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世界上许多城市都有以古旧书店闻名的街道,比如东京的神保町、伦敦的查令十字路、巴黎的塞纳河畔.但在中国,除了去过的北京的琉璃厂,听说过但没去过的台湾的牯岭街,就几乎没有听说过哪里有这样的古旧书店聚集的地方.然而,当东京、巴黎的这些旧书店继续以都市的文化地标骄傲地每年举办活动和旧书展,吸引世界各地的文化人、爱书人去参观、逛游时,我们的北京琉璃厂却在淡出中国图书的历史舞台--现在每年图书出版界的三次大集市:北京图书订货会、全国书市、北京世界图书博览会当然也一直与它完全沾不上边.为什么伴随着国内出版业一派高歌、蓬勃发展的,却是古旧书店的没落?  相似文献   

康德将人类的活动分为三类:实际的、认识论的和美学的.往昔讲求实际的商业活动与讲求认知的科学活动,对于美和艺术是不能染指的.但随着时代变迁,文学、艺术早己不再超然,它们从宫廷、贵族、沙龙那里走入十丈红尘.而所谓的后现代社会的来到,则更是彻头彻尾地将商品化的逻辑渗入到这个领域之中.解构的活动无时无刻不在进行,作品摇身变为商品,文学的主体也自作者灵魂深处异化为与读者的对话和诠释.如今,读者论高举的旗帜是:作品的诞生不在文本完成之时,亦不在出版的当下,而在于有人开始阅读.尽管作品的价值和阅读人数的多寡并无一定关系,但阅众的多寡却可以决定作品的生死存亡.  相似文献   

王贞 《北京档案》2015,(9):48-51
抗日战争期间,在广袤的华北大地上,面对日寇铁蹄的肆意践踏,面对他们的疯狂掠夺和非人奴役,中国共产党领导的人民武装奋起抵抗。八路军、游击队、民兵以及成千上万普通的老百姓深入敌后,运用灵活机动的战略战术,开展广泛的游击战,不仅将敌人后方变成抗日前线,更逐步使之上升为中国抗战的主战场。中国军民以保家卫国必胜的坚定信念和顽强的抗争精神,通过灵活多样的斗争方式,凭借自身的智慧和各方面的支持、配合,出没于日军的周围,以弱胜强、出奇制胜,给日本侵略者以猛烈的打击。  相似文献   

幸福的家庭往往是相似的,而不幸的家庭却各有各的不幸.眼前这张影调沉重的照片,讲述的正是一个充满不幸而近乎绝望的家庭.一家四口,妈妈和妹妹都是智障,爸爸偏瘫.定格的画面中,20岁的曾秋玲站在潮湿阴暗的屋里眼望窗外,满面愁容.一束明媚的阳光,透过窗口倾泻而下,照亮了女孩充满青春的脸庞;可面对家庭的重负与生活的艰辛,即使再温暖的光线,恐怕也驱不走她心头的阴霾.不用花哨的技巧,无须精心的布建,这或许就是摄影大师布勒松所定义的"决定性瞬间":故事的核心人物、典型的环境场景、朴素的光影对照、恰当的几何安排、饱满的情感张力,所有的摄影语言,在强有力地发挥了影像的"呈现"功能之外,也尽可能地彰显了影像的"表达"功能,尝试将读图者置身于拍摄现场,让你我对主人公的处境和命运感同身受.  相似文献   

张雯 《出版广角》2015,(2):116-117
城市,也许就是一座装满孤独的牢笼.越繁华,就藏有越多的故事;越多的故事发生,就衍生出来越多的孤独.这些孤独写在街边的角落、窗户的护栏、楼梯的扶手、避雷的天线和旗杆上,每一道印记都是抓挠、锯锉、刻凿、猛击留下的痕迹.纽约客的孤独,被安·比蒂——当代美国文坛中才华横溢、成绩斐然的女作家——写在《纽约客》上,被她暗藏在她小说中一个个鲜活的人物里.  相似文献   

王益军 《出版参考》2015,(15):47-48
何谓古籍版本?简言之,就是同一部古书在不同历史时期的不同刊本.我国的古代图书,历经了千年的风雨变迁、兵燹水火,其脱讹散佚者颇为严重.其间,屡经历代传抄影写与刻印,形成了各种版本之间的差异.诸如内容的增删修改,刻写的字体大小,版面的长短阔窄,印刷的精良粗陋,以及装订的精美简易等,均有所不同.版本不仅限于木版雕刻的书本,在印刷术发明之前,书写在竹简木牍和锦帛上的本子,以及后世的活字排版、照像石印、铅字排印等书本,均属于版本的范畴.  相似文献   

