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The Ph.D. degree in Australia, established some three and a half decades ago, has become recognised internationally as of high professional standing. However, attitudinal deficiencies in individual graduates, first recognised in the Fensham Report, still need to be addressed. Serious consideration needs to be given to the introduction of relevant course‐work within the degree programme to broaden the intellectual base and to offset premature specialisation. A corresponding reduction in the extent, but not the quality, of the thesis should be envisaged. Advantages are seen in interspersing employment between Honours degrees and Ph.D. commencement and greater emphasis should be given to counselling of candidates embarking on a Ph.D. programme. The quality and character of Ph.D. programmes is influenced by the sole‐supervisor model, constraints on university research funding and the career expectations of candidates. The emergence of joint university‐industry companies offers new opportunities for entrepreneurial and creative Ph.D. graduates in small firms rather than, as earlier, in large corporations.

New initiatives are proposed to build on the successful base of existing programmes to alter the balance in favour of greater intellectual development and awareness of Ph.D. graduates.  相似文献   

Summary Tanzanian educators recognize the need to ally education more clearly to economic development, for they see in a revitalized economy the impetus for the growth of social services. The shortcomings in the educational system which must help accomplish this are clear. They realize that the ‘education for self‐reliance'policies have only slightly altered the nation's economy and have done little to create the ‘new’ socialist person. Teachers, their students, and parents do not yet possess the attitudes necessary to promote cooperation and service; and the majority of students do not attain the knowledge and skills necessary for an economy to prosper.

The nation's educational bureaucracy must also be committed to dramatic change. To date, only cosmetic changes have occurred in the way schools are administered. While leadership at the top has been sincere, regional and local educational leaders often only pay lip service.

Revolutionary change in Tanzanian education could come quickly through coercion and force. However, that is not the Tanzanian way and the chosen path. Instead, change is to be accomplished through the democratic process of enlightenment and dedication. This takes time. The major question is whether Tanzania still has the time.  相似文献   

作为世界上最贫穷的国家之一,坦桑尼亚寄希望于通过大学创业教育所培养出的创业型人才来激发经济发展和降低失业率,因此,政府指引大学通过转变培养目标或办学定位、构建跨学科创业课程体系和成立创业发展研究院等举措来开展创业教育,但在实践过程中,由于缺乏有利的创业环境、大学内部不同院系缺乏多方参与和缺乏创业背景出身的创业教师,导致效果不甚理想.从坦桑尼亚大学开展的创业教育中可以看出,完善的法律、财务制度、人力资源、市场等辅助服务系统是初创企业发展的基石,政府在推行大学开展创业教育上应该弱化过程监管,高校则应该打破学科壁垒构建起跨学科创业教育教学的通力合作模式.  相似文献   

This article describes the results of a global survey about the most critical issues facing educational television in this decade. Over 100 responses were received, and every continent was represented. Reactions indicated that the most critical problems were associated with limited funding, inadequate staffing, outdated equipment, insufficient broadcasting time and declining levels of government support. Lack of equipment in schools and insufficient teacher training were also cited as major concerns. Solutions to these problems were also solicited on the survey. There were some interesting suggestions, which included more corporate partnerships, international co‐productions, ‘media literacy’ training for teachers, and the establishment of a global educational television consortium.  相似文献   

本文探析了坦桑尼亚各类高等院校的师资力量及其变化,高校教师学历、职称结构及其变化,高校教师的年龄结构等.  相似文献   

Globally, persons with disabilities are underrepresented in higher education. In sub-Saharan Africa, where opportunities for higher education are especially limited, women are unlikely to continue their education. This research investigates women in Tanzanian higher education with the double marginalisation of being a woman and having disabilities. The women were interviewed on what factors enabled access and participation for their educational success. A thematic analysis of qualitative data was applied. All of the women interviewed were motivated to complete their degrees. Key enabling factors were encouragement from their families and previous teachers, full participation in student life and sufficient financial support. Student life integration, especially peer study groups, and university staff training were emphasised along with structural modifications needed for campus facility access. They understood the importance of education, especially as women with disabilities, and the impact educated women with disabilities have as role models for young women, those with disabilities and without.  相似文献   

责任意识是人的内在动力和理想信念的外在表现,当前社会剧烈转型,社会思潮跌宕起伏,90后大学生的责任意识呈现复杂多样、参差不齐的多元态势。部分大学生存在责任意识缺失或淡薄,作者在深入阐述90后大学生责任意识教育必要性的基础上,探索了大学生责任意识缺失的主要表现,并从自我养成教育、学校教育、家庭教育、社会关注等方面,提出了加强90后大学生责任意识养成教育的若干新见解。  相似文献   

