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Jerome (Jerry) S. Bruner’s death at the age of 100 left a huge human and intellectual void, especially for those who had been in regular contact with him. Jerry has been an inspiration, not only due to his enormous intellect but also to his vitality and warm mentoring of so many people. This article aims to continue to honour the richness of his work, but also to cultivate possibilities for the new generations. Based on a personal elaboration of Bruner’s ideas, this article is a manifesto for the future of education that cannot be but a manifesto of cultural psychology of education. Here it has been summarized in five main stances.  相似文献   


En este estudio se analiza la influencia de la clase social, el número de hermanos y el orden de nacimiento sobre una serie de variables cognitivas y de rendimiento escolar.

Se ha realizado la investigación sobre una muestra de 507 alumnos de 1° de E.G.B., pertenecientes a los Centros Públicos de Valladolid y provincia. Las variables de rendimiento escolar se evaluaron a través de la opinión del profesor. La valoración, en cambio, de las cognitivas se realizó por medio de pruebas estandarizadas. Dentro de los efectos principales, y dejando aparte las diferencias marcadas por el medio social, obviamente esperadas, destacamos una fuerte influencia del orden de nacimiento sobre prácticamente todas las variables dependientes. Su interacción con la variable socio cultural es el resultado más destacable del presente trabajo. Dedujimos como hipótesis explicativa las diferentes pautas culturales que propician o no la estabilidad de los patrones educativos familiares.  相似文献   

Los sistemas paraverbales o que acompañan al habla son necesarios a todo hablante «normal». Algunos pueblos, como los latinos (frente a los anglosajones, por ejemplo), hacemos uso generoso y eficiente de ellos. Un trabajo sistemático con ellos ha permitido poner en marcha un método eficaz para la educación del lenguaje oral en niños sordos. En este artículo se expone en detalle el sistema, sus implicaciones y eficacia y los pasos a dar para su aplicación.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the teaching of music has tended to be a professional subject within the training of virtuosos in conservatories or a playful subject taught in schools, without due consideration given to the potential it offers to developing cognitive capacities. Advances in neuroscience highlight the importance of learning music in relation to the cognitive benefits derived from its practice. Brain exploration techniques show that practising music places a significant demand on the most developed cognitive functions of the human being, confirming the intervention of different cerebral areas involving a large portion of the brain and an increase in attention and concentration levels. After carrying out a literature review of the current state of the question, some of the most common findings in all fields of musical education are cited, considering aspects that are of particular relevance today, such as interdisciplinarity, emotion, cooperative learning, self-regulation and creativity.  相似文献   


The objective of the present article is twofold. On the one hand, it aims to analyse the relationship between argumentation and education with a special emphasis on the difficulties that occur when defining and assessing argumentative skills. These difficulties are related to the thinking patterns underlying the argumentation models and, at the same time, are reflected in the educational models used to train and to assess students’ argumentative skills. On the other hand, this article presents and discusses common and distinctive aspects of the papers selected for this monograph.  相似文献   


Converging evidence suggests that parent-infant interaction is one of the most crucial formative influences on child development. In neurodevelopmental disorders, however, different timings and trajectories of development may add a layer of difficulty to the existing challenges of dyadic interaction. The current study therefore set out to compare the specific aspects of dyadic interaction (i.e., responsiveness, directiveness, attentiveness, positive affect, liveliness, mutuality and engagement) between parent-infant dyads with Down syndrome, Williams syndrome and typical development. Video clips of parent-infant play interaction were rated using a validated tool, namely, the Social Interaction Measure for Parents and Infants. Significant effects emerged with respect to infant group on the quality of dyadic interaction, with the multiple comparison tests revealing differences between atypically and typically developing infant-parent dyads. The findings are discussed in relation to the effects of dyadic interaction on the linguistic and socio-cognitive development of atypical children.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(4):403-440

