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高校思想政治理论课信任危机的产生与教育信息、教化价值、课程实施、学习过程和教学预期中出现的问题有关.化解思政课信任危机是加强和改进课程建设的重点任务,需要把握并正确处理教师主导性和学生主动性、主体性和客体性、理想性与现实性、内容单一性和形式多样性、过程即时性和效果延时性之间的辩证关系,对此,应以提高育人实效性为目标创新...  相似文献   

This article explores the links between personal story-telling, autobiographical writing and the processes of identity construction. The paper draws upon the work of the gender and sexuality group at the Department of Cultural Studies, University of Birmingham. Personal stories, written by the author, for the gender and sexuality group, are used to illustrate the complexities involved in the construction and reconstruction of identity. It is suggested that autobiographical writing produces particular versions of identity, framed by social context and dominant gender relations. A more critical approach to personal story-telling is outlined as a way of making sense of experiences in relation to gender, sexuality and identity.  相似文献   

Chie Takahashi 《Compare》2008,38(1):5-22
This paper examines the quality and development of relations between organisations and the ways in which these are informed by incidental learning experiences in two projects. The paper conceptualizes instances of inter‐organisational learning (IOL) applying theories such as principal‐agent, prisoners' dilemma and women's place in community development. The main results are (a) that IOL can be used to maintain and modify relations of control and dominance in partnership hierarchies; (b) that IOL serves as a spin‐off of horizontal relationships and can be increased or reduced in the competition between partners for resources and identity; and (c) that IOL at the community level, when delivering outsiders' intervention, can be promoted by involving local authorities and operating within the existing household hierarchy. The paper shows that the influential role of individuals, beyond organisational boundaries, becomes critical through social networks and the establishment of trust‐based relations and resistance to learning as consequences of personal conflict. However, structural constraints in the aid system, such as asymmetric access to resources, expertise, knowledge, status and networks, ultimately determine the quality of funding management schemes and the emergence of an environment that stimulates mutual individual learning, which in turn may lead to organisational learning and inter‐organisational learning.  相似文献   

Television criticism frequently focuses on the deconstruction of individual representations in texts, a practice that privileges specific characters rather than relationships among characters. This paper examines the usefulness of fictional television relationships for adolescent sexual identity formation by examining Dawson's Creek for its construction of gay character Jack McPhee. Jack's sexual identity is constructed and modified through dialectical tensions in his relationship with Jen Lindley, ultimately allowing him to express sexual identity in terms of acceptance rather than in terms of political or legal rights. This difference in narrative form illuminates potential differences between the formation of adult and adolescent sexual identity. Examining ethnographic work on gay men and their use of fictional media combined with a close reading of Dawson's Creek for sexual identity construction, this paper ultimately argues that fictional representations could serve as a template from which gay adolescents enact personal relationships. It also calls for critical media scholars to examine positive aspects of television representations.  相似文献   

The paper explores gender relations in academia and discusses how gender is constructed within academic institutions. It is based upon the study of a business school, part of a British university. The construction of gender relations within this institution was of special interest because the majority of managerial roles were occupied by women. All female academic managers (dean, associate deans and heads of department) and a random selection of female and male academics were interviewed. The process of construction of gender relations is investigated through the analysis of the discrepancy between the ‘masculine culture’ of high education institutions and the dominance of women managers within this organization. It is suggested that the numerical dominance of women managers may create tensions between their individual identities as women and their managerial identities, due to the predominance of masculine practices and values within the organization. Additionally, it emerged that the maintenance of masculine ideals and practices is also associated with downplaying women’s achievements.  相似文献   


This article illustrates the significance of teachers' emotions in the construction of teacher identity by invoking a poststructuralist lens in discussing the place of emotion in identity formation. In suggesting a poststructuralist perspective of emotions and teacher identity, it is argued that teacher identity is constantly becoming in a context embedded in power relations, ideology, and culture. In theorizing about teacher identity two ideas are developed: first, that the construction of teacher identity is at bottom affective, and is dependent upon power and agency, i.e., power is understood as forming the identity and providing the very condition of its trajectory; and second, that an investigation of the emotional components of teacher identity yields a richer understanding of the teacher self. This discussion is motivated by a desire to develop analyses that investigate how teachers' emotions can become sites of resistance and self-transformation. The emphasis on understanding the teacher-self through an exploration of emotion opens possibilities for the care and the self-knowledge of teachers and provides spaces for their transformation.  相似文献   

