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采用统计学原理和方法,预测和再造新生入学后体育课身体素质考核评分表,为教师上好新生体育课提供了一份参考评分表。  相似文献   

一年级新生对学校的一切都感到既陌生又好奇,对体育课还没有最起码的认识.所以作为一年级的体育教师,对一年级的新生首先要解决的问题就是什么是体育课和课堂常规.虽然学生不能完全理解体育课的真正内涵,但是应该使他们对体育课有一个最基本的了解,以后再上课时慢慢渗透,潜移默化的影响学生.  相似文献   

体育是中学教育的一个重要的组成部分,体育教学水平的提高可以更好地培养学生各方面的能力,促进学生的全面发展。而初中新生体育课质量的好与坏,是关系到整个中学阶段的体育课能否取得良好效果的关键。良好的开端是成功的一半。如何激发学生对体育课的兴趣?如何适宜地安排好初中新生体育课的内容?如何恰当地组织好课堂教学?这些便成了我们体育教师不可忽视的  相似文献   

王建基 《考试周刊》2010,(24):148-150
公共体育课体适能教学是我校针对新生入校后身体素质的全面提高而开设的一门体育课。本文作者根据宁夏大学公共体育课体适能的构成要素,通过调查发现其公共体育课体适能教学中存在一些问题,并针对问题提出了一些建议和对策,希望以此推进宁夏大学公共体育课体适能教学的改革,为学生身体素质的全面提高而努力。  相似文献   

一年级学生的体育课是学校体育教育的基础和启蒙阶段,对整个小学阶段体育教育过程和学校各项活动的开展有着至关重要的作用。体育对于刚入学的一年级新生来讲是既陌生又熟悉的,在幼儿园里已经参加过一些体育活动,但是还没有上过较正规的体育课。那么,如何上好一年级新生的体育课呢?  相似文献   

一年级学生的体育课是学校体育教育的基础和启蒙阶段,对整个小学阶段体育教育过程和学校各项活动的开展有着至关重要的作用。体育对于刚入学的一年级新生来讲是既陌生又熟悉的,在幼儿园里已经参加过一些体育活动,但是还没有上过较正规的体育课。那么,如何上好一年级新生的体育课呢?  相似文献   

王玮 《教育艺术》2021,(1):62-62
一年级学生的体育课是学校体育教育基础课,让一年级新生快速步入正规的体育课,无论是对体育课本身,还是对参加校内外的各种活动,都有着重要意义。然而一年级新生站队乱是一个普遍现象,有时一节体育课,仅仅站队就用去几分钟时间,让人很头疼,这不仅扰乱了课堂纪律,也直接影响教学任务的完成。一年级学生刚刚从幼儿园的全方位伺候教学过渡到小学的自主学习,有非常多的迷茫与无助,需要老师慢慢引导与帮助,这个过程需要循序渐进,不能急于一时。  相似文献   

小学一年级学生刚从幼儿园步入小学,对小学老师提出的课堂常规要求,往往难以适应,此时教师切不可操之过急,应采取有效的教学方法,让学生健康快乐地成长。下面就如何上好小学一年级体育课,谈谈自己的一些做法和体会。一、精心打造第一堂体育课,使学生在新奇中接受课堂以致喜欢体育课俗话说:"万事开头难",小学一年级新生的第一堂体育课,是学生入学后第一次接触正规的体育课,对于培养学生对体育课的兴趣,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

一年级学生的体育课是学校体育教育的基础,是衔接幼儿园和小学的桥梁,因为体育课能让他们找到在幼儿园活动的感觉,而且体育课上他们有更多时间和方式进行交流。但是一年级新生的体育任务并不简单:学会排队、学会广播操、学会守纪律等。如何让一年级学生尽快适应新的体育教学,情感教育尤为重要。  相似文献   

学校每年总要招收一定数量的一年级新生入学。这些学生入学前在幼儿园过着极其愉快的集体生活。由于教学常规发生了变化,他们一进小学就感到不适应。针对这个问题,科学地组织好新生的体育课,就显得特别重要。多年的探索和实践告诉我,首先要上好第一堂引导课。上好第一课可使学生头脑中留下一个好印象,认为体育老师是一个好老师。怎样上好小学新生第一堂体育课呢? 一、要讲好第一次见面话。预备铃声一响,教师马上  相似文献   

Differential Grading Standards Revisited   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The differential grading standards described by Goldman and Widawski (1976) exist in the same magnitude and in roughly the same order a decade later in a different kind of institution. Major fields that attract as majors students who score higher on SATs employ stricter grading standards. These differential grading standards serve to attenuate the correlation between SAT scores and grades, which is, even in highly selective institutions, substantial.  相似文献   

This paper describes the trends in course-by-course grading at a large public urban university over a recent six-year period. To determine if systematic grade inflation was occurring, the study analyzed 144 individual undergraduate courses. Multiple linear regressions were fitted to more than 125,000 final course grades by courses. Most course grading patterns showed little evidence of systematic and homogeneous change over time. Hence, the increasing cumulative GPA for undergraduates at the institution studied was not caused by a general relaxing of grading standards. Rather, the supposition is that more students are moving away from traditional curricula into courses and degree programs which they find have grading standards reflecting their abilities and/or interests.Presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Houston, Texas, May 1978.  相似文献   

