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课堂环境是近几十年的研究热点,课堂环境对学生学校适应的影响也逐步走入研究者的视野。近几年对于课堂环境对于学生学校适应的影响方面主要集中在课堂环境对于学生的同伴关系适应、学习适应、行为适应等方面。在今后的研究中,研究人员应在学校适应的研究维度、课堂环境的分析层面、研究的深度、研究对象的范围等方面多加注意。  相似文献   

同伴关系在儿童青少年适应学校生活的过程中起着重要的作用。本文介绍了社会适应与同伴关系的相关研究,并从社会适应的三个指标——学业成绩、社会行为、人格发展出发来进行论述。  相似文献   

儿童同伴关系的影响因素研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
同伴关系在儿童的发展和社会适应中起着重要作用,本文介绍了同伴接纳的类型,从儿童的社会行为和社会认知方面探讨了影响同伴关系的因素,并作了简要评述。  相似文献   

为探讨初中生父母教养方式对心理适应的影响机制,考察同伴关系在两者关系中的中介作用以及感知校园氛围的调节作用,采用简式父母教养方式问卷、青少年心理适应性量表、特拉华州校园氛围调查量表、同伴关系问卷对1486名初中生进行问卷调查。结果表明:(1)积极父母教养方式对心理适应有显著正向预测作用,消极父母教养方式对心理适应有显著负向预测作用。(2)同伴关系在父母教养方式与心理适应之间起中介作用。(3)积极父母教养方式对心理适应的直接效应受到感知校园氛围的调节。结论:积极父母教养方式对初中生心理适应有促进作用,且感知校园氛围水平越高,影响越显著。家长要及时了解孩子对校园氛围的看法,若孩子感知的校园氛围水平较低,则家长需要将更多精力放到改善教养方式,促进其同伴关系,从而促进其心理适应能力。  相似文献   

同伴关系在儿童青少年的发展和社会适应中起着重要作用。它包含了同伴接纳和友谊这两个重要的层面。智力落后儿童的同伴关系的发展是智力落后儿童适应行为发展的—个重要方面。而适应行为的理论研究和智力落后儿童适应行为的培养是智力落后研究和教育实践中最重要的部分,因此对于智力落后儿童的同伴关系的研究具有积极的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

我们可以用调查方法研究初中生同伴关系的特点。影响初中生同伴关系的因素可分为空间范围、年龄、性别和心理原因等方面。在调查的基础上进行统计分析可以得出如下结果 :年龄因素与年级无关 ,空间范围、性别和心理原因都与年级有高度相关。  相似文献   

杜萍 《中学教育》2002,(8):40-42
一学生同伴关系是学生与同龄人交往所形成的一种人际关系 ,它常常是由于共同的兴趣、需要和态度等而自发形成的彼此在心理上的相互联系。与师生关系、亲子关系相比较而言 ,同伴交往所具有的自由性、平等性与开放性特征使中小学生能够体验、探索一种全新的人际关系 ,并在与同伴的交往中发展每个学生的个性 ,学习适应社会所必需的交往知识和技能 ,培养其人际感知力、人际判断力和人际沟通力 ,使自己真正得以健康地全面地发展  相似文献   

学生到了中学阶段,其重要他人已不再是父母或教师,而变为朋友。近年的研究发现,在同伴群体中建立良好的同伴关系有利于中学生社会能力的培养、学业的顺利完成以及认知能力和人格的健康发展,而不良的同伴关系可能导致学业、行为、情绪等学校适应困难。我校心理辅导中心跟踪的个案也发现,来访学生往往是没有朋友的学生。因此,对于初一刚入学的学生来说,如何与新同学交往,如何交到新朋友,如何和朋友相处,对他们是否适应中学的学习和生活尤为重要。因此,开展初一新生同伴交往适应的心理课堂教学研究有着重要的实践意义。本研究依照同伴关系的两个维度--同伴接纳和友谊关系以及自我同一性理论作为课程内容设置的理论依据,依照团体动力学理论进行课程的实施。  相似文献   

同伴关系(这里指同学问)是由于共同的兴趣、需要、态度等,而自发形成的彼此在心理上的相互关系。进入初中阶段的学生生理发生一定的变化,对他们的心理发展也会产生影响。(这个阶段心理学称之为第二次断乳期)这当中比较重要的就是同伴关系的影响。  相似文献   

学术共同体内外的权力博弈与同行评议制度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在学术活动过程中,学者通常要面对来自个体的自主探究权力、源于学术共同体内部的集体权力(如专业或学科的权力)以及来自外部政府和机构的行政权力等相互间的冲突。在这三种基本的权力博弈中,同行评议似乎因其更能体现学术活动的内在逻辑而获得制度优势。但是,由于学术系统内部存在一个等级结构,少数精英往往主宰了学术认可和资源分配的过程。因此,它与其说是最优的路径选择,毋宁说是权宜之计。一个可供考虑的路径选择未必是废弃同行评议制度,而是如何在其制度设计中体现三种权力间结构性的平衡。  相似文献   

