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以研究工程技术人员道德素养为核心的工程伦理提高了工程技术人员的道德敏感性和职业道德水平.“平等、公平、诚实、责任”等基本道德原则也成为工程技术人员在科技政策制定、执行和评估中的基本道德准则和职业行为伦理标准,保障了科技政策的合理规范.在作为科技政策重要环节的工程设计活动中,工程技术人员必须坚持生态保护原则,促进可持续发展,推进人、自然与社会的和谐发展.  相似文献   

工程师伦理责任的生成及其表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程师职业与其它职业不同,其伦理责任直到20世纪初才形成和确立.本文分析了工程师伦理责任从"无"到"有"的转变过程;探讨了工程师对职业、对人、对社会的伦理责任.  相似文献   

陆艺  黄政  邹俊辉 《科教文汇》2023,(7):123-127
工程伦理是新工科背景下工程技术人才所必须具备的一种核心素质。交通工程本科专业担负着为我国经济发展培养交通行业合格建设者的重任,工程伦理教育在培养交通工程技术人员强烈的社会责任感、塑造交通工程技术人员正确的职业道德观方面都具有积极的推动作用。该研究以贵州理工学院交通工程学院本科学生为调查对象,结合交通工程专业的特点设计调查问卷,对工科大学生的工程伦理教育现状进行了深入调查,对该专业领域工程伦理教育存在的问题和困难进行了分析,并给出了积极的应对策略。  相似文献   

女性工程技术人员是促进我国科技与经济社会发展的重要力量。为反映企业女工程技术人员发展现状、破除她们在职业发展过程中面临的困难和阻碍,本研究采用定量与定性研究相结合的方式开展调研。研究发现,女性在工程技术领域所占的比例持续提升,且发挥着越来越重要的作用。然而女性工程技术人员队伍仍需进一步发展,她们在职业发展上评价较低、专业能力发挥不足、仍面临不公平的对待。国家和组织层面对女性工程技术人员政策关注不足,男性对女性存在能力、性格和成就偏见,养育和家务劳动的社会分工,女性退休年龄的设定,社会激励不足等均是制约女工程技术人员发展的重要原因。针对以上问题和原因分析,结合女工程技术人员的呼声,本研究提出了七点改善建议。  相似文献   

江苏信息职业技术学院本着系部推荐、学院聘任的原则,聘请业务能力精、政治素养高、沟通能力强、责任心强的教师和工程技术人员,形成一支结构合理的督导队伍。以高职教育和培养目标为指导思想,以国家示范及省级示范高职院校建设文件为准则,紧密联系我院高职教育教学的实际,认真履行督导工作职责,继续贯彻以督、导结合,重点在"导"的原则,配合学院做好省示范建设工作。  相似文献   

文章对艾滋病防治工作中面临的一系列伦理难题进行了分析;探讨了处理这些难题的伦理原则;最后,理论的高度对这些伦理原则的理论依据进行了深入的思考。  相似文献   

人工智能社会实验以社会实验的科学方式观测人工智能技术的综合社会影响,意在对其风险进行前瞻性评估,提前寻求应对策略,促进智能技术的良性发展。人工智能社会实验无疑会对实验场域中的参与人员和社会环境造成深刻的伦理影响,因而亟需建构一套切合实际、行之有效的伦理规范体系。当前研究虽有对于伦理风险和伦理原则的探讨,但仍缺乏有关如何在具体实践中定位伦理风险、落实伦理原则并确定伦理责任的精确阐释。人工智能社会实验的实验路径为其伦理规范体系的确立提供了基本框架。基于实验开展的7个阶段,结合人工智能伦理和社会实验伦理的研究成果:(1)分析整合实验各阶段面临的伦理风险,结合应用场景与技术特征进行深化;(2)梳理提炼普适的伦理原则,将其规范要求细化至实验各个阶段;(3)针对实验开展需要,确定不同参与主体在各阶段的职能作用,据此落实主体间的伦理责任。由此形成对人工智能社会实验伦理研究的基本认识,建构起既表达普遍价值共识,又具备实践可操作性的人工智能社会实验伦理规范体系。  相似文献   

