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This article identifies student mobility flows using Erasmus data from 2007–2008 to 2013–2014. We used the software programmes “R” for statistical analysis and “Pajek” for analysis of networks. Findings provide an overview of student mobility from three perspectives. We find the most balanced relative outbound and inbound mobility in Spain, Switzerland, Austria and Poland. Moreover, Spain and Italy exchange the most students between each other. Overall, the core centres for student mobility are Spain, France, Germany and Italy. Smaller countries, such as Luxemburg, Malta and Liechtenstein, have large numbers of mobile students considering the size of the country's student population. The network analysis revealed three groups of countries: (1) good receivers and senders (Spain, Italy, and Germany), (2) good receivers only (Finland, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Portugal) and (3) good senders only (Belgium and the Czech Republic).  相似文献   

欧盟“伊拉斯谟计划”及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊拉斯谟计划作为欧盟(欧共体)推动的欧洲国家间的大学生流动计划,为我们提供了了解欧洲高等教育跨国合作的一个独特视角。本文通过阐述伊拉斯谟计划的实施背景、目前情况以及相关评估,指出了欧盟在该计划之外致力于推动高等教育国际化的新举措。  相似文献   

This article explores different methodological approaches to the study of social inclusion in the European Commission’s Erasmus undergraduate exchange programme, elaborating upon the approach taken in a study of Erasmus conducted in Portugal. The opening section of the discussion acknowledges the prior tradition of quantitative research on student mobility in Europe as a means of providing indicators of programmatic success to policymakers and stakeholders, and the existence of micro level studies that examine specific aspects of the Erasmus experience such as the emergence of shared European identities and building work competencies. What these approaches share is an emphasis on student perspectives: learning about the impact of exchange visits from past participants. As an alternative approach, I have focused on the institutional level of the programme, using qualitative interviews with individuals involved in managing Erasmus mobility at a diverse range of universities, an approach that I argue unlocks valuable knowledge about issues such as social inclusion within the programme.  相似文献   

Building on international migration theories and the literature on the dynamics of student mobility, this study sketches a two-dimensional framework and examines its utility to understand the rationales of in-bounding student mobility in Turkey. The empirical part of the study was conducted with 331 international students studying in public universities of Turkey. The results suggest that private rationales are prominent for students coming from Western and economically developed countries. In contrast, economic and academic rationales are prominent for students coming from Eastern and economically developing countries. The study suggests three insights which are instrumental in re-interpreting the position of the countries in the periphery in international student mobility. First, the nature of cultural, political, and historical proximity between home and host countries determines the size and direction of in-flowing student mobility in economically developing countries. Second, for developing countries pre-departure pulling rationales at private level are more prominent than public rationales. Third, despite the general trend that student mobility flows from economically less developed toward economically developed countries, this study suggests that in the periphery there are regional hubs attracting students largely originating from other countries of the periphery.  相似文献   

如同著名的荷兰科学家伊拉斯莫一样,凡是纵横欧洲几所大学研究的人都被视为是学生的楷模。与伊拉斯莫时代的习惯相左的是,现代大学对学生在其他大学学习的成果信息有所要求。作为一个综合学分互认体系,欧洲学分互认系统(ECTS)能够满足这样的要求。本次演讲将对包括荷兰开放大学在内的西欧院校的优秀实践将予以介绍。不幸的是,许多院校口头上称许学生流动性的种种优点,事实上却给学分互认制造障碍。障碍之一就是巨细靡遗的海外课程水平和内容具体要求说明。"学术教育是智慧和专业见解的增进","学胜于教","知识来源多元性和事实不是唯一存在性"等更为宽广的价值观是对待学生流动性的积极态度。本次演讲将探究这一更为宽广的价值观体系。由于期待所有大学都在这一问题上达成共识是不现实的,报告人建议让愿意采取切实行动对待学生流动的大学组成联盟。流动性友好大学联盟将基于自愿参与的形式为每个专业建立结构课程,并且采用综合学分互认系统和透明的先前知识认可规则。结构课程的概念将予以说明。它在本质上是一系列对于课程水平和内容的宽泛要求,而非具体必修课程清单。结构课程使学生能够利用世界各地大学的优势建立个人的课程组合。  相似文献   

Robin Shields 《Compare》2016,46(1):5-23
This paper examines international student mobility between member states of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), a group of 47 countries that committed to reforming their higher education systems to improve the comparability and compatibility of degrees. While increased student mobility is a key goal in its official documents, little research has empirically investigated student mobility patterns in respect to the EHEA. The analysis employs multivariate techniques to identify trends in student mobility between 1999 and 2009, using a spatial approach to visualise the relationships between member states as constituted through student mobility flows. Results show that within the analysis timeframe student flows in the EHEA became more even in their distribution, but that in terms of the relationships between states, the EHEA became more centralised and segmented, meaning that key actors mediated exchanges between peripheral states and the region was more easily divided into self-contained clusters. These trends indicate a need to critically reconsider the nature of the EHEA and its role in the globalisation of higher education.  相似文献   