Although it is widely assumed that sense of humor is closely related to intelligence and creativity, the empirical studies of these relationships, which are reviewed in this article, have yielded conflicting findings. On the basis of the present review and a consideration of other relevant literature, it is suggested that the nature of such relationships might be affected by how the variables are operationalized, several characteristics of the experimental participants, as well as various aspects of the broader experimental context As the extant studies have investigated only a restricted number of the empirical issues to do with those characteristics, it is evident that a considerable amount of research remains to be conducted The more informative characterization provided by such research would clearly provide the basis for more accurate analyses of the nature of intelligence and creativity.  相似文献   

调整与适应:高等教育结构与劳动力市场的关系探寻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现代社会里,高等教育不仅要在人才培养总量上满足劳动力市场的需求,更需要在结构上实现合理优化,达到与劳动力市场人才需求及就业结构的动态均衡。我国劳动力市场正日益呈现出由低级向高级发展、由卖方向买方转变、由东部向西部推进、由封闭向开放过渡的变化趋势,因此,高等教育的层次结构、专业结构、布局结构和体制结构等必须作出相应的调整,只有这样才能使我国高等教育培养和输送的人才不断满足劳动力市场的需要。  相似文献   

The results of a survey of history chapters in thirteen recent introductory early childhood education textbooks are presented in this paper. The chapters were reviewed on four dimensions: The rationale for the study of history, the dominant story of the history, the facts of the history, and the image of the history. Textbooks are described as important sources of knowledge for beginning students. While the facts of the history in textbooks are mostly accurate, the dominant story is derived mainly from the contributions of “giant thinkers” in psychology, education, and philosophy. The article concludes by recommending increased attention to the missing pieces of ECE history. Three examples are given: the role of caring knowledge, international perspectives, and the relation of preschool to school history.  相似文献   

In addition to a literature review of later-life creative activity (as a continuation of previous work or at the onset of later life), the present study provides a blueprint for a course on humanistic creativity in later life. Selected exemplars of well-known creative individuals in the humanities are provided: (1) May Sarton (literature); (2) Marcel Duchamp (painting); (3) Leo w J aná ) ek (music) (4) Martha Graham (dance), and (5) Jessica Tandy (acting). This study includes specific recommendations for the incorporation of these materials into the gerontological curriculum.  相似文献   

Early childhood teacher education programs have drastically increased the number of field experiences in the past two decades. As a result, problems have emerged often resulting in negative benefits to pre‐service teachers. Among these problems are: inadequate supervision, ample and model placements and the linkage of theory to practice. This paper describes how one program has implemented peer coaching throughout its entire early childhood teacher education program in an attempt to help alleviate some of the known problems. Student satisfaction and enthusiasm, cooperating teacher support and the benefits of the university have further encouraged and strengthened the use of this strategy. Preliminary research findings also indicate preservice teachers develop a more thorough understanding of the teaching and learning process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess receptivity to peer teaching and peer learning about the safe and appropriate use of medications among communitydwelling older adults. The sample was predominately White (88.5%), female (75.9%) older adults with an average age of 80.2 ( - 9.1) years. On average, the participants perceived their health status as good (2.8 - 0.6). In addition, participants reported using an average number of 4.4 ( - 3.3) prescribed medications. The majority (75%) of participants also reported no problems with their medications. With respect to receptivity to peer teaching and peer learning, the participants, on average, were neutral to peer teaching (6.0 - 2.4), but were somewhat receptive to peer learning (6.7 - 2.2). The number of prescribed medications that a participant reported taking and the age of a participant were identified as significant predictors of receptivity to peer teaching and accounted for 14.5% of the total variance ( F = 5.84, df = 2, p = 0.005). For receptivity to peer learning, the number of prescribed medications also was a significant predictor ( F = 7.50, df = 1, p = 0.008). This study provides the initial step to identifying community-dwelling older adults who would be receptive to peer teaching and peer learning about the safe and appropriate use of medications.  相似文献   

战国时期,随着以郡统县的行政管理体制在各国的普遍推行,各诸侯国国君通过郡、县地方行政区及乡、亭、里等基层地域组织,自上而下形成了一个有序的统治网络,层层控制着整个国家。新的官僚制度的建立,便利了国君对地方官员的任免、选拔与考核权的掌握。中央对地方的视察制度的建立,具有考核地方民政、选拔人才并对施政方针征求意见等作用。与此同时,行县之制在加强中央、各级政权与基层之间的政治联系,加强中央王朝对地方的行政管辖方面发挥着一定的积极作用。监察制度的初步建立则是封建王朝加强专制统治的重要表现。国君对立法与司法权的垄断,是建立中央集权制国家的必然要求。户口的登记和赋役的摊派,内史、少府等国家财政机构的创设,标志着新型分立的单一制国家对地方经济的控制得到空前加强。发兵用符制度的建立,使得中央及地方军队的调遣权全部集中于国君一人之手。  相似文献   

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