Se hace un análisis de contenido de los 25 años de Infancia y Aprendizaje a partir del universo de todos los artículos publicados en la revista. Tras registrar y codificar los datos, según los criterios previamente elaborados, se extraen tres tipos de variables: de identificación formal o por criterios externos (autores, procedencia, período, etcétera), de clasificación por criterios internos o de contenido (origen y género de artículo, metodología de investigación, marcos teóricos de referencia y tematización) y ciclo temporal en la publicación de los artículos. En este artículo sólo se presentan parte de los análisis relativos a los tres tipos de variables excepto los temas. Se identifican 730 artículos, 405 ordinarios, 245 dossieres y 80 traducciones; han participado 731 autores diferentes en 1193 colaboraciones procedentes de 133 universidades diferentes que participaron en total en 958 colaboraciones de las universidades. Igualmente, se observa un proceso sucesivo de internacionalizacíon de la revista y de aumento de la calidad y el rigor científico. Además, durante estos 25 años se ha ido diversificando en metodología, en temas, en aportaciones de autores y procedencia. Se reflexiona sobre varios datos relevantes que han convertido a esta revista en la de referencia en lengua española en psicología de la educación y del desarrollo y sobre la importancia que tiene la toma de conciencia de los procesos de autoría y edición científica. Y se proponen diferentes vías de actuación como la necesidad de reducir el tiempo de espera de un artículo para su publicación y el apoyo y motivación de los autores en el proceso de re-escritura de los artículos, la necesidad de seguir con la mejora de la calidad y la cantidad de artículos, así como de la necesidad de más artículos de investigación psicopedagógica aplicada en contextos reales.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the current debate concerning the criteria for quality assessment of higher education in a knowledge society, focusing attention on its pertinence. It is approached from dualities in the university task of producing and transmitting knowledge that intervenes in the analysis of the pertinence criteria for evaluating quality: knowledge use value versus exchange value, or market rules versus other social agents’ demands. The need for a comprehensive pertinence defined by two dimensions, internal and external, is justified.  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(2):117-126

En los últimos años España se ha convertido en uno de los principales destinos de los flujos migratorios hacia los países desarrollados. Los procesos de reagrupamiento familiar, entre otras razones, han revertido en la presencia cada día más notable de alumnos y alumnas de diferentes orígenes, lenguas y culturas en nuestras aulas. Esta situación ha dado lugar a la aparición de ciertas creencias sobre los mecanismos de adquisición de la lengua de la escuela por parte de estos niños y niñas, así como sobre su incidencia en los resultados escolares obtenidos.

En este artículo se revisan diversas investigaciones llevadas a cabo en países con larga tradición en la acogida de escolares inmigrantes, así como algunos de los escasos trabajos desarrollados en nuestro país, que nos muestran la complejidad del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de una nueva lengua y, ligado a ello, en qué medida el fracaso escolar afecta a este colectivo.

En la actual monografía, se presentan cinco trabajos que abordan primordialmente las implicaciones de todo ello para la práctica educativa, pero sin dejar de lado los condicionantes sociales que determinan las acciones llevadas a cabo desde la escuela.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the study of the processes of collaborative solving of information problems and their impact on group learning outcomes. Forty-nine pairs of students solved three learning tasks with learning goals of increasing complexity: information selection, information interpretation, and interrelating concepts. We analysed two types of data: group work processes and group learning outcomes. The group work processes were assessed using eight dimensions, and group learning outcomes were evaluated in two ways: quality of the group written product, and shared correct knowledge. Findings reveal the significant influence of some aspects of the group work processes (such as searching for information, processing information, shared task regulation, the construction of shared knowledge, and emotional climate) in the group learning outcomes. Results also show that this influence is most evident in tasks with more complex learning demands. Finally, some educational proposals for school education are provided.  相似文献   

The idea of cultural development of a child as introduced by Vygotsky has informed much educational research and theorizing in recent decades. However, in the West it to a large extent tends to be put in the background of the investigation of how teachers or other more experienced participants support children’s development, with the concept of scaffolding in the foreground. In this article we review original research and educational psychological theorizing from Russia, work that is less known in the West, discussing how teachers can enter into this developmental field to challenge and support children’s development.  相似文献   


In this paper, we present the recent development of a methodological approach originally devised by Perret-Clermont and Schubauer-Leoni called ‘experimental micro-histories’. This approach allows us to investigate processes of change that often seem to be underestimated in the typical experiments used in developmental psychology that focus on the average impact of certain factors. Two dyads were studied in-depth to understand how, for better or for worse, children use elements learned from previous conversations in their subsequent self-regulatory processes. Different trajectories of private-social speech were studied through different phases (child-adult scaffolding phase and a subsequent child-child interaction phase) and will be discussed in order to reconsider the necessity of adopting a micro-historical focus on developmental processes of change.  相似文献   


