, graphing, and experimental design. The teacher in our project also found graphing calculators to be effective tools for teaching constructively. Our study implies that math and science teaching can be improved through the use of graphing calculators.  相似文献   

Assessment of students’ communication skills after a course in counselling, in which the students are prepared for work practice, requires another assessment method than the traditional written examination. In this paper we describe the construction and evaluation of simulations. The results of an investigation into the quality of the simulations show that they enable objective assessment of students’ mastery of skills in the situation which is simulated. In order to achieve generalisable scores, i.e. scores which indicate how well a student will perform in counselling interviews in general, more than one simulation has to be administered. Although the simulation is not an efficient instrument, its benefits are high: weaknesses in students’ performances will be detected so that remedial teaching can be offered, and clinical practice can be preserved for counsellors with a less than sufficient ability in counselling skills  相似文献   

目的:探讨我院临床技能大赛的开展效果及其在全面提升医学生专业素质中的作用。方法:在我院临床医学专业学生进入临床实习前期,利用业余时间进行临床技能强化培训,然后采用多站式现场模拟场景临床技能大赛,对大赛结果进行评估。结果:临床实习生在临床实践能力、临床思维能力、心理素质、医患沟通技巧和团队协作能力等方面得到了有效的提升,临床技能大赛也推动了临床实践教学模式的改革与创新。结论:开展临床技能大赛可有效提升医学生的临床实践能力和专业素质,可作为全面提高医学生人才培养质量的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

通过实践教学环节提高学生职业技能,是高职教育研究的一项重要课题。围绕高等职业教育高素质技能型人才的培养目标,结合市场对土建类专业技能型人才的需求调研和教育教学实践经验,就如何提高学生职业技能进行系统的探究。  相似文献   

技能大赛是我国职业教育领域的一项重大制度创新,对学校的专业、课程、实训室建设等方面均具有巨大推动作用。论文以广东省"工业机器人技术应用"比赛为对象,对大赛的设备及考核要点分析的基础上,研究了基于技能大赛的"工业机器人技术"专业建设思路,分别在专业课程体系、师资培养、实训室建设、"校企合作"等方面融入竞赛要素,发挥技能大赛对专业建设的引领作用。  相似文献   

伴随着国家十二五计划纲要的制定和实施,我国高等职业教育进入了一个全新的时期,对于高等职业教育课程改革的研究也在不断的发展和深入,笔者从会计专业的基础能力出发,围绕财务信息的加工和传递这一会计通用技能,提出一些实训课程的改革思路和具体方法。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO对秘书职业冲击很大,对秘书职业技能的培养也提出了更高的要求。秘书职业技能构成的综合化,秘书职业技能培养的专业化和课程设置的模块化为秘书教学理论和实践技能培养提供了广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

长期从事专项技能的劳作,将会伴有职业病的发生。运用访谈、调查、理论支撑等从各专业的实际出发,制定符合各专业技能工作特点的运动项目,在教学中大胆尝试,通过体育运动技能的传授,减少甚至是避免专业技能应用中职业病的出现,指导大学体育课程的开设。  相似文献   

教师专业技能培训的新视野   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
梁树森 《教育科学》2002,18(6):45-47
教师专业技能是教师专业化的重要方面,本文从专业化教师品质特征和实施素质教育的要求分析了教学技能培训存在的主要问题及其原因,以教师专业化的理念探讨了教学技能的地位、特点和发类等教学技能培训中的理论问题。  相似文献   

新任教师在他们接受了师范教育,掌握了最低限度的教育知识和技能之后,直接进入学校教育教学领域。通常,他们的教学策略和技能是有限的,同时,在任教学校中新任教师常常没有人为其构建教师的教与学生的学所需的积极、有效的学习环境。许多教师通过自己反复摸索才形成一套教学策略或  相似文献   

针对目前教师职业技能训练尚未能引起国内师范教育界足够重视的情况,本文在概述教学模式基本理论的基础上,阐述了运用教学训练模式加强师范生教师职业技能训练的一些设想。  相似文献   

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