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The author of this paper investigates the recent advances of information literacy education for international students at academic libraries in China. The author carried out a questionnaire survey through the Questionnaire Star platform from April 2019 to July 2020 among 152 librarians from 117 university libraries in different parts of China, including 35 librarians from the universities which participate in the country's construction plan of world-class universities and world-class disciplines. Moreover, another questionnaire survey on library information literacy education for international students was conducted among 35 international students in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Through analysis and discussion of the survey results, the research studies the overall status and existing problems of information literacy education for international students in Chinese academic libraries, and offers suggestions for the improvement of international students' information literacy education in the future.  相似文献   

合作化——高校信息素养教育必由之路   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了当前我国高校图书馆独立开展信息素养教育所面临的问题,借鉴国外的发展经验,概述了合作化信息素养教育的特点及合作的类型,并为我国高校图书馆员开展信息素养教学的合作提供了建议,旨在进一步促进我国高校信息素养教学实践,使信息素养教育达到更好的成效。  相似文献   

The article uses conceptual correlations between information literacy and financial literacy as a basis for arguing that financial literacy services have a place in library settings. The article discusses the general requirements, profile of services, and various challenges related to the introduction of financial literacy programmes in public libraries. An intensified interest in financial literacy matters may be assigned to the global financial crisis of 2007 to 2009. The interdependencies between financial crisis, financial literacy, and the potential of public libraries is illustrated by the example of one South-Eastern European country whose economic transformations and developments reflect the importance of financial literacy.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted between July and November 2012 to determine how academic libraries in the United States and Canada marketed and delivered information literacy on the Web. A random sample of 264 institutions was taken from Peterson's Four-Year Colleges 2012, and the authors checked each Web site of the academic libraries of the institutions in the sample for instruction-related activities. Only 65 percent of the libraries in the sample advertised library instruction as a service on the Web, while 64 percent of the libraries boasted research guides and tutorials. Sixteen percent of the libraries provided direct links to ACRL's Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, and 24 percent made an effort to explain and define the term “information literacy” to their users. The authors hope the findings can help determine how academic libraries are currently using the Internet to increase information literacy on the Web and set a new platform for better strategies for advocating information literacy.  相似文献   

文章从对我国医学信息素养教育现状的分析入手,探讨了开展基于医学学科的在线信息素养教育的现实意义,然后简要介绍了国内外大学图书馆在信息素养教育领域的发展情况,最后对医学生在线信息素养网站的构建原则、网站内容设计、Big6框架设计、动态网站后台管理系统、网站特色以及存在的问题进行了阐述,指出信息素养与专业素养的有机结合仍有许多问题值得深入探讨。  相似文献   

高教园区信息素养教育研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高教园区的兴建成了中国高等教育发展的一大亮点,园区的最高办学理念是开放与共享。在面向对象的信息素养教育的框架下,该文试从信息素养教育的背景分析出发,开展信息素养教育中观层面的合作项目研究,对高教园区信息素养教育资源共享进行可行性分析,以及在合作项目、实践探索与案例研究的基础上,倡导信息素养教育的创新发展在于合作与多元化。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]随着信息技术的发展和普及,数字素养日趋成为世界各国国民素质教育的重要内容。它与媒介素养、信息素养有着密切的关联,正被越来越多的国家纳入其国民教育课程的体系之中,但我国的发展仍很不完善。针对这一现状对发达国家和我国的数字素养培养模式发展进行述评,并对我国数字素养的培养提出建议。[方法/过程]在对相关文献进行充分调研的基础上,分别对美国、欧洲、日本和中国的四种具有典型性的数字素养的培养模式加以分析,并据此提出本文的结论。[结果/结论]美国、欧洲和日本的先发优势与经验为我国数字素养培养的建设和发展提供了良好的借鉴。我国应该构建一个多主体共同参与的体系,形成由各级公共图书馆、专业图书馆、学术图书馆、大中小学、政府管理机构等全社会共同推动实现的机制,建设一个能充分接触数字资源和社群信息的交互式数字媒介空间。  相似文献   