近几年对工程技术人员进行了技术职称的考核、评定和晋升工作,这对调动科技人员的积极性、促进科技事业的兴旺发达,无疑将产生积极作用。但是,由于国家文件中对技术职称的考核只提出了一些原则要求,因此在考核工作中如何正确、全面地运用这些原则,遇到了一些问题,如  相似文献   

赖传勇 《今日科苑》2007,(20):57-57
本文对顶板事故的形成过程和顶板事故的原因作了分析,并提出了不同的防治措施和日常管理工作的重点,供广大工程技术人员参考。  相似文献   

基于职业倾向的研发人员多职业通道设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研发人员的组织职业生涯日益受到关注.陈述了研发人员的职业现状,对研发人员职业倾向和职业通道进行了理论回顾,并在此基础上探讨了研发人员多职业通道设计的原则、框架和步骤.  相似文献   

There has been considerable discussion in the past about the assumptions and basis of different ethical rules. For instance, it is commonplace to say that ethical rules are defaults rules, which means that they tolerate exceptions. Some authors argue that morality can only be grounded in particular cases while others defend the existence of general principles related to ethical rules. Our purpose here is not to justify either position, but to try to model general ethical rules with artificial intelligence formalisms and to compute logical consequences of different ethical theories. More precisely, this is an attempt to show that progress in non-monotonic logics, which simulates default reasoning, could provide a way to formalize different ethical conceptions. From a technical point of view, the model developed in this paper makes use of the Answer Set Programming (ASP) formalism. It is applied comparatively to different ethical systems with respect to their attitude towards lying. The advantages of such formalization are two-fold: firstly, to clarify ideas and assumptions, and, secondly, to use solvers to derive consequences of different ethical conceptions automatically, which can help in a rigorous comparison of ethical theories.  相似文献   

人工智能(AI)是第四次产业革命的核心,但也为伦理道德规范和社会治理带来了挑战。文章在阐释当前人工智能伦理风险的基础上,分析了当前对人工智能伦理准则、治理原则和治理进路的一些共识,提出了以"共建共治共享"为指导理论,逐渐建设形成包含教育改革、伦理规范、技术支撑、法律规制、国际合作在内的多维度伦理治理体系等对策建议。  相似文献   

论循环经济的两大基本经济原理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王朝全 《软科学》2006,20(6):27-30,43
循环经济作为一种新的经济发展模式和理念,必然有其理论原理作为支撑。现有研究文献大多从技术或伦理的层面进行分析,揭示了发展循环经济的重要性和必要性。从现代经济学的视角,从资源稀缺性和环境污染外部性两个方面,对循环经济的基本经济原理进行探讨,以期丰富和深化循环经济的理论研究。  相似文献   

The reality of an ageing Europe has called attention to the importance of e-inclusion for a growing population of senior citizens. For some, this may mean closing the digital divide by providing access and support to technologies that increase citizen participation; for others, e-inclusion means access to assistive technologies to facilitate and extend their living independently. These initiatives address a social need and provide economic opportunities for European industry. While undoubtedly desirable, and supported by European Union initiatives, several cultural assumptions or issues related to the initiatives could benefit from fuller examination, as could their practical and ethical implications. This paper begins to consider these theoretical and practical concerns. The first part of the paper examines cultural issues and assumptions relevant to adopting e-technologies, and the ethical principles applied to them. These include (1) the persistence of ageism, even in e-inclusion; (2) different approaches to, and implications of independent living; and (3) the values associated with different ethical principles, given their implications for accountability to older users. The paper then discusses practical issues and ethical concerns that have been raised by the use of smart home and monitoring technologies with older persons. Understanding these assumptions and their implications will allow for more informed choices in promoting ethical application of e-solutions for older persons.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the ethics of information transparency (henceforth transparency). It argues that transparency is not an ethical principle in itself but a pro-ethical condition for enabling or impairing other ethical practices or principles. A new definition of transparency is offered in order to take into account the dynamics of information production and the differences between data and information. It is then argued that the proposed definition provides a better understanding of what sort of information should be disclosed and what sort of information should be used in order to implement and make effective the ethical practices and principles to which an organisation is committed. The concepts of “heterogeneous organisation” and “autonomous computational artefact” are further defined in order to clarify the ethical implications of the technology used in implementing information transparency. It is argued that explicit ethical designs, which describe how ethical principles are embedded into the practice of software design, would represent valuable information that could be disclosed by organisations in order to support their ethical standing.  相似文献   

