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A sample of 192 8‐ to 10‐year‐old children were asked in individual interviews to say which classmates bully other pupils and who they selected as victims. They were provided with a well‐known definition of bullying devised by Olweus. Test‐retest reliability of bully nominations was shown to be good. The data were analysed to reveal the number of male and female victims of male and female children viewed by their peers as bullies. Consistent with previous research, many boys were shown to bully an appreciable number of girls and boys, but they selected significantly more same‐sex than other‐sex victims. However, our finding that there was not a significant difference in the number of same‐sex and other‐sex children selected as victims by girls was not consistent with the results of earlier studies. Thus, more boys may be bullied by girls than has been suggested by the extant literature.  相似文献   

计算机网络中学生间社会性交互的规律   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
本研究的目的是总结和发现计算机网络环境中社会性交互的规律.研究方法是基于丰富案例的归纳概括和理论抽象.研究结果共包括四个方面的内容:第一、计算机网络作为教学交互系统的交互性;第二、计算机网络环境中社会性交互的特点;第三、计算机网络环境中有效社会性交互的特征;第四、影响计算机网络环境中社会性交互的因素分析模型.作者希望,该研究成果能够指导实践者设计有效的社会性交互活动;并能够为深入研究社会性交互规律提供理论基础和重要参考.  相似文献   

我国教育学研究依其研究取向及所形成的总体风格,大致可以划分为三种形态:作为意识形态的教育学研究、作为学术符号的教育学研究和作为人文关怀的教育学研究.立足当代中国历史方位,着眼于我们所面临的实践的生活世界,开展基于中国立场、凸显中国风格、汇集中国经验的"中国问题"的教育学研究是教育学发展的根本途径.  相似文献   

Previous computer conferencing research has been concerned with the organizational, technical, social, and motivational factors that support and sustain online interaction. This article studies online interaction from a different perspective. Rather than analyze the processes that sustain discourse, the following research examines how and why discussions shut down. A computer simulation of asynchronous threaded interaction suggests that certain common online habits, when practiced by many people, can adversely affect the lifespan of some threads. Specifically, the widespread practice of focusing attention on unread notes during computer conferencing sessions can produce a starvation condition that hastens the death of some threads and reduces the likelihood that inactive threads will become active again. The longevity of a thread, therefore, is partially affected by the kinds of routines that online participants follow when they use a computer conferencing interface. The educational implications of this finding are discussed, and strategies are presented for limiting adverse educational effects.  相似文献   

教育公平是我国目前教育理论研究和教育实践领域关注的焦点.弱势群体高等教育因制度缺失、政策不完善等原因导致教育有失公平,需要从起点的公平、过程的公平、结果的公平三个维度建立补偿制度,以期更好地为弱势群体成长成才提供相对均等的外部环境.  相似文献   

衣杨  常会友  罗艳 《现代教育技术》2007,17(7):51-54,60
通过分析中国和美国高等教育中,计算机科学导论课程教学的相同与不同的特点、以及教学模式方法,对比中美两国高校计算机科学相关课程的教学模式,包括教学目的和要求、教学内容和时间安排、辅助教学方法和工具、以及课程的考核方法与要求等;阐述了各自的特点和优势;着重分析了实验课程教学对于提高整体教学质量的重要意义,并且设计了导论课程实验教学体系;最后,提出了高校计算机科学教育中课程建设的一些基本原则。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a set of methods and a framework for evaluating, modeling, and predicting group interactions in computer‐mediated communication. The method of sequential analysis is described along with specific software tools and techniques to facilitate the analysis of message–response sequences. In addition, the Dialogic Theory and its assumptions are presented to establish a theoretical framework and guide to using sequential analysis in computer‐mediated communication research. Step‐by‐step instructions are presented to illustrate how sequential analysis can be used to measure the way latent variables (e.g., message function, response latency, communication style) and exogenous variables (e.g., gender, discourse rules, context) affect how likely a message is to elicit a response, the types of responses elicited by the message, and whether or not the elicited sequence of responses (e.g., claim → challenge → explain) mirror the processes that support group decision‐making, problem‐solving, and learning.  相似文献   