While articles on individual studies, surveys, and programs abound, there is a lack of baseline data regarding what and how libraries provide instruction for their distant populations. Do libraries generally provide information literacy or library instruction to students at a distance? How is instruction usually provided? Is instruction generally assessed? If so, how is instruction assessed? These questions were asked of librarians in an online survey of 143 institutions offering distance programs, randomly sampled from the College Blue Book. With a 55% response rate, data about instruction offerings and assessment were correlated with information about library staff size, budget, and student enrollment. The expectation was that larger libraries with more money and students would provide more and better services, but interestingly these factors had far less influence than anticipated. It seems that the individual efforts of librarians were the major determinants for services offered by libraries at institutions with distant students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this column is to highlight information literacy activities that are occurring in organizations and institutions outside of libraries. Academic libraries have done much to advance information literacy in postsecondary institutions. Yet, much activity is also occurring outside of academic libraries in relation to information literacy. This column will feature some of those organizations and activities so that academic librarians may share information with them and develop new partnerships that will further advance the goals of information literacy.  相似文献   

In keeping with Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed and the theoretical perspicacity of Critical Race Theory, Lenoir and Anderson (2023) posit “technical solutions to political problems are bound to fail. Historical, structural, and political inequality—and especially race, ethnicity, and social difference—needs to be at the forefront of our understanding of politics and, indeed, disinformation”. The approaches to mis/disinformation in libraries and information studies have largely been grounded in two forms of literacy education; media literacy and digital literacy. Both media literacy and digital literacy offer a limited generic framing for engaging with digital information and myriad technology and fall short of providing the acute awareness of the systemic relationship that media and digital information platforms have with interlocking systems of oppression. This paper intends to identify the current application of critical approaches to disinformation literacy instruction to promote its adoption as a pedagogical practice in libraries and information studies.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究美国“图书馆准备好编程”项目给图书馆行业带来的信息素养教育改革新趋势。通过文献分析和案例研究,对“图书馆准备好编程”项目的三个阶段进行了梳理,汇总整理项目成果并探讨项目所蕴含的计算思维内涵;在此基础上调查论述国内外计算思维教育现状。经研究总结发现“图书馆准备好编程”项目对我国高校图书馆信息素养教育改革主要有以下几方面启示:高校图书馆应重视并在信息素养教育中引入计算思维;制定计算思维能力评估框架;图书馆各级学会应积极联动发挥顶层设计优势;开发高校图书馆大数据资产作为教育资源;培养具有计算思维的图书情报人才。  相似文献   

黄琴玲  谭旻 《图书情报工作》2021,65(12):139-146
[目的/意义] 调研国内高校图书馆留学生信息素养教育实践进展,提出可行性发展对策,为我国高校图书馆开展支撑学校"双一流"战略与国际化建设的留学生信息素养教育提供参考。[方法/过程] 面向我国东西南北中5个地区的91所开展留学生教育的高校,对其下属图书馆的104名馆员和上海交通大学的20名留学生开展问卷调查,并通过调查结果分析我国高校图书馆留学生信息素养教育存在的优势、不足和应对策略。[结果/结论] 中国半数以上高校图书馆开展了留学生信息素养教育,相关教学实践呈现出授课人员与师资多样化、教学类型与内容多维化、教学方法与语言多元化等特点,存在对留学生信息素养培育的重视程度不足、教学实践有待加强、授课人员队伍严重缺乏、教学效果尚需提升等问题,可通过加强留学生信息素养教育规划设计、夯实师资队伍建设、注重馆员教学能力提升、加强新型教学方法运用等对策来改善。  相似文献   