关注工程风险,维护工程安全是工程师的首要义务和基本责任。但工程师关注工程风险常遭遇伦理困境。伦理困境的凸显是由主客观方面原因造成的,而伦理困境的解决则不仅需要加强工程风险管理,促进工程师与管理者等工程共同体的合作与协商,更需要促进公众参与,加强工程安全文化建设。  相似文献   

The extensive use of digital and network technology has pushed mankind from the industrial era into the information and digital era. In the digital era, digits are becoming an extensive global phenomenon and force. The ethical culture of digital globalization has provided not only a new space for cultural exchange and␣integration among nations, but also a new environment for the formation of new global ethical principles and concepts. This article investigates a theme of scholarly concern, the theme of global ethics in the environment of the digital era.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a research project that investigated how library and information (LIS) professionals experience ethical dilemmas, with particular reference to the impact of new technologies, sources used to assist ethical decision-making, and the contribution case studies can make to ethical understanding and decision-making. Data was collected through interviews in Britain, Ireland and Australia with LIS professionals, educators, and representatives of professional bodies. The findings identify the main types of dilemma raised and discuss cases indicative of each type. They suggest that new technologies do not appear to change ethical principles but, when experienced in the workplace, substantially change the factors the professional has to evaluate. They also suggest that relevant codes of ethics are satisfactory on traditional library issues of access and confidentiality, but do not address the ethical challenges of current and potential digital environments. Professional associations appear more familiar with codes of ethics than practitioners although practitioners show high levels of ethical awareness, suggesting associations need to communicate more with their members and provide tools that are more useful in the workplace. Case studies are seen as a good way to educate and engage practitioners because of the complexity, conflicts and dynamism they can present.  相似文献   

黎常  金杨华 《科研管理》2021,42(8):9-16
人工智能在深刻影响人类社会生产生活方式的同时,也引发诸多伦理困境与挑战,建立新的科技伦理规范以推动人工智能更好服务人类,成为全社会共同关注的主题。本文从科技伦理的视角,围绕机器人、算法、大数据、无人驾驶等人工智能领域所出现的伦理主体、责任分担、技术安全、歧视与公平性、隐私与数据保护等问题,以及人工智能技术的伦理治理,对国内外相关研究成果进行回顾分析,并提出未来需要在中国情境下伦理原则与治理体系的建立、人工智能伦理研究的跨学科合作、理论分析与实践案例的融合、多元主体伦理角色分工与协作等方面进行进一步研究。  相似文献   

立项选题准确是科研胜利之本,是科技攻关走向成功之路的首要环节;正确的科研指导思想和先进的技术路线则是确保科技攻关活动的正轨运行、高速通向主攻目标、攀登科技高峰的导向仪、控制器和指路碑.国家305项目既遵循了适应社会需要,坚持科学性、可行性、超前性、创新性等立项选题的正确原则,又制订了立足于高起点、高质量、高效益、高效率的项目-课题-专题研究的指导思想和技术路线,采用了体现科研系统工程创新的"四维结构"和"四定分析",因而屡获"总体上达到国际先进水平"的科研丰硕成果.  相似文献   

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