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"A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains",by Wang Ximeng, Northern Song Dynasty"A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains"by Wang Ximeng, Northern Song Dynasty(960-1127), is a landscape paintingmasterpiece of ancient China. It is now part of the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing. Color on silk, the hand scroll is 1191.5cm long and 51.5cm wide.Wang was one of the most renowned palace painters of the time. He became  相似文献   

<正>"Noble Ladies in Tang Dynasty", by Zhang Xuan and Zhoufang, Tang Dynasty "Noble Ladies in Tang Dynasty" are a series of paintings drawn by Zhang Xuan and Zho...  相似文献   

<正>In the world history of art,master artists of the Western world have left over numerous masterpieces,such as Leonardo de Vinci’s "Mona Lisa",Raphael’s "Madon...  相似文献   

Ancient China was an agricultural society where all capable emperors paid much attention to farming and ,weaving activities, Artistic creations depicting farming and weaving scenes can date back to the Neolithic Age. A bronze bottle from the Warring States period (475 BC - 221 BC) features hunting and planting scenes. Bronze wares of the pre-Qin period, painted relief bricks of the Han Dynasty, tomb murals of the Wei-and-Jin period and grotto paintings of the Tang and Song dynasties, all recorded farming, planting and weaving scenes of the agricultural society of ancient China. In the Southern Song Dynasty, in particular, thanks to its highly developed agriculture, a painter named Lou Shu created a piece of ink painting, entitled "Farming and Weaving Painting", reviewing agricultural skills and approaches of previous dynasties.  相似文献   

Religion and Art Ancient Chinese had little knowledge of or influence on the mysterious and awe-inspiring surroundings. They assumed themselves to be incarnations of animals or plants, which gradually turned into their totems. As ancient Chinese developed, they started taming animals for domestic uses: dogs for hunting and home security, cattle for sowing and harvesting, horses for drawing carts, and cattle, sheep, and pigs for sacrifice. Human sacrifice was common in the Shang Dynasty.  相似文献   

<正>Khubilai(1215-1294)is the founding emperor of the Yuan Dynasty,a period witnessing unprecedented cultural diversity and prosperity in ancient China.Over the ...  相似文献   

<正>Religious Life Buddhism Zen was the most prominent of the several forms of Buddhism practiced in the period when China was ruled by Jurchens,but under Khubil...  相似文献   

As Mainland China 's.first international exposition on cultural industries, China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair (ICIF) has seen the rapid growth of the country's cultural and creative industries over the past ten years. In retrospect, ICIF has made excellent performance and success.  相似文献   

<正>The grand exhibition "Temptation For Taste-Chinese Cooking and Food" was opened in the Musée du Quai Branly of France on June 18th. It was organised by the N...  相似文献   

<正>The Six Principles of Chinese Painting was established by Xie He, an art historian and critic in 6th-century China. The six points to consider when judging a...  相似文献   

Shang and Zhou Dynasty tombs at Shigushan, Baoji, Shaanxi Province
The tomb site is located at the terrace at the southern bank of Weihe River in the city of Baoji, northwest Shaanxi province. Two years of excavations since June 2012 have found 15 tombs, with 230 pieces/sets of objects unearthed. Among others, the 92 bronze objects for ritual purpose feature diverse types, exquisite craftsmanship, splendid decoration and unusual design.  相似文献   

The National Museum of China is known for its collection of valuable bronze of ancient China, such as the bronze vessel unearthed from Fuhao Tomb of Yin Xu Ruins, Houmuwu ding vessel, Zilong ding vessel, Yu vessel, Tianwang bronze, as well as bronze objects unearthed from Marquis Cai’s Tomb and tombs in Huixian County. These bronze collections represent ancient China’s significant accomplishments in bronze art.  相似文献   

2008 Ten Archeology Finds of China, a selection event hosted by the State Administation of Cultural Heritage, was announced on March 31, The judge panel selected from the 25 nominations ten major new archeology finds made in 2008,  相似文献   

王永宽 《寻根》2004,(6):81-84
中国文化起源较早,邮递的起源与发展也同样有着悠久的历史。尽管当代社会是高度信息化的社会,人与人之间、地区与地区之间的通讯联络已由原来的邮政传递扩展为电话、电报、传真、手机、电子邮件、数码信息等多种形式,  相似文献   

曾纪鑫 《寻根》2007,(6):128-131
福建最有特色的传统民居建筑一为客家土楼,二为闽南民居。永定土楼与蔡氏古民居是这两种建筑的典型代表,并称为福建民居的两朵奇葩。笔者在领略过永定土楼那独特而迷人的丰采与神韵后,对享有“闽南建筑大观园”之称的蔡氏古民居,更加心驰神往。  相似文献   

王使臻  王使璋 《寻根》2010,(5):41-49
<正>我国古代的书信多称"书"或"尺牍"。在先秦时期,《左传》等历史文献中就已经记载了春秋时期大夫们以"书"用于通信往来,如"郑伯如晋,子产寓书于子西以告宣子"(《左传·襄公二十四年》)。在秦汉时期,将书写在长度约一尺的简牍上的用于往来传递信息的文字泛称为"尺牍"。秦汉时的"尺牍"既包括官曹文书,也包括私人书信。魏晋以后,"尺牍"一词渐指代私人间往来的书信。但无论是官府的公  相似文献   

张念 《寻根》2020,(1):92-94
羊肉,因其肉质细嫩,营养丰富,且胆固醇含量较猪肉、牛肉更低,历来被国人奉为美食。《本草纲目》中说羊肉味甘、性温,具有补中益气、暖中补虚的功效,长期食用有益肾气、补形衰、开胃健脾的效果,尤其对于产妇是大补,通乳,助元阳,益精血。据史家考证,国人食用羊肉的历史可追溯到商周时期,汉代开始普及,制作方法也不断改良。魏晋南北朝时期少数民族大量涌入中原,羊肉也逐渐进入了百姓的餐桌,到了唐朝真正迎来了食羊之风。  相似文献   

辉煌的高句丽文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李大龙 《寻根》2006,(1):92-100
高句丽,我国史书也称为高句骊,高骊,高丽,是公元前37年出现在我国东北地区的边疆民族政权,至公元668年为唐朝灭亡,存世7个世纪。如此长期称霸我国东北地区的高句丽政权,  相似文献   

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