This article examines the tensions created by academic freedom and grading in universities between academic staff and academic administration. Additionally, the impact of grading and academic standards on students' academic freedom is addressed, as well as the impact of corporatisation in the academy. By reviewing the existing literature and case law related to academic freedom and grading, this article aims to clarify the importance and impact of grading in universities, particularly as it relates to policy development and the application of academic standards.  相似文献   

The role that teachers have in assessing student coursework is crucial. Their ‘determination’ that a particular piece of student’s work is ‘acceptable’ has many serious consequences. With a lack of debate surrounding assessment, practices may become mired in conventions and disconnected from issues such as knowledge, power and social organisation. They may also become divergent between faculties, with majors with academically stronger students grading more stringently and those with academically weaker students grading less stringently. In order to test for potential differential grading standards due to adaption-level, this study examines the relationship of pre-entry secondary school grades (English, Dutch and Mathematics) to first-year average grades in 11 faculties (n = 3080). The results presented demonstrate the presence of differential grading standards among the different faculties within this population.  相似文献   

The validity of the Norwegian university grading standard has been called into serious question. The implicit standards used for assessing exams and the reliability of that understanding among examiners and psychology students were investigated in three studies. Studies 1 and 2 investigated the implicit standards that examiners used when assessing exams and the implicit standards that students presume examiners use in that process. Study 3 investigated how reliable expert examiners’ assessments actually are. The validity of the grading standards is challenged by findings that indicate that examiners and students shared similar but not identical conceptions of them, and tests of grader reliability revealed significant variance at critical thresholds. The findings are discussed in terms of their relevance to educational reforms currently going on in Norwegian higher education. The human cost of not completely reforming past practices is highlighted, and six concrete improvements are suggested.  相似文献   

网上阅卷是近年来兴起的利用现代技术控制主观题评分误差的方法,其在作文评分中误差控制的效果十分明显。网上阅卷主要通过评卷员之间一致性误差控制、评卷员本人一致性误差控制、两评的误差控制、评分点之间的误差控制、抽查监控等5种方法来实现评分误差控制,同时通过机控系统实施评分误差控制管理。随着研究的深入与技术的发展,将有可能实现基于互联网的高考作文评卷和计算机自动评卷,以进一步实现评卷误差控制。  相似文献   

The reliability of a method of adjusting grade point averages for differences in departmental grading standards was examined, as were the effects of such adjustments on the predictive validity of high school grades, SAT scores, and achievement test scores. The index of differential grading standards for all on-time graduates of the Dartmouth College class of 1986 was quite reliable, and its use in adjusting grade averages increased predictive validity, reduced its erosion over years, reduced the apparent underprediction of women, and improved predictions for blacks. Differential group enrollment in courses in the science division seems to account for much of the effect of adjustment on grades. Improvement in the reliability of the criterial grade averages also was shown to have similar effects on gender and race prediction in another data set  相似文献   

This study investigates empirically the mechanisms behind the increasing grade point averages in Swedish upper secondary schools. Four hypotheses are presented as plausible explanations; improved student achievements, student selection effects, strategic behaviour in course choices, and lowering of grading standards. The analysis is based on extensive data, and focuses on grades and test scores from upper secondary school graduates over a 6‐year period. The result shows that the increase in grade point averages cannot be explained by better achievements, selection effects or course choices, which means that standards have been lowered, which is interpreted here as grade inflation. The grade inflation is most likely an effect of the leniency in the grading system in combination with pressure for high grading, related to the upper secondary school grades’ function as an instrument for selection to higher education.  相似文献   

The increasing use of criteria‐based approaches to assessment and grading in higher education is a consequence of its sound theoretical rationale and its educational effectiveness. This article is based on a review of the most common grading policies that purport to be criteria‐based. The analysis shows that there is no common understanding of what criteria‐based means or what it implies for practice. This has inhibited high‐quality discourse, research and development among scholars and practitioners. Additionally, the concepts of ‘criteria’ and ‘standards’ are often confused and, despite the use of criteria, the fundamental judgments teachers make about the quality of student work remain subjective and substantially hidden from the students’ view. As they stand, none of the approaches identified in the survey is fully capable of delivering on the aspirations of criteria‐based grading. Shifting the primary focus to standards and making criteria secondary could, however, lead to substantial progress.  相似文献   

Most studies predicting college performance from high‐school grade point average (HSGPA) and college admissions test scores use single‐level regression models that conflate relationships within and between high schools. Because grading standards vary among high schools, these relationships are likely to differ within and between schools. We used two‐level regression models to predict freshman grade point average from HSGPA and scores on both college admissions and state tests. When HSGPA and scores are considered together, HSGPA predicts more strongly within high schools than between, as expected in the light of variations in grading standards. In contrast, test scores, particularly mathematics scores, predict more strongly between schools than within. Within‐school variation in mathematics scores has no net predictive value, but between‐school variation is substantially predictive. Whereas other studies have shown that adding test scores to HSGPA yields only a minor improvement in aggregate prediction, our findings suggest that a potentially more important effect of admissions tests is statistical moderation, that is, partially offsetting differences in grading standards across high schools.  相似文献   

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