近代中国教育团体的发展历程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国近代教育团体的发展经历了起步,合法化,成熟化和调整分化四个阶段,其黄金时期出现在从1915年至1935年的第三阶段,此时的教育团体规模大,相互之间的联系较为密切,活动空间相当开阔。  相似文献   

交往在人们日常生活中无处不在,对于个体的生存与发展至关重要。在现实的教育情景中,交往渗透在方方面面,从某种意义上可以说,学生的思想品德是在教育活动与交往中形成和发展的,同时也是通过活动与交往表现出来的。因此,对学生进行道德教育有必要对交往投以更多的关注。  相似文献   

西南地区是指包括云南、四川、贵州、西藏和广西在内的5个省区,这里幅员辽阔,有着浓郁的民族风情,在这片土地上生活着30多个少数民族,占我国少数民族总数的半数以上。在长期的发展进程中,逐步形成了各式各样的民族服饰和服饰纹样,成为西南地区民族族群的文化标识。从民族服饰纹样上,可以看到各民族的勤劳与智慧,也能反映出西南地区少数民族的文化内涵。文章从民族服饰纹样的仿生设计、审美意识以及图腾崇拜等几个方面进行分析,并以苗族、彝族以及壮族等部分少数民族为例来透视西南地区少数民族服饰纹样文化。  相似文献   

论交往的教育学意义   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
交往是当今哲学的一个重要主题,对交往的关注被认为是标志着一种哲学范式的重要转变。交往在日常生活中无处不在,对于个体的生存与发展至关重要。在教育中,交往很早就被赋予了重要意义,被看作达成教育目的的重要手段。在现实的教育情境中,交往渗透在方方面面,从某种意义上可以说,教育就是一种交往的实践活动。然而现今对于交往在教育中的作用的认识往往仅仅被看作是发展儿童的社会性的一种手段或是作为教学的一种辅助工  相似文献   

哈尔滨市教育学会在开展群众性的教育科研活动,宣传新的教育思想、教育理论,推广先进的教育经验等方面取得了较大的成绩,被评为全国社科联系统先进学会,连年被省社科联、省教育学会评为先进学会。随着素质教育的不断深入,广大校长、教师在实践中逐渐认识到:只有以科研为先导,才能深化教育改革,全面实施素质教育。由于广大校长、教师科研意识的不断增强,对教育科研理论、方法和先进教育经验学习的愿望越来越强烈。为了满足这种要求,近几年来,我会组织了7次素质教育讲习班,8次大型教育学术报告会。先后请原国家教委副主任、国家…  相似文献   

This paper utilizes a content analysis method to measure critical thinking in computer conferences. The theoretical frameworks used are within the boundaries of cognitive and social psychology. By using Garrison’s 5-stage model of critical thinking and "simplifying Henri’s indicators" (Newman et al, 1994), they developed their own instrument for evaluating critical thinking in both face-to-face seminars and computer conferences. According to the authors of this research, the conclusion is positive: the theo...  相似文献   

性型结构与性别决定   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
雌雄异体生物的各种性型,不是由一些游离的染色体组成的混合物,而是通过性健些染色体联结成为不同结构形式的有机整体.各种染色体合的性基因,通过性键在性别决定中起作用供各种性型分别发育为不同性别的生物体昆虫的性型结构为开放型,人类的性型结构为封闭型,由此千万昆虫和人类的X染色体和常染色体组在性别决定中的作用各不相同.  相似文献   

浅析电视谈话节目的互动话语结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从语言学的角度,通过搜集的语料对电视谈话节目互动话语进行分析,描述其互动话语中有规律的形式特征。一个成功的电视谈话节目应该充分利用参与者之间的互动结构,调动大家说话的积极性,从而挖掘话题深度,最终揭示主题。  相似文献   

Responses on a Likert-type instrument, the Eight College Professors (Form B), from 664 education juniors and seniors in five small colleges were analyzed to examine the preferential rankings given four types of social science professors as an instructor. While some suggestive variations were observed, the overall order of preference was Teacher—Socialite—Researcher—Administrator (the least preferred) . This was in contrast to earlier findings on university students who placed Researcher ahead of Socialite. Female professors were consistently less preferred to male professors by college students of both sexes.  相似文献   

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