Student mobility and trans-national collaborative modes of learning at University level have been strongly promoted within Europe. However, such initiatives are expensive, difficult to organise and do not always attain their objectives. Recently there has been considerable interest in the extent to which computer-mediated communication between students in different countries can either supplement or substitute for actual student mobility. This paper reports an evaluation of a project in which video-conferencing was introduced in the context of an established Anglo-Spanish programme in which UK and Spanish Fashion students undertake collaborative projects in each others’ countries. Project aims included fostering and supporting second language use, providing an innovative context for collaborative art and design projects and offering an opportunity to simulate trans-national working conditions. Questionnaires, observation and interview data indicate that not all these objectives were realised, though student reaction to the technology and to the benefits it afforded for collaboration were broadly positive. The strengths and weaknesses of video-conferencing as a support to collaborative learning in this context are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on data taken from the Unesco Statistical Yearbook (1987), supplemented, for several countries, with data obtained from the Liaison Officers of CEPES or from other available sources, the article examines the statistics of student mobility in the Europe Region over the 1980‐1985 period. Special attention is given to the intra‐European flows of foreign students, and several trends in European student mobility are thus identified.  相似文献   

Research on the patterns of international student mobility and the dynamics shaping these patterns has been dominated by studies reflecting a Western orientation, discourse, and understanding. Considering political, economic, cultural, historical, and ecological factors, this study argues that international student mobility is not only an issue of the economically developed, politically stable, and academically advanced Western world but also one that involves countries with different economic, political, and academic characteristics. Taking into account various theoretical orientations, this study argues that political, economic, cultural, and historical factors have led to the emergence of non-traditional destinations for international students; these countries are labeled as emergent regional hubs. In order to empirically test this, a social network analysis was conducted on a worldwide dataset representing 229 countries. The findings evidenced the strong position of traditional destinations for international students. However, the results also suggest the rise of several regional hubs, which are undergoing internationalization processes in different forms and with different rationales. The mobility patterns in emerging regional hubs deviate from those in traditional destinations, which fundamentally change the nature of internationalization in this context.  相似文献   

土耳其2001年成为博洛尼亚进程签署国之后,在高等教育领域进行了一系列改革,诸如深化学位结构改革,实现学位结构的进一步对等;启动伊拉斯莫项目及与其他国家签订高等教育双边合作协议,进一步加强人员流动与相关资格文凭的互认;制定"高等院校学术评估与质量发展"框架,建立全国性的高等教育质量保障机制;改革高校招生机制以及为学生提供更多服务,推进高等教育公平;出台《终身学习战略文件与行动计划》,推进终身教育发展等等。在改革进程中,土耳其一方面继续其等级制的管理传统,采用自上而下的决策路径,同时开始重视通过组织结构的设置以协调各方的利益表达。  相似文献   

The various EC student and teaching staff mobility schemes arc outlined, stress being placed on the role of the United Kingdom as one of the participating countries. Certain United Kingdom bilateral arrangements for the same general purposes are also evoked. Much in these programmes is relevant for Yugoslav universities.  相似文献   


This paper analyses the determinants of national student mobility under the unified system of admission in Russia and evaluates the barriers which still limit educational mobility. It is argued that even with the Unified State Examination (USE) and the decreased transaction costs of applying to universities, student interregional national mobility is directed towards more developed regional educational markets and richer regions, but is still limited due to the financial constraints in the absence of the additional student support. Russia is an interesting case, because it consists of regions with highly variable socio-economic development and it represents local higher education markets with different levels of competition between universities, which may influence the decision to move. USE was intended to mitigate against these differences, and for political reasons under USE such differences are not considered the main barriers of access to higher education. However, this study takes into account the importance of the institutional characteristics of regions in student mobility.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of PhD student satisfaction is likely to become increasingly vital for universities as student satisfaction rankings already ubiquitous at undergraduate and master degree levels extend more broadly to the PhD level. Moreover, as PhD student populations and university competition become increasingly transnational, there is a growing need to understand cross-nationally common determinants of satisfaction. Building on prior research into PhD student satisfaction, and drawing upon relevant conceptual and metrical refinements in the measurement of satisfaction from cognate domains of psychology, we use cross-sectional data (N?=?409) from PhD candidates across the sciences, social sciences and humanities in 63 universities from 20 countries to examine how overall PhD student satisfaction is determined by, respectively and in combination, supervisor, department and peer-group, in terms of both their academic qualities and supportiveness. Taken together, we find that supervisor supportiveness is the greatest predictor of PhD student satisfaction, but that supervisor academic qualities have no significant effect. However, both the academic qualities and supportiveness of departments significantly predict PhD student satisfaction, suggesting university departments and PhD supervisors would ideally work jointly, and perhaps more closely than many currently do, to achieve competitive levels of PhD student satisfaction.  相似文献   