Self-narration has been discussed as a process of identity construction where a person, while telling her or his story and presenting herself/himself in relation to important people, creates a self-identity, in fact a version of self. This article is based on a study where pupils, aged 13-14, were asked to write and make drawings on the theme 'My future family'. The boys' stories are focused on here and the narratives are seen as reflecting the boys' ways of exploring a male identity through their main character. A group of the boys did write about odd or egocentric persons and used absurd ingredients and elements of the science fiction genre. These narratives are analysed in more detail and it is argued that the detached and humorous style opens up for writing about maleness without entering into familiarity.  相似文献   

Sociological research investigating boys' masculinity performances has commonly recognised the importance of peer group cultures in identity construction. Whilst such work has undoubtedly offered important and useful frameworks for interpreting and understanding boys' behaviour in schools, the article argues that social psychological theories of intergroup relations also proffer important insights. Drawing upon interview and survey data, the article focuses on the existence of intergroup bias between peer groups in two secondary schools and demonstrates how a social identity framework can assist in providing a fuller and more complex understanding of boys' masculinities than sociological insights alone. Furthermore, it is suggested that gender work strategies designed to address and ultimately help some boys restructure their constructions of masculinity, which recognise the range of complex sociological and social psychological processes at work, are likely to more effective than those that offer partial insights. As such, strategies that draw upon work on masculinities and upon social psychological theories of intergroup relations may be particularly effective.  相似文献   

《阅微草堂笔记》作为一部融志怪、考证、著书诸特质于一身的志怪小说集,集合了纪昀的学术考据成果与个人情感及观点表达,是一部以学术思维写就的具有鲜明学者气质的小说集,具体表现为以考据之法写小说、以志怪内容说学理、以著书立言为旨趣,较为典型地反映了学者创作小说的手法和以小说“载道”的文学理想,其面貌之驳杂与当时的学术环境、政治环境及纪昀的学者身份有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

This paper examines how identity and learning are constituted and transformed at work. Its central concern is how individuals engage agentically in and learn through workplace practices, and in ways that transform work. Drawing upon recent research into work and participation in workplaces, the negotiated and contested relationship between workplace practices and individuals' identity and intentionality, and learning is illuminated and discussed. For instance, aged care workers and coal miners acquire work injuries that are almost emblematic of their work identity. Only particularly dramatic events (i.e. serious illness or workplace accidents) wholly transform their identity and views about work practice—their subjectivities. However, it is through the agentic actions of these individuals that workplace practices can be transformed. Yet individuals' agentic action is not necessarily directed to the abstracted and de‐contextualized economic and civic goals privileged in lifelong learning policies. Instead, there is relational interdependency between the individual and work that can act to sustain or transform both self and their work. Individuals' agentic action is exercised within these relations in ways directed by their subjectivities. So these relations and that agentic action have policy and practice implications for the conduct of work and learning through and for work.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Writing an autobiography is one way of understanding one's history. In this article fictional stories of a future life are used as a key to understanding young people's conceptions of family relationships and of their own positions in a gender and power system. One hundred and forty-one pupils, aged 13-14, were asked to write and make drawings on the theme 'My future family'. The stories and drawings made by the 58 boys are the subject of my discussion here. The pupils were assigned the task as part of their schoolwork and the project was carried out in collaboration with their teachers. The future lives depicted in the pupils' scenarios do not always reflect traditional family life. Instead, many of the stories are concerned with power relations and dependency, with caring for other people, and in some instances they are manifestations of independence. The narratives are analysed in relation to how the boys describe relationships and how they use 'I' and 'we' in the narratives. It is argued that the narratives reflect the boys' ways of exploring a male identity.  相似文献   

The last decade identity is often and very fruitfully conceptualized as “narrative identity.” Neither for individuals nor for groups is identity a given beforehand anymore. On the contrary, identity has to be constructed in an inductive way continuously. Three qualitative research methods are applied to explore in an inductive way the school's narrative identity, combining the individual and the group processes of narrative identity construction. Our data reveal a close relationship between autobiographical critical incidents in teachers' and principals' commitment to the school's identity.  相似文献   

From a sociocultural perspective, teacher identity is constructed in relation to others, including other teachers and students. Drawing on positioning theory and the concept of investment, this study analyzed the case of a secondary English teacher who negotiated his teacher identity in relation to English language learners (ELLs). Findings indicated that the teacher made an investment in ELLs' identity by positioning them as like any other student. The desired return on the teacher's investment was a strengthened self-positioning as a natural and highly competent teacher. The implications of teacher investment in learner identity for teacher practice, learner identity construction, and teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