游戏可以发展成图书馆吸引用户,提升用户利用图书馆资源技能的有利工具。简要介绍国内外各大学图书馆设计开发的在线游戏,分析它们的差异与优劣,希望将来的游戏制作者能将信息获取的知识、技能与游戏融合,不断创新,设计出读者乐于接受、从中受益的游戏。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]调查并分析美国公共图书馆年长者健康信息服务现况,为我国公共图书馆开展相关服务提供参考。[方法/过程]利用网络调查法,结合文献调查、访谈和案例分析,选择服务人口数量排名前25的公共图书馆,以是否有专项年长者健康信息服务为抽样标准,对选取的14所图书馆的服务现况及特点进行分析。[结果/结论]美国公共图书馆年长者健康信息服务具有如下特点:遵循规范的服务流程;细分年长者用户群,重视50+用户;健康信息服务的主题内容较为集中,以满足用户的信息需求;以提高用户健康素养尤其是电子健康素养为主要目标。  相似文献   

As Internet and computer technologies have evolved, libraries have incorporated these technologies into the delivery of information literacy instruction. Of particular benefit is the ability of online tutorials to deliver information literacy instruction to students not physically present on campus. A survey of library and information science literature determines that while a variety of methodologies have produced mixed results, the majority of studies find online tutorials can often be as or more effective than face-to-face instruction. However, more consistent research methods are needed to draw meaningful conclusions regarding student preferences, satisfaction and performance in response to online instruction.  相似文献   

Until relatively recently, the concept of information literacy, and teaching the skills to enable it, was mainly a concern of academic libraries. Now, it is also seen to be of high importance within the context of health care libraries. Health care libraries and librarians can provide crucial support towards the implementation of evidence‐based practice in patient care through both information literacy skills training and by conducting mediated searches on behalf of health care practitioners. This article reports the findings from an investigation conducted by Charlotte Kelham as part of her MA in Librarianship from the University of Sheffield. Her dissertation investigated how health care librarians understand the concept of information literacy, the implications of this for their role and their perceptions around how their role is valued. Charlotte graduated from Sheffield in 2013 and is currently job hunting. AM  相似文献   

[目的/意义]微视频信息素养教育是"互联网+"环境下高校图书馆的积极探索,对其现状进行调查并提出优化创新举措对于促进高校图书馆信息素养教育的效果提升具有重要意义。[方法/过程]利用文献调研法、网络调研法、电话访谈法等,以中国137个"双一流"高校图书馆和2020年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名榜单上排名前30的国外高校图书馆为调查对象,主要从信息素养类MOOC课程、教学与数据库培训类微课、新生入馆教育类微视频课程、具有故事情节的微电影信息素养课4个方面分析中国高校图书馆微视频信息素养教育的现状,从教育内容、发布情况等方面分析国外高校图书馆微视频信息素养教育的现状。根据现状分析,提出剧情类微视频信息素养教育这一创新举措。[结果/结论]剧情类微视频信息素养教育借助"故事的魅力"增添了教育的趣味性和吸引力。本文尝试提出剧情类微视频信息素养教育的设计思路与制作推广策略,提出高校图书馆从整体规划、剧情设计、实施拍摄制作再到微视频发布推广全流程的整套框架体系,以期为高校图书馆的剧情类微视频信息素养教育提供思路借鉴与实践指导。  相似文献   

The article provides a detailed account of the challenges of an information professional in a special library. Reference has been made to a developing country simply because librarians in the third world have yet to be accorded proper recognition in the society. In an attempt to understand the environment in which a special librarian operates, definitions and characteristics of special libraries have been attempted. In the final analysis, it is evident that the challenges of a special librarian are by far different from those of his colleagues in other libraries, e.g. academic and public libraries.  相似文献   

The article provides a detailed account of the challenges of an information professional in a special library. Reference has been made to a developing country simply because librarians in the third world have yet to be accorded proper recognition in the society. In an attempt to understand the environment in which a special librarian operates, definitions and characteristics of special libraries have been attempted. In the final analysis, it is evident that the challenges of a special librarian are by far different from those of his colleagues in other libraries, e.g. academic and public libraries.  相似文献   

论高校图书馆对大学生实施信息素养教育的原则与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章指出了高校图书馆对大学生实施信息素养教育的四个基本原则:主动性原则、开放性原则、实践性原则、差异性原则,在此基础上提出了图书馆对大学生进行信息素养教育的若干策略。  相似文献   

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