Hao Wei 《Higher Education》2013,66(1):105-122
This paper, based on the data of 48 countries and regions from 1999 to 2008, studies the economic and educational determinants of how countries of different types attract international students. The study finds that: the volume of merchandise trade between countries facilitates international student mobility across borders; international students from developing countries put the same weights on educational and economic factors for peer developing countries as potential destinations, while only economic factors are taken into consideration for developed countries as potential destinations. On the other hand, international students from developed countries often value educational factors more for developed countries as possible destinations, while equally weigh educational and economic factors for developing countries as possible destinations. Therefore, countries aiming to attract talents from other countries should pay more attention to attract international students and encourage them to seek working opportunities in local employment markets after finishing study.  相似文献   

Rachel Brooks 《Compare》2018,48(4):500-517
Higher education is of considerable importance to policymakers across Europe. Indeed, it is viewed as a key mechanism for achieving a range of economic, social and political goals. Nevertheless, despite this prominence within policy, we have no clear understanding of the extent to which conceptualisations of ‘the student’ are shared across the continent. To start to redress this gap, this article explores four key aspects of contemporary higher education students’ lives, considering the extent to which they can be considered as, variously, consumers, workers, family members and political actors. On the basis of this evidence, it argues that, despite assumptions on the part of European policymakers that there are now large commonalities in the experiences of students across Europe – evident in pronouncements about Erasmus mobility and the operations of the European Higher Education Area – significant differences exist both between and within individual nation-states.  相似文献   


Are intra-national student flows driven by the same forces as international student mobility? This paper addresses this question by analysing cross-border student mobility in the UK. The paper identifies four principles that one might expect to drive the destination choices of students from Scotland enrolling in English universities. Following a statistical analysis of student destination choices, it is argued that cross-border moves from Scotland to England are stimulated by some of the same global forces as international student mobility (such as a desire to accumulate cultural capital), but in terms of destination choice the imaginaries held by Scottish students of ‘good’ places to study in England to accumulate cultural capital are constructed differently from the imaginaries of international students.  相似文献   

STEM education faces an interesting conundrum. Western countries have implemented constructivist inspired student centred practices which are argued to be more engaging and relevant to student learning than the traditional, didactic approaches. However, student interest in pursuing careers in STEM have fallen or stagnated. In contrast, students in many developing countries in which teaching is still somewhat didactic and teacher centred are more disposed to STEM related careers than their western counterparts. Clearly factors are at work which impact the way students value science and mathematics. This review draws on three components that act as determinants of science education in three different countries – Australia, India and Malaysia. We explore how national priorities and educational philosophy impacts educational practices as well as teacher beliefs and the need for suitable professional development. Socio-economic conditions for science education that are fundamental for developing countries in adopting constructivist educational models are analysed. It is identified that in order to reduce structural dissimilarities among countries that cause fragmentation of scientific knowledge, for Malaysia constructivist science education through English medium without losing the spirit of Malaysian culture and Malay language is essential while India need to adopt constructivist quality indicators in education. While adopting international English education, and reducing dominance of impact evaluation, India and Malaysia need to prevent losing their cultural and social capital vigour. Furthermore the paper argues that Australia might need to question the efficacy of current models that fail to engage students’ long term interest in STEM related careers. Australian and Malaysian science teachers must be capable of changing the personal biographies of learners for developing scientific conceptual information. In addition both Malaysia and Australia need to provide opportunities for access to different curricular programmes of knowledge based constructivist learning for different levels of learner competencies.  相似文献   

大学生国际流动对人力发展和全球理解的贡献   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在高等教育国际化的进程中 ,大学生国际流动已经从无组织或自发的行为进入到有组织的形式 ,并且也已经成为各国经济竞争的一个重要方面。本文考察了全球范围内大学生流动的趋势 ,并重点以欧盟的依拉斯玛斯计划为例 ,分析了大学生国际流动的重要作用 ,以及阻碍大学生国际流动的因素与可能的解决方案。研究表明 ,大学生国际流动有助于人力的发展和全球的相互理解 ,应当进一步推动大学生的国际流动。  相似文献   

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