This article investigates how the use of the term immersion to describe one's experience abroad performatively interpellates individuals and reproduces power relations. A collaboration between an anthropologist (Doerr) and a study-abroad student (Suarez), it analyzes the student's interpretation of three types of experience he had in Spain: staying with his uncle, an immigrant from Colombia (his first month), studying abroad (his second month), and backpacking (his third month). Suarez described the experience of his second and third months, but not the first, as immersion. Drawing on Louis Althusser and Judith Butler, we argue that his calling a particular experience immersion (or not) defined the meaning of the act and settings, performatively interpellated people involved, and suggested the nature of Suarez's relationship to them. Also, comparing it with his interpretation of his immigrant parents' experience of assimilation in the United States, we analyze how these naming acts reproduce what we call regimes of learning that hierarchize learning experiences by the learners' background and contexts, and show the ways the game of immutability perpetuates relations of power through the performative use of apparently neutral yet loaded terms; we suggest how to avoid this.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that graduate students will develop as teacher educators simply by participating in a doctoral program. However, research has shown that doctoral students find the shift from teaching K-12 to preparing teachers to be a difficult transition. Within the context of a doctoral program community of practice established specifically for the purpose of examining this transition through self-study research, we sought to understand the shift in identity of a novice teacher educator working as an early field experience instructor with elementary science and mathematics preservice teachers. Our findings indicate that the process of self-study research, when supported within a community of practice, offered Jared the opportunity to recognize different aspects of his shifting professional identity, the dominance of particular aspects of his identity in certain situations, and the impact this was having on his students’ development as teachers. Developing this awareness of his adapting professional teaching identity from a classroom teacher to a teacher educator should help as he continues to develop his knowledge and skills working with teachers in different contexts and at different grade levels. Implications for how teacher education programs could better support the professional identity development of novice teacher educators through the use of a self-study focused community of practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a historical and biographical, then developmental, approach, this article examines William James's spiritual family history by reviewing key events in the life of his father, Henry James, Sr. It pays particular attention to Henry Sr's tumultuous relationship with his own father, William James of Albany, and Henry Sr's subsequent conversion to the religious thought of Emmanuel Swedenborg. James's writing of The Varieties of Religious Experience can be seen as integral to his moral and religious development; that is, it functioned as an extended process of conversion that permitted him to distance himself from a rational, scientific identity. In search of the deeper emotional satisfaction and in loyalty to the two paternal ancestors, James's redefined himself, dramatically expanding his own generative legacy.  相似文献   

The outcomes of fights between all possible pairs of same-sexed individuals were used to infer the within-sex dominance rank of six male and six femaleHerotilapia multispinosa. The resulting dominance hierarchies were compared with the order in which all 12 fish spawned when placed together in a large aquarium. Two replications of dominance rank assessment and spawning order were carried out. The spawning order of females was highly correlated with their dominance rank in both replications. Males spawned in a similar order in both replications but did not form a stable dominance hierarchy as inferred from the outcomes of fights. It is suggested that this finding may be due to the importance of site attachment in the agonistic behavior of maleH. multispinosa.  相似文献   

This study, part of a larger linguistic ethnographic enquiry carried out in two primary school classrooms in Flanders and the Netherlands, sheds light on the perils faced by the ethnographer caught between pupils’ inventiveness and his own ethnographic naivety when dealing with these pupils’ ethnolinguistic identity construction. The study first focuses on a classroom interaction set up by the teacher, who - because of the presence of the classroom ethnographer - wishes to construct one pupil's identity accordingly to a presupposed yet untapped ethnolinguistic affiliation that matches the ethnographer's ethnic background. Second, the study takes a reflexive peak at the ethnographer's own performance and at how he stumbles into a trap set up by two multilingual pupils through emblematic language use. The article concludes by drawing a number of considerations with regard to linguistic ethnography and the interface between the ethnographer, the object of knowing and the known. It advocates for an interest in the mundane construction of sameness rather than solely on its ruptures.  相似文献   

This article starts from the puzzle that although French elite institutions enjoy extremely positive and attractive images, students from these schools generally choose to conceal their academic pedigree in their daily interactions. We show that, in a context of growing inequalities of access to grandes écoles, the strategy of hiding one's student identity may be understood as the desire to avoid six core threats associated with declaring one's association with an elite school: not conforming to group norms, confirming a negative reputation, not living up to a positive reputation, reducing one's identity, losing control of one's identity, and threatening the identity of the other. The conclusions highlight the implications of this microsociological study on a host of much wider questions useful in better understanding the ambivalent relations that exist between French society and its elites issued from the grandes écoles.  相似文献   

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