教育公正:超越管理主义的教育制度伦理原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于管理主义的影响,教育制度的设计往往过分强调教育的工具理性,忽视教育的目的价值;追求教育效率,忽视教育公平;崇拜市场在教育中的作用,虚化政府的教育责任,从而导致教育的不公平现象。只有超越管理主义,引入伦理学的视角,才能真正建立教育公正的原则,实现人人享有受教育权。  相似文献   

The Chinese educational landscape has been transformed since the 1970s when The Diploma Disease was first published. At that time, the Cultural Revolution was coming to an end and a process of educational reconstruction was about to start. Much of what Dore described was swept away by the enthusiasm of modernisers intent on re‐establishing a competitive, examination‐based system that valued competence over ideology, individual rewards, and the virtues of studying ‘to become a dragon’. This paper charts the changes that have taken place in assessment, the regeneration of the ‘key school’ system, the expansion of private schooling, and the university entrance and job placement system. Some of what Dore valued remains—Confucian values still permeate learning and teaching, an all‐round education is promoted which balances the intellectual with the moral and the physical, and vocational schooling is heavily promoted. Chinese education, and the role assessment plays in it, appears to be converging towards forms common in other East Asian countries. In the increasingly unregulated climate that is contemporary China, this appears to be happening with few checks and balances that might protect educational quality and preserve schooling from the excess backwash on learning and teaching that examinations create in other countries in the region. Dore's general thesis thus retains its relevance and stands as a salutary reminder to what the future may bring.  相似文献   

普通高校举办非学历继续教育的基本原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对原则、教育的基本原则、非学历继续教育基本原则等几个相关概念的逻辑关系进行了分析,在此基础上,从相对独立性、品牌战略、专业化发展、资源联合等四个方面阐述了普通高校举办非学历继续教育的基本原则。  相似文献   

自传体和90年代女性写作   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自传体是小说是女性主义诗学的重要组成部分,本以西方女 主义论和叙事学理论为依据,论述了自传体与女性写作的密切关系,并在中国当代女性学的背景下,重点分析了林白、陈染等人小说创作的自传体性质及其女性主义意义。  相似文献   

通过对国民劣根性的挖掘,批判农村落后的文化习俗及心理,揭示知识分子自审及自我放逐,说明了九十年代文学创作领域启蒙主题的必然性和必要性。  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - This paper presents the findings of a two-year EU-funded project (DG Education and Culture) Benchmarking in European Higher Education, carried out from 2006 to...  相似文献   

It is suggested that major studies of mature student experience are limited by the epistemological underpinnings of their approach and that the representations they offer do not permit an adequate sociological understanding. It is then argued that conceptual tools derived from Bourdieu's sociology can facilitate such an understanding. Two segments of qualitative data from interviews with mature students and their tutors in a UK university department are used to illustrate the potential for a sociological approach which, by focusing on both the constituting and constituted nature of practices, avoids the pitfalls of objectivism and subjectivism apparent in some previous research.  相似文献   

G. R. V. Mmari 《Prospects》1977,7(3):379-394
In traditional African societyeverybody was a worker. There was no other way of earning a living for the Community. Even the Elder, who appeared to be enjoying himself without doing any work and for whom everybody else appeared to be working, had, in fact, worked hard all his younger days.former Director of the Institute of Education. Specialist in mathematics education and curriculum development.  相似文献   

外来民工的到来,有效缓解了城市经济发展与劳动力后备资源不足的矛盾,同时也带给全国城市300万人以上的义务教育学龄人口。在发达国家工业化的早期,农民进城后迅速转化成为了产业工人。而在当今中国,农民进城后受到种种限制、缺乏知识技能,很难尽快转变成产业工人主力,很难迅速融入城市生活,还因行政区划、地域壁垒、国统指标及其由此诱发的政绩驱动行为,使其子女不能接受基本的义务教育。对此,我们百思不得其解:外来民工劳作于全国的城市、为所在的城市贡献 GDP 和纳税。本来有权享受国民待遇,为什么还要再承担一份额外的教育收费;本是合法公民,本已成为新一代城市移民,为什么在自己祖国失去受教育权?  相似文献   

This article is concerned with a dimension of young people's civic education beyond socialisation that is neither confined to the sphere of political decision-making, nor to the achievement of a particular civic identity. The two case studies emphasise the role and importance of significant others and of democratic and non-democratic relationships, engagements and practices in the everyday lives of the young people. Whilst schools have a duty to teach young people how to act and behave in a responsible way within a democratic society, they also have a unique opportunity to foster and maintain a safe environment where young people can originate action, respond to the actions of others and be citizen-subjects.  相似文献   

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