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The degree to which teachers' perceptions of a student can be distorted by characteristics indigenous to teachers, as well as students, were investigated to determine whether teachers would initiate a referral for special education. Sixty-five teachers volunteered for participation. Twenty-seven of them were experienced, having had their own classrooms in a public school. Thirty-eight were preservice student teachers who had not yet had their own classrooms. Teachers were evaluated to have had either an internal or external locus of control and were judged to have had either a high or low opinion of self according to either of two separate scales. After viewing two video tapes of two elementary-aged students (one student was severely emotionally disturbed [SED] and the other non-SED), teachers rated the children on several child characteristics and referral questions. Results revealed that the locus of control and self-esteem of teachers, in conjunction with teaching experience and a child's characteristics, can predict teachers' inclinations to refer children. Findings point to the need to place greater care in the initiation of referrals. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The psychologist who is involved in the placement and support of mainstreamed learning handicapped children is often called upon to assist regular teachers to meet the special needs of these children. This study examined the concerns of regular class teachers who were the primary instructors for 51 educable mentally retarded pupils and 196 educationally handicapped children. Teachers were asked to express the degree of comfort or discomfort they experienced while responsible for the special child in a variety of school related situations. Teachers consistently reported more comfort with activities involving supervision and academics than with activities that involved public display of the child's competence. Five different teacher response patterns were identified, and teachers were found to be somewhat less comfortable with the retarded than with the educationally handicapped child.  相似文献   

The study investigated the relationship between the attitudes of educators to exceptional children and the amount of contact with such children, knowledge about them, and the demographic variables: sex; age; and teaching experience of the respondents. A Semantic Differential technique was used and ten scales were rated over four concepts: physically handicapped children; emotionally disturbed children; mentally retarded children; speech impaired children. Attitude, represented by factor scores on a ‘social acceptability’ dimension, was correlated with the independent variables and produced low (r<.30) and inconsistent coefficients. An analysis of variance of the means of the ten scales over the four concepts indicated a more negative evaluation of the concept representing emotionally disturbed children than of the other three concepts. The evaluations were made in response to disability labels, and the results point to the need for further empirical research into the effects of labelling children on the attitudes of educators.  相似文献   

语言是思维的物质外壳,交流思想的工具。不同学科的教师语言,当然各具特色,并且教师的课堂语言艺术必然对教学效果产生重大影响。  相似文献   

This study investigates the developmental effects of soical reinforcement on the interview behaviour of 58 mildly intellectually handicapped children (CA = 11.8 years; IQ = 75). The subjects were divided into three age groups (8‐10 years, 10‐13 years, 13‐15 years) and categorized as dominant or dependent by teacher ratings. In the experiment, high and low social reinforcement for eye‐contact was given in an interview by one of their teachers. The data were analyzed, for each age group, according to the amount of speech and eye‐contact under the various conditions. Support for the earlier Exline and Messick (1967) findings indicated a feedback rather than reward model in explaining the effects of social reinforcement on eye‐contact. More important, however, for the mildly intellectually handicapped, no evidence was found for significant variations in eye‐contact as a function of age, sex or IQ.  相似文献   

Conclusion In summary, this article has emphasized the stressful effect of a handicapped child on the family. The effect of the family on the child's achievement is emphasized as many handicapped children would not become disabled or their disability lessened by appropriate parental behavior. Because of the importance of the family as a teaching environment, for the preschool child in particular, three home-oriented programs are out-lined as possible models that others might find useful. These programs attempt to capitalize on the mother's continued contact with the child and her ability to supply a one-to-one teaching arrangement during the time when the child is most susceptible to change. Such programs also increase mother-child communication and enhance her sense of having some control over the child's development, and her self-image as a competent parent, in addition to making the parents aware of community resources and fostering contact with appropriate services. These parent programs for handicapped children should not be seen as a substitute for other child-oriented preschool programs but as part of a co-ordinated approach to the education of the preschool handicapped child.
Benachteiligte Kinder Und Benachteiligte Familien

Enfants Handicapes Et Familles handicapees

教师话语作为教师在外语学习课堂上组织教学的语言,对学生的语言学习有着直接的影响。本文运用语用学的言语行为理论对教师话语进行分析研究,主要分析教师话语的问候、指令语、反馈与评价三个方面。通过分析理解这三个方面的言语功能,提高教师的教学效果,为学生创造一个良好的二语学习环境。  相似文献   


The sample for this study consisted of 46 noncategorically identified handicapped students who had been assigned to functionally grouped self‐contained classes. For purposes of this research, only a child study team reevaluated the students and supplied a label, learning disabled or emotionally disturbed. We observed all students on at least nine occasions on three behaviors: teachers' academic questions directed toward them, extended feedback from teachers, and dyadic work interactions. Although the special education classroom teachers did not know the labeled identity of any student in the class, they instructed the two groups differently. They instructed the emotionally disturbed children with fewer instances of academic questioning, less extended feedback for their responses, and fewer dyadic work interactions.  相似文献   

Urban educators often find themselves in conflict with parents of educationally handicapped students over program, placement, services, and day-to-day difficulties. These conflicts often escalate into acrimonious debates, hostile feelings, and formal due process hearings. Fortunately, easily understood strategies exist for constructively and ethically preventing differences between school personnel and parents from becoming embittered and adversarial. This article discusses the dynamics of parental anger, considers parent perceptions and needs, and provides school personnel with both a framework and practical strategies for constructively resolving differences and improving relationships.  相似文献   

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