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“正”,“正在”与“在”是现代汉语中意义相近,用法同异互参的三个时间副词,它们形成的时间以及虚化的途径不完全相同,表同时的“正”出现最早,“正在”的形成与介词“在”后的处所宾语以及出现于“正在+VP”后的之间/之时”等成分的脱落直接相关,由于时间副词“在”的出现是晚近的事,因而在相当长的时期中,“正在”与“正”表现出更多的相通性,明清白话到现代汉语中“正在”意义与用法的变化与时间副词“在”的形成有着内在的联系,时间副词“在”的形成也体现出动态的进行与静态的持续两种时间范畴意义表达手段的功能分化倾向。  相似文献   

“大气污染控制工程”是环境工程专业主干课程之一。按照新形势下工程教育认证要求,“大气污染控制工程”从正向院校系统培养(教学内容—课程目标—毕业要求—培养目标)和逆向多元评价体系(考试考核审核—教学目标达成度—毕业要求达成度—毕业能力达成度)两个维度,清晰地梳理了教学内容、课程目标、毕业要求和培养目标四者之间的逻辑关系,从而自查自省并用于持续改进,切实提升课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

云南烟区原料差异化烟叶生产基地生态环境探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006-2009年,经过对云南省各基地县生态环境、品种、烟叶质量的研究分析,从7个原料基地市(州)的50个县(区)筛选出生态环境优越、适宜种植差异化优质烟叶原料的44个县(区)内22.8万hm2烟田作为差异化核心原料基地,可年产13万t以上具有品种和生态双重特色的差异化烟叶,专供云产一、二类卷烟需求.筛选后的原料基地生态条件与筛选前相比,植烟海拔阈值从1 300-2 350 m优化到1 300-2 000 m;烤烟大田期(5-8月份)的平均温度从18.0-22.0℃优化为19.2-22.0℃;降雨量从448-1 108 mm优化为636-792 mm;平均日照时间从417-727 h优化为517-727 h;植烟土壤仅限水稻土、红壤、紫色土与黄壤.  相似文献   

Homing pigeons were reinforced for emitting a perching response according to differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate (DRL) schedules. The spacing requirement between successive perchings was progressively increased by 1-sec steps up to 70 sec and then abruptly decreased to 60, 40, and 20 sec. IRT/OP (interresponse time/opportunity) functions were maximal near the time of reinforcement. The coefficients of variation of the IRT distributions (ratio between the interquartile range and median IRT) fluctuated around .32, testifying for equivalent levels of adjustment throughout the critical IRT range. The ratio between reinforced and total IRTs ranged between .90 and .20. These data contrast with the performance of another group of pigeons reinforced for a treadle-pressing response according to DRL schedules (flatter IRT/OP functions, high coefficients of variation, and low efficiencies). Despite these differences in temporal regulation between perching and treadle-pressing DRL, response rates and reinforcement rates followed the same trend in both cases: they decreased as schedule value increased. The DRL perching results are similar to previous results obtained in the same species when perching duration was reinforced.  相似文献   

给出了变上限与变下限定积分所确定函数的连续性、可微性、单词性、凹凸性、奇偶性、周期性,利用变上限定积分建立了函数凸及导函数可积的充分必要条件。  相似文献   

该文给出了曲面切平面的定义并证明了曲面的切平面存在的充要条件,指出了在函数可微的情况下割平面的极限位置、曲面上所有曲线的切线所在的平面都是切平面,同时提出了若要把割平面的极限位置、曲面上所有曲线的切线所在的平面都作为切平面的等价定义有待证明探讨的问题.  相似文献   

在沥青路面半刚性基层和柔性面层之间设置防水抗裂功能层,可以有效缓解路面结构的应力集中现象,减少路表水的下渗,延缓反射裂缝的产生与扩展速度。确定此功能层的油石比在很大程度上影响了其具体的路用性能,采用体积设计法(CAVF)按照最紧密骨架结构设计的沥青混合料油石比为下限,以析漏试验的拐点作为油石比上限。在此范围内,再配合高温车辙试验和小梁弯拉试验来确定最佳油石比。  相似文献   

