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说"我要试试"的小孩会攀上顶峰;说"我不行"的小孩将滞留谷底。"我要试试"每天做大事,"我不行"每天一事无成。一定要说"我要试试",把"我不行"放到一边儿去。The little boy who says"I’ll try"Will climb to the hill-top.The little boy who says"Ican’t"Will at the bottom stop."I’ll try"does great things every day.  相似文献   

Sometimes your biggest weakness can be-come your biggest strength.Take,for example,the story of one 10-year-old boy who decided tostudy iudo despite the fact that he had lost his leftarm in a devastating car accident. The boy began lessons with an old Japaneseiudo master.The boy was doing well,so hecouldn’t understand why,after three months oftraining,the master had taught him only one move. “Sensei.”the boy finally said,“shouldn’t I belearning more moves?”  相似文献   

正A man sells some birds on the street.A little boy,Henry stands in front of the birdcage.He looks at the birds and feels sad.The birds twitter and flap their wings.They try to come out of the birdcage.Henry asks,"Excuse me,Sir.How much are the birds?""Fifty cents each,"answers the man."I want to buy all of them.How much are they?"says Henry.The man counts the birds and says,"Five dollars.""Here’s the money,"says Henry.  相似文献   

I’m not the kind of girl to sit out on the sidelines[场外] The kind of girl who doesn’t say it straight from her mind You’re gonna know all that I’m feeling on the inside I ain’t into games I don’t wanna waste Any time and all the energy we could spend Being together boy forever you’re my best friend I got a little problem that I can’t mend You’ve been taking me for granted you  相似文献   

“Everything happens for the best,”mymother said whenever I faced disappointment.“If you can carry on,one day somethinggood will happen.And you’ll realize that itwouldn’t have happened if not for thatprevious disappointment.”每当我遇到挫折时,母亲就会说“:一切都会好的。如果你坚持下去,总有一天会有好事发生。你会认识到,如果没有之前的挫折,这好事就不会发生了。”Mother was right,as I discovered aftergraduating from college in1932.I had decidedto try for a job in radio,then work my wayup to spor…  相似文献   

Mrs Smith is busy today,so she can 1 take Susan to school.When 2 the school, she says,"Your daddy is going to London.I’m going to the airport(机场) to see him 3 this afternoon.I can’t come here to meet you.Can you go home yourself 4 school?""Don’t worry,mum,"says the little girl."I’m seven now."The fifth class is over and Susan leaves school.But she 5 find the way home.She  相似文献   

“I must go now,”said Mrs.Hall.“I’ll come back as soon as I can.”Betty said,“We will be all right,Mother.I’ll look after things.”“Yes,”said Mrs.Hall.“I knowyou will,and the other children canhelp you.See that the goats don’t getout of the barn(牛棚),Betty.A manis coming for them Saturday.”  相似文献   

The full forms are:I'll = I will; you '11 = you will he '11 = he will; she'lt = she will; it'll = it wi we '11 = we will; they'll = they will. Negatives: won't = will not.We can use will to make personal predictions about the future. For example: a) I think it'll snow tomorrow b) I' m sure they'll send it later this week.  相似文献   

无声 《今日中学生》2014,(12):28-30
A A famous doctor once attended a little boy who was dangerously ill.Thanks to his skill and care his young patient got well,and soon able toget up and run about again.The child's mother was very grateful,andshe called on the doctor to thank him for what he had done for her son."Doctor,"she said,"you have saved my little boy's life.I don't know how to thank you enough.I felt that money alone can't repay you,  相似文献   

1.A tiger is hungryand he is lookingfor food.H e sees a frog in front of him.“H ahaA frogM y dinner”So he rushes at thefrog.2.Behind the tiger there is a tor toise.The little tortoise sees it and hebites the tiger’s tail.“O uch ”Cries thetiger and he looks back.3.The frog hears the voice and thenjum ps into w ater.“Thank you little tortoise ”says the frog.4.B ut the tiger is very angry.“Bother it I’ll throw you to the sky ”“Thank you.I like flying in the sky.”Says the tortois…  相似文献   

1.我要努力提前完成这项工作。[误]I’ll try finishing the work ahead of time.[正]I’ll try to finish the work ahead of time.[析]try doing sth.意为“试着做某事”。而try to do sth.表示“努力或设法做某事”。2.她和我都没错。[误]Neither she nor I are wrong.  相似文献   

