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This study examines differences between university students and permanent residents of an Appalachian community in their attitudes toward the environment and toward proposed local energy related developments. Survey data showed that townspeople (non-student residents) were somewhat more supportive of the proposed energy developments than were students, however students were typified more by detachment from the issues than by opposition to them. It is suggested that differences between students and townspeople in support for local energy developments is not due to environmental attitudes but may be due to economic ties to the local area.  相似文献   

Change and complexity are creating a need for increasing levels of literacy in science and technology. Presently, we are beginning to provide students with clear contexts in which to learn, including clearly written text, visual displays and maps, and more effective instruction. We are also beginning to give students tools that promote their own literacy by helping them to interact with the learning context. These tools include peer-group skills as well as strategies to analyze text and to indicate comprehension by way of text summaries and concept maps. Even with these tools, more appears to be needed. Disparate backgrounds and languages interfere with the comprehension and the sharing of knowledge. To meet this need, two new tools are proposed. The first tool fractures language ontologically, giving all learners who use it a language to talk about what has, and what has not, been uttered in text or talk about the world. The second fractures language epistemologically, giving those involved in working with text or on the world around them a way to talk about what they have done and what remains to be done. Together, these tools operate as a two- tiered knowledge representation of knowledge. This representation promotes both an individual meta-cognitive and a social meta-cognitive approach to what is known and to what is not known, both ontologically and epistemologically. Two hypotheses guide the presentation: If the tools are taught during early childhood, children will be prepared to master science and technology content. If the tools are used by both students and those who design and deliver instruction, the learning of such content will be accelerated.  相似文献   

Evaluating the impact of instructional innovations and coordinating instruction, assessment, and testing present complex tensions. Many evaluation and coordination efforts aim to address these tensions by using the coherence provided by modern cognitive science perspectives on domain-specific learning. This paper introduces an alternative framework that uses emerging situative assessment perspectives to align learning across increasingly formal levels of educational practice. This framework emerged from 2 design studies of a 20-hr high school genetics curriculum that used the GenScope computer-based modeling software. The 1st study aligned learning across (a) the contextualized enactment of inquiry-oriented activities in GenScope, (b) “feedback conversations” around informal embedded assessments, and (c) a formal performance assessment; the 2nd study extended this alignment to a conventional achievement test. Design-based refinements ultimately delivered gains of nearly 2 SD on the performance assessment and more than 1 SD in achievement. These compared to gains of 0.25 and 0.50 SD, respectively, in well-matched comparison classrooms. General and specific assessment design principles for aligning instruction, assessment, and testing and for evaluating instructional innovations are presented.  相似文献   


Beginner educators cannot produce their best work and achieve the objectives of the schools that employed them until they have adjusted to the work they are required to do, the environment in which they are to work and the colleagues and learners with whom they have to work. However, it is well known that the transition from student educator to newly qualified educator can be problematic. The best way of supporting and developing novice educators is a clear understanding of their problems and constructive induction programmes that train and sustain them by addressing these issues. The article therefore focuses on the plight of, and support for, beginner educators. It addresses two questions. First, what are the needs and concerns of beginner educators? Second, what strategies can be offered to support beginner educators that will ease their transition into the classroom and reduce attrition early in their careers?  相似文献   

A developmental systems approach incorporates clinical perspectives and offers a background for thinking about some of the ways we do research. Recent advances reveal both research opportunities and needs related to fostering child development in a pluralistic, democratic society, 4 topics are addressed that deal with individuality, context, and the search for meaning. First, individuality is discussed wherein our abstract thinking and our quantitative individual differences methods have revealed an urgent need to study the developing person. Second, classification is considered wherein our systematizing efforts reveal a need to understand the interplay among classified features of the person, as well as the particular methods that underlie our classifications. Third, the experiencing of development is discussed, wherein recent advances have revealed new ways of thinking about an individual's nonconscious—procedural and practicing—activities in development, as well as those activities that are conscious. Fourth, the issue of values is considered. Values contribute to our doing research, and we also need to acknowledge their importance as the object of developmental study in 4 children. The appreciation of context, of multiple windows of observation, and of our emotional "centeredness" as human beings who communicate and cooperate with others are crosscutting themes of the essay.  相似文献   

Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence Luke Jackson, 2002 London: Jessica Kingsley ISBN 1-843-10-098-3 Can the parent of a child with autism or Asperger Syndrome ever really comprehend the experiences of their child? As a greater number of cases are identified and more is understood about these conditions, autism and Asperger Syndrome seem to be increasingly commonly understood terms. Despite the clear definitions provided by diagnostic criteria for the conditions (e.g., American Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994), it often remains difficult for professionals, parents and other carers, particularly those who are newcomers to this field, to truly understand the complexities of these conditions with respect to the day-to-day influences upon the affected individual.  相似文献   

In this column, the editor of The Journal of Perinatal Education discusses how the media provide role models-good and bad-for pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding. There is a critical need for more positive role models that promote natural, safe, and healthy pregnancy and birth. The editor also describes the contents of this issue, which offer a broad range of resources, research, and inspiration for childbirth educators in their efforts to promote natural, safe, and healthy birth.  相似文献   

This article develops the idea that there is something of a gap in theory and practice regarding the relationship between whole-school targets and individual targets. I suggest that subject, year or key stage leaders have an important mediating and cohering role to play. I argue that all of the work in schools concerning the use of targets for school improvement, for performance management and for individual pupils' progress, rests on effective assessment for learning. Significant research is referred to in support of six main propositions, and guidance is offered on how they might be implemented.  相似文献   

习惯、习惯法、民间法和国家法是研究中国法治本土化的不可回避的话题,在学术界对这几个概念也反复使用,文章对如何使用这几个概念才最为恰当,并且避免对几个概念的误用的探讨,可以帮助研究者更清晰地研究中国传统的法律文化.  相似文献   

Nationally endorsed competencies, a certification process, and standards for specialty training in gerontological counseling have been developed and approved. Implementation of the gerontological counseling specialty in counselor education is considered.  相似文献   

人类社会历来有各式各样的精英人物,各类精英的成长当然也离不开学校教育,那么,精英们都是从精英学校中毕业出来的吗?有些精英几乎肯定是精英学校培养的。像竞技体操或钢琴演奏方面的专门人才,不但需要从小在专门学校(或教师)的指导下严格训练,而且这类学校(或教师)又有着相当苛刻的招生选拔标准,虽然经过这种严格选拔、特殊培养的儿童未必都能成为本领域的顶尖人物,但是不经过这类童子功训练的人就很难在该专业领域立足。从这个意义上说,这种高难的技巧与艺术项目的精英离不开精英学校培养则是肯定的。还有些实践性很强的领域,似乎很难有专…  相似文献   

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