Previous research has produced conflicting results regarding the effects of component duration on interactions in multiple schedules. In Experiment 1, potential sources of this conflict were evaluated. Both the effects of absolute reinforcement rate and carry-over effects (hysteresis) from a preceding condition were isolated. When 10-sec components were used, the sensitivity of relative response rate to relative reinforcement rate was affected very little by hysteresis effects and absolute reinforcement rate, but it was systematically reduced as a function of the number of prior conditions. Sensitivity to relative reinforcement rate was also substantially higher with the 10-sec components than with 2-min components. In Experiment 2, this effect of component duration was decomposed into two separate effects. Contrast effects during presentation of a target component with a constant reinforcement rate were greater the shorter the target component was itself; but they were smaller the shorter the alternative component in which reinforcement rate was varied. The latter effect was smaller and more unreliable across subjects. The existence of these two separate effects demonstrates that the usual method of studying component duration—that is, holding all components equal in duration—systematically causes underestimation of the effects of the component duration, and obscures the different processes controlling the two effects.  相似文献   

为了探讨时间复制任务中是否存在编码方式(连续编码和中断编码)和中断位置效应,实验1和2分别考察编码阶段有无中断和中断位置对时间复制成绩的影响。结果发现,对于1700ms靶时距而言,两种编码方式条件下的时间复制成绩无显著差异;对于2300ms靶时距而言,中断编码任务条件下显著较连续编码任务条件下时间复制长度短。而且,不管对1700ms还是2300ms靶时距而言,随着中断位置越靠后,时间复制长度都越短。这说明,编码中断及中断位置对时间复制有显著影响,时间复制任务中存在中断位置效应。  相似文献   

提出四类积分微分方程组,借助函数迭代法及变上限函数的求导法则,论证其可积性,前三个定理给出求解公式,列举了实例。  相似文献   

In optimal foraging theory (OFT), energy expenditure is an important variable for predicting foraging behavior. However, early studies, including operant simulations of foraging, did not measure energy expenditure. In the present study, an adjusting energy (AE) schedule was developed to control energy expenditure. Interresponse energy (IRE), a measure of the energy expenditure during a response, was calculated by dividing the square of the elapsed time between two consecutive responses by the square of the straight-line distance between the locations of the same two responses. An adjusting procedure was employed to estimate the indifference point between the requirements of the AE schedule and a fixed ratio (FR) schedule, which has been used in many operant simulations. In the adjusting procedure, pigeons adjusted the requirement of the AE schedule to that of the FR schedule. The results showed a systematic relationship between the requirements of the AE and FR schedules. Moreover, the total IRE per reinforcement systematically increased with the AE requirement. Thus, the present study demonstrates the utility of the AE schedule as a procedure for testing the validity of OFT.  相似文献   

针对诸如变压器绕组形变的脉冲测试法等宽带测试需求,设计了一台由计算机控制并显示脉冲信号源工作参数、基于场效应管的可调纳秒脉冲信号源。实验测试表明,在50Ω负载上脉冲源能产生高斯上升沿20ns、指数下降沿40~200ns分档可调、重复频率0~5kHz连续可调、幅值0~1kV连续可调、体积为32×30×7cm3的纳秒脉冲电源,可满足变压器绕组形变的宽带测试需求。  相似文献   

Three response rules for explaining the role of temporal factors in the control of responding were examined. These were the cycle-to-trial comparator rule from scalar expectancy theory (SET; Gibbon & Balsam, 1981), the “deletion” comparator rule proposed by Cooper, Aronson, Balsam, and Gibbon (1990), and a “bad/good” comparator rule—a type of ITI-to-trial comparator. Two of these rules were designed to explain the acquisition of responding in simple associative learning paradigms (i.e., autoshaping). Here, their generality as predictors of response levels in response-dependent multiple schedules was examined. SET’s overall cycle-to-trial comparator rule was the best predictor of the pattern of responding. Contrary to previous findings regarding contrast in multiple schedules, which show greater contrast with shorter component durations, there was no effect of absolute component duration. As predicted by SET, relative, not absolute, component durations controlled response levels.  相似文献   

对钢筋混凝土简支梁的跨高比与其承载力、刚度和裂缝宽度的关系进行分析,说明按经验的跨高比选择梁的截面尺寸不尽合理。通过计算得出梁的跨高比有上下限的结论。  相似文献   

对于可译性限度问题的讨论由来已久,通常都是从语言和文化两方面展开的。本文在综述可译性限度研究的基础上,运用认知语言学的翻译观,从认知主体(原作者、译者、读者)这个新的视角入手来论证"可译性限度",指出:可译性限度不仅受语言和文化的影响,由于翻译的体验性、互动性、创造性、语篇性、和谐性以及现实和认知"两个世界",原作者、译者与读者都对可译性限度有一定的影响。  相似文献   

