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Bachelor und Master — auch ein bildungstheoretisches Problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Die Debatte um gestufte Studieng?nge (Bachelor/Master) weist gravierende Defizite bezüglich der inhaltlichen Gestaltung solcher Studieng?nge auf, w?hrend in formaler Hinsicht bislang vor allem Unübersichtlichkeit erzeugt wird. Dahinter l?sst sich eine allgemeine Profilverwirrung identifizieren, die zu überwinden der Beitrag in drei Schritten versucht. Zun?chst wird eine funktionale Bestimmung vorgenommen: Danach w?chst der Hochschulbildung die Aufgabe zu, sozialvertr?gliche Handlungsf?higkeit innerhalb exponentiell wachsender Komplexit?ten zu vermitteln. Eine hieran anschlie?ende Motivationsanalyse der BA/MA-Debatte ergibt, dass sich die vorliegenden Gestaltungsversuche entweder durch Unter-oder überkomplexit?t auszeichnen: Problemad?quatheit hingegen ist bislang untypische für die deutsche Bachelor/Master-Debatte. Ursache dessen ist eine paradoxe Anforderung: Auf die steigende Komplexit?t, welche die Absolventen und Absolventinnen in ihrer beruflichen und gesellschaftlichen Praxis erwartet, muss einerseits ad?quat curricular reagiert werden, ohne andererseits in der Gestaltung des heutigen Studiums den Komplexit?tsgrad der künftigen Herausforderungen spiegeln zu k?nnen. Die Frage, wie dieses Paradoxon bearbeitet werden kann, wird unter Rückgriff auf die Luhmannsche Figur der „Komplexit?tssteigerung durch Komplexit?tsreduktion“ beantwortet. Auf der Grundlage der Zentralunterscheidung von Spezialistentum/ Generalistentum wird ein Modell entwickelt, mit dessen Hilfe „konsolidierte Gewinne“ (Luhmann) innerhalb von gestuften Studiengangssystemen erzeugt werden k?nnen.  相似文献   

人才培养是大学的基本功能和根本任务,人才培养模式是教育质量的首要问题。文章基于整体性视角,从思想渊源、制度基础与社会需求三个维度出发,分析本研贯通人才培养模式的核心要义:回归教育初心在于坚守人本理念、体认并尊重人的主体性与差异性,这是本研贯通人才培养模式的思想渊源;现行人才培养模式无法满足个体多样化需求,"破旧立新"成为必然选择。本研贯通人才培养模式以高效性、连续性支持高等教育系统内部有效衔接、推进学科专业一体化建设,以灵活多样的路径选择,为人的主体性和差异性发展提供制度保障;社会发展渴求卓越人才,本研贯通人才培养模式以合规律的教育,输出具备卓越特质的人才以回应社会诉求。在明晰要义的基础上提出本研贯通人才培养模式的发展路向。  相似文献   

本文通过对部分专科学生和高中生的问卷调查结果进行分析,讨论了“专接本”政策的实施给专科院校在扩大学生就业、增加在校生学习动力、扩大生源等方面产生的积极影响,对实施过程中存在的一些问题提出了一些初步设想。  相似文献   

美国研究型大学本科生科研的组织与实施   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
美国研究型大学本科生科研取得的成就与其成熟而有效的管理体制是密不可分的。本文从宏观和微观层面分析了美国研究型大学本科生科研的组织与实施,以为我国组织和实施本科生科研提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Inzwischen liegen verschiedene aktuelle Modelle zu Bachelor/Master in der Lehrerbildung vor. Um vergleichend ihr Innovationspotential abzusch?tzen, lassen sich historische und berufssoziologische Vergewisserungen heranziehen, und es ist fruchtbar, eingangs professionstheoretische Kriterien für eine Reform der Lehrerbildung zu benennen. Befragt werden die Modelle anschlie?end nach ihrem Beitrag zur St?rkung des p?dagogischen Professionsbezuges, zur St?rkung reflexiver Verwissenschaftlichung und zur Restrukturierung des Curriculums. Die Sichtung der Modelle macht deutlich, dass die mit einer Restrukturierung der Lehrerbildung verbundenen Chancen durch die bis jetzt vorgelegten Konzepte noch unzureichend genutzt werden.
Summary Bachelor and Master Qualifications in Teacher Training — Potential or hindrance for innovation? Over the past few years a series of different models for two-phased teacher training programs leading to the qualifications Bachelor and Master have developed in German higher education. Historical considerations and sociological concepts on work can be drawn on to analyze the comparative advantages of the different models. This paper also refers to theories of professionalism for criteria by which to evaluate a reform of teacher training. Finally, the models’ contribution to the strengthening of pedagogic relevance to the professional needs of students, to the strengthening of their reflexivity and to the restructuring of the training curriculum will be assessed. A look at the models shows clear enough that the chances for innovation, which emerge from restructuring efforts, have not been exploited sufficiently in the current concepts.