This research has two main aims: a) the study of Spanish teachers’ training and attitudes towards sex education, as well as the delivery of this subject in classrooms, while also exploring the existence of differences according to personal and professional characteristics; and b) to examine the association between teachers’ training and attitudes, and the extent to which these variables predict the delivery of sex education. A total of 3,695 Infant, Primary, Secondary and High school teachers (66.1% women, 33.9% men) throughout the country completed a voluntary online questionnaire that inquired about their training and attitudes towards sex education, their delivery or non-delivery of this subject in classrooms, and other personal and professional characteristics. Analyses indicate that participants show positive attitudes towards sex education, but that 43.3% are not trained in this issue, and 48.6% do not teach it at school. Some significant differences by sex, educational stage and type of school have been found. In addition, trained teachers show more positive attitudes to sex education. Finally, having more positive attitudes and, to a lesser extent, having prior training, positively predicts the delivery of sex education. These results highlight the importance of reviewing and improving teachers’ training on sexuality and sex education, with particular emphasis on attitudinal contents.  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(3-4):213-218

Este artículo destaca la necesidad de fomentar las relaciones de cooperación entre los centros escolares, las familias y los entornos sociales comunitarios por actuar todos ellos como contextos y agentes educativos y de socialización que, por separado no pueden llegar a responder de manera eficaz a las necesidades de desarrollo y formación de menores y adultos. A este respecto, se describen e introducen en este artículo los trabajos que configuran este número monográfico, que tratan de conceptualizar el valor social de esta cooperación, de ofrecer resultados de investigación que muestran la necesidad de llevarla a efecto, y de aportar propuestas metodológicas y experienciales en centros y en entornos comunitarios que permitan hacerla realidad.  相似文献   

For the consolidation of entrepreneurial education as a field of research, a number of challenges must be met, among them, a better connection between pedagogical objectives and the design of programmes, as well as greater methodological rigour in the evaluation of their impact. With this in mind, this paper analyses the results of an entrepreneurial education programme carried out with a group of students from a Spanish university, contrasting the results with a control group. The results indicate that, after this process, the participating students displayed greater entrepreneurial potential than the group of students that had not participated. However, this difference is due more to a loss of entrepreneurial intention in the group not participating in the programme than to an improvement in the participating students.  相似文献   

Word reading fluency is a key component in the process of reading. In order to understand its acquisition it is crucial to conduct longitudinal studies. The aim of this work was to describe the development of word recognition in Spanish, considering accuracy and speed, from a longitudinal perspective. A group of 31 children were followed for six years. Reading performance was assessed with a list of 72 stimuli in which lexicality, frequency and length were manipulated. Results show that initial gains in reading accuracy occurred very rapidly. However, the growth of reading speed was found to be more difficult and complex, and automatic word recognition remains low at the end of Grade 6. Low frequency, long words were the most difficult stimuli. High stability in reading speed was observed and it was a relevant indicator that differentiates between good and poor readers. The findings also highlighted the need to develop training programs with the specific aim of improving word reading fluency throughout primary education.  相似文献   


We reflect on our ongoing struggles with rigour and validity in a project based on case study analyses: How can particular instances of learning, with all their idiosyncratic details and dynamics, contribute findings of lasting value to education? For this essay, we look to the field of ecology, which has faced similar challenges, for insights into the goals and methods of research.  相似文献   

This paper draws upon a broader piece of research aiming at investigating the perceptions of university teachers about the quality of pedagogy in higher education and their professional development. Data were collected through questionnaires. In total, 171 faculty members participated in the study. Findings indicate that the participants recognized the importance of quality of pedagogy, and particularly the principles of transparency and intentionality. The most important motives for university teachers to engage in professional development opportunities are emancipatory and pedagogical ones. The participants also stress that in general they feel good as far as their teaching activity is concerned. However, those who revealed greater satisfaction with teaching valued more the quality of pedagogy in general. Also, those who feel good in relation to teaching value more the principles of interaction, democratization and negotiation with the students. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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