青绿的麦苗在6月的热风和暴烈的阳光下成熟了、饱满大地的金黄和热烈的丰收催促着辛勤的农人。这是一个繁忙的季节。这是一个收获的季节。麦浪翻滚,如此绚丽,金黄的色彩,是土地  相似文献   

曾经脚下的路是什么是抖擞的勇气扼杀路旁的荆棘一阵风嘶吼出王者的气概真勇士不会把危险当成游戏只会把游戏演变的更刺激现在头上的王字是什么是真老虎成了小老鼠一个农民高傲的举起相机我无端的造假艳照他手中挥舞的钞票一声吼笑我一生铁笼中还我虎的清白谁知虎的无奈  相似文献   

<集结号>登陆<新闻联播>,引起哗然 擅长制作国产商业影片的冯小刚导演执导的<集结号>于2007年12月20日上映,21日<新闻联播>就用1分零9秒的时长播出了该片的上映消息,"首先介绍了北京影院<集结号>的放映场场爆满的情况,紧接着又播报了上映第一天的票房情况,随后介绍了<集结号>的主要剧情,最后的总结是这样的:这部电影告诉人们每一个牺牲都是永垂不朽的,不经过血与火的洗礼,不经过牺牲,就不会有我们现在的幸福生活.  相似文献   

我国的图书走向世界有多个方面和多种渠道,除了华文书的直销、外文版的直销以及版权贸易以外,参加各种国际评奖也是一个重要的方面.由于图书内容的千差万别,难以有一个国际标准,所以目前有关书籍的评奖主要集中在印刷和设计上.近年华文书在国际印刷和设计方面频频得奖,对于传播中华文化和改变国外同业对华文书的看法,也产生了积极的影响.上海新闻出版局从2002年起,做了组织"中国最美的书"参评莱比锡"世界最美的书"的工作,现将有关情况以及我们的认识汇报如下:  相似文献   

系统阐述了近年来中山大学图书馆在全球收集的多种不同出版时期、不同语种的《共产党宣言》的情况,重点论述了19世纪早期重要的三种版本、20世纪前半叶两种重要的英译本和中国本土首个中文节译本的收藏情况、内容与版本特色等,认为中山大学图书馆经过长期的马克思主义馆藏建设,形成了独特的《共产党宣言》版本收藏,真实地反映了《共产党宣言》在欧美、在世界和在中国传播的历史,具有极其重要的历史价值、文献价值和学术价值,对推动马克思主义理论研究与传承具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The digital divide is severe in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The prevailing digital divide will continue to exist and define the characteristics of the digital information environment of the sub-region as it influences, along with other concerns, the information needs of end-users in the sub-region. The model of information needs of end-users in the electronic information environment and observations and theories from the literature of Library and Information Science (LIS) show that the information needs of end-users in SSA are for information content that is relevant for day-to-day tasks and that is adequately accessible and effectively usable within the capabilities of the information and communications technology (ICTs) that they possess and their level of skill in manipulating the ICTs. The model of the information needs of end-users in the electronic information environment presents the nature of user tasks, the state of electronic resources in use, and user experience in using the electronic resources as factors giving rise to information needs of end-users in a digital information environment. The principles of least effort, satisficing, utility and accessibility particularly give support to the argument of the paper: that end-users need information content that is adequately accessible and effectively usable within the capabilities of ICTs currently in use by the end-users concerned. Recognizing the nature of the information needs of the end-users of SSA will help in meeting their needs as well as in selecting appropriate interventions in addressing the digital divide in the sub-region.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的迅速发展,我国文化事业建设得到更加广泛的关注。信息化时代,文创产品开发已成为传承优秀传统文化的重要方式。公共图书馆作为文化资源的重要载体,其文创产品的设计开发是对图书馆特色文献的充分挖掘、提取相关文化元素、融入审美特征、突显创意创新的整个过程。文化IP的出现,为公共图书馆文创产品的设计提供了新思路,带来了更多的创意表达。本文基于我国公共图书馆文创产品开发现状,分析了文化IP和文创产品之间的关系,提出当前公共图书馆文创产品开发中存在的问题,指出了文化IP在公共图书馆文创产品开发中重要作用,论述了文化IP视域下公共图书馆文创产品开发的几点策略,旨在推动我国公共图书馆文创产业的创新发展。  相似文献   

