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我校创办于1994年,10年来走过了一条由质量立校到特色强校的发展之路。面对新一轮课程改革,年轻的“二实小”人清醒地认识到,乘着课改的列车,走内涵发展之路,是学校实现强劲跨越的惟一选择。我们就是想通过自己的不懈努力,办出让人民满意的教育,让“二实小”成为我县基础教育的一块知名品牌。我们的做法如下。一、规范办学,夯实内涵发展的基础一是抓办学目标的拟订。在上级教育主管部门和有关科室的正确领导下,认真分析当前的教育形势,广开信息渠道,结合学校的实际情况,面向未来,瞄准目标,谋划发展,经过充分调研和广泛论证,制订了符合校情的…  相似文献   

一切为了孩子们──记全国优秀大队辅导员刘士华尤克勤,李克山当你迈进武清县杨村镇第四小学的校门,那明亮雅致的教学楼,那姹紫嫣红的花坛,那迎风飘动的国旗……就会立刻映入你的眼帘。然而,最叫人称奇的,是校园里哪怕一个隐蔽的角落,竟连一个小纸片儿也没有!要知...  相似文献   

大冶市滨湖学校是市委、市政府为了均衡城区教育资源、解决新城区居民子女就近入学问题,投资6000余万元新建的一所九年一贯制标准化示范学校,校园占地72亩。学校座落在劲牌东路以北、金湖大道以西的尹家湖畔,交通便利.环境幽雅,风景秀丽,是莘莘学子读书的理想殿堂。  相似文献   

安阳市胜利l路小学始建于1987年,位于胜利路北段洹北小区内。占地约14亩,建筑面积6000余平米,现有24个教学班,教职工70余人,在校学生1200余名。  相似文献   

天津教育津沽路旁,月牙河畔,有一座美丽的校园,这就是咸水沽一中。它是天津市首批重点中学,多年来为国家培养了大批高素质人才。董志强校长应记者之请谈了学校的办学经验。董校长说,学校的一切工作是为了学生全面发展,必须做到坚持面向全体学生,构建“以学生发展为本”的教育模式。咸水沽一中的办学思路是,以转变观念为前提,以德育工作为首位,以教育教学改革为核心,以队伍建设为关键,以优化育人环境为保障,积极推进素质教育。我校德育实施“成功教育”模式,以心理健康教育为突破口,注重培养学生的自信心、意志力、成功动机,…  相似文献   

钟瑛 《班主任》2001,(10):5-6
这三句话放在一起,不像标题,倒像个绕口令,但绕来绕去都离不了孩子这个中心,离不了教育这个话题. "一切为了孩子"对于每位教育工作者而言是一个承诺,一种追求.为了孩子而倾注一切,首先需要我们对教育事业赤胆忠诚,对莘莘学子充满爱.  相似文献   

吴群英是首都师范大学生物系人体生理学教研室副教授,自1977年至今一直从事人体生理学教学工作.1994年,吴群英任生物系教学副主任.她以忘我的精神投入到繁重的教学管理和教学科研工作之中,用共产党员的先锋模范作用带动周围的同志,为推动生物系的教学改革、学风建设和提高教学质量作出了突出贡献.她于1993年获得市级"爱国立功标兵"奖;1996年获市教委"舒尔美恩师"奖;1997年获全国高师院校"曾宪梓奖励基金"三等奖,获北京市教学成果一等奖和教育部颁发的国家级教学成果一等奖;2001年又荣获"北京市优秀共产党员"的光荣称号.  相似文献   

靖江市实验学校创建于1998年,现有教职工近250人,班级63个,学生总数3300多人。2000年,学校被命名为江苏省青少年科技特色学校;2001年通过“江苏省实验小学”和“江苏省实施教育现代化工程示范初中”验收,并被命名为江苏省现代教育技术实验学校;2002年被评定为江苏省德育工作先进学校和泰州市首批模范学校:2003年被省文明委命名为“江苏省文明单位”;2004年成为中国少年科学院科普基地。“高质量促发展,新特色创品牌,严管理增效益”是校长缪明灿同志提出的学校发展策略;一切为了学生的发展,是学校一切工作的出发点和归宿。打破传统的重理性知…  相似文献   

Drawing on the literature related to classroom management, and culturally relevant critical teacher care, and effective teaching for students of color, this paper uses interview and observation data to explore the perspectives and practices of two exemplary fifth-grade teachers who refuse to rely on punitive discipline with their students of color. Findings revealed that the teachers did not view students’ behavior as challenging – they viewed behavior simply as one of the many areas they believed it was their responsibility to teach. Their instructional practices focused on coaching students to reach their potential and liberating them from barriers that limit their access to successful life paths. The study helps both researchers and practitioners reflect on the concept that discipline assumes and provides portraits of teacher practice central to dismantling the school-to-prison-pipeline.  相似文献   

This article questions the common wisdom of the HRD profession by comparing it to the results from six studies on the important developmental and learning experiences of successful managers. Managers in the studies tell us that although planned formal and informal employer‐based training and school‐based training contributed to their development, much of their learning occurred outside of the areas of planned institutional control. Instead such factors as challenging job experiences and assignments, relationships with peers and bosses, learning in the community, family upbringing, personal life experiences, characteristics of the organisational environment, and specific strategies for learning from experience were named as contributors. According to these findings, we are investing all of our targeted resources in only apart of managerial learning and development. Weargue that it is difficult to address these other areas because we view humans as a resource to control for the purpose of maximising profit and enhancing economic development. The result of this reductionistic view of human resources is that our practice is neither cost nor time effective. The implications for HRD practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

新时期共青团工作的变化趋势、基本特点、基本原则等决定高校共青团工作的视域必须具备多维性。维度之一是强调意识形态性的主导论向度;维度之二是以主体为重心的主体论向度;维度之三是突出工作方法重要性的方法论向度。  相似文献   

《共产党宣言》的发表,标志着科学社会主义的问世.它第一次系统而完整地阐述了科学社会主义理论,揭示了资本主义必然灭亡、共产主义必然胜利的客观规律,阐明了无产阶级推翻资本主义建立社会主义、共产主义的伟大历史使命.上述原理具有深远的理论意义和直接的现实意义.  相似文献   

Although a number of authorities suggest that school is one of the most significant sources of state based anxiety in children of secondary school age, there is a shortage of valid and reliable measuring instruments designed to assess the incidence of this anxiety. This is particularly true for Arabic speaking countries such as Iraq. The present paper details the development of one such instrument (the Manifest School Anxiety Inventory) through pilot and try-out versions to the final form.  相似文献   


The development of the Danish Folkeskole (the basic school for pupils aged six to 16) followed a reform passed in 1969 by the Danish Parliament which stated that all children with special needs should be able to receive instruction in a normal school environment. The results obtained over the past 20 years are encouraging. Only 0.5 per cent of all school children attend a special school and about 12 per cent of all pupils receive special educational support in ordinary classes. This article evaluates the reform which has taken place, analyses some of the underlying factors and looks at possible future developments.  相似文献   

美国教师专业发展学校的形成与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“专业发展学校”的建立是美国教师教育改革的新举措,它对美国教师教育的发展和教学质量的改善起了重要作用。该文从美国教师专业发展学校的产生因素、形成过程及其意义三方面对其形成和发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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