Public debate on higher education reform today is dominated by competing views about what higher education institutions, particularly universities, are or should become. To a surprising extent, these views are based upon highly simplified characterisations of university history. The claims in question have been repeated so often that they have become clichés. Historical research has challenged all these conventional claims. The article aims to acquaint readers with the most important of these challenging results. Central here is an analysis of The Humboldt Myth about the rise of the modern research university in Germany and its alleged export to the US, and of the reasons why that myth remains so powerful, even though it has very little relation to realities on the ground. A second goal is to try to bring out some of the implications that a revision of standard views of higher education history might have for current policy debates, focusing in particular on the Bologna process.  相似文献   

Student attrition is an area of constant concern for higher education managers and policymakers alike, yet little is known of the outcomes of those who depart higher education prematurely. We examine the educational and financial outcomes of students who start, but do not complete, a Bachelor-level course using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. We find that the number of non-completers is remarkably high, but also that the majority of Bachelor non-completers have completed some other form of tertiary-level qualification. Consistent with other research, we also find that Bachelor non-completers report higher incomes than those who have not attempted a Bachelor degree. The results suggest that the current sectoral focus on preventing student attrition is limited. Further strategies are required to re-engage students who have withdrawn from higher education and to understand the trajectories of partial completers and the impacts of partial completion.  相似文献   

2004年5月目录前言(略)第一部分使你的工程或技术专业获得鉴定(略)·为什么要寻求鉴定·涉及什么·产出标准·如何申请·国内与国际承认第二部分工程专业鉴定产出标准·适用于工程硕士学位的产出标准·适用于副工程师专业的产出标准第三部分更多信息(略)第二部分工程专业鉴定产  相似文献   

Creative writing courses are growing in universities and outside them. Publishers and agents even turn to them now as sources of promise and talent. This article describes a particularly successful MA in creative writing at Goldsmiths College in London and makes a case for the popularity and the usefulness to universities, to aspiring writers and to publishers of such courses.  相似文献   

This paper describes a graphic approach to defining a teacher training programme, using system concepts. It describes a process whereby teacher trainers can mentally walk through the architectural structure of a programme and portray this structure visually, just as blueprints enable an engineer to see the structure of what is being built. The roles of individuals involved in the process are discussed, as are the programme design and development functions that such a process serves.  相似文献   

拉卡托斯(1922-1974)是西方著名的哲学家之一,以其《科学研究纲领方法论》而闻名于世.应当说,他的科学研究纲领理论不仅对科学活动具有很大的影响,而且还深刻地影响着人们的思维方式.探究其科学研究纲领方法论的理论精华有利于促进读者严谨的科学态度与思维的养成.  相似文献   

新形势下会计专业本科毕业论文指导面临难题与解决对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李达 《高教论坛》2011,(7):70-73
毕业论文是大学生在大学毕业前要完成的最后一门课程,近年来随着高等教育由精英教育向大众化的转变,以及毕业生就业压力的不断增大,毕业论文质量呈整体下滑趋势,抄袭现象严重。本文通过问卷对会计专业的师生进行了调查,分析了会计专业本科论文存在的突出问题,并从专业特点及高校毕业论文管理等方面分析了原因,最后结合专业特点和高等教育发展趋势提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

幼儿园“小主人”教育是幼儿园为幼儿创设自主发展的环境和条件的教育,它以幼儿为主体,通过富有自主性、规范性和发展性的教育教学实践活动,培养幼儿自主规范和发展的意识与能力.“小主人”教育需要从家庭、幼儿园、社会三个层面实施,其中幼儿园必须创设具体的“小主人”课程、组织富有针对性的实践活动,丰富环境创设的内涵,突出对幼儿自主发展与教育能力的评价.  相似文献   

投子义青,北宋一代高僧,为南岳下十世浮山法远弟子,后代曹洞宗传法,嗣法弟子众多;修颙禅师,浅为人知,且史料较少,据现存资料记载,为青原下十二世,云门宗圆照宗本弟子,仅有少数弟子传录行世。而据笔者对修颙禅师嗣法弟子所处时代,结合投子义青所处时代,以及二师禅风特点及嗣法弟子主要思想等方面的综合分析,在诸多相关论据基础之上,认为二师可能实为一人。  相似文献   

《单身汉之死》是阿图尔·施尼茨勒的代表作之一,该作品通过一位单身汉生前写的一封信,揭露了一个关联三个家庭的偷情秘密,其引发的回忆造成了婚姻和友情的伦理失序,使小说中医生等三人的双重伦理身份遭到揭露、产生重叠,并造成了伦理混乱。文章以文学伦理学理论和婚姻关系等相关理论为切入点,对小说中的两大部分记忆、医生等三人面临的伦理困境及做出的伦理选择进行解读,探究在面临婚姻危机时人性的复杂与包容性、婚姻关系中道德伦理天平倾衡的影响及死亡的虚无作用,同时揭示性、权力与婚姻之间密不可分的关联,体现文学的伦理教诲作用。  相似文献   

Japan is one of the countries which have been producing and broadcasting a large number of programmes for children, both educational and entertainment, and both types of programme have been widely watched by children in other countries in recent years. This article introduces the characteristics of Japanese children's television viewing and some examples of studies on the development of new television programmes for young children and then discusses the possibility of the development of international television programmes for children.  相似文献   

本文介绍了访问匈牙利所获得的体会。作者从公共管理谈到了东欧十几年的转轨,试图以自己的寻访 和见闻告诉人们,认识东欧、研究东欧,在今天对我们有非常的意义。  相似文献   

Although increasing attention has been given to the language of teachers, pupils and published materials the language of schools' broadcasting remains largely neglected as a topic of research, study and discussion. British educationists and teachers have access to a burgeoning literature on geographical education but the contribution of schools' television, radiovision and radio programmes and associated publications to the teaching of geography is rarely, if ever, treated as a topic for serious consideration. Not surprisingly, therefore, the language of schools' broadcasting in geography is new ground to explore. Geography has figured prominently in the annual provision of broadcasts during the fifty‐four years of educational broadcasting in Britain. Added to the currently transmitted programmes are the taped broadcasts, audio and video recorded, which teachers may have retained from previous years.  相似文献   

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