Library and information science education in China is in a period of transition. The changes in the social, economic and technological environment have introduced new requirements for the professional personnel. The growth of the information industry and the expansion of the labor market have motivated schools of library and information science to adjust their objectives, curriculum and knowledge structure in order to meet social needs. This article discusses the changing social environment in the 1990s and the challenges to professional education, and responses from schools. Based on the curriculum of 17 schools of library and information science in China provided at the Second Joint Annual Meeting of Deans held in 1995, the author provides data on required courses, specialized elective courses and non-specialized courses according to the frequency of each course appearing in the curriculum. The objectives are to determine the state-of-the-art structure of the knowledge base and to identify any consensus among teaching institutions. The difficulties and problems in educational reform are discussed and some trends in professional education in China are predicted.  相似文献   

Compared with oral history in most Western countries, oral history theory and practice in Mainland China lag behind in both study and practice. This paper outlines the experience of oral history work in the Shantou university library, and the types and features of the oral history collected by the library. It examines problems in the development and utilization of oral history in Mainland Chinese libraries and offers suggestions for the development of oral history in libraries in Mainland China, and other developing countries.  相似文献   

School librarianship has advanced in the digital era to encompass interactivity, connectivity, and access to a wide variety of information in different formats, through the capabilities of information and communication technologies. School libraries exist to support learning in schools and the importance of the digital age in student's learning cannot be overstated. Today's students are born in the age of technology; therefore a school library that does not encompass the use of electronic media will not meet the needs of the digital generation. The purpose of this article is to find out the status of technology diffusion and use in Botswana school libraries and to advance reasons for the lack of information and communication technology uptake in school libraries. A document analysis of literature was done to determine the factors that hinder the growth of school librarianship in Botswana during the digital era, using the stakeholder theory as a lens for the investigation. Findings reveal a weakness in the social, political, and economic areas of leadership in national information policies which seem to be a remnant from the beginning of the digital age in Botswana and indeed in most African countries. Some of the recommendations point to using the stakeholder theory to tackle the hurdles in school librarianship leadership and policy in the information age.  相似文献   

图书馆如何制定知识共享战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在简要明确图书馆知识共享战略含义的基础上,指出图书馆知识共享需要战略的原因,分析图书馆知识共享战略提出的现实背景。图书馆知识共享战略的核心在于确定图书馆知识共享的方向、目标和计划;制定图书馆知识共享战略需要遵循两个基本法则:独特法则和简单化法则;确定图书馆知识共享方向,一要清晰;二要正确。最后提出图书馆知识共享目标确定的注意事项以及图书馆知识共享计划制定的步骤。  相似文献   

The paper describes the role of information and Information Technology (IT) and discusses the infrastructure, human resources, telecommunications, and research and development in IT within the Indian context. It highlights the features of the liberalization of the Indian government software policy of 1986, including developments in networking and the growth of the IT industry in the country, and documents the proliferation and application of IT in India in various fields. It provides a detailed look at the socio-human dimensions of IT in terms of its impact on the socioeconomic conditions of the people, especially in the countryside. The paper describes the limitations of the Indian digital revolution in reaching out to the general masses and the various factors responsible for the lopsided character of the information revolution.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been growing interest in the discipline of computing in relation to cultural heritage, parallel with developments in greater user participation in archives and advances in documentation work. These trends are reflected in the case of a documentation project of an old Chinese cemetery in Singapore, Bukit Brown Cemetery. This case was characterised by tensions among the ‘wild’ array of emerging individual participants and archivists that took the momentum away from both more formal NGOs and government institutions in documenting, archiving and raising awareness of the heritage of the site when part of it was announced to be set aside for a new highway. The case presents a compelling need for participatory archives, facilitated by computing interventions encouraging public engagement and visits to the site. Being actively involved in the documentation process, the authors reflect on how conceptual frameworks of records may assist in designing new media innovations and informing the ways by which a cemetery may be documented. Through these reflections, the authors argue for the active participation of archivists and records professionals in documentation work, and demonstrate how, in the creation and keeping of records, they shape the collective imagination of the public and other stakeholders in heritage sites.  相似文献   

Chinese Studies Librarianship in North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although American libraries had begun collecting Chinese language materials in the 19th century, notably the United States Library of Congress in 1869, Yale in 1878, Harvard in 1879, and Berkeley in 1896, East Asian studies librarianship in North America, including China studies librarianship, was not fully developed until the 1960s. There was no formal organization that represented the interest of Chinese studies librarians because there were few of them and most of them were China scholars rather than trained librarians. More than 100 years later, the number of Chinese studies librarians in North America has increased considerably, primarily in response to the demand in the field of China studies and more recently to the needs of immigrant population and the general public who has an interest in China.This paper traces the history and growth of Chinese studies librarianship in North America, documents the development of the professional organization that represents Chinese studies librarians, and exami.  相似文献   

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