Ten rats were trained in a temporal generalization task (the peak procedure) with variations in the time of reinforcement, the intertrial interval, and the mean and variance of the duration of nonfood trials. There were three types of asymmetry in the temporal generalization gradients: positive skew, secondary rise, and positive asymptote. Asymmetrical gradients can occur as a result of asymmetrical sources of variance, multiplicative combinations of symmetrical sources of variance, and effects of anticipation of the end of a trial and the conditions of the next trial. Ten additional rats were trained with a single time of reinforcement, a limited time of reinforcement availability, long and fixed durations of nonfood trials, and a nonresponse requirement for ending a trial. These conditions markedly reduced all asymmetrical sources of variance and led to very symmetrical gradients. These results demonstrate that none of the asymmetrical sources of variance necessarily has a substantial influence on observed temporal generalization gradients.  相似文献   

When a rat was placed in a chamber and shortly thereafter received a single footshock, it showed conditional freezing upon re-exposure to that chamber but not a different one (Experiment 1). Experiments 2–4 showed that the probability of this freezing decreased linearly with decreases in the delay between placement in the chamber and shock delivery. With very short delays (e.g., less than 27 sec), there was no freezing. Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrated that a 2-mm pre-exposure to the chamber, 24 h prior to shock delivery, reduced the minimum delay necessary to successfully condition freezing. Experiment 4 demonstrated that shorter delays were successful in conditioning freezing if a salient tone was a component of the contextual stimulus. The changes in freezing caused by delay interval and preexposure did not simply reflect the total time in the context, suggesting that there may be two requirements that place temporal restrictions on the conditioning of the freezing response. One is satisfied by sufficient exposure, whether or not that exposure is contiguous with shock. The second requirement is for a small amount of context exposure that is contiguous with shock.  相似文献   

目前,法律世界化已成为必然趋势,并深刻影响着我国法学教育的发展,也对我国法律人才的培养提出了新的要求。我国法律人才培养要适应这种时代要求,树立面向世界又立足本国的教育理念和人才观念,实行外开放型教学模式,探索既要与国际接轨又有鲜明中国特色的教育与培养模式,培养出适应法律世界化发展要求的法律人才。  相似文献   

Three experiments explored responses to molar and local schedule constraints. Thirsty rats pressed a lever for access to a water spout. In Experiment 1, response totals were unaffected by two local schedule characteristics—the variability of the instrumental requirement and the variability of the magnitude of contingent reward. Experiment 2 manipulated the correlation between the instrumental requirement and the magnitude of reward. This correlation did not affect the behavioral price ratio (presses per lick) at a molar level. At a local level, the positive correlation created a lower mean lick price than did the negative correlation. The rats licked more, and licked less efficiently, under the positive correlation than under the negative correlation. Experiment 3 compared two ways of manipulating the molar presses/lick ratio: The instrumental (contingent) series varied the instrumental (contingent) requirement, but held the other requirement constant. As the ratio increased, total leverpresses increased, and total licks decreased linearly; the two series did not differ significantly. At higher lick prices, the rats licked more efficiently and made more extra licks at the spout as it closed. The results help delimit the applicability of molar models of the organism’s response to schedule constraints.  相似文献   

The effect of interference treatments on pigeons’ working memory for event duration was investigated, using a successive matching-to-sample procedure. In three experiments, birds were trained to match different keylight durations (2 or 6 sec) to different comparison colors (red or green) following delays of 0 to 12 sec. The interfering effect of delay-interval illumination and illumination change was assessed in Experiments 1 and 2. It was found that the absolute levels of houselight illumination influenced delayed matching accuracy. Birds trained with houselight illumination showed larger decrements in matching accuracy with increasing delays than did birds trained with darkened delay intervals. In addition, increases in delay-interval illumination relative to baseline produced greater interference with delayed matching accuracy than did decreases in houselight illumination relative to baseline. In Experiment 3, the effect of interpolated instructional cues to remember or forget was examined. As in other directed forgetting experiments employing conventional modality characteristics as the samples to be remembered, it was found that instructional cues to forget, presented during the delay interval, reduced matching accuracy compared to instructional cues to remember. It was concluded that these findings support models of temporal memory that assume temporal information is coded into categorical information onto some nontime dimension over models that assume temporal information is remembered amodally as specific time durations.  相似文献   

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