1.I like music that I can dance to.我喜欢能跟着跳舞的音乐。(p.44)I love singers who write their ownmusic.我喜欢自己写音乐的歌手。(p.44)当先行词是指人的名词时,引导定语从句的关系代词一般要用who或that;当先行词是指物的名词,关系代词要用that或which。例如:The house that we live in is very old.我们居住的那个房子很旧了。The boy who is wearing a black jacket isvery clever.穿黑上衣的那个男孩非常聪明。2.What do you think of it?你觉得它怎么样?(p.46)“What do you think of...?”的意思是“你认为/觉得……怎么样?”,与句型“How doyou like...?”的意思相同。例如:What do you think of the film?你认为这部电影怎么样?think of还有“想起;考虑”的意思。例如:I can’t think of his name at the mo...  相似文献   

If I were a boy again,I would practice perseverance(坚持,坚定,毅力)more often,and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient.If we want light,we must conquer(战胜;克服)darkness.Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results.“There are only two creatures,”says a proverb(谚语;格言),“who can surmount(翻越)the pyramids—the eagle and the snail.”假如我又回到了童年,我做事要更有毅力,决不因为事情艰难或者麻烦而撒手不干。我们要光明,就得征  相似文献   

鸭子碰到公鸡,便问:“公鸡先生,你看见我的蛋了吗?”公鸡说“:没有呀。”“这可怎么办呢?”“你别急,好好想。”“哦!我想起来了!这几天,我根本没下过蛋。”The duck meets the cocknd says“,Mr.Cock,did you seey eggs?”The cock says,“No.”“What can I do?”“Don’t wo  相似文献   

假如我又回到了童年,我做事要更有毅力,决不因为事情艰难或者麻烦而撒手不干,我们要光明,就得征服黑暗。毅力在效果上有时能同天才相比。俗话说:“能登上金字塔的生物,只有两种——鹰和蜗牛。”If I were a boy again, I would practise perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was difficult or inconvenient. If we want light, we must conquer darkness. Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. "There are only two creatures," says a proverb, "who can surmount the pyramids--the ea…  相似文献   

A little boy ran to the bus stop at the full speed at 8 o’clock in the morning.When he got there,he was out of breath.The conductor told the boy the bus had left and he missed it.What~① disappointed the boy was!The conductor said to the boy,"My boy,if you run more fast~②,you can catch the bus.""I’ve already run as fast as possible,"said  相似文献   

1.There is a bad w olf in the forest.O ne day he is eating a lam b.Suddenly abone(骨头)sticks in his throat(喉咙).2.“O h,a bone is in m y throat,”he goes to see a doctor,“Please helpm e.”The doctor,M r.Panda says,“Sorry,I can’t help you.The bone isinside.”3.“W hat can I do?”thewolf is sad.Then he m eets acrane(鹤).“O h,dear crane.Please help m e.A bone is inm y throat.I will pay for yourhelp.”4.“O K.Let m e have atry,”the crane says.Shepulls out the bone with herbill(脖子).…  相似文献   

Home Is The Best Where is better?Where is the best?I’ll getthere forarest.Hey,Isay,don’t forget,don’t forget:“Eastorwest,homeis the best.”I’m in trouble. Why?I’ve lostmy glasses,and I can’t look forthem until I’ve foundthem .look for:寻找My dog i  相似文献   

In fifteen years, I think I’ll be a big fish(大人物). I think I’ll live in New York. I love the city very much, for it is a beautiful city. I think I’ll have a villa and a personal computer, and I’ll have a robot. It can do everything, for example, do the dishes, sweep the floor and so on. I’ll go to Canada on vacation. That’s also a beautiful country. I will have many pets. I don’t have any pets at pre- sent, because my father doesn’t like them at all. At weekends, I’ll wear be…  相似文献   

What does the sunshine boy mean? If I am the sunshine boy.what must I do? In my opinion,first I must be brave. Nothingcan stop me.Whatever I meet,I will never give up.If I am in trouble,I will say to myself,"Cheer up!What's wrong with you?It's not the end of theworld.Don't feel hopeless. It’s just a piece ofcake."Then I will try my best to get out